LKA 2007 |
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) |
Judge: Mrs G Mead |
![]() Dog CC : 11607 SHELTON Mrs A Donnadoon Imagination At Barisse JW Sh.CM Res Dog CC : 11583 MITCHELL Mrs F Bronia Lanfranco Bitch CC : 11534 COXON Mrs L Ch D'Arisca Golden Delicious Res Bitch CC : 11522 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Mr & Mrs J Shardagang Illusion Best Puppy : 11520 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Miss H Tythe Seafarer TAF Best Veteran : BEST OF BREED : 11534 COXON Mrs L Ch D'Arisca Golden Delicious Also Hound Group 4 Class 1419 MPD (9 Entries) Abs: 3 1st: 11520 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Miss H Tythe Seafarer TAF 2nd: 11618 WILLIAMS, Mr S J & ROSE Mr S Tythe Falling Water 3rd: 11573 MCAULAY Mrs H Elnside Woody Be Best Res: 11587 MORTLOCK Mrs C Siouxline Magnus At Hertsmerry VHC: 11599 REEVE Mrs S E Lylaclily Captain Jack Class 1420 PD (5 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11520 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Miss H Tythe Seafarer TAF 2nd: 11549 HOLLANDS Mrs C Zarosa In Style 3rd: 11527 BUTLER Mrs A Lylaclily Texas Cowboy Res: VHC: Class 1421 JD (11 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: 11583 MITCHELL Mrs F Bronia Lanfranco 2nd: 11570 MACDONALD Miss L K & Mrs J C Bensarka The Midas Touch 3rd: 11612 SHUTT Mrs M E Black Passion at Donnadoon Res: 11593 PRITCHARD Mr D & Mrs H Hannamouse Dande-lion VHC: 11609 SHELTON Mrs A Barisse High Velocity Class 1422 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11530 CALLOW Miss A F Garthorne Garcia 2nd: 11611 SHUKER Mrs S Yewlitt Xerox 3rd: 11550 HOLLANDS Mrs C Zarosa Motivation Res: 11593 PRITCHARD Mr D & Mrs H Hannamouse Dande-lion VHC: Class 1423 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11600 RICHARDSON Mr R G & Mrs D R Dolyharp Madrigal at Belazieth 2nd: 11541 GASKIN Mrs D A Glorron Petulengro At Dovestream 3rd: 11589 ORTON Mrs C. M. Scalamor Solomons Seal Res: VHC: Class 1424 OD (10 Entries) Abs: 4 1st: 11607 SHELTON Mrs A Donnadoon Imagination At Barisse JW Sh.CM 2nd: 11537 DUNN Mrs G A Barratini Luke Lively At Ashridge 3rd: 11585 MORRIS Mrs E L Morris Man of Dalegarth Res: 11517 BARBER Mr P & Mrs P Ch Melriding Meruisti VHC: 11566 LUKE Miss G Corrieknowe Circassian Class 1425 MPB (17 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 11582 MILLER, Mrs P & Mr W & LONG Mr & Mrs Radclyffe Roseatae Tern 2nd: 11614 SPENCER Mrs W P Sweet Delicious at Chelridge 3rd: 11601 RICHARDSON Mr R G & Mrs D R Belazieth Magic Pearl Res: 11521 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Mr & Mrs J Shelsall Magic Kisses At Shardagang VHC: 11619 WILLIAMS, Mr S J & ROSE Mr S Tythe Seabreeze Class 1426 PB (12 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11562 LEWIS Mr & Mrs D Shardagang San Tula At Bardachs 2nd: 11614 SPENCER Mrs W P Sweet Delicious at Chelridge 3rd: 11586 MORRIS Mrs E L Bretarah Out Fox The Fox Res: 11615 WALKER Mr I J Brianolf Mystical Gem for Dorenian VHC: 11588 ORTON Mrs C. M. Scalamor Passion Flower Class 1427 JB (12 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11608 SHELTON Mrs A Barisse High Frequency 2nd: 11616 WARREN, Mr & Mrs D & ROWELL Mr A Emmajesk Amelia 3rd: 11535 COXON & CALLOW Garthorne Lady Louisa TAF Res: 11594 PRITCHARD Mr D & Mrs H Hannamouse Bronte VHC: 11584 MITCHELL Mrs F Bronia Lucilla Class 1428 PGB (12 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: 11602 ROBINSON Mrs E D'arisca Indulge The Dream At Inkel 2nd: 11559 KERRY, Mrs T & KERRY Miss R Dolyharp Pizzicato At Kireton 3rd: 11606 SALISBURY Mrs G Brocklewood Babycham JW Res: 11610 SHELTON Mrs A Barisse Spellbinder VHC: 11555 JONES Mrs M Radclyffe Q'eider Class 1429 LB (15 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11522 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Mr & Mrs J Shardagang Illusion 2nd: 11561 LEWIS Mr & Mrs D Merehill Kinky Boots At Bardachs 3rd: 11596 REED Mrs E A Deercroft Devotion Res: 11569 MACDONALD Miss L K & Mrs J C Bensarka After Midnight VHC: 11529 CALLOW Miss A F Garthorne Gazania Class 1430 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 11534 COXON Mrs L Ch D'Arisca Golden Delicious 2nd: 11528 CALLOW Miss A F Garthorne Lady In Black 3rd: 11552 HUNT Mrs S & Mr J Ch Can & Am Ch Grandgables Ms Supernatural At Carp Res: 11557 JONES Mrs M Radclyffe Monticola VHC: 11565 LOMBARDELLI Mrs A D'Arisca Lorna Doone at Kelmbeck |
I thank everyone for a lovely entry, as ever most of
the quality was in the bitches and so some that I liked a lot could not have the
top honours. think that the Mini Smooths are in a very good position for the
future with so many good ones around. It is not always easy to fit the required
standard, and keep to the correct size but as can be seen with this entry it can
be done.
MPD. (9). 1. Blackburn-Bennett’s, Tythe Seafarer. Very mature puppy with
good length of body and ribbing. Well angulated fore and aft. Strong masculine
head with good reach of neck and shoulder placement. Moved out well. BP. 2.
Williams and Rose’s, Tythe Falling Water. Black and tan with good head and eye.
Good ribbing and bone. Moved out well. Not the topline of winner. 3. McAuly’s,
Elnside Woody be Best.
PD. (5). 1. Blackburn-Bennett’s, Tythe Seafarer. 2. Holland’s, Zarosa in
Style. Shaded red of nice type. Good head and front. Moved well but a little
unsettled. 3. Butler’s, Lylacily Texas Cowboy.
JD. (11). 1. Mitchell’s, Bronia Lanfranco. Compact sh/red with lot to like.
Well covered. Good shoulders, ribbing well back and nice tight elbows. Level at
all times. Moved around the ring with drive. RCC. 2. MacDonald’s, Bensarka the
Midas Touch. Long low and level. Good head on nice reach of neck. Well off for
bone. Good ribbing. Moved out freely. 3. Shutt’s, Black Passion of Donnadoon.
PGD. (4). 1. Callow’s, Garthorne Garcia. Black and tan. Good head and eye.
Nice reach of neck. Well covered body. Good ribbing, tight elbows. Level
topline. Moved well. 2. Shuker’s, Yewlitt Xerox. Lower than winner. Nicely made
throughout. Compact body. Good ribbing and bone. Moved true. 3. Holland’s,
Zarosa Motivation.
LD. (3). 1. Richardson’s, Dolyharp Madrigal at Belazieth. Neat little
black and tan. Good front and shoulders, ribs well back and tight elbows. Firm
rear end. Moved well. 2. Gaskin’s, Glorron Petulengro at Dovestream. B/t. Nicely
put together. Well off for bone and ribbing. Good head and reach of neck. Moved
true but have seen him looking better. 3. Orton’s, Scalamor Solomons Seal.
OD. (10). 1. Shelton’s, Donnadoon Imagination JW Sh CM. Attractive black and
tan who just motored round the ring. Lovely masculine head. Good eye shape and
length of neck. Prominent forechest, good length of ribbing. Nicely bunched feet
and sound hindquarters. Pleased to award CC which I understand makes him up.
Well deserved in my opinion. 2. Dunn’s, Barratini Luke Lively at Ashridge.
Shaded red of quality. Correct front assembly. Nice reach of neck and length of
ribbing. Moved true keeping a good outline. 3. Morris’s, Morris Man of
MPB. (17). 1. Miller and Long’s, Radclyffe Roseatae Tern. Neat little
sh/red. Compact well constructed body. Sweet feminine head. Good front and
ribbing, firm topline kept on the move. Nice tight elbows. Moved out well. 2.
Spencer’s, Sweet Delicious at Chelridge. Lovely red baby. Good head and eye.
Nice length of body, ribs well back. Showed well for one so young. 3.
Richardson’s, Belazieth Magic Pearl.
PB. (12). 1. Lewis’s, Shardagang San Tula at Baradachs. B/t in lovely
condition. Good head and eye shape. Nice length of neck. Good lay of shoulder.
Moved out well with drive. 2. Spencer’s, Sweet Delicious at Chelridge. 3.
Morris’s, Bretarah Out Fox the Fox.
JB. (12). 1. Shelton’s, Barisse High Frequency. B/t of quality. My notes
say “Good head and eye, well placed shoulders, tight elbows. Good feet and moved
with drive”. 2. Rowell and Warren’s, Emmajesk Amelia. Another quality b/t.
Little to separate these two. Just preferred winner in profile. 3. Coxon and
Callow’s, Garthorne Lady Louisa.
PGB. (12). 1. Robinson’s, D’arisca Indulge the Dream at Inkle. Sh/red.
Lovely to go over. Well made throughout. Low to ground and level at all times.
Moves true, but just lacks a little sparkle. 2. Kerry’s, Dolyharp Pizzicato at
Kireton. Nicely made b/t with good head and length of neck. Ok for ribbing and
bone. Nice feet and moved out with drive. 3. Salisbury’s, Brocklewood Babycham
LB. (15). 1. Blackburn-Bennett’s, Shardagang Illusion. Red bitch of
quality. Hard to fault. Good head and eye. Good front assembly with right amount
of forechest. Good length of body and ribbing. Moved round the ring with drive
and purpose. RCC. 2. Lewis’s, Merehill Kinky Boots at Bardachs. B/t in gleaming
condition. Well covered body. Good head, ribbing and topline. Looked good on the
move. 3. Reed’s, Deercroft Devotion.
OB. (5). 1. Coxon’s, Ch. D’arisca Golden Delicious. And so she is! Sweet
head, good eye shape. Lovely long reach of neck. Correct shoulder and front
assembly. Good length and spring of rib. All of a piece and in tune with her
handler, moved around the ring as though she owned it. Very pleased to award CC
and BOB. 2. Callow’s, Garthorne Lady in Black. Lovely quality bitch in excellent
condition. Well covered compact body. Nice tight elbows. Good feet and good free
movement. 3. Hunt’s, Ch/Am Ch. Grandgables Ms Supernatural at Carpaccio.
Gladys Mead