Great Joint Dachshund Ass Championship ShowNovember 2021 -
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-haired)
Judge: Valerie Phillips (Tendrow)
BEST OF BREED : Ch ERGIS Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding
Ch Siouxline Jacob JW
Res Dog CC : MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Cloak and Dagger
Best Puppy
Dog: PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Red Cardinal
Bitch CC : Ch ERGIS Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding
Res Bitch CC : DUNHILL Cwmdarhian Annie Aokley at Gellijam
Best Puppy
Bitch: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Girl Like You
Best Puppy : PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Red Cardinal
Best Veteran :
Ch ERGIS Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding & Best
Miniature Veteran and Best Veteran in Show
Minor Puppy Dog
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Red Cardinal
2nd: BULLIS Amaffrey Jimmy Mack
3rd: CHARLESWORTH Kedax Satchi
Res: OVERINGTON Delanmar Jimi Hendrix
VHC: SCOINS Hayvenhund Encore
Puppy Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PROTHEROE Gingo Mikey Boots By Royalmaple
2nd: SCOINS Hayvenhund Encore
Junior Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Cloak and Dagger
2nd: MASON Teckeltown Master Piece
Yearling Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Withheld
Post Graduate Dog
(9 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: SMITH Wolferlow Tipping Point
2nd: PROTHEROE Swankydax Mr Blue Sky by Royalmaple
3rd: THOMPSON Black Button Sweet Heart
Limit Dog
(6 Entries)
Abs: 2
1st: PAGET & CARROLL Riowood Black Jack
2nd: MASON Teckeltown Something Magic JW
3rd: CHARLESWORTH Keydax Peter Pan
Res: STRANGE Stargang Magic Alfie Moon
Open Dog
(11 Entries)
Abs: 2
1st: ERGIS Ch Siouxline Jacob JW
2nd: KENT Lokmadi Sand Dollar
3rd: TITE Ch Ayseebee Twinkling Star
Res: MOES & WILLIAMS Gelijams Russian Sun for Cwmdarhian
VHC: GENTLE Dimogen Stargazer
Veteran Dog
(1 Entry)
1st: COXON Ch Distinctly So D'Arisca
Minor Puppy Bitch
(6 Entries)
1st: MASON Collidach Hot Springs
2nd: HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Splish Splash
3rd: ERGIS Siouxline Elizabeth
Res: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Pommery Rose
VHC: BEER Lowrider Sweet Scandel
Puppy Bitch
(5 Entries)
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Girl Like You
2nd: PROTHEROE Ginco Cheechee by Royalmaple
3rd: DALTON Llansansior's Miss Cupcake
Res: FORGE Normpug Red Flame
VHC: KIRKHAM Ambers Legacy
Junior Bitch
(11 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: MITCHELL Bronia's Antonella
2nd:CROSS Loggeta Pickled Lily
3rd: MASON Teckeltown Lady in Red
Res: PROTHEROE Picollo Teckel Endless Love at Royalmaple
VHC: COXON D'Arisca Desires a Porche
Yearling Bitch (10 Entries)
Abs: 4
1st: KENT Lokmadi With a Dragon Tattoo
2nd: PROTHEROE Royalmaple Itsy Bitsy
3rd: FOSSETT Brysdax Along Came Polly
Res: CHARLESWORTH Keydax Queen Bee
VHC: BULLIS Amarffrey Truly Scrumptious
Post Graduate Bitch
(11 Entries)
Abs: 2
1st: O'CONNELL Hollybirch Glowing Gold
2nd: GITTINS Maridachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo
3rd: SCOTT Wolferlow Peggie Sue Myojo
Res: KITCHEN Swingletrees Roses are Red at Tarkdash
VHC: ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
Limit Bitch
(19 Entries)
Abs: 4
1st: DUNHILL Cwmdarhian Annie Aokley at Gellijam
2nd: PROTHEROE Royalmaple Higledy Pigledy
3rd:MASON Teckeltown You're the One JW
Res: RUSSELL Russteck Teacake
VHC: GITTINS Markidachs Saffrons Dream at Boomerloo
Open Bitch
(10 Entries)
Abs: 2
1st: COXON Sundsdal's Black Cadillac to D'Arisca
2nd:BLACKBURN BENNETT Stargang Song of Ice N'Fire
3rd: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian The X Factor
Res: ERGIS Siouxline Rachel
VHC: KENT Lokmadi Jingle Belle
(4 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: Ch ERGIS Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding
2nd:CROSS Stargang Sansa
3rd: BULLINGHAM Bowetts Aventurine
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge the miniature smooths and to thank the exhibitors for giving me such a quality entry and presenting their dogs in such gleaming condition,it was a pleasure to go over them. I have to say that I am sure the floor inhibited some from moving out to their full potential.
Minor puppy dog
(5) 1 st Paget & Carroll ---Marvale Red Cardinal A beautifully balanced puppy all through.Masculine head ,correct eye shape ,good reach of neck running onto well placed shoulders and superb topline .He has a prominent forechest with good upper arm and elbows tightly tucked in,tight feet,a smooth sweeping underline with long ribbing and keel .His hindquarters have good let down and angles perfectly match his front.He stood all four square and moved out effortlessly around the ring . BP
2 nd Bullis --Amaffrey Jimmy Mack Red boy slightly taller than 1.Good head and length of neck set on a good shoulder placement.Lengthy ribbing and keel leading onto a nicely rounded rump.The tightest of feet and clean legs .He moves very parallel around the ring.
3 rd Keydax Satchi.
PD (3,1a)
1 st Protheroe’s -- Ginco Mikey Boots by Royalmaple. Clearly marked black and tan,nicely balanced,Elegant but masculine head,good reach of neck running on to a level topline.Prominent forechest,tidy legs and feet.Has depth to his body with a sweeping underline leading on to a good bend of stifle .Moved around the floor with ease showing a pleasing outline.
2 nd Scoin’s -- Haverhund Encore Black and tan of larger stance.Balanced in head with a good expression,reachy neck and a reasonable shoulder placement ,tight feet and clean legs .would like more length of ribbing and keel further under to complete the picture.He moved around the ring very steady but was a little lacking in hind drive.
JD (2) 1 st Melbourne ,Pagett & Carroll---Melriding Cloak and Dagger. Superbly balanced blk and tan .Masculine head with good earset ,lengthy neck that runs in to a good shoulder layback with even bone lengths thus having excellent length of upper arm Prominent forechest with good length and depth of keel,long ribbing.Angulated rear with a good tailset .Moved out around the ring effortlessly using his strong hocks with good reach and drive and looked very good in profile and very parallel fore and aft. RCC
2 nd Mason’s Teckletown Master piece Red boy very balanced.Pleasing head and eye,good reach of neck on a good shoulder layback Length and depth of keel good with a sweeping underline and topline.Tight feet and clean legs .An accurate effortless mover which i am sure will bide him well for the future.
Yearling (2) Withheld
PG (5,4a)
1 st Smith’s --Wolferlow Tipping Point Red dog .Super head with strong underjaw.Good reach of neck running on to nicely laid shoulders .Lengthy ribbing and keel and angulated hind quarters .Tight feet.He moved around the ring keeping a good topline ,reaching out in front with good drive behind and parallel fore and aft.
2 nd Protheroe’s --Swankydax Mr Blue Sky by Royalmaple. Red boy different type to 1,taller and boxier.Pleasing head and eye running down a very elegant neck onto reasonably placed shoulders and smooth level topline. Would like a little more upper arm and return of stifle to complete the picture. He moved out well around the ring and was parallel coming and going .
3 rd Thompson’s-- Black Buttons Sweet heart
LD (6,2a)
1 st Paget and Carroll’s -- Riowood Black Jack Another beautifully presented dog from this kennel.Well off for bone.Excellent balanced head with good eye and correct earset.Super forehand following through with matching underline and topline and good let down in the rear which is nicely muscled .Tight feet. Looked good on the move keeping a lovely outline and using his strong hindquarters.
2 nd Mason’s ---Teckeltown Something Magic Blk And Tan half brother to the winner ,once again shown in good hard condition .Liked his head for balance with correct eye and earset.Lengthy neck running on to a correct topline . Clean legs and tight feet .Good smooth underline.Does not quite match the angulation in front or rear as 1 but did look pleasing in profile moving around the ring with very parallel movement .
3 rd Charlesworth’s Peter Pan
OD (11,3a)
1 st Ergis’s---Ch Siouxline Jacob JW Red dog of such quality,such a showman through and through.So balanced.Super head , strong jaw,dark oval eye.Excellent forehand ,long upper arm.Good reach of neck running onto a good shoulder layback. Excels in length of ribbing and keel.Has angulated hammy hindquarters. Moved out around the ring in perfect balance with reach and drive and was parallel fore and aft CC
2 nd Kent’s --Lokmadi Sand Dollar Such a handsome Fawn with the darkest of pigments.Handsome in head with a strong jaw. Dark oval eyes and correct ear set.Strong neck onto a good topline .Excellent forehand with tight bunched feet.Long ribbing and keel that comes right back .He has good bone . Lovely steady mover around the ring showing reach and good drive from his strong hindquarters and parallel coming and going .
3 rd Tite’s Ayseebee Twinkling star
Veteran (1)
Coxon’s Ch Distinctly So D’arisca Red boy still on very good form .Nicely put together and in good hard condition .He moved around the ring like the professional he is keeping a very pleasing outline and is very true .
MPB (6)
1 st Mason’s Collidach Hot Springs A very attractive brindle ,balanced head running on to well placed shoulders ,elbows close to the body and tightly clenched feet .Correct topline and underline with depth all through and a good bend of stifle .Hammy rear .Moved around the ring with a pleasing outline .
2 nd Hutching’s and Price --Collidach Splish Splash . Litter sister to 1 .Once again a very attractive girl and like her sister has such an outgoing personality which is lovely to see. Everything in the right place, has a good reach of neck running on to a good shoulder layback and elbows tight to the body ,correct topline and underline with a good let down in the rear .moved around the ring using her powerful hocks with a pleasing profile .
3 rd Ergis --Siouxline Elizabeth
PB (5) 1 st Andison & Peel --Clentry a Girl Like You Very attractive blk and tan ,pretty yet houndy .Balanced all through .Correct front assembly Correct front assembly with good upper arm and elbows tucked in .Long ribbing and keel. Good topline and underline and tailset and has a nicely angulated rear .Lovely feet . Moved out effortlessly around the ring showing parallel movement fore and aft --BPB
2 nd Protheroe---Ginco Cheechee by Royalmaple Red with lovely head and expression .Very elegant in neck with correct shoulders and good upper arm .Has depth and length of keel .Tidy legs and tight feet .Would like a little more return of stifle to complete the picture .She was pleasing on the move in profile and parrallel coming towards .
3 rd Daltoin’s ---Llansansior’s Miss Cupcake
JB (11,4a)
1 st Hanney-Mitchell ----Bronia’s Antonella Red bitch of lovely type ,super body and coat condition .The best of heads with strong under jaw .Good reach of neck running on to well placed shoulders .prominent forechest with good upper arm .Tidy legs ands feet with elbows tucked in .Very well off for ribbing and keel and has a good return on her stifle .Moved out with excellent reach and drive and parallel fore and aft .
2 nd Cross’s --Logetta Pickled Lily Very close up to 1 .Most feminine of heads and expression .Good reach of neck running on to well laid shoulders .Good for upper arm everything tucked in .Clean legs and very tidy feet . A smooth sweeping underline matching her topline with good let down in the rear which she used to her advantage on the move showing a lovely outline going around and parallel fore aft .
3 RD Mason’s ---Teckeltown Lady in Red.
YB (11,4a) 1 st Kent’s ---Lockmadi With a Dragon tattoo. Very attractive red brindle ,super head very feminine but houndy, correct earset .Elegant in neck ,well placed shoulders ,good length of upper arm and elbows tucked in .Pleasing topline and underline and nicely angulated rear .Easily the best mover in the class .
2 nd Protheroe’s Royal Maple Itsy Bitsy This red bitch excels in head has a strong muzzle ,dark oval eyes and well set ears . Good clean neck of ample length running in to set back shoulders .She is good for upper arm , elbows tucked in with clean legs and bunched feet .An energetic mover showing a pleasing outline and parallel fore and aft .
3 rd Fosset’s -----Brysdax Along Came Polly
PG (10,2a)
1 st O’Connell----Hollybirch Glowing Girl A very neat compact red .Balanced head with a good earset .Dark eyes with a kind expression .Enough neck running on to nicely angulated shoulders .Good topline and under line .She actually looked far better moving than stacked and went around the ring steadily and with confidence keeping a good profile and very parallel .
2 nd Gittins ---Markidachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo Blk and tan girl again very compact ,very similar in size and type to 1 but sound .Preferred the head of 1 .Moved out well around the ring showing a steady stride .
3 rd Scott’s ---Wolferlow Peggie Sue Myojo.
LB (19,4a)Quality class 1 st Dunhill’s Cwmdarhian Annie Aokley at Gellijam RCC
2 ND Protheroe’s Royalmaple Higledy Pigledy Two beautiful distinctly marked black and tans ,both have stunning heads and expressions with good earsets .So elegant through the neck and shoulders and both have superb toplines and good depth through their bodies showing matching underlines with keels and ribbing of good length ,Their forehand angulation matches their angulation in the rear which showed in their reach and drive going around the ring .I just felt that 1 was just a tad tidier in movement overall today .
3 rd Mason’s --Teckeltown You’re The One JW
OB (10,3a) 1 st Coxon’s--- Sundial’s Black Cadillac to D’arisca Stunning bitch of beautiful type .Balanced head ,sweet expression . Reachy neck running on to very well laid shoulders .Superb upper arm ,long ribbing and keel well under .Pleasing topline running on to a smooth croup and good tail set .Hammy quarters with a good bend of stifle .Moved out around the floor so balanced with an even steady stride showing a lovely profile and very true .
2 ND Blackburn Bennet--Stargang Song Ice and Fire Another stunning blk and tan ,slightly stockier and lower to ground than the winner .balanced all through .Lovely head shape and expression .Good reach of neck running on to a good layback of shoulder running on to a pleasing topline .Sweeping underline with excellent bend of stifle .Moved out with verve using her strong rear holding her outline .
3 rd Williams &Moes---Ch Cwmdarhian The X Factor
VB (4,1a) 1 st Ergis--CH Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding Oh my what a little trooper this red girl is .Superb head and expression .A joy to go over her perfectly placed shoulders with excellent upper arm and the tightest of elbows ,long ribbing and keel set well under .Hammy rear with very parallel hocks which she used so well on the move keeping a faultless outline.Very pleased to award her the CC and BOB just pipping her son . #
2 nd Cross ---Stargang Sansa This 11 year old is still in excellent body condition and a real credit to her owner . a tealler and boxier type to 1.She has a good head shape and strong foreface with nicely placed shoulders and good length of ribbing and keel .Excellent legs and feet and so accurate on the move keeping her outline
3 rd Bullinghams --Bowetts Aventurine