Boston Championship Show 2022
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-haired)
- No CCs
Charles Teggart
BEST OF BREED : MASON Teckletown Master Piece
Best Dog : MASON Teckletown Master Piece
Res Dog : MAGRI Bronia Cellini Rozamie
Best Bitch : ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
Res Bitch : LEWIS Ardenrun Maid of the Weald
Best Puppy : HUNT Carpaccio Red Crystal
Best Special Beginner : ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
Puppy Dog (6.,5)
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Red Rock
Junior Dog (2)
1st: MASON Teckletown Master Piece
2nd: MAGRI Bronia Cellini Rozamie
Post Graduate Dog (4,1)
1st: FRANCIS Stargang Hay Bob at Feebrick
2nd: SCOTT Rothadax in the Nick of Time
3rd: GLEAVE Stargang Lord Dashington
Open Dog (7,2)
1st: KENT Lokmadi Sand Dollar
2nd: GENTLE Dimogen Stargazer
3rd: ROBERTSON Ayseebee Look Who's Talking to Ravenwood
Res: STARKEY Carpaccio Black Obsidian for Hamoura
VHC: MASON Teckeltown Something Magic
Puppy Bitch 11,5)
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Red Crystal
2nd: MASON Collidach Hot Springs
3rd: GENTLE Carpaccio Crystal Diva
Res: CROSS Lillia Shadow Sekker Loggeta
VHC: MUTTON Montone That's So Raven
Junior Bitch (3,1)
1st: MAGRI Boadacea Be Creative with Rozamie
Post Graduate Bitch (17,9)
1st: ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
2nd: MASON Teckeltown Lady in Red
3rd: KENT Lokmadi with a Dragon Tattoo
Res: COROMINAS Luna Nueva De Los Olivos De Quinto
VHC: MAGRI Rayol Rejoice with Rozamie
Open Bitch (10,1)
1st: LEWIS Ardenrun Maid of the Weald
2nd: MASON Teckeltown You're the One
3rd: WATKINSON Loggeta Boom and Bust
Res: ROSE Ardenrun Foolish Whisper at Rosencrantz
VHC: CROSS Loggeta Pickled Lilly
Special Beginners (5,1)
1st: ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
2nd: COROMINAS Luna Nueva De Los Olivos De Quinto
3rd: ROSE Ardenrun Foolish Whisper at Rosencrantz
Res: HERALD Winterfield June of Arabia
PD (6, 5) 1 Hunt’s Carpaccio Red Rock. 7 month old red dog,
stood true, balanced head, good bite, good lay of shoulder, prominent chest,
good rearquaters, good reach and drive on the move, correct tail carriage.
Good confident youngster.
JD (2) 1 Mason’s Teckeltown Master Piece. 15 month old red
dog, balanced head, good bite, dark almond shaped eye. good front assembly,
good depth keel into tuck up, powerful rear quarters, lovely reach and drive
on the move, tracking true. Great tail carriage. BOB, BD. 2 Magri’s Bronia
Cellini Rozamie. Of equal quality to first, just not as settled as first
when on the table. But great moving dog. RBD.
PGD (4, 1) 1 Francis’ Stargang Hay Bob At Feebrick. 2 year
old red, good head, correct bite, good front assembly, strong jaw, deep
chest, tight elbows, well muscled rear quarters, good topline on the move. 2
Scott’s Rothadax In The Nick Of Time. Not as settled when stood as first,
balanced head, dark eye, nice length nuzzle, deep chest, nice tuck up,
balanced on the move.
OD (7, 2) 1 Kent’s Lokmadi Sand Dollar. Red dog, stood square
and sound, prominent chest, deep keel into tuck up, strong front, well
muscled rear quarters, great reach and drive on move maintaining topline. 2
Gentle’s Dimogen Stargazer. 2 year old Black & Tan, balanced head, deep
chest, tight elbows, good muscled front quarters, good reach on the move,
good tail carriage. Preferred the R & D of first on the move.
PB (11, 5) 1 Hunt’s Carpaccio Red Crystal. Very confident 7
month old bitch. Stood square, good head, bite, deep chest, deep keel into
tuck up, nicely proportioned and well muscled rear and aft. Lovely head
carriage very balanced on the move. BP. 2 Mason’s Collidach Hot Springs. 9
month old brindle, good deep chest, great topline, tail carriage correct,
lacked the confidence of first on the move. Lovely quality promising bitch.
JB (2, 1) 1 Magri’s Boadacea Be Creative With Rozamie. 15
month old B&T, balanced head, good bite, dark almond shaped eyes, tight
elbows. Good front, stood square and true, strong loin, nicely angled
muscled rear quarters. Balanced on the move.
PGB (17, 9) 1 Rose’s Pennydach Mystique At Rosencrantz. 3
year old B&T, good scissor bite, balanced head, dark eye good lay of
shoulder, tight elbows, prominent chest, good tuck up, nicely angled rear,
stood square and true, correct tail carriage good R&D on the move. BB, BSB
Group 1 SB. 2 Mason’s Teckeltown Lady In Red. Red bitch of equal quality to
first, but I preferred the R&D of first.
OB (10, 1) 1 Lewis’ Ardenrun Maid Of The Weald. Six and a
half year old shaded red bitch, in great condition, balanced head, nice
length of muzzle, good bite. Good lay of shoulder, Deep chest, into tuck up,
good loin, nicely angled rear, well muscled throughout. Great R&D, correct
tail carriage. RBB. 2 Mason’s Teckeltown You’re The One JW. 4 year old B&T,
great topline on the move, first more balanced when stood, of equal quality
to first.
Sp Beg B (5, 1) 1 Rose’s Pennydach Mystique At Rosencrantz.
See above. 2 Corominas’ Luna Nueva De Los Olivos De Quinto. 2 year old red
bitch, balanced head, good length of muzzle, good forequaters, well muscled
rear, balanced on the move, just lacked the R&D of first.
Charles Teggart