WELKS Championship Show 2022
Dachshund (Min Smooth Dachshund)
Judge : Ian Blackshaw
Dog CC : MOES & WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Jesse James
Res Dog CC : ERGIS Ch
Siouxline Jacob
Royalmaple Higledy Pigledy
Bronia Bellezza
Shantallah Adelaide of Melriding
Best Special Beginner : HERALD Winterfield's June of Arabia
Minor Puppy Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HARWOOD Paradigm Hector Colosssus
2nd: BULLIS Amaffrey Jessie James
3rd HUNT Mylforbe Red
Puppy Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: VAN MOURIK Mickey Mouse of Wolf Point
(4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Red Cardinal
2nd: RUSSELL Foxearth Tiger Roll
3rd: JENNINGS Marvale A Royal Affair
Res: PIBWORTH Endless
Joy Forever
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JENNINGS Marvale Northern Cardinal at Jenivon
Post Graduate Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: SMITH Wolferlow Tipping Point
2nd: STEPHEN Bedu Tiger Roll
Kazamour's Gingerbread Man
Limit Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: BAND & MCCARTHY Carpaccio Red Alert
For Essandsee
2nd: CHARLESWORTH Keydax Leroy
Open Dog (9 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Jesse James
2nd: ERGIS Ch Siouxline Jacob JW
3rd: BEACH Riowood Arizona
Res: KENT Ch Lokmadi Sand Dollar
VHC: PAGET & CARROLL Riowood Black Jack
Special Beginer Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POULIER Auradach Alfred the Great
Minor Puppy Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: GARDNER & COX Riowood Red Dress at Vanitonia
2nd: KENT Lokmadi Glorious Twelfth
3rd: JENNINGS Jenivon Queen Bee
Res: HICKS Phoenie Waltzing Star
VHC: HEMMINGS Terhamsi Chocolate Orange
Puppy Bitch (14 Entries) Abs: 4
Shantallah Adelaide of Melriding
2nd: RUDKIN Dynastydax Alfreda JW
3rd: JENNINGS Jenivon Miss
Res: HUNT Carpaccio Red Crystal
Fire and Ice
(7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Splish Splash
2nd: JENNINGS Jenivon Red Robin
3rd: COROMINAS Victoria De Los Olivos De Quinto
Res: ROGERS Mynyddstud Undaunted Doll
VHC: FORGE Normpug Red Flame
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BEACH Beachdax Queen of Hearts
2nd: BULLIS Amaffrey Bridget Jones
3rd: COOTE Andeysson Cape Verde
Novice Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: COROMINAS Luna Nueva De Los Olivos De Quinto
2nd: BEACH Beachdax Queen of Hearts
3rd: RUDKIN Dynastydax
Res: LACEY Gellijam's
Midnight Lady of Mabeldax
VHC: JOHN Laurabelle Peggy Sue
Post Graduate Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: ROBERTS & SMITH Sonora Ginger Snap For Rayol
2nd: BULLIS Amaffrey Truly
3rd: ROSE Arddenrun Foolish
Whisper at Rosencrantz
Res: SCOTT Wolferlow Peggie
Sue Myojo
VHC: ROGERS Mynyddstud Red Hot Gossip
(7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: JENNINGS Melriding Natasha at Jenivon
2nd: MILLS-JONES Carlita Welsh Princess
3rd: PAGET & CARROLL Clentry Camilla at Marvale
Res: BLACKBURN-BENNETT Stargang Song of Ice N'Fire
Open Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PROTHEROE Royalmaple Higledy Pigledy
2nd:HANNEY-MITCHELL Bronia Bellezza
3rd: KENT Lokmadi With a Dragon Tattoo
Res: ERGIS Ch Siouxline Rapunzel with Melriding
DUNHILL Cwmdarhian Annie Aokley
at Gellijam
Special Beginner Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HERALD Winterfield's
June of Arabia
COROMINAS Victoria De Los Olivos De Quinto
3rd: ROSE Arddenrun Foolish
Whisper at Rosencrantz
FORGE Normpug Red Flame
VHC: TREE Keimantre Molly-Mou
1st. Hardwoods Paradigm Hector Colossus, Good head with correct bite, good reach of neck with well placed shoulders, correct length of ribbings with well made quarters moved with soundness and covered the ground.
2nd. Bullis Amaffrey Jesse James This is another quality youngster good head and eye shape good angles both fore and aft, sound moving.
3rd. Hunt's Mylforbe Red Zeplin
1st. Van Morris Mickey Mouse of Wolf Point Lovely masculine head, correct reach of neck with good shoulder placement. Correct ribbing with well made quarters moved soundly and covered the ground.
1st. Pager & Carroll Marvale Red Cardinal Good quality young male, good balance in head with correct bite. Reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders and correct upper arm. Good length or ribs with well made quarters move soundly and covers the ground.
2nd. Russell's Foxearth Tiger Roll A little stronger in head than I prefer. Good reach of neck with good placement of shoulders good ribbing and body with well made quarters sound mover.
3rd. Jennings Marvale A Royal Affair
1st. Jennings Marvale Northern Cardinal At Jenivon A little strong in head for me, good overall balance through moves soundly and covers the ground
1st. Smith's Wolferlow Tipping Point Good head and expression, correct reach of neck, ribs are of good length, quarters are well made he is sound in both directions and covers the ground.
2nd Stephens Beds Tiger Roll A nice type good reach of neck I felt the shoulders were slightly forward good ribbing and quarters than balance the overall picture sound mover.
3rd. Strevens Kazamour's Gingerbread Man
1st. Band & McCarthy Carpaccio Red Alert For Essandsee Nic type of mini good head and rear of neck shoulders are well placed. Good ribbing and body with well made quarters moves soundly in both directions and covers the ground.
2nd. Charlesworth Keydax Leroy Preferred the head of winner, this boy is nicely put together with good angles in front with correct ribbing and quarters to balanced sound mover.
1st. Williams & Moes Cwmdarhian Jesse James This dog had all that I was looking for lovely head and expression, strong reach of neck leading into correct shoulder placement and angle of upper arm. Correct body with the correct ribbing. Hindquarters are well made and strong which shows in his sound ground covering movement. CC & BOB
2nd. Regis Ch Siouxline Jacob Another quality male, good head and expression correct reach of neck, shoulders and upper arm are well angled, correct length of ribbing and he is another whose quarters are well made and uses in his sound movement.
3rd. Beach's Riowood Arizona JW
1st. Poutier Auradach Alfred the Great Nice type a little fine but is nicely put together good head and expression good ribbing with quarters that balance sound mover.
1st. Tree Ardenrun Sea Shanty By Keimantre A lovely veteran sweet head and expression, shoulder are well placed upper a little short. Good length of ribbing with good quarters and moved soundly.
1st. Gardner & Cox Riowood Red Dress At Vanitona What a lovely young lady feminine head with correct head shape and lovely expression. Has a lovely reach of neck which leads you into well placed shoulders with good angle and length of upper arm well ribbed with good quarters and moved soundly.
2nd. Kent Lokmadi Glorious Twelfth Very nice baby good head and expression, well placed shoulders and angle of upper arm correct ribbing and well made quarters moves soundly.
3rd. Jennings Jenivons Queen Bee
1st. Melbourne Padgett & Carroll Shantllah Adelaide of Meldriding Quality young bitch good head with correct eye shape and bite,good reach of neck with correct shoulder placement no correct angle and length of upper, ribbing is of good length with well angled quarters she moved out soundly and covered the ground.
2nd. Rucking Dynastydax Alfreda Another quality youngster, with correct balanced head, lovely reach of neck and well placed shoulders with good ribbing and well made quarters with sound movement fore and aft and moved out
3rd. Jennings Jenivons Miss Marple
1st. Hutchings & Price Collidach Splish Splash I like this youngster very much and consider her for higher honours but just felt after some thought she needed a little more time, love her head and expression with reach of neck and correctly placed shoulders the upper arm is of good length and well angles, ribbing is of good length, finished off with the correct quarters to balance, her movement is sound and she covers the ground.
2nd. Jennings Jenivons Red Robin Feminine head with good neck and shoulders good body and length of ribbing with good strong quarters and sound movement.
3rd. Corominas Victoria De Los Olivos De Qunito
1st. Beach Bechdax Queen of Hearts A lovely type of bitch well balanaced throughout with good shoulders and quarters she a good length of ribbing and her quarters balance her out. Movement is sound and covers the ground,
2nd. Bullis Amaffrey Bridget Jones Another nice type of bitch feminine head and good read of neck ribbing is of good length and well made quarters movement is sound.
3rd. Coyote Andeysson Cape Verde
1st. Corominas Luna Neueva De Los Olivos De Quito This is another quality bitch and on the day I wondered why she is still in this class she is quality feminine head and expression, she is of correct size, good reach of neck the shoulders are well placed with length of upper arm and angle, her ribbing is correct, quarters are well made and she moves soundly with a side action that if ground covering.
2nd. Beach Beachdax Queen Of Hearts Another nice bitch who is well balanced, good shoulders and upper arm, correct ribbing with strongly made quarters and is sound.
3rd. Ruskin Dynastydax Anastasia
1st. Roberts & Smith Sonora Ginger Snap for Rayol A nice type of bitch feminine head and expression, good reach of neck and with good placement of shoulders, correct ribbing and well angled and made quarters. Moves soundly and carriage herself well round the ring.
2nd. Bullis Amaffrey Truly Srumptious Smaller type of bitch feminine head with good reach of neck, with well placed shoulders and ribs well back, quarters with strong sound movement.
3rd. Rose Ardenrun Foolish Whisper.
1st. Jennings Melriding Natasha At Jenivon Lovely feminine bitch, reach of neck is correct with well laid shoulders,angle of upper arm is correct with good body and ribbing angle of quarters is good and balances her out. Movement is sound and she covers the ground.
2nd. Mill-Jones Carlita Welsh Princess quality bitch good head and expression with good overall balance with correct angles angles fore and aft, moves soundly and good from and hind movement in side action.
3rd. Pager & Carroll Clentry Camill at Marvale.
1st. Protheroe's Royalmaple Higledy Pigledy Have always admired this bitch from a distance and on closer inspection I was not disappointed. Lovely feminine head,good reach of neck the shoulder are well placed and the angle of upper is of good length. Lovely body and well ribbed. Her movement is so true and side action proves she is well balanced and covers the ground CC her third .
2nd. Haney-Mitchell Bronia Bellezza A smaller type of bitch but you can't ignore her quality, Lovely feminine head correct eye and bite, reach of neck and shoulders are correctly placed with the correct angle an length of upper arm. Ribbing is of correct length with a good body, her quarters are also well angled and moves out soundly and knows how to use her construction Res CC
3rd. Kent Lokmadi With A Dragon Tattoo
1st. Heralds Winterfields June of Arabia Good type of bitch, feminine head good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, good length of ribs moves soundly and with a good side action.
2nd. Corominas Victoria De Los Olivos De Quinto.