Manchester Championship Show 2022
An amazing entry with a high quality of Dachshunds presented, the males a bit stronger today in general. My apologies for the late start due to a misunderstanding for the previous variety. Grateful thanks to my two extremely efficient stewards who kept the ring running like clockwork. I did not weigh as I understood that the Covid guidance not to was still in operation and that the time taken would impinge on the time I had to also complete the second variety. This may have changed some places but most miniatures appeared near enough weight wise. I felt I really had to get a move on but did try to ensure that each exhibit had exactly the same amount of attention. I’m afraid my notes had to be a bit more basic than usual to ensure that I got through the entry promptly and in time for the second variety to make the Group
Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshunds
MP D 4 (1)
1st Hunt’s Carpaccio Red Rock - shaded red , dark almond eye, prosternum high set, good length to ribbing and length to sternum. Topline held beautifully and width and depth to feet .Good angulation to rear assembly .Moved freely.
2nd Shutt’s Debbiejay Chasing Dreams for Donnadoon- liked the head of this black and tan, well formed in front and smooth topline . Angled nicely at rear and also moved well.
3rd Vaitekunaite’s Huberg Van King Inniselo
P D 2
1st Jenning’s Marvale Northern Cardinal at Jenivon – attractive shaded red , all of a piece , pleasing balanced head, flowed from neck and topline with strong loin and decent ribbing. Well made in front, super padded feet and moved true and with drive. BPD and BP
2nd Charlesworth’s Keydax Sensation – shaded red with pleasing front assembly, and smooth topline, gently rising underline. Just moving a little close behind.
J D 3
1st Mason’s Teckeltown Masterpiece – red well made throughout, though would prefer a little less stop in head. Super length to sternum and short , strong loin. Good angulation fore and rear and moved freely and easily.
2nd Magri’s Bronia Cellini Razamie –another well made dog , similar in head to winner. Nice outline and proportions but not very active on the move.
3rd Pibworth’s Endless Joy Forever
PG D 3 (1) 1ST Francis’ Stargang Hay Bob at Feebrick – red with houndy head and length to neck. Pronounced
prosternum and sternum and ribbing reaching well back. A little wider at rear than in front. Moved actively with purpose.
2nd Coxon’s D’Arisca Drives A Daimler – black and tan with a slightly rounder eye. Good proportions and topline held level. Needing a little more activity on the move.
L D 13(4)
What a class! A really lovely bunch to sort out and quality right through.
1st Jennings Duddondaxs Judge Jude – red with balanced head, almond eye and flowing from neck over level topline. 2 to 1 proportions and good length to sternum with corresponding ribbing well back and strong, short loin. Meaty feet and a free, easy mover and true coming and going. RCC
2nd Mutton’s Ivan Poddubny Iz Omskoi Kreposti for Montone (Imp Rus) – attractive black and tan with a pleasing head though perhaps ears a little long. Flowed through topline and moved well
3rd Lombardelli’s Kelmbeck Sydney
O D 8 (2)
1st Beach’s Riowood Arizona – masculine brindle with a houndy head and almond eye. Well shaped in front and good angles at rear. Proprtions as required and topline held level . Full, padded feet and gleaming coat.Moved actively.
2nd Peel and Andison’s Clentry Donnie Darko – black and tan of good overall shape , maybe a slightly rounder eye but flowing through topline and active and powerful on the move.
3rd Gentle’s Dimogen Stargazer
V D 3
1ST Coxon’s Distinctly so D’Arisca – red seven year old wee stallion of a dog, I knew as soon as he came into the ring he was likely to be my CC winner. Hands on did not disappoint, super head carriage, topline, sternum and ribbing. Moved with a long stride and true fore and aft. CC and BOB. Short listed in the Group too.
2nd Baker and Clement’s Duke Midnight William – chocolate and tan seven year old , a little rounder in eye but good length to sternum and decent angulation. Moved freely.
3rd Nolan’s Kelmback Lord of the Dance at Eddyval –thirteen years old !! in super coat and condition , moving steadily.
MP B 11(1)
1st Herald’s Stargang Zebra Finch at Winterfield NAF – headed an absolutely cracking class. Brindle bitch ,put together all of a piece. Lovely head shape and 2 to 1 proportions , topline smoothly level and looks to have promise. Free, easy mover.
2nd Peel and Andison’s Clentry Wish Upon A Star – another wee beauty of breed typical shape and pleasing head. Lovely demeanour, just not as far forward as winner. So promising.
3rd Hunt’s Carpaccio Red Crystal
P B 12(2)
Another class holding such promise for the future
1st Peel and Andison’s Clentry Pommery Rose- such an appealing, feminine fidget. Red with a lovely houndy head, held proudly , length to sternum , good front and rear assemblies. Moved absolutely beautifully when she could concentrate BPB
2ND Hutchings Collidach Splish Splash – brindle with such an attractive head of good proportions, front developing nicely and body outline pleased for shape. Moved with long stride and freely.
3rd Jennings ‘ Jenivons Red Robin
J B 9
1ST Hannay-Mitchell’s Ch Bronia’s Antonella – shaded red with balanced head , dark, almond eye , reach to neck and 2 to 1 proportions. Prominent forechest and pleasing rear angles. Flowing topline held on the move and strode out with drive. Didn’t quite hold it together in the challenge
2nd Peel and Andison’s Clentry Girl Like You – black and tan who also appealed for head shape and angulation. Good outline in correct proportions and moved out freely and easily.
3rd Beach’s Beachdax Queen Of Hearts
PG B 16(3)
1st Mason’s Teckeltown Lady In Red – another lovely red who appealed all through in shape and form. Skull and foreface equidistant leading to neck of good length and level topline. Full. Broad feet and active mover. Considered for RCC.
2nd Beach’s Beachdax Queen Of Hearts – black and tan , also placed in previous class. Of good size and pleasing angulation front and rear, forechest set nicely in required slight crook, liked her head and eye and easy mover.
3rd Beer’s Stargang Candy Stripes at Lowrider (Aw3)
L B 13(4)
1st Mason’s Teckletown You’re The One JW – black and tan, very balanced and attractive all through. Prominent prosternum, sternum reaching well back underneath , short, strong loin and well padded feet. Moved true fore and aft and strode out with purpose RCC
2nd Russell’s Russteck Teacake – another pretty black and tan of good balance and style with well held topline. Good forechest and proportions, and moved freely.
3rd Bullingham’s Bowett’s Carminia at Stoweytop.
O B 12(3)
1st Hanney-Mitchell’s Bronia Belleza – red with equidistant length of skull and muzzle, almond eye and length to neck, proud head carriage. Front assembly pleased for prominent prosternum and length underneath. Good proportions to body with firm flowing topline and short loin. Strode out on the move and with lovely action. CC
2nd Oddie’s Riowood Tiger Socks – feminine brindle who pleased in overall shape and topline. Liked her head and carriage and body proportions . Moved with activity . Considered for RCC
3rd Mills- Jones Carlita Welsh Princess.
V B 2
1st Turner, Turner and Merryfield’s Barryann Lady Jayne –shaded red with good length to skull and muzzle giving a pleasing head shape and length to neck. Firm feet, well ribbed back and decent body shape. Moved out well
2nd Bullingham’s Bowetts Aventurine – red with a balanced head and good body shape. Good ribbing though preferred length of neck of winner. Another good mover.