June 2024

Best in Show - Clare Butler (Drymoor)

Best in Show - PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo - Min Long

Reserve Best in Show - DANCE Emem Hazel Sunshine JW - Min Wire

Best Puppy in Show - RYCROFT Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara - Smooth

Reserve Best Puppy in Show -  ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom - Wire

Best Veteran in Show - VALENTINE Tiffwazz Robin - Smooth



Firstly I must say a huge thank you to the Secretary and Committee of Southern Dachshund Assoc for asking me to Judge at their Open show. A lovely warm welcome and a super lunch was laid on for the judges, the weather was good, and the show is held in a beautiful picturesque location on the village green.

AV Dachshund Veteran -  Miniature.  6  / 4ab

1s                  CH Neertanauf Sea Magic JW ShCM – Mrs S Broad.  Super condition for a 14 ½ yr. old. Good dentition, correct size for a miniature dachshund, good front with correct shoulder placement flowing into good length of ribs. Nice rear angulation which allowed him to move with purpose. Excellent coat condition which showed his topline off when he moved. Reserve Best Veteran in Show

2nd         Havenhund along came Polly – Mrs H Chapman-Reith. 7 1/2 yr old b/t mini smooth.  Lovely feminine head with correct eye shape and good ear placement. Nice length of neck with good shoulders. Nice length of rib with true movement to and fro.

AV Dachshund Veteran - Standard  3/0

1st          Tiffwazz Robin – Mrs K Valentine. Super 9 yr old black and tan smooth bitch in tip top condition. Lovely head and eye, good reach of neck. Good shoulder placement with tight elbows. Nice length of ribbing with good rear angulation which allowed her to move well. Best Veteran in Show

2nd         Faulksfollie Miss Minaver at Dolans – Mr M Wedge. 7 yr. old shaded red standard long. Super conical feminine head. Lovely dark eye rims with correct almond eye. Nice front with good ribbing and loin. Moved well.

3rd          Tendrow Elberta ShCM – Miss D Langridge


Summerview Hello Hugo JW – Mrs J & Mr P Phillips.

Well-presented black and tan dog – 20 months. Super head with dark almond eye. Good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders, good length of ribbing with correct length of loin, good rear angulation. Moved true to and fro and always kept his topline.


Emem Hazel Sunshine JW – Mrs M Dance.

Lovely mini wire with good conical head and expression. Super compact girl with everything in the right place. Used her rear angulation to power around the ring. Lovely lay of shoulder flowing into correct length of ribbing. Coat in good harsh condition.


Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara – Mrs S Rycroft.

Lovely clear red standard smooth bitch 7 months. Super condition with nothing exaggerated. Conical head with good eye shape. Ear set correct with good reach of neck. Nice front with good keel, correct shoulder placement and good ribbing. Rear angulation correct which enabled her to move freely around the ring – promising future.





Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom – Mrs J & Miss R Rowe.

Lovely standard wire puppy. Good head shape with lovely expressive eyes. Good reach of neck flowing into correct shoulders. Well-muscled but not exaggerated. Good angulation and he moved with strong drive and purpose around the ring.


2 entries in the class – 1 miniature wire and 1 miniature smooth. I did not place them – just gave them time to settle on the table – going over them gently and then moving them around the ring. Both super babies that are 5 months and developing well. Great characters but on a serious note – they both had the makings of nice exhibits for the future



1st          Barrantini Song & Dance with Rosencrantz – Mrs B Rose. Red miniature wire girl 12 months old. Lovely shape with a good coat. Nice shoulders and length of ribbing. Moved well…. Knows how to play her handler…I would describe her as work in progress.

2nd         Judy Rainbow – Miss N Sommers. Chocolate mini smooth, well balanced with good head and eye.  Adequate ribbing with good loin. Nice angulation which allowed her to move well around the ring

3rd          Pocketful of Posies – Miss C Lee.


1st          Normpug Red Flame – Mrs I Forge.  Super quality red mini smooth bitch. Lovely head and eye with correct ear set. Good reach of neck, length of ribbing and loin. Nice rear angulation with good muscle tone. Moved well

2nd         Judy Rainbow – Miss N Sommers – as above.

3rd          Chocolate Roxy – Mrs C L Johnson


1st          Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax JW – Miss K Small. Super condition miniature long red bitch. Good head shape with feminine expression. Dark almond eye and correct ear set. Nice length of neck flowing into correct shoulders, good tight-fitting elbows, good tight feet and correct rear angulation which allowed her to move with purpose around the ring.

2nd         Normpug Apricot Beauty – Mrs I Forge. Shaded red mini smooth. Nice head and eye, good ear set. Nice length of neck and correct shoulders. Good rear angulation, well muscled . Moved with purpose and drive around the ring.

3rd          Amilda Tamora to Tiffwazz – Mrs K Valentine

A V Audrey Bishop Memorial Puppy Stakes.    7/5

1st          Daxmellor’s Emerald for Devondax – Miss K Small. Super quality 6 month black and tan mini smooth. Lovely masculine head for a youngster. Good reach of neck with tight feet and tight-fitting elbows. Good length of rib and nice rear angulation. Maintained his topline standing and moving around the ring – one to watch.

2nd         Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz – Mrs K Valentine. Black and tan standard smooth girl. Lovely shaped conical head with correct eye. Good length of neck with good keel. Nice length of rib with correct rear angulation – moved well.

A V Elizabeth Heeson Memorial Stakes    9 / 5

1st          Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW – Mrs S Rycroft. Standard smooth red dog in excellent condition. Masculine strong head – lovely dark almond eye. Good strong each of neck with well placed shoulders, tight fitting elbows, good length of ribbing with well-muscled rear end with good angulation. Moved with drive and purpose showing his pads.

2nd         CH Emem Letty Bee Sunshine JW ShCEx OSW – Mrs M Dance. Mini wire in fabulous condition. Nice harsh coat. Good head shape and eye, good length of ribbing and nice rear angulation. Quality girl of the correct size who moved well.

3rd          Sunsong Hopes and Dreams – Mrs S Seath. 



Longhaired - Paris McSorley (Barlaines)

Best of Breed - WEDGE Dolan Johnny Be Good

Reserve Best of Breed - WEDGE Dolan Summer Time Blues

Best Puppy


Minor Puppy Dog (2,2)

1st Absent


Puppy Dog (1,1)

1st Absent




Post Graduate (2,1)

1st WEDGE Dolan Summer Time Blues

Limit (1)

1st WEDGE Dolan Tears of a Clown


Open Dog (2,1)

1st  WEDGE Dolan Johnny Be Good


Miniature Wirehaired - Olivia Dalton (Llansansior)

Best of Breed -  DANCE Emem Hazel Sunshine JW

Reserve Best of Breed -  DANCE Emem Autumnal Sunshine JW

Best Puppy -   


Minor Puppy NO ENTRIES




Junior (2)

1st DANCE Emem Hazel Sunshine JW

2nd ROSE Barratini Song an Dance with Rosencrantz


Post Graduate Dog (4,3)

1st DANCE Emem Hope for Sunshine JW


Limit (2,2)

1st Absent


Open (2,1)

1st DANCE Emem Autumnal Sunshine JW


It was an honour to be asked to judge at the Southern Dachshund Association Open show, I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I’d like to say a massive thank you to the committee of Southern Dachshund Association for all their hard work and creating such a friendly show with fabulous sunshine. A garden party atmosphere with a super judge's lunch. I would also like to thank Richard O’Connell for stewarding for me. He done an impeccable job and kept the ring moving well. Thank you to everyone who entered their wonderful dogs under me. Despite the heat, everyone kept in good spirts. Miniature Wirehaired Minor Puppy - No Entries Puppy – No Entries Junior (2) 1st M DANCE – Emem Hazel Sunshine JW Harsh-coated wild boar who caught my eye on the first go around and held my attention. Beautiful houndy head with dark oval shaped eyes. Correct dentition and scissor bite. Good amount of neck into good shoulder placement. Tight elbows and well ribbed back. Balanced, covered the ground with confidence and effortless. Holds a firm and level topline in profile. Presented and handled well. BOB and very pleased to see that she gained RBIS. 2nd B ROSE – Barratini Song and Dance with Rosencrantz Red bitch with a feminine head and correct dark oval eye shape. Good scissor bite. Adequate length of neck. Slightly upright in shoulder. Pleasing length of ribbing with short loin. Well angled rear. Good ground clearance with nice drive. Would have liked a harsher coat but presented beautifully. Topline not as level on the move compared to 1st Post Graduate (4, 3 Absent) 1st M DANCE – Emem Hope for Sunshine JW Wild Boar with excellent harsh texture coat type. Feminine head with dark oval eye and good scissor bite. Slightly arched neck into good laid shoulders. Tight elbows. Sufficient ribbing, balance hind quarters. Carries herself with confidence on the move. Cover the ground with enthusiasm. Holds her topline well in profile. Limit (2, 2 Absent) Open (2, 1 Absent) 1st M DANCE – Emem Autumnal Sunshine JW Another fabulous condition dog from this kennel. Nice harsh wild boar coat. Feminine head with correct dark almond eye. Good bite. Strong reach of neck with correct shoulders. Another with tight elbows. Ribbing is of correct length. Nice rear angulation to finish off the balance. Moves with purpose and confidence. She was proud of her tail that day which spoils the overall picture on the move. However, level topline once tail settled. Quality bitch and presented beautifully. RBOB.

Olivia Dalton.


Miniature Longhaired - Paris McSorley (Barlaines)

Best of Breed -  PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo

Reserve Best of Breed - MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason

Best Puppy -  


Minor Puppy  NO ENTRIES


Puppy  (1)

1st Absent


Junior Dog (2)

1st STEVENS Dolyharp Amadeus at Sidburyhill

2nd MCCARTHY Nagshall Do Maria


Post Graduate (3)

1st SMALL Minard Darque Red for Devondax

2nd MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse

3rd BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck


Limit (4,2)

1st MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce the Ice

2nd SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax JW


Open (3,1)

1st PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo

2ndMCCARTHY Ch Nagshall I'm So Dizzy


Smooth Haired - Dawn Seago (Amlida)

Best of Breed - RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara 

Reserve Best of Breed - RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara

Best Puppy -  RYCROFT Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara


Minor Puppy (1)

1st RYCROFT Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara


Puppy (2,1)

1st  VALENTINE Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz




Post Graduate NO ENTRIES


Limit (4,2)

1st RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara

2nd CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit


Open (4,2)

1st  RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara

2nd VALENTINE Tiffwazz Robin

Miniature Smooth Haired - Dawn Seago (Amlida)

Best of Breed - WOODS Mylforbe Passion Fleur

Reserve Best of Breed - SMALL From Redteckel Story Maxin for Devondax

Best Puppy -  Joshotto Martha Gunn


Minor Puppy (5,1)

1st SMALL Daxmellor's Emerald for Devondax

2nd JOHNSON Ruletadax Destina

3rd WOODS Ruletadax Ebonita

Res Ruletadax Evie Antonia


Puppy (4,3)

1st  Joshotto Martha Gunn


Junior (7,3)

1st  SMALL From Redteckel Story Maxin for Devondax

2nd ROBERTSON Marvale Comanche at Ravenwood

3rd FORGE Nompug Roman Holiday

Res REES Pocketful of Posies


Post Graduate Dog (5,2)

1st WOODS Ruletadax Goldfinger

2nd SOMMERS Judy Rainbow

3rd FORGE Normpug Prairie Moon


Limit (5,4)

1st FORGE Normpug Tigers Eye


Open (6,3)

1st WOODS Mylforbe Passion Fleur

2nd BURKE Bonavoir Angelique

3rd FORGE Normpug Apricot Beauty


Wire Haired - Olivia Dalton (Llansansior)

Best of Breed -  SEATH Sunsong Hopes and Dreams

Reserve Best of Breed - ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom

Best Puppy -   ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom


Minor Puppy  (2)

1st ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom

2nd DEAN & MOORE Romanci A Kind of Magic to Dierfiur


Puppy  (1)

1st SEATH Sunsong Dare to Dream




Post Graduate (1, 1)

1st Absent


Limit (2)

1st  SEATH Sunsong Hopes and Dreams

2nd DEAN Brontillow King of Cups


Open  (2,0)

1st APPS Calicoe Just Me

2nd DEAN Brontillow Yan Tan Tethera

Wire Haired Minor Puppy (2) 1st J & R ROWE - Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom Here was a young male that took my eye. Beautiful balanced head with a lovely expression. Dark oval eye and correct scissor bite. Correct reach of neck that takes you to good shoulder placement. Ribbing nicely sprung with correct length. In top condition with good harsh coat. Well-muscled and without exaggeration. Level topline with free flowing movement. He’s one to watch. PBIB, RBOB, and pleased to see him gain Reserve Best Puppy in Show. 2nd J DEAN & A MOORE - Romanchi A Kind of Magic to Dierfiur A nicely shaped wild boar bitch. Classic head with nice eye shape. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Elbows slightly loose. Nice length of ribbing with excellent rear. A super harsh coat and moved out well with her handler. Nicely balanced and kept topline on the move. However, I preferred the movement on the 1st Puppy (1) 1st J & R ROWE – Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom As above Junior - NO ENTRIES Post Graduate (1, 1 Absent) Limit (2) 1st S SEATH - Sunsong Hopes and Dreams A wild boar bitch with a feminine houndy head and super expression. Dark oval eye with correct scissor bite. Well fill front with good shoulders. Tight elbows. Very good spring of rib with correct length which leads into an excellent angulated rear. Well muscled and true to breed type. Holds an excellent topline on the move. Free flowing parallel movement with good drive. Please to award her BOB. 2nd J DEAN - Brontillow King of Cups Wild boar with lovely head and muzzle of good length. Correct dark eye. Good length of ribbing with tight elbows. Good shoulder placement but would have liked a bit more length on upper arm. Slightly on the heavier side. Very good rear angulation. Tail set slightly higher than what I would have liked. Moved very well and held his topline but preferred 1st overall shape. Open (2) 1st APPS - Calicoe Just Me A lovely red male. Very masculine head with dark eyes and correct bite. Good length of neck leading into correctly placed shoulders. Well-muscled and excellent front with good depth of chest. Correct ribbing and well sprung. Good rear drive on the move and maintained a level topline. Slightly wide in the back end. Stood on tight feet. Presented and handled very well. 2nd J DEAN - Brontillow Yan Tan Tethera Dark brindle bitch. Good head with dark oval eye. Good shoulder placement. Good amount of ribbing. Would like a bit more length in front leg for ground clearance. Moved well but slightly bum high on the move and losing her level topline. Nervous on the table but handled well. Harsh coat and presented very well. Olivia Dalton.