Dachshund Club of Wales Championship Show 2013
Dachshund (Long Haired)
Judge: Anne Moore
Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs 2
1st: DUCHESNE Bronia Priam of Scandell
Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs 2
1st: LEWIS Trixhund Total Chaos
Junior Dog (1 Entry)
1st: BOYLE Zarcrest Hugo Boss
Post Graduate Dog (4 Entries)
1st: MARSH & PANKHURST Marshwick Black Boots
2nd: JOHNSON Africandawns Night Hawk
3rd: LEWIS Trixhund Ask Elvis
Res: ALFORD & WORTH Dachslur Diddleydo at Deeseedax
Limit Dog (7 Entries) Abs 2
1st: LEWIS Bronia Chaos at Trixhund ShCM
2nd: DUCHESNE Darsoms Zane of Scandell
3rd: REES Loxbar Master Mercantor at Aquarelle
Res: PANKHURST Marshwick Cloudy Morning at Danward
VHC:FRICKER Dachslur In His Prime
Open Dog (1 Entry)
1st: JOHNSON Africandawns Rummer Rumble
Veteran Dog or Bitch (4 Entries) Abs 2
1st: REES Phaeland North Light at Aquarelle
2nd: ALFORD Swansford Pukkador at Deeseedax
Minor Puppy Bitch
(1 Entry)
1st: Absent
Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs 1
1st: BURLEY Bronia Krystal Arbennik
2nd: FRICKER Trixhund Chase the Dream for Dachslur
Junior Bitch (2 Entries) Abs 1
1st: BOYLE Zarcrest Devil Wears Prada
Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries) Abs 3
1st: ROBERTS Swansford Whoopydora
2nd: EVE Dachslur Mairi My Dream
3rd: BRADLEY Marshwick Star Dancer
Limit Bitch (5 Entries)
1st: LEWIS Bronia Sweet Amber at Trixhund
2nd: EVE Dachslur Diamond Fancy Free at Sundayshill
3rd: BURLEY Bronia Chantilly from Arbennik
Open Bitch (3 Entries) Abs 2
1st: ROBERTS Swansford Dipsydora
While I was very pleased with my principal winners, I was disappointed with the overall quality of the entry. Some very large exhibits, shoulders generally were poor as were hindquarters. There some very heavy wavy coats obscuring outlines. All but one had excellent bites and teeth, which were generally clean and temperaments were very good.
MPD (3, 2 abs)
1st Duchense’s Bronia Priam of Scandell, red 6 mth roly poly puppy, elegant head, good bone and feet, tight elbows, would like more ribbing and better angulation behind, correct tailset and topline.
PD (3, 2abs)
1st Lewis’ Trixhund Total Chaos 11 mth shaded read, masculine head, enough forechest, good bone but needs tighter feet, good hind angulation and correct tailset. Good topline, touch narrow in front and needs to tighten behind.
JD (1)
1st Boyles Zarcrest Hugo Boss. Well balanced deep red, correct coat, excellently presented, masculine head, good neck with well laid shoulders, enough forechest, well ribbed, correct hindquarters, strong bone and feet OK, lovely topline and tailset, moved soundly from the rear with animation. Easy winner of CC, close decision for BOB.
PGD (4)
1st Marsh & Pankhurst Marshwick Black Boots, well balanced, lovely sized B/T, has enough bone, feet OK, Has good angles both ends, correct topline and tailset, enough ribbing, won class and RDCC on his very nice movement.
2nd Johnson’s Africandawns Night Hawk, rather large shaded red, would prefer more layback of shoulder, has enough forechest, correct topline and tailset, hindquarters OK, sound mover.
LD (7,2 abs)
1st Lewis’ Bronia Chaos at Trixhund, correct sized shaded red, good head, nice feet and bone, excellent ribbing, well angulated hindquarters, tailset a shade high and could have moved with a touch more verve.
2nd Duchesne Darsoms Zane of Scandell, rather large shaded red, didn’t care for his head, feet a touch flat, enough forechest and shoulders OK, hindquarter angulation OK, good tailet and moved with style.
OD (1)
1st Johnson’s Africandawns Rumour Rumble, deep red, good size, lovely head, strong bone, feet OK, prominent forechest, enough ribbing, correct hind end, good tailset and topline.
VD/B (4, 2abs)
1st Rees’ Phaeland Northern Light at Aquarelle, shaded red, not keen on front action, head OK, enough ribbing, good topline, better shoulders than 2, lovely temperament.
2nd Alford’s Swansford Pukkador at Deeseedax, didn’t stay for critique
MPB (1abs)
PB (3,1abs)
1st Burley’s Bronia Krystal Arbennik BP Red, didn’t like standing on the floor but moved well enough to win this class. Has enough forechest, pretty head, poor feet, has enough bone, enough ribbing, nice rear, topline settled when she moved.
2nd Fricker’s Trixhund Chase the Dream for Dachslur. Very pretty head on this puppy, needs more confidence and is a shade fat! She could do with more angulation front and rear, her lack of confidence affected her movement.
JB (2, 1abs)
Harris’ Zarcrest Devil Wears Prada, deep red litter sister to DCC, very pretty head, good forechest, feet a shade flat, excellent shoulders, well ribbed and correct tailset and topline, beautifully angled hindquarters and sound mover, beautifully presented with lovely flat coat, one to watch. RBCC
PGB (6, 3 abs)
1st Robert’s Swansford Whoopydora. Clear red, lovely size and balance, very pretty head, with correct eye, strong bone for size, prominent forechest, excellent shoulder placement and well angulated hindquarter, correct topline and tailset, calm measured sound action, BCC with something to spare & BOB,
2nd Eve’s Dachslur Mairi My Dream, larger exhibit, pretty head, feet could be better, has enough forechest, has good bone, correct topline and tailset, enough ribbing, bit straight behind.
LB (3)
1st Lewis Bronia Sweet Amber at Trixhund, good bone and size, head OK, feet could be tighter, shade upright in shoulder, enough forechest and ribbing, good hindend and tailset, best mover in class.
2nd Eve’s Dachslur Diamond Fancy Free at Sundayshills, shaded red, moves better than stacks, feet could be tighter, enough bone for size, prefer shade more ribbing and more angles behind.
OB (3,2abs)
1st Robert’s Swansford Dipsydora. B/T very pretty head, has enough forechest, good lay of shoulder, good feet and bone, well ribbed, well angulated hindquarter, correct topline and tailset, moved shade narrow behind. Dam of CC winner.
Anne Moore