Long Haired Dachshund Club Championship Show 2017
Dachshund (Long Haired)
Judge: Dogs - Lynda Brooks (Lyndarlea)
Bitches- Jo Norris (Criscan)
Grantador & Reserve Best in Show
Dog CC : ROBERTS Swansford
Res Dog CC : RODRIGUES Darsoms
Bitch CC : GEESON Abydachs Giving
Off Sparks
Res Bitch CC : ROBERTS Swansford Gemmadora
Best Puppy : MARKS Labbadax Kiton
& Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran : MARKS Ch
Brynalyn Royal Warrier Via Labbadax ShCM & Best
Veteran in Show
Veteran Dog (6, 4 abs)
1st: MARKS Ch Brynalyn Royal Warrier Via Labbadax ShCM
2nd: NEGUS Tarramist Adnois Dream
Minor Puppy Dog (2, 1 Abs)
1st: GARLICK Ranglewood
Harvest Moon
Puppy Dog (2)
1st: MARKS Labbadax Kiton
2nd: LEWIS Trixhund Opium
Junior Dog (3, 1 WD)
1st: RODRIGUES Darsoms Zydexta
2nd: DARE Darsoms Zybrox
3rd: Withdrawn
Yearling Dog (2)
1st: BURKE & MANSTON Wardax Indian
Summer by Bonavoir
2nd: FURNEAUX Shardaroba's Silent
Post Graduate Dog (7, 1 Abs)
1st: BURKE & MANSTON Bonavoir James
2nd: HORN Darsoms Zabbi
Ranglewood Lawsonia
Res: NEGUS Tarramist Iron Man
VHC: WILSON Rogermardax
Senor Dougal
Limit Dog (8)
1st: DARE Darsoms Zamson
2nd: GEESON Abydachs Sieze the Night
3rd: CHAPMAN Melminds Zsylvester ShCM
Res: GARLICK Ranglewood Arashi
VHC: MARKS & JOHNSON Africandawns Night Hawk
Open Dog (4, 2 Abs)
1st: ROBERTS Swansford Grantador
2nd: LEWIS Trixhund Euphoria JW ShCM
Special Open Black & Tan Dog (4, 2 Abs)
1st: HUTTON Ch River Rumpus through Dachalune ShCM
2nd: WILSON Rogermardax
Senor Dougal
Special Open Any Other Colour Dog (2, 2 Abs)
1st: Absent
Veteran Bitch (2)
1st: EVE Dachslur Diamond Fancy Free at Sundayshill
2nd: WILSON Rogermardax Margarita
Minor Puppy Bitch (1)
1st: GARLICK Ranglewood Trick or Treat
Puppy Bitch (2, 1 Abs)
1st: EVE Sundayshill Hermione
Junior Bitch (4)
1st: JOHNSON Africandawns Night Wizzard
2nd: DARE Darsoms Zeunice
Rose at Damai
Res: HUTTON Dachalune
VHC: GARLICK Ranglewood
Yearling Bitch (2, 1 Abs)
1st: CHAPMAN Melminds Miss Cilla
Post Graduate Bitch (5, 1 Abs)
1st: EVE Sundayshill Anastasia
2nd: CHAPMAN Melminds Miss Dior
3rd: CHEESE Suecaseus Juliet
Res: BOOTH & ELSEY Peverleigh Super Trooper by Abbalongdat
Limit Bitch (9, 2 Abs)
1st: NEGUS Tarramist Krug Rose
2nd: DARE Darsoms Zyanara
3rd: GARLICK Ranglewood
Labbadax Gimme Gimme Gimme at Abbalongdat
VHC: CLARKE Tekalhaus
Million to One ShCM
Open Bitch (8, 1 Abs)
1st: GEESON Abydachs Giving Off
2nd: MARKS Ch Labbadax Belladonna
3rd: GARLICK Ranglewood Tempest
Res: LEWIS Bronia Sweet Amber at Trixhund
VHC: DARE Darsoms Zindzi
Special Open Black & Tan Bitch (2)
1st: HUTTON Dachlune Araxia
2nd: CHEESE Suecaseus Juliet
Special Open Any Other Colour Bitch (3)
1st: ROBERTS Swansford Gemmadora
2nd: HUTTON Dachlune Annysia
3rd: WILSON Rogermardax Margarita
First of all I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge this show,
Also my steward Anne Moore for the ring running smoothly.
V 1 Marks’ Ch Brynalyn Royal Warrior via Labradax, s/r of good type, nice reach of neck running into tight shoulders, good length of ribbing & hind angulation, went with drive away & to; 2 Negus’ Tarramist Adonis Dream, b/t, again of nice type, believe I went over this dog a few years ago, similar comments to 1, but preferred the rear movement on 1. MP 1 Robinson’s Ranglewood Harvest Moon, unfortunately stood alone but b/t of just 6 months, nice head with correct eye & earset, nice forechest good length of ribbing, just needs to settle down. P 1 BPD, Marks’ Labradax Kiton, s/r of 10 months, good length of keel & ribbing, prominent forechest with nice hind angulation, moved with drive, will watch his future; 2 Lewis’ Trixhund Opium, s/r again of 10 months, nice houndy head with opal eye, a little short on neck, but with good ribbing & in nice condition, would like to see less weight on a puppy. J 1 RCC, Rodrigues’ Darsoms Zydexta, what a little showman this one is, s/r in pristine condition with a lovely head & eye, nice tight elbows, good length of ribbing, correct tailset, moved freely round the ring; 2 Dare’s Darsoms Zybrox, s/r of 14 months, again from this super kennel of quality dogs, correct bite, eye & earset, good reach of neck, long ribbing, good muscular hindquarters, just preferred movement on 1. Y 1 Burke & Manston’s Wardax Indian Summer by Bonavoir, s/r of 17 months, lovely hound head, long reach of neck, level topline, good length of ribbing, moved with drive; 2 Furneaux’s Shardaroba’s Silent Witness, again 17 months old with correct bite, nice oval eye in houndy head, just didn’t have the ribbing of 1. PG 1 Burke & Manston’s Bonavoir James Hobbs, another dog from this quality kennel, b/t of super type with good reach of neck, good length of ribbing, nice hind angulation, owned the ring in this class; 2 Horn’s Darsoms Zabbi, s/r of different head type to 1, but still with good eye shape & earset, nice length of keel & ribbing, moved well. L 1 Darsoms Zamson, red, again nice houndy head, with correct eye & ear, good deep forechest, solid hind angulation, would just have liked a bit more drive round the ring; 2 Geeson’s Abydachs Seize The Night, same comments as above, just preferred the back movement on 1. O 1 CC & BOB, Roberts’ Swansford Grantador, s/r of quality with nice almond eye, good reach of neck, prominent forechest, nice tight elbows, long length of ribbing, nice tailset, moved round the ring with drive & confidence, I was very happy to award him the CC; 2 Lewis’ Trixhund Euphoria, s/r of nice type, houndy head, good length of ribbing & hind angulation, would have liked a little more front, moved freely.
I must offer my special thanks to the officers & committee for inviting me to judge at this show – they gave themselves the additional headache of finding an alternative show printer too! A well run, happy show, & even the dogs were settled & therefore quiet.Thank you also to the exhibitors, I thoroughly enjoyed your dogs, & no doubt results will be different on another day, but I did appreciate your sportsmanship. I deliberately avoided watching the Longs for some considerable time, & purposely kept my back turned during the judging of the males today. I wanted to judge with a ‘fresh eye’, not knowing past results or ‘form’.
Temperament was excellent, & all dogs were presented clean & well groomed, although a few could do with a bit of tooth cleaning. Feet were good, although I am not keen on nails being clipped back so that only the pads contact the floor, I think the nails play a part in absorbing the impact of footfall on the move.
My perception has long been that many of the best Longs have been, in my view, too big, & this was born out again today. However, it was refreshing to see that there are definitely moves towards a smaller frame.
My priorities have always been conformation & movement. There was considerable variation in size & type, some carrying too much weight, & I do think front angulation needs attention. Short straight upper arms lead to short necks & loss of front reach on the move, with the hindquarters also then losing angulation in compensation. I am always disappointed when a dog expertly presented on the stack ‘loses it’ on the move.
When it came to BOB with my co-judge, it seemed there was more consistency in type & quality in the dogs today. But what a joy to see two such free moving dogs go round.
In the end the dog won BOB, despite his size, on his totally classic construction. The bitch was a well deserved RBOB & BOS.
BP went to the dog as did BV.
V (2) 1 Eve’s Dachslur Diamond Fancy Free at Sundayshill, balanced, nice size shaded red, feminine, & moved out with purpose. Clean lines, not quite the angulation I like; 2 Wilson’s Rogermardax Margarita, larger red who was more interested in enjoying her day out, rather heavy over the shoulders & did not show her best paces. MP (1) 1 Garlick’s Ranglewood Trick Or Treat, 6 months b/t baby who was confident on the move, but otherwise made life difficult for her owner, & hard for me to assess. Today she presented a little low to the ground, & short in neck, but I put this down to her inexperience. P (2,1a) 1 Eve’s Sundayshill Hermione, tidy shaded red bitch of a nice size, clean lines, & positive on the move. Has yet to finish, especially in head. BPB. J (4) 1 Johnson’s Africandawns Night Wizard, I liked this red bitch for her angulation, overall outline & femininity. She was well put down, in good coat, shame she was less interested in the challenge; 2 Dare’s Darsoms Zeunice, a lot to like, but giving a bit away to the winner in finish as yet, not quite the shoulder & front angulation; 3 Sutton & Pankhurst’s Lilia Rose at Damai. Y (2,1) 1 Chapman’s Melminds Miss Cilla Black, b/t, carrying too much weight which spoilt her overall outline, otherwise she was a nice shape, & moved out positively. PG (5) 1 Eve’s Sundayshill Ansastasia, easy winner of this class today, shaded red who won on her overall outline, showmanship & balance; 2 Chapman’s Melminds Miss Dior, at 6 years old this red is again carrying too much cover, losing her condition which just spoils what is an honest bitch in outline, balance & movement; 3 Cheese’s Suecaseus Juliet. L (9,1) 1 Negus’ Tarramist Krug Rose, shaded red, pushed hard by 2, but scored in overall outline, balance, neck & quarters, which showed as she moved out; 2 Dare’s Darsoms Zyanara, many of the same attributes, but just not moving quite as true behind today; 3 Garlick’s Ranglewood Laurel. O (8,2) 1 Geeson’s Abydachs Giving Off Sparks, slightly different type, but I just could not deny her active, free flowing, effortless movement which came from her balance, although for me a fraction more angulation fore & aft would make her stunning. CC; 2 Marks’ Ch Labbadax Belladonna, another really nice bitch, with just about all I was looking for, I considered for the RCC, but she just spoilt her outline on the move with her head carriage; 3 Garlick’s Ranglewood Tempest. B/t (3,1) 1 Hutton’s Dachalune Araxia, year old b/t, very immature, nothing to dislike, but needs to tighten & finish; 2 Cheese’s Suecaseus Juliet, lost out on overall angulation, which spoilt her movement. AOC (3) 1 Roberts’ Swansford Gemmadora, shaded red with classic outline & good angulation, heavier built, & being picky I would like a little more ground clearance. Steady & true moving, not quite as effortless as CC winner. Litter sister to BOB. RCC; 2 Hutton’s Dachalune Annysia, well presented, looked good on the stack, but did not carry it through on the move, she has time to tighten & improve; 3 Wilson’s Rogermardax Margarita.