Driffied Championship Show 2022
I would like to thank the secretary and the committee of the Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for the opportunity to judge at their show in 2022. Thanks also to my splendid stewards Sue and Martin, without whose courtesy, clear announcements and conscientious attention to detail, I feel sure all would have descended into chaos! Finally, many thanks to all the exhibitors for coming along and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs.
VD. (1) 1. Hirst’s Ranglewood Lantana At Kejana. A handsome seven-year-old black and tan with good teeth and a sleek, heavy coat. A fine but masculine head, steady topline and well-muscled structure. Went around the ring with gravity and confidence. BVD. BVIB.
PD. (1) 1.Reid’s Cavillibrook Final Legacy At Maudaxi. Promising seven-month-old red puppy. Attractive head with correct eye and backskull. Good length of neck, excellent front construction with good depth and length of ribbing, strong loin and hind-quarters. Rear angulation perhaps not yet quite as good as the front, but he’s still a baby so may well improve. BP.
PGD. (2) 1. Wedge’s Dolan Dock Of The Bay. Beautiful dark shaded red three-year-old. Masculine head and good solid construction. Well angulated front and rear but maybe a little close coupled for some. Very well presented and handled. RBD. 2. Cook & Rhodes’ Abydachs Free Spirit For Bournder. Handsome shaded red, 20 months old. Well presented with a shiny coat and neat paws. Correct outline and balanced angulation. Masculine head with correct skull shape and reasonable length of neck. He strode out well but was not quite as composed as 1 today.
OD. (4) 1.Roberts’ Ch. Swansford Gregorydor. Impressive two-year-old dog with deep shaded red coat. Masculine and elegant. Looking good from every angle, he strode around the ring and stood on the table with confidence and precision. Hard to fault, an ambassador for the breed. BD. & BOB. 2. Cross’s Ch. Logetta Trouble In Texas. Three-year-old shaded red, a little lighter in colour and perhaps heavier in build than 1 but none the worse for that. Good outline, solid structure and muscle tone. Well presented and handled, a worthy competitor in this class, but I preferred the head and expression of 1.
GCD. (1) 1. Wood’s Faulksfollie Lord Fontoroy. Lovely five-year-old black and tan boy. Well presented with gleaming coat and tight feet. Masculine head and sound structure. Moved out with zeal!
PB. (2) 1. Foley’s Beauty Long. One-year-old silver dapple and tan bitch. Attractive youngster with a conical head, good length of neck, correct front structure, generous ribbing and balanced rear. She moved with composure, a steady topline and an even gait. Nicely presented and a lot to like. BPB. 2. Cross’s Langlebury Pandora Of Logetta. Shaded red one-year-old bitch. Super expression, steady topline on the move, beautifully presented coat and neat, bunchy feet. Lean and lively, she is very promising but needs to settle down a bit.
PGB. (4) 1. Wedge’s Dolan Private Dancer. Well turned out, clear red bitch of two and a half years. Good, feminine head with good length of neck and strong, well-angulated forequarters. Reasonable ribbing and loin with well balanced rear to complement the front. RBB. 2. Rodrigues’ Amberteckel Baltic Dawn At Islewin. Well presented and balanced three and a half year old shaded red bitch. Compact and well muscled with correct and feminine head. Super topline with reasonable angulation front and rear. She went around the ring well but was not happy on the table today.
OB. (1) 1. Whitfield-Roberts’ Ch. Swansford Gleighdora. Very attractive shaded red two year old. Strong but feminine head with correct, obliquely set eyes. Reasonable length of neck, strong, well angulated front and balanced powerful rear structure with correct tailset. Lovely outline on the move. Gleaming, natural looking coat. Just a joy to go over. I didn’t realise that she is the litter sister to my BD until told afterwards… She is the perfect feminine counterpoint to his strength and elegance. BB.
GCB. (1) 1. Wood’s Faulksfollie Lady Gemima. Five year old black and tan bitch with a deep lustrous coat. Well proportioned with a steady topline and good muscle tone, she trotted around the ring with great enthusiasm.