Open Dog
1st: ROBERTS Ch Swansford Prestonador
2nd: GEESON Ch Abydachs Return Of The Night
Veteran Dog
Puppy Bitch
1st: REID Swansford Daphnedora At Maudaxi
2nd: LEGG Pettigans Va Va Voom
Junior Bitch
1st: REID Cavallibrook One Final Kiss At Maudaxi
Swansford Debhoradora
MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch As If by Magic
& WAKEMAN Dachyclan Larena at Bronia
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: CHAPMAN Melminds Up on the Catwalk
2nd:EVE Sundayshill Savannah
Limit Bitch
1st: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Swansford Patriciadora
2nd: SAINSBURY Drymoor Marron Glace at Boscolla
Melminds Make Them Gold
Res: GEESON Abydachs Hot Patootie JW
Delsaux Strawberry Fields
Open Bitch
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Blithe Spirit
3rd: CHAPMAN Melminds Maybelline
Veteran Bitch NO ENTRIES
I had been looking forward to this appointment as, incredibly, it is 24 years since I last awarded CCs in Longs! I was certainly not disappointed as although it was a numerically small entry, there was quality in abundance. If this entry is representative of the breed as a whole, then the longs are surely the strongest of the dachshunds for overall level of correct conformation, movement and temperament. There were only a couple of nervous ones and the size seems to have come down in recent years too. I am grateful to the exhibitors who literally travelled the length and breadth of the country to attend, as these days travelling, accommodation and fuel costs are considerable. Thank you for bringing your lovely dogs. I was spoilt for choice and could easily have awarded more than just 2 CCs. Puppy Dog (1) 1st McNaughton’s Cedavoch Circeo I was completely captivated by this correct size, confident and sound shaded red of just 6 months. So well balanced and beautifully constructed throughout. He has a strong, masculine head with arched muzzle, good reach of neck which flows into well laid shoulders with pleasing forechest. Holds his level topline in stance and profile movement. Well angulated quarters. Strode out with verve and assurance, holding his lovely outline at all times. A bright future ahead I think. Best Puppy in Breed. Junior Dog (1) 1st Hanney-Mitchell’s Dachyclan Loclan at Bronia (Imp Aus) This exciting Australian import should prove to be a useful addition to the breed. Eyecatching clear red of slightly larger size. He carries himself proudly on the move and strides out confidently holding his firm topline in profile. Good head with correctly shaped eyes, well laid shoulders, level topline and flowing underline with good length and spring of rib. Has good bone and substance throughout. Not over-coated, so his sound and flowing movement was easy to observe. Post Graduate Dog (1) 1st Turton’s Breezelyn Long Time No See At Damoradaxies Longer-bodied shaded red with good bone and substance. Masculine head with good eye shape and overall expression. Moderately angulated in forequarters, however, he has a slightly incorrect set of pelvis and consequently this disrupts his topline a shade, making him dip slightly in the middle of his back. Limit Dog (1) 1st Chapman’s Africandawns Just N Time For Melminds Compact, correct size red in very full coat, which made it difficult to assess his hind movement going away. Attractive head with keen expression. Carries himself proudly displaying a good reach of neck which flows into his well placed shoulders. Firm, level topline held in stance and movement. Moderately angulated hindquarters. Moves freely in profile, holding his overall shape well. Open Dog (2) That old cliche, ‘splitting hairs’ was very apt in this class. Two beautiful dogs of equal quality who could easily change places on another occasion. They were different in overall type but both totally correct. My personal preference was for the slightly more compact type of 1st. 1st Roberts’ Ch. Swansford Prestonador Correct size, compact and well boned red. Eye-catching, balanced outline in stance. This dog comes into his own on the move where he powers round the ring with a lengthy and effortless ground-covering stride, really driving and extending from his hindquarters. He moves with accurate, parallel action up and back. On the table my hands just flowed over him. Attractive masculine head with alert expression. Correct length neck runs seamlessly into his textbook shoulder placement with good length of upper arm and consequent pleasing forechest. Firm topline, with good overall body shape and spring of rib. Excellent hind angulation with super bend of stifle and short rear pasterns. Stands true in front and behind. Pleased to award him CC and BOB and was delighted to watch him take Hound Group 2 later in the day. Congratulations! Litter brother to my bitch CC winner. Must have been a fantastic litter. 2nd Geeson’s Ch. Abydachs Return Of The Night Elegant shaded red of different type to 1st, being slightly longer in body. This dog also commands immediate attention with his eye-catching outline and high quality conformation. Has a fabulous head and expression and a lengthy neck flowing into well laid shoulders and also has plenty of forechest. Holds a level topline in stance and profile movement and strides out freely holding his shape at all times. Reserve CC. I see afterwards, from my catalogue, that these two are half-brothers, both being by Ch. Swansford Gabrieldor, who sired several of my winners and is obviously proving to be an influential stud dog. Puppy Bitch (2) 1st Reid’s Swansford Daphnedora At Maudaxi Another lovely exhibit sired by Gabrieldor. Compact, correct size and feminine shaded red with attractive head and expression and correctly shaped dark eyes. Has well laid shoulders and pleasing overall body shape for her age, with good spring of rib. Well angulated hindquarters complete the picture. She strode out freely and with confidence, holding her shape well in profile movement. 2nd Legg’s Pettigans Va Va Voom This black and tan is also by Gabrieldor. Although a month older, she is less mature than 1st. Slightly longer-bodied. She too, has an attractive, feminine head with keen, alert expression. Good reach of neck, however, her shoulders are slightly more forward placed and not quite as well laid back as 1st. Also a little shorter in upper arm, so consequently she does not have as much forechest. Moderately angulated hindquarters. Needs a little more ring training to make the best of herself as she was a little too fond of checking out the scent on the ground today! Junior Bitch (4) Reid’s Cavillibrook One Final Kiss At Maudaxi Correct size, elegant red with a very pleasing overall outline. Another daughter of Gabrieldor and she is also a half-sister to my bitch RCC winner as they share the same mother. She is very like her in overall type, being elegant and well constructed throughout and not overcoated. She has an attractive head which she carries proudly on a lengthy neck. Well laid shoulders, good overall body shape with firm topline and flowing underline. Hind angulation is correct and in harmony with her front angulation. She moved sedately round the ring, holding her lovely outline at all times. 2nd Roberts’ Swansford Debhoradora Litter sister to 1st in Puppy Bitch and is very like her in type. This must also have been a lovely litter for this clever breeder. 10 month shaded red in full coat, with a lovely outline. Feminine head with correctly shaped dark eyes. Well placed shoulders, good length of upper arm and plenty of forechest as a result. Good overall body shape with pleasing spring of rib. Well boned, but retains femininity. Well angulated hindquarters. Still needs to get her act together a bit more on the move, but got better and better in this respect as the class progressed. At this stage she is a little more mature than her sister, hence Best Bitch Puppy. 3rd McNaughton’s Cedavoch As If By Magic Post Graduate Bitch (2) 1st Chapman’s Melminds Up On The Catwalk Compact clear red with feminine head and alert expression. Her neck flows well into her shoulders. She has a good forechest, level topline and sweeping underline. Moderately angulated hindquarters. She held her shape well in profile movement where she strode out freely and covered the ground with ease. Longer stride than 2nd, which helped her win the class. Parallel up and back movement. 2nd Eve’s Sundayshill Savannah Elegant red with a pleasing head and expression and dark eyes. Firm topline and good flow of underline to complement. A shade narrower all through in comparison to 1st and not quite the layback of shoulder. Moving slightly close behind going away. Limit Bitch (6) 1st Whitfield-Roberts’ Swansford Patriciadora Compact, well boned, shaded red in full coat. Feminine head with correctly shaped dark eyes. Her neck flows seamlessly into her well laid back shoulders and she has a good length upper arm and consequently correct forechest. Pleasing overall body shape with good spring of rib, firm topline and flowing underline. Very well angulated hindquarters with short rear pasterns and stands absolutely parallel and true at the back when stood on the table. She doesn’t disappoint on the move, where her textbook conformation enabled her to cover the ground effortlessly with a good length of stride and drive from behind. Moves parallel up and back and holds her topline in profile. Litter sister to my Best of Breed. Pleased to award her what I later discovered was her 3rd CC. Congratulations on your new Champion! She and her brother made a perfect pair in the challenge for Best of Breed and it was a close decision. 2nd Sainsbury’s Drymoor Marron Glace At Boscolla Close up to 1st and I can see from my catalogue that she too, is by Gabrieldor so a half sister to my winner. Elegant shaded red with attractive head and appealing expression. She too has correct shoulder placement, firm topline and flowing underline. Well angulated quarters. She kept her outline well on the move, maintaining her level topline in profile. Just a shade closer behind moving away from me than 1st. 3rd Chapman’s Melminds Make Them Gold Open Bitch (3) 1st Hanney-Mitchell’s Ch. Cavillibrook Final Fling Bronia Easy to see why this bitch is a Champion. Her quality of conformation shines through. Everything flowed under my hands on the table examination. She is compact and not overcoated. Just the right size for a bitch. Feminine head, good length neck, correct, well laid shoulders with good forechest, firm topline and good overall body shape. Well angulated hindquarters complete the picture. She has a lengthy, effortless stride viewed in profile and holds her lovely outline at all times in stance and movement. A very close decision between her and the limit class winner and these two could easily change places on another occasion. Reserve CC. 2nd McNaughton’s Ch. Cedavoch Blithe Spirit Another lovely Champion bitch of equal quality to my 2 main winners. She too, has textbook conformation. She is slightly larger and longer-bodied than 1st and has a shade less ground clearance which was what influenced my decision. Attractive feminine head, carried proudly on a reachy neck. Excellent shoulder placement and correct forechest. Firm, level topline held in stance and profile movement. Well angulated hindquarters. In very full coat which made it difficult to assess her hind movement going away. Also sired by Gabrieldor! 3rd Chapman’s Melminds Maybelline