Midland Dachshund Club 2024


Judge: Paul Hayes (Dialhouse)


BEST OF BREED : GEESON Ch Abydachs Return Of The Night & Best in Show
Dog CC : GEESON Ch Abydachs Return Of The Night
Res Dog CC : TAYLOR & HILTON Delsaux Across The Universe
Bitch CC : HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
Res Bitch CC : PIKE & CARTER Zarcrest Angelina Jolie at Breezelyn
Best Puppy : DARE Darsoms Zyrhona &  Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran : GARLICK Ranglewood Arashi

Veteran Dog (4)
1st: GARLICK Ranglewood Arashi
2nd: PIKE & CARTER Ch Zarcrest George Clooney
3rd: GARLICK Ranglewood Harvest Song
Res: BREARLEY Labbadax Eyecatchin Shadow at Xanadax

Minor Puppy Dog NO ENTRIES

Puppy Dog (1)
1st: LEWIS Trixhund Ten From Len

Junior Dog (3)
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Dachyclan Lochlan At Bronia (imp Aus)
2nd: PASKINS Kindeace Hit the Road Jack

3rd: TURTON Bay Of Biscoff Biscuit Of Damoradaxies

Post Graduate Dog (5,2)
1st: VINCENT Breezelyn Long Awaited by Gainscroft
2nd: PASKINS Kindeace Hit the Road Jack
3rd: TURTON Breezelyn Long Time No See at Damoradaxies

Limit Dog (3)
1st: TAYLOR & HILTON Delsaux Across The Universe
2nd: VINCENT Gainscroft Dashing Dudley
3rd: WEDGE Dolan Johnny Be Good

Open Dog (3)
1st: GEESON Ch Abydachs Return Of The Night
2nd: PASKINS Kindeace Texas Ranger
3rd: PASKINS Cedavoch Its Taboo At Kindeace


Veteran Bitch (4)
1st: BAILEY Glasvey Double Trouble For Loggeta
2nd:COOK & RHODES Ch Bournder Ruby Empress
3rd: GARLICK Ranglewood Trick Or Treat
Res: WEDGE Faulksfollie Miss Minaver At Dolans

Minor Puppy Bitch NO ENTRIES


Puppy Bitch (5,1)
1st: DARE Darsoms Zyrhona
2nd: MCGAVIGAN & PETTIGREW Pettigans Veni Vidi Vici
3rd: REID Swansford Daphnedora At Maudaxi
Res: PARTRIDGE Pettigans Viva La Vida By Riveroyal

Junior Bitch (6)
1st: VINCENT Breezelyn A Long Story at Gainscroft
2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch As if By Magic
3rd: PIKE & CARTER Breezelyn Longing For Love
Res: REID Cavallibrook One Final Kiss At Maudaxi

VHC: PASKINS Kindeace You Wear It Well

Special Beginner Bitch (4)
1st: LACEY Abydezi Northern Lights
2nd: HEAP Ranglewood Katrine
3rd: WEST Aurora Rude For Kendalldax (imp Ltu)
Res: FOLEY Loggetawynn Bymyles At Clavennae

Post Graduate Bitch (7,3)
1st:  DUNHILL Kindeace Brown Eyed Girl At Gellijam
2nd: VINCENT Gainscroft Dolly's Dina

3rd: GARLICK Ranglewood Heilen

Res: HEAP Ranglewood Katrine

Limit Bitch (7,3)
1st: PIKE & CARTER Zarcrest Angelina Jolie at Breezelyn
2nd: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Swansford Patriciadora
3rd: GEESON Abydachs Hot Patootie JW
Res: GARLICK  Kyrenia Queens Request With Ranglewood

Open Bitch (4,2)
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
2nd: MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Blithe Spirit


I would like to thank the committee of the Midland Dachshund Club for inviting me to judge at their 80th Birthday show. I found well groomed and presented exhibits, most with well cleaned teeth. I was please to find tails without kinks. In some cases there was a lack of forechest and the correct angulation, front and rear, but my biggest disappointment was the lack of muscle tone in many of those I went over. For a dog to move properly, it needs to be fit and correctly constructed. Our breed many be smaller compared to many but that is no reason to neglect regular walks, especially road work. In some the ribbing was short, giving too much loin, again causing poor movement. And, finally, you take care to have your dogs groomed well, but it doesn’t hurt to make a bit more effort on your own appearance. Veteran Dog (4/0) 1 st Garlick’s Ranglewood Arashi. 10 1/2yr red dog. Beautiful head structure with correct eyes and ear set. A good length of neck into well laid back shoulders. Correct angles in front and rear construction which allowed him to drive powerfully around the ring while maintaining a level top line at all times. I can see why he has won so many veteran classes. A great example of the breed, still showing at a high level. BVD and BVIB 2 nd Pike and Carter’s Ch Zarcrest George Clooney. 7yr red dog. Just into veteran and much of the comments on the winner can be applied here. Well turned out and handled. Just a touch too much stop for me and, today, was out moved by the winner. Puppy Dog (1/0) 1 st Lewis’ Trixhund Ten from Len. 10mth Silver dapple dog. A very typical head set on a good length of neck down into well laid back shoulders. Good forechest and sound ribbing, coupled with good front and rear angulation. Moved freely while maintaining a level top line. Good to see the rear pads as he moved. BPD Junior Dog (3/0) 1 st Hanney-Mitchell’s Dachyclan Lochlan at Bronia (Imp Aus). 14mth red dog. Classic head with correct eye shape and ear set. Great neck into shoulder position with very good front angular construction and forechest. Ribbing spot on and correct amount of loin before good rear angle that allowed him to really drive around the ring maintaining a level topline and showing pads as did so. 2 nd Paskins’ Kindeace Hit the Road Jack. 14mth red dog. Very well turned out and much of the above comments apply to this dog. I just preferred the head of the winner in this case. Post Graduate (5/2)1st Vincent’s Breezelyn Long Awaited by Gainscroft. 14mth red dog. Great head with well placed eyes and ear set. Elegant neck into well laid back shoulders and great front angulation and forechest. Excellent ribbing and correct length of loin into good rear angles allowing excellent drive around the ring, showing pads and maintaining a level topline throughout as well as straight in movement 2 nd Paskins’ Kindeace Hit the Road Jack. See above comment. Limit Dog (3/0) 1 st Taylor and Hilton’s Delsaux Across the Universe. 2yr red dog. Another good example of what I like to see. Great head and neck into well laid back shoulders. Good front and rear angulation coupled with a prominent forechest. All this allowed him to flow round the ring, level in topline at all times and showing real drive. As with all my top placings, straight both coming and going. Pleased to award him RDCC and looking forward following his career as he matures. 2 nd Vincent’s Gainscroft Dashing Dudley. 2yr red dog. Although smaller than I would like in a dog, everything was in the correct proportion from his head to the tip of his tail. Great on the move, level at all times. Open Dog (3/0) 1 st Geeson’s CH Abydachs Return of the Night. 5yr red dog. I judged this dog when only a youngster and he was awarded RBD behind his litter brother. I was both pleased and honoured to go over him again now he has really matured. As with his father, a stunning example of the breed. Excellent angles, both front and rear. A classic head and so true in movement, powering around the ring with a level topline at all times. DCC and BOB. Very pleased to see the Best in Show judge also thought highly of him and see him awarded BIS. 2 nd Paskins’ Kindeace Texas Ranger. 5yr red dog. Great head with correct eyes and ear set. Good neck into well laid back shoulders. Good front and rear angles that allowed him to move smoothly round the ring. Sound ribbing but just a touch long over the loin for me. Veteran Bitch (4/0) 1 st Bailey’s Glasvey Double Trouble for Loggeta. 7 yr red bitch. A really pretty feminine head with correct eye and ear set. Good reach of neck into lay of shoulders. Excellent front and rear angulation. Very straight going and coming then level in topline as moved round the ring with drive. 2 nd Cook and Rhodes’ Ch Bournder Ruby Empress. 12yr red bitch. Apart from her teeth just going, what a great example of our breed and their longevity. Great conformation and still giving the youngsters a run for their money, showing herself off at all times. A real credit to her owners. Puppy Bitch (5/1) 1 st Dare’s Darsoms Zyrhona. 10 mth red bitch. This youngster is class from her head to her toes. Great head with spot on eye and ear setting. Correct neck and shoulder placement with super front angulation and forechest. Correct ribbing and length of loin into great rear angles that allowed her to drive around the ring while maintaining her topline. BPB and BP. Thrilled to see her then take BPIS. I look forward to seeing her progress. 2 nd McGavigan and Pettigrew’s Pettigans Veni Vidi Vici. 10 mth red bitch. Much of the qualities of the winner also apply to this super bitch. Classic head and construction as well as a level topline. She just didn’t quite have the drive around the ring today but I am sure she will have a bright future. Junior Bitch (6/0) 1 st Vincent’s Breezelyn A Long Story at Gainscroft. 14 mth red bitch. In the same class as her brother, who won PG dog. Great head and front construction as well as forechest. Correct ribbing and loin length into rear angulation that allowed her to flow round the ring with real drive, keeping a level topline throughout. 2 nd McNaughton’s Cedavoch As if By Magic. 12mth red bitch. Another top draw exhibit. Great head and front construction. Beautiful on the move but just not quite driving as well as the class winner today. I am sure that her day will come as she is just out of puppy. Post Graduate (7/3) 1 st Dunhill’s Kindeace Brown Eyed Girl at Gellijam. 14 mth red bitch. The more I explored of this bitch, the more I found to like. Great shoulders and forechest with excellent front angulation. Maintained a level topline throughout and used her correct rear angles to move with drive and with straightness going and coming. 2 nd Vincent’s Gainscroft Dolly’s Dina. 22mth b/t bitch. Such a pleasure to go over. Correct in all areas from her head to her tail. Moved soundly around the ring as a result of her construction but just not quite the drive of the winner. Limit Bitch (7/1) 1 st Pike and Carter’s Zarcrest Angelina Jolie at Breezelyn. 5 ½ yr red bitch. Just back from a litter and in excellent shape. She was elegant with great angles front and rear. This allowed her to flow around the ring with good drive. A real pleasure to have had the opportunity to go over her and hopefully she will be made up soon. Pleased to award her RBCC. 2 nd Whitfield-Roberts Swansford Patriciadora. 2yr red bitch. Another excellent bitch out of the top kennel. I found great front and rear construction, along with correct forechest. At all times she maintained a level topline and showed straight movement going and coming. Today, she just did not have the drive that the winner had. Open Bitch (4/2) 1 st Mitchell-Hanney’s CH Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia. 2 1/2yr red bitch. Such a pleasure to go over her. A real class act. Excellent head on an elegant neck into well laid back shoulders coupled with a top notch front construction and forechest. Correct ribbing and length of loin, coupled with great rear angulation allowing her to drive smoothly around the ring with a level topline. A pleasure to award her BCC. 2 nd McNaughton’s Cedavoch Blyth Spirit. 4yr red bitch. Another class act with many of the same comments applying from the winner. For me, just a touch long over the loin but so well constructed and movement straight and level