Bath 2007 |
Dachshund (Smooth Haired) |
Judge: Mr E Hulme |
![]() Dog CC : 9632 Mr M G & Mrs J I ARMSTRONG Ch Lauralee Lloyd George Res Dog CC : 9659 Mrs A D JEFFERY Rosenket Heir Apparent at Andax Bitch CC : 9669 Mrs J MITCHELL Dubreys Dora the Explora Res Bitch CC : 9656 Mr P HIGGINS Matzell Misty Morning over Leveliss Best Puppy : 9658 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT Carpaccio Precious Pearl Best Veteran : BEST OF BREED : 9632 Mr M G & Mrs J I ARMSTRONG Ch Lauralee Lloyd George Class 1851 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 9636 Mrs J S BRITT Ryepiece Royal Wurka 2nd: 3rd: Res: VHC: Class 1852 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 9676 Mrs H WILBERG, Mrs K S & BLACKBURN-BENNETT Coupduvent Del Conteverde At Kanix (Imp) 2nd: 9640 Mesdames BURKE, S & MANSTON, R Bonavoir the Waxies Dargle 3rd: 9674 Miss E J WALKLEY Churchoak Cardinalsin Res: VHC: Class 1853 PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: 9659 Mrs A D JEFFERY Rosenket Heir Apparent at Andax 2nd: 9665 Mr A W MARSH Marshwick Merrison 3rd: 9643 Mrs P DALGETY Thundergay Archduke Res: 9638 Mesdames BURKE, S & MANSTON, R Bonavoir Molton Brown VHC: 9670 Miss M NORTON Matzell Master Mariner Class 1854 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 9646 Messrs EALES & TITE Lauralee Role of Honour via Rijobeau 2nd: 9664 Mr A W MARSH Marshwick Moonlight Shadow 3rd: 9649 Mr P M V & Mrs G E GOAD Rosanport Three Card Trick Res: 9672 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Kiss Me Quick VHC: Class 1855 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: 9632 Mr M G & Mrs J I ARMSTRONG Ch Lauralee Lloyd George 2nd: 9657 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT Carpaccio Black Sabbath 3rd: Res: VHC: Class 1856 PB (5 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 9658 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT Carpaccio Precious Pearl 2nd: 9651 Miss S & Ms J GOODACRE Pickardach Maggie Mae 3rd: 9634 Mrs J S BRITT Ryepiece Noble Princess Res: VHC: Class 1857 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: 9656 Mr P HIGGINS Matzell Misty Morning over Leveliss 2nd: 9660 Mrs V D JESSE Hampdach Mistical 3rd: 9673 Miss B E SPOONER Lauralee All Or Nothing For Penroso Res: 9639 Mesdames BURKE, S & MANSTON, R Bonavoir Clonmore VHC: 9675 Miss E J WALKLEY Churchoak's Modesty Blazes Class 1858 PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 4 1st: 9671 Miss M NORTON Matzell Maid Of Honour 2nd: 9645 Mr & Mrs J T DAVIS Adnerb's Be Friended 3rd: 9635 Mrs J S BRITT Undeg Starlight von Ryepiece Res: 9644 Mrs P DALGETY Thundergay Magdalena VHC: Class 1859 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: 9669 Mrs J MITCHELL Dubreys Dora the Explora 2nd: 9650 Mr P M V & Mrs G E GOAD Rosanport Play Me 3rd: Res: VHC: Class 1860 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 3 1st: 9642 Mrs P DALGETY Thundergay Surely Charmed 2nd: 9631 Mr M G & Mrs J I ARMSTRONG Lauralee Single Girl 3rd: 9637 Mr E BROOKS, Mr A & SMITH, Mr S & WISNIEWSKI Kingrock Fenella Fudge At Bondor Res: VHC: |
PD (1,0) 1 Britt Ryepiece Royal Wurka. quality 11 months old,
pleasing outline, typical head, developing nicely in chest, ribs and body,
carried himself well when moving.
JD (3,0) 1 Wilberg & Blackburn-Bennett Coupduvent Del Conteverde At Kanix
(Imp). different sizes and types, conformation and movement, particularly in
hind quarters, took precedence. 2 Mesdames Burke & Manston, R Bonavoir the
Waxies Dargle. 3 Walkley Churchoak Cardinalsin.
PGD (6) 1 Jeffery Rosenket Heir Apparent at Andax. masculine without
coarseness, in hard muscular condition, nicely proportioned head with strong
jaw, intelligent expression, well ribbed up, short strong loin, strongly boned
forearms, good front and rear angulation allowing him to stand true and move
freely. Coat not at its best. RCC. 2 Marsh Marshwick Merrison. attractive type
and quality, pleasing head proudly carried on well set lengthy neck, shorter in
rib and longer in loin than winner, in good condition, made the most of himself.
3 Dalgety Thundergay Archduke.
LD (6,2) 1 Messrs Eales & Tite Lauralee Role of Honour via Rijobeau.
masculine, well pigmented red, strong jaw, well set and carried ears, clean
muscular arched neck, well developed forechest and ribs, could perhaps be a
little shorter in loin, soundly made and moved freely with a good stride, well
up in the challenge. 2 Marsh Marshwick Moonlight Shadow. another quality B/T
from this exhibitor with lots to admire, not quite the ear carriage and strong
driving rear of winner. In best coat and condition. 3 Goad Rosanport Three Card
OD (3,1) 1 Armstrong Ch Lauralee Lloyd George. stood out in today’s
entry, worthy champion in cracking form, never putting a foot wrong. CC, BOB. 2
Hunt Carpaccio Black Sabbath. good B/T pleasing overall type and quality,
preferred neck and shoulder of winner, in best coat and condition, handled to
maximise his virtues.
PB (5,2) 1 Hunt Carpaccio Precious Pearl. feminine, young sister of Black
Sabbath, took time to settle to show off her good movement and carriage, has the
potential to reach the top. BP. 2 Goodacre Pickardach Maggie Mae. attractive
type and quality, pleasing head, well set neck, strongly boned straight
forearms, progressing nicely in chest and body, well schooled to give her best.
3 Britt Ryepiece Noble Princess.
JB (6,1) 1 Higgins Matzell Misty Morning over Leveliss. pleasing size,
nicely combined type, quality, substance and soundness, good neck giving proud
head carriage, stood true, moved with freedom and drive from excellent
hindquarters with hocks and rear pasterns that are rarely seen, retaining her
good outline. first class condition and muscle tone, confident and willing
showgirl. RCC. 2 Jess Hampdach Mistical. balanced outline, low set, good
forehand, well bodied, can firm up a little behind, if maturity is kind should
have a good future. 3 Spooner Lauralee All Or Nothing For Penroso.
PGB (8,4) 1 Norton Matzell Maid Of Honour. 13 months old very feminine
classy red sister of junior winner, beautifully balanced, pleasing head and
forehand, developing nicely in ribs, short strong loins, soundly put together
and moved accordingly but not as flowing as her sister today which determined
the RCC winner, a good future seems assured. 2 Davis Adnerb’s Be Friended.
strongly built 2 years old, pleasing neck and forechest, well ribbed back, good
legs and feet, well muscled, gave a good account of herself. 3 Britt Undeg
Starlight von Ryepiece.
LB (3,1) 1 Mitchell Dubreys Dora the Explora. clean outline, nicely
mature, well muscled, 3 years old, strongly boned short forearms, good feet,
strong close coupled loins, firm level back, broad rump, balanced front and rear
angulation, true free, flowing gait, in best coat and condition, confident
willing showgirl. Pleased to award her a second CC. 2 Goad Rosanport Play Me.
typical outlook, rising 5 years old, attractive head, correctly set and carried
ears, well set front, adequate angulation, in hard condition, adequate
OB (6,3) 1 Dalgety Thundergay Surely Charmed. balanced outline, nice size,
good legs and feet, moved out well with enthusiasm and purpose. 2 Armstrong
Lauralee Single Girl. pleasing head eye and expression, lengthy elegant neck
good forechest and ribs, close up to winner. 3 Brooks, Smith & Wisniewski
Kingrock Fenella Fudge At Bondor.
Ellis Hulme