Great Joint Dachshund Ass Championship ShowNovember 2021

Dachshund ( Smooth-haired)

Judge: Laura Sexton (Molloney)

BEST OF BREED : REYNOLDS Cwmdarhian San Domenico at Glenariff
Dog CC  : REYNOLDS Cwmdarhian San Domenico at Glenariff
Res Dog CC : MCDONALD Bensarka Limerick

Best Puppy Dog : MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann

Bitch CC : Ch  CHAUNAN Ch Adnerb Take a Chance on me at Raajput
Res Bitch CC  : CHAUNAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput

Best Puppy Bitch : ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Little Me

Best Puppy : MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann

Best Veteran : NORTON Ch Matzell Minella


Minor Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs 1
1st: LEVER Luckytails Carbon at Reveldown


Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs 0
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann
2nd:LEVER Luckytails Carbon at Reveldown

Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: HUNT Pelirrija Joined Forces with Carpaccio

2nd: SMALL Almanznyi Laretz Ershalaim at Devondax
3rd: HINWOOD Adnerbs Sheer Nanagins


Yearling Dog Puppy Dog (1 Entry) Abs 0
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Suchard


Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs 0
1st: COX Dovestream Black Russian at Dachshinbull

2nd: WILLIAMS & JACKSON Amlida Mythos at Wherrypoint

Limit Dog (5 Entries)
1st: MCDONALD Bensarka Limerick

2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Finwe
3rd: CHAUNAN Raajput's Blacky Returns
Res: HEELS Daxoanory Menacing Dennis

VHC: LUCAS Tramardachs Milkcart Driva

Open Dog (4 Entries) Abs 1
1st: REYNOLDS Cwmdarhian San Domenico at Glenariff
2nd: HUNT Ch Lauralee Huckleberry Finn at Carpaccio JW
3rd: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Rocket Man


Veteran Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 1
1st: Absent


Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries)
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Silver Dollar

2nd: ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Argentine Tango
3rd:  LUCAS Tramardachs Hairy Fairy

Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs 1
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Little Me
2nd: HIGGINS Ralines Lindy Hop into Leveliss

Junior Bitch  (4 Entries) Abs : 2

1st: O'BRIEN Almaznyi Laretz Europe II at Delekadax
2nd: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry All Ways Russian


Yearling Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 0

1st: HIGGINS Leveliss A Lover Spurned
2nd: HAGGERTY Keijam Flower of Scotland


Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: STARK Adnerbs Won Vision of Gobannium JW
2nd: VALENTINE Amlida Tamora to Tiffwazz
3rd: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Meg

Limit Bitch (11 Entries) Abs : 3
1st: CHAUNAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput
2nd: NORTON Matzell Martinella
3rd: JONES Adnerbs Lexi Get Fizzical JW ShCM ShCEx

Res: CHAPMAN-REITH Wanderhund Lets Celebrate for Hayvenhund JW

VHC: VALENTINE Tiffwazz Robin


Open Bitch (4 Entries) Abs : 2
1st:  CHAUNAN Ch Adnerb Take a Chance on me at Raajput
2nd: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha




Veteran Dog or Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: NORTON Ch Matzell Minella



I have always loved the Great Joint Dachshund Association and am disappointed that this will be one of their last shows. I had a lovely entry and some lovely dogs. This is the first time I’d judged smooths and was delighted with those present. I thank the exhibitors for being so sporting with my placings. 

Minor Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs 1
1st: LEVER Luckytails Carbon at Reveldown 6 months and a real baby. Very outgoing and moved beautifully around the ring holding his topline. Lovely expression, correct bite with full dentition. Good length of ribbing



Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs 0
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann Quality Red dog, holding an excellent outline with good body proportions. Lovely head with a true masculine expression, good front assembly A really promising puppy. Moving out easily CC’s will surely come his way before to long. BP
2nd:LEVER Luckytails Carbon at Reveldown

Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: HUNT Pelirrija Joined Forces with Carpaccio Correct proportions throughout moving positively around the ring keeping his topline.  Parallel hind movement and good ground clearance. Good length of ribbing nice head and expression, well muscled youngster..

2nd: SMALL Almanznyi Laretz Ershalaim at Devondax A chunky baby just out of puppy. Another great temperament , loveky head , good length of ribbing lost out as moving a little close behind today.
3rd: HINWOOD Adnerbs Sheer Nanagins


Yearling Dog Puppy Dog (1 Entry) Abs 0
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Suchard Chocolate dapple who moved well.Nice head and neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Lovely padded feet. Would have preferred abit more forechest.


Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs 0
1st: COX Dovestream Black Russian at Dachshinbull Nice masculine head with a good dark eye. Correct rear angulation and pleasant to go over however carrying a bit too much weight today,

2nd: WILLIAMS & JACKSON Amlida Mythos at Wherrypoint A slighter built dog but moved well. Correct head preferred the feet of the winner

Limit Dog (5 Entries)
1st: MCDONALD Bensarka Limerick The first 3 in ths class were top notch and I was splitting airs in my placing. A well constructed dog throughout with positive movement both coming and going. Lovvely angulation both front and rear good expression and great tight padded feet. RDCC

2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Finwe another super dog with a correct head and nice dark eye again super feet however he was rather erratic on the move at times so lost out to the winner.
3rd: CHAUNAN Raajput's Blacky Returns


Open Dog (4 Entries) Abs 1
1st: REYNOLDS Cwmdarhian San Domenico at Glenariff Another tough class but I just loved everything about this dog. Correct proportions throughout, nice size not to big. Excellent length of ribbing good ground clearance delightful head and expression. DCC, BOB and delighted to see him go RBIS amongst excellent competition.
2nd: HUNT Ch Lauralee Huckleberry Finn at Carpaccio JW
3rd: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Rocket Man



Veteran Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 1



Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries)
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Silver Dollar Nice type silver dapple bitch. Lovely head with good pigmentation. Kept her topline on the move. Sound throughout.

2nd: ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Argentine Tango A close decision between 1 and 2 just preferred the length of neck of the first . A very happy outgoing baby
3rd:  LUCAS Tramardachs Hairy Fairy 

Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs 1
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Little Me A nicely constructed bitchpuppy . Correct size and moved steady around the ring maintaining her topline. Nice head, reasonable shoulders and correct feet.
2nd: HIGGINS Ralines Lindy Hop into Leveliss A exceptionally naughty B/T baby. A heavier type than the winner Good shoulders and fair length of ribbing.

Junior Bitch  (4 Entries) Abs : 2

1st: O'BRIEN Almaznyi Laretz Europe II at Delekadax B/t petite girl not overexaggerated in anyway. Good head with correct dark eye shape. Nice feet and moved steadt coming and going around the ring.
2nd: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry All Ways Russian Brindle girl who was extremely naughty.gave her handler a tough time . She moved to close in front and was extremely erratic. When stood she had a very elegant outline. 


Yearling Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 0

1st: HIGGINS Leveliss A Lover Spurned, Elegant type with a nice head and correct eye .When she settled she moved confidently around the ring maintain her topline. Good ribbing extending well back.
2nd: HAGGERTY Keijam Flower of Scotland, Red bitch who moved very well and was nice to go over with everything in the right place unfortunately carrying far to much weight today.



Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: STARK Adnerbs Won Vision of Gobannium JW Shaded red , lovely conical head with nice dark eyes. Well arched neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Excellent feet and moved positively.
2nd: VALENTINE Amlida Tamora to Tiffwazz Another close decision between 1 and 2. B/T she is well constructed throughout and similar to 1st with good shoulder placement and lovely head. Didn’t quite stride as as well as the winner today.
3rd: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Meg


Limit Bitch (11 Entries) Abs : 3
1st: CHAUNAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput A very strong class with 1 and 2 being exceptional. A beautiful red bitchmoving positively , She is well constructed throughout very elegant with a super head and expression RBCC
2nd: NORTON Matzell Martinella All about one applies to this lovely girl however she was not relaxed today and I just preferred the size of the winner.
3rd: JONES Adnerbs Lexi Get Fizzical JW ShCM ShCEx


Open Bitch (4 Entries) Abs : 2
1st:  CHAUNAN Ch Adnerb Take a Chance on me at Raajput Absolutely super bitch. A delight to go over with all the qualities to make a beautiful dachshund, Sound mover , a good size and correct head. BCC
2nd: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha Another lovely type but not as elegant as one. She had good shoulders a sound mover but just dropped her topline along her back today.



Veteran Dog or Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: NORTON Ch Matzell Minella. A lovely veteran and extremely sound mover. Well constructed throughout  which allows her to be so free flowing.


Laur Sexton
