Manchester Championship Show 2022
I was thrilled by the large entry and I’m sorry that exhibitors had to wait so long. However thanks to very efficient and unobtrusive stewards working really hard we all got the BOB decided in time for the Group. My note taking had to be kept to a minimum so my critique is perhaps not as expansive as usual. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the wonderful array of dogs presented, a bit more strength in depth in the males today.However the puppy classes in both sexes were an absolute joy throughout, the juniors too.What a future ahead for the breed.
MP D 5(1)
1st Peel and Andison’s Cedavoch Drizzle Of Rain – red with a conical head in balance, flowing lines through neck and back, compact in body and correct angulation fore and aft. Moved with decent stride and positively.
2nd Bethel’s Hampdach Lord Flashheart – black and tan who also pleased for overall shape and level topline. A little higher in the leg than first at the moment,. Another who moved with activity.
3rd Patton’s Hampdach The Trooper
P D 4(1)
1st Binks and McNaughton’s Cedavoch Ocean Storm – loved this gleaming red baby, beautiful head, strong jaw, reach to neck and good head carriage. Level topline and prominent sternum , ribbing well back, good bone and strong feet. Happy and active on the move. BPD and BP
2nd Steel and Aitken’s Carpaccio Band Of Silver – silver dapple in lovely order, again of flowing lines from head to tail. Maybe a bit longer in style then one but still a decent shape. Moved freely.
3rd Starkey’s CarpaccioMagnum P.I.@Hamoura
J D 5
1ST Mc Naughton’s Cedavoch Struuann – a glorious red, just out of puppy, who just captivated me.Lovely houndy head, super reach to neck,flowing topline. Prominent prosternum , well ribbed,strong bone and full feet.Nicely rounded rear.Moved true and free striding. CC , just lost out for BOB on maturity
2nd Hunt’s Pelirroja Joined Forces with Carpaccio – another handsome red, with a lovely head and carriage, good outline and well boned.Forechest developing nicely and strong loin. Moved freely and easily when settled.RCC
3rd Hinwood’s Adnerb Sheer Nanagins
PG D 2
1st Cox’s Dovestream Black Russian at Dachshinbull – black and tan with decent head shape and level topline,perhaps could do with a little more in front to be ideal.Proportions and ground clearance good. Moved out well
2nd Robertson’s Rijobeau Jack The Lad at Ravenwood – red with pleasing head, dark almond eye and good infront , just appeared bit long in back.,overstretched a bit when set up which may have exaggerated this.
L D 1
1st Hunt’s Carpaccio Suchard – attractive chocolate dapple with a houndy head and prominent forechest. Strong bone and proper broad feet. Slightly long in loin., hammy quarters . Very active and free on the move.
O D 5(3)
1st MacDonald’s Bensarka Limerick- Compact and masculine red of pleasing proportions. Houndy head and length to neck. Sternum reaching well back with corresponding ribbing .Decent bone and feet and moved with purpose.
2nd Chauhan’s Raajput’s Blacky Returns – black and tan with decent head and pronounced forechest , just needing a bit more length to sternum for me. Tending to splay feet a little but moved with long stride.
V D 2(1)
1st Starkey’s Ch Carpaccio Jasper from Hamoura SH CM ,VW, - masculine black and tan ten year old with balanced head and all of a piece, good proportions and level topline. Well developed forechest and good angles at rear. Moved steadily. BV
MP B 10 (3)#
1st Stark’s Adnerbs Not On Your Nellie Gobannium – well made red baby who pleased in overall outline and proportions . Lovely head set on neck of good length and held proudly. Topline level and smooth, strong bone and feet. Tail set maybe a little high at moment but growing still to do.
2nd Mc Naughton’s Cedavoch Sea Breeze - lovely red who also pleased with correct outline and head , body developing nicely with good angulation, just a little less forward than winner.
3rd Hunt’s Lauralee Joan Of Arc at Carpaccio
P B 7
1st McNaughton’s Cedavoch Storm Quest – lovely shaded red, attractive head,skull and muzzle equidistant . Flowed from backskull to tail and well made front and rear. Liked her two to one proportions and she moved like she knows how good she is. BPB. Just lost out to her litter brother for BP as he seems that little bit more mature.
2nd Small’s Ulybka Fortuny Zlatovlaska (Imp RUS)- feminine black and tan, so bonny in head shape and eye. High set sternum and super outline and proportions. Very active on the move.
3rd Stark’s Adnerbs Not On Your Gobannium
J B 4
1st Peel and Andison’s – Cedavoch Argentine Tango – appealing red, feminine and with conical head and almond eye. Good bone and well padded feet . Maybe a little bit straighter in front but liked her overall shape and she moved actively.
2nd Locket-Walters Ralines Quickstep – lovely black and tan of good outline and angulation. Balance to head and well sized feet. Held topline stacked but just sinking behind withers on the move today.
3rd O’Brien’s Almaznyi Laretz Europe at Delekadax(Imp RUS)
PG B 1 1ST Cox’s Dovestream Skip The Favour at Bulldaxit – red with decent head and eye and level topline , held on the move. A bit lacking in forechest for me but strong meaty feet and moved with purpose.
L B 6
1ST Chauhan Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput – shaded red, beautiful shape to head with reach to neck and level in topline. Body proportions correct and well placed prosternum and front angles, corresponding at rear. Free mover. Considered for RCC
2nd Tomlinson’s Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax – feminine red with balanced head , perhaps could do with a little more length to neck but decent topline and underline and strode out on the move.
3rd Stark’s Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium J.W.
O B 5(2)
1st Chauhan’s Adnerbs Take A Chance on Me at Raajput – black and tan beauty with a touch of class. Skull and muzzle in proportion and body two to one. Proud head carriage due to correct length of neck . Compact body with strong loin and level , flowing topline. Free and easy on the move and true fore and aft. CC and BOB.
2nd Rodger’s Cedavoch Sophisticate at Thundergay- red in good order.Loved her as a puppy and well pleased with how she has turned out. Houndy head and prominent prosternum.Typical outline and topline level with pleasing proportions. Moved happily and actively. RCC
3rd Jones Adnerbs Lexi Get Fizzical JW Sh CM, Sh CEx