Judge: Peter Higgins

BEST OF BREED :  NORTON Matzell Martinella & Best in Show
Dog CC : GRAHAM Marvale Chancellor at Ravold
Res Dog CC : WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian San Antonio

Best Dog Puppy : WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian San Antonio

Bitch CC  : NORTON Matzell Martinella
Res Bitch CC  : LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Quickstep

Best Bitch Puppy : STARK Gobannium Made of Honour

Best Puppy : WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian San Antonio & Reserve Best Puppy in Show

Best Veteran : NORTON Ch Matzell Martha


Veteran Dog or Bitch (3)
1st: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha

2nd: BURKE Bonavoir Testa Rossa

3rd: HINWOOD Longmel Special Truffle


Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: CARVER Hasoma Lumiere


Puppy Dog (3,1)
1st: WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian Blind Side

2nd: JONES Gobannium I'm All Shook Up from Adnerbs


Junior Dog (4)
1st: WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian San Antonio


Yearling Dog (2)
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Rohan


Post Graduate Dog (4)
1st: RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW

2nd: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hunky Dory

3rd: CARVER Kiersha Mr Fawkes at Hasoma

Res: RATSEY-WOODROFFE & RIPPON From Eversden Dachs Heart of Gold for Preziosa (Imp Bgr)


Limit Dog (7,1)
1st: GRAHAM Marvale Chancellor at Ravold

2nd: BINKS Cedavoch Ocean Storm

3rd: HINWOOD Adnerbs Sheer Nanagins at Longmel

Res: CHAUNAN Neithhund Angus at Raajput

VHC: RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW

Open Dog (3)
1st: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis

2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann

3rd: RATSEY-WOODROFFE & RIPPON From Eversden Dachs Heart of Gold for Preziosa (Imp Bgr)


Minor Puppy Bitch (3,1)
1st: RYCROFT Carpaccio Queen Consult for Trisensara

2nd: VALENTINE Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz


Puppy Bitch (1)
1st: STARK Gobannium Made of Honour


Junior Bitch (2,1)

1st: STARK Gobannium Gladsy Friday


Yearling Bitch (2,2)



Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)
1st: WILKINSON & WAKEMAN Raajput's Candian Winter with Wakywilks

2nd: GOFFIN-THOROGOOD Matzell Mazari

3rd: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit


Limit Bitch (3)
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Clentry Crunchy Carrot

2nd: CHAUNAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput

3rd: STARK Adnerb Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSW

Open Bitch (4,2)
1st: LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Quickstep

2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Storm Quest



Would like to thank the  committee for a warm welcome and a well run show. overall i thought the quality of the smooths were good and while some did not seem to like the slightly slippery floor a few would benefit from some road work, i was delighted to see my BOB go Best in Show 

VD/B.3 ,1 Nortons CH Matzell Martha  red bitch of good Quality and type that still knows how to show herself off, with nice shoulders ,reach of neck and feminine head  kept a good sound topline on the move BV 2 Burke Bonavoir Testa Rossa lovely 13 year old  bitch who moved out true and sound around the ring   well balanced throughout 3 Hinwoods Longmel Special truffle 

MPD 1,1 Carver Hasoma Lumiere this raw pup of 7 months had a nice head and  and once settled moved well around the ring little shoulder will drop back in time im sure 

PD 2,1 Williams and tite Cwndarhian Blind Side very smart dog great hound head and keen dark eye i liked the depth of keel and length of ribbing and while he was not keen on the floor there was plenty of drive from the hind quarters will have a great future and as always so  well handled 2 jones gobannium im all shook up at abnerb this dog has a lot to offer in that he is well made lots of drive a well made front and a strong topline that was kept at all times for me a little on the large size 

JD 1,1 Williams and Moes Cwmdarhian san antonio on some well padded feet this young dog drove around the ring with ease good hound head and nice front assembly  good spring of rib  kept a tight topline at all times BPD, Res DCC 

YD 1,1 Mcnaughton  Cedavoch rohan solid built  male  with good shoulders and depth of keel  nice length of ribbing well balanced overall

PGD 4,1 rycroft Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW nice type that moved well  good head and pleasing expression  nice outline on the move 2 Chapman-reith Hayvenhund hunky dory smart young male that has a bright future im sure, nice front assembly reach of neck a strong hound head  with a happy  lively personality and expert handling he moved out with ease around the ring 3 carver  mr fawksat hassoma 

LD 7,1AB ,1 Graham Marvale chancellor at ravold smart eye catching male with the right amount of ring presents on the move , nice shoulders depth of keel reach of neck length of ribbing  and strong hind quarters this well balanced male with correct length to hight ratio he stood out for me, put down in good hard condition he deserved his DCC award 2 binks Cedavoch ocean storm another quality  dog from this kennel lovely shoulders and reach of neck nice turn of stifle smart topline held at all times 

3 hinwoods adnerb sheer nanaginsat longmel  

OD3,1 Heels Daxanory menacing dennis solid male well constructed, good front assembly, length, spring of rib moved out  well around the ring 2 mc naughton  ch cedavoch struann sound dog of quality and type good tight shoulder  and depth of keel  moved true at all times 3 ratsey-woodroffe and rippon From eversden dachs heart of gold for preziosa (impBGR) 

MPB 3 1AB, 1rycroft Carpaccio queen consult for trisensara nice type with a lovely  outline nice shoulder and reach of neck moved out well  one to keep an eye on id say  2Valentine Empetthounds genisis into tiffwazz a very raw pup  but once she settled and was freestanding looked the part,  finer type than 1  but none less well constructed

PB 1,1stark gobannium made of honour, eye catching balanced  bitch , nice shoulders and length spring of rib good turn of stifle  moved soundly at all times a promising future BPB 

JB 2 1AB, 1stark gobannium Gladys friday much the same qualities as litter sister  in previous class she did not move out as well today  but im sure they will swap places in there  shows to come 

PGB4,1 wilkinson and wakeham raajput canadian winter with wakywilks elegant bitch with a nice shape not overdone in anyway good turn of stifle and head carriage,   at 17 months she just needs time for it all to come together  very smart 2 Goffin-thorogood Matzell mazari very sound well bred bitch nice shoulder and depth of keel correct length to hight ratio sound movement 3 chapman -reith hayvenhund hissy fit 

LB3,1 Norton Matzell Martinella well made bitch full of quality and type  good shoulders reach of neck and feminine head with keen dark eye good length spring  of ribbing kept a nice outline at all times  moved soundly around the ring  a well deserved  BCC,BOB and BIS 2 chauhan adnerb forever charmed at raajput  smart bitch clean outline with nice headand reach of neck nice  expresion  good ribbing moved out with drive 3stark adnerb won vision of gobannnium 

OB 4 2AB,1 Lockett-walters Ralines quickstep quality type with nice deep keel proud head and keen eye good reach of neck moved around the ring with ease on nice tight feet smart clean underline RES BCC 2 mcnaughton Cedavoch storm quest good shoulders on this bitch who looked as good on the move as she did on the stack nice front construction and feminine head 

AV puppy Stakes 18, 6abs 1howlett and phillips Tendrow malibar (std wire) an eye catching dog who had great ring presents  great shoulders length and spring of ribbing kept a tight strong topline at all times masculine head without being overdone in anyway put down in first class condition and handled to perfection 2 O'connell Rijobeau rumours with llennocor (mini smooth) pity it was up against such a strong winner but this super young dog has lots to like well built and correct in construction he drove around the ring with purpose has a bright future im sure 3 rose  barratini song and dance with rosencrantz 

AV PG Stakes 10 7abs 1 small kenzduo monday mojito at devondax (mini long) tidy outline on this bitch moved well and with drive, nice shoulder and head shape 2 chapman-reith hayvenhund hunky dory (std smooth) as in 2nd PGD breed class 

AV Champion  stakes 3 1abs 1 dance CH emem solar power jw well made dog nice shoulder, length of rib and strong hind quarters moved so well around the ring with drive and purpose cracking hard  wire coat 2 cross and black CH riowoodred boots classy dog nice front construction and reach of neck good turn of stifle  on a strong back end