Judge: Janet Kay

BEST OF BREED : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario & Best in Show
Dog CC : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Res Dog CC : HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis

Best Puppy Dog : WYETH Rayol Texas Ranger
Bitch CC :   STARK Adnerb Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSW
Res Bitch CC :  CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit

Best Puppy Bitch : ASHBY & SMITH Rayol Pumpkin Pie
Best Puppy : WYETH Rayol Texas Ranger & Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran : NORTON Ch Matzell Martha & Reserve Veteran Best in Show


Veteran Dog or Bitch (5,3)
1st: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha
2nd:VALENTINE Tiffwazz Robin


Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Awesome

Puppy Dog (4)
1st: WYETH Rayol Texas Ranger
2nd: TITE Rayol Buffalo Bill

3rd: ASHBY Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax

Res: COUPLAND Rayol Charlie Brown

Junior Dog (2,1)
1st: WILLIAMS & TITE Cwmdarhian Blind Side


Yearling Dog (6)
1st:  MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Rohan
2nd: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hunky Dory
3rd: HUNT Carpaccio Red Knight

Res: WILLOCK Raajput's Cosmic Flower

VHC: STEELE Withywindles The Emperor

Post Graduate Dog (6,2)
1st: BETHEL Hampdach Lord Flashheart
2nd: RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW
3rd: WILLOCK Raajput's Cosmic Flower

Res: RAYSEY-WOODROFFE & RIPPON From Eversden Dachs Heart of Gold for Prezosa


Limit Dog (5)
1st: GRAHAM Marvale Chancellor at Ravold
2nd: JONES & MOES Cwmdarhian Gordon Ramsay
3rd: CHAUNAN Neithund Angus at Raajput
Res: STARKEY Carpaccio Magnum Pi at Hamoura
VHC: HINWOOD Anerbs Sheer Nanagins at Longmel

Open Dog (6,1)
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
2nd: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis
3rd: RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW

Res: BINKS Cedavoch Ocean Storm
VHC: RATSEY-WOODROFFE & RIPPON From Eversem Dachs Heart of Gold for Preziosa (Imp Bgr)

Champion Dog (1)
1st: MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Struuann


Minor Puppy Bitch (3)
1st: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Rose
2nd: HINWOOD Longmel After Eight Truffle
3rd: PARKER Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax

Puppy Bitch (5)
1st: ASHBY & SMITH Rayol Pumpkin Pie
2nd: VALENTINE Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz
3rd: ROBERTS & SMITH Rayol Cherry Pancake
Res: RYCROFT Carpaccio Queen Consult for Trisensara
VHC: PARKER Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax

Junior Bitch (2)
1st: STARK Gobannium Made Of Honour
2nd:CHANCE & DODD Cairnphael Special Return to Dotlun

Yearling Bitch (5,2)
1st: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit
2nd:MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Lothlorien

3rd:GENTLE Craimose Freesia

Post Graduate Bitch (4)
1st: TOMLINSON Melisdax Memories of May
2nd: CHANCE & DODDS Silkybeau Suchn Impression on Dotlun
3rd: GOFFIN-THOROGOOD Matzell Mazari

Res: PARKER Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax

Limit Bitch (8,4)
1st: MACDONALD Hampdach Alice Springs at Bensarka
2nd: CHAUHAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput

3rd:  STARK Gobannium Gladys Friday
Res: BURKE Hampdach She's Got the Look

Open Bitch (6)
1st: STARK Adnerb Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSW
2nd: NORTON Matzell Martinella
3rd:  PATERSON Cwmdarhian The Mistress
Res:  CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
VHC: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Storm Quest

Champion Bitch - NO ENTRIES

The Smooth Haired Dachshund Club Championship show Saturday 20th April 2024 Held at the sports connexion Ryton on Dunsmore Nr Coventry.


My thanks also go the club for their kind invitation and to all exhibitors that gave the club a record entry in both Smooth and Miniature Smooth Dachshunds.


Smooth Haired

Vet Dog/Bitch – 1. Ch Matzell Martha (Norton) Mature red girl that was full of femininity. Lovely head and kind intelligent expression. Elegant length of neck into firm strong topline she had a wonderful forehand assembly and front action. Well, ribbed back to strong muscular loin. She was in super condition throughout and a credit to her owner. I also considered her for high honours. 2. Tiffwazz Robin – Valentine – BT girl who was slightly older. She was well filled out today and her topline was not a firm. She had strong ample bone and lovely broad well knuckled feet. MPD. 1. Daxanory Menacing Awesome – Heels – Red who is very early in his show career and lots of time on his side, he was very loose today which can change very quickly as puppies grow. He has lots of bone throughout to build strong muscles on. At this time, he had good height to length ratio’s which is good for the future. On the move he was a little excited. PD. A lovely class of 4 litter brothers all at slightly different stages I was delighted.  1. Rayol Texas Rangers – Wyeth – This young red boy filled my eye full of masculinity with a dark almond shaped eye nicely set high ears. Well, filled forechest and plenty of keel. His shoulders were very well laid and strong, strength in legs to broad full feet. Correct ribbing and muscular loin. His broad full rump gave him power and good angulation to give him a free-flowing stride. BPD & Best Puppy in Breed. Delighted to see him achieve Best Puppy in Show. 2. Rayol Buffalo Bill – Tite – Red boy and very much out of the same model. A better overall size but not as well developed at the moment and lacked some muscle tone, but it is still early days and needs to build slowly. He has the strong bone and chest in keeping with development. I’m keen to watch this litter develop to its full potential. 3. Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax – Ashby JrD. 1. Cwmdarhian Blind Side – Williams & Tite – This dog is not long out of puppy and still needs time to fill out and mature. He has ample chest with sufficient ribbing and muscular loin. His nicely developing round rump and sound angulation bodes well for the future. YrD 1. Cedavoch Rohan – McNaughton – Lovely Bone on this B/T boy with   plenty of condition. He had good length of neck into a firm topline and suitable depth of chest to leg length. Clean underline with muscular loin and well-set tail which was an extension of his spine held well. On the move he was confident and proud. 2. Hayvenhund Hunky Dorry – Chapman-Reith – A slightly older B/T with a masculine head and expression. I preferred the flow of neck on 1 and would like a little more body on him. He moved out with a free action. 3. Carpaccio Red Knight – Hunt. PGD. 1. Hampdach Lord Flashheart - Bethal – this B/T is maturing slowly. He has a prominent keel with depth and fill with pleasing leg length to body depth to enable a good day’s work. Well angulated hind quarters for power and propulsion. 2. Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW – Rycroft - Red boy with a lovely hound shaped head and darkest eyes correctly set ears. He had ample bone to the best feet. I was really nit picking between these two. 3. Raaiput’s Cosmic Flower LD. 1. Marvale Chancellor at Ravold JW – Graham – B/T boy of good proportions. Appealing masculine head with intelligent expression. He had ground clearance and substance, with elegant masculinity. Precise movement. 2. Cwmdarhian Gordon Ramsay – Jones Williams & Moes – I have admired this boy in the past, today he met strong competition. Lovely type and well balanced. He had excellent broad full feet which were clean and neat. A strong topline and muscular throughout. I’m sure these 2 boys would change places easily. He moved without effort and flowed. 3. Neithund Angus at Raajput. OD. 1. Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario – Williams & Moes - This young red boy was very mature for his age and well worthy of his title. In super muscular condition. He had a lovey masculine head with equal plains from occiput to stop and nose featuring almond shaped dark eyes with an expression of bold intelligence. Well, filled chest and a grace full length of neck enhanced as it flowed into his shoulders. He had, correct ground clearance to work all day along with clean underline his ribbing reached back to a short muscular loin. His rounded hind was muscular and smooth, straight hocks to tight knitted feet and thick pads. On the move he was straight and free with power to drive. BD BoB. I was thrilled to watch him awarded top spot of Best in Show from much respected Judge Mrs Jane Cule. 2. Daxanory Menacing Dennis – Heels – Red boy masculine head and intelligent expression, I prefer the neck length of the winner although this could be due to handling techniques. He had a well filled chest and ample keel. Large well knuckled feet. Soundly filled chest and with ample depth and good length, nicely ribbed back to muscular loin. Sound hind legs he was a free mover with good extension. RCC. 3. Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW - Roycroft's. Champ 1. Ch Cedavoch Struuann - McNaughton's – a lovely 3yr red boy, a touch lower to ground. His masculine head he carried with great attitude and courage a beautiful length of neck which showed off his well-filled chest and keel well laid shoulders were correctly placed to cover the deepest part of his chest he was in good condition and was seriously considered in the challenge. MPB. 1. Daxanory Ravishing Rose – Heels – Red At just 6months she gives a good outline. Full of femininity and a kind gentle eye. I liked her bone to build strong muscles on she held her topline and had a clean underline her ratio of chest to leg and ground clearance was good, on the move, she was positive. BPB. 2. Longmel After Eight Truffle – Hinwood – This B/T girl was not as mature she had lovely broad closely knitted feet. She needs time to fill out and develop. 3. Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax – Parker PB. 1. Rayol Pumpkin Pie – Roberts & Smith – Lovely 9month red girl. Still had some puppy weight at the moment. She has a good height to length. Her topline needs to firm up and she has a lovely full chest. 2. Empetthounds Genesis Into Tiffwazz – Valentine – B/T Not as confident today but It was noisy and lots going on. She has lots of points to like about her, sufficient filled of chest and lovely knuckled feet she was well filled all through and had ground clearance. She moved nicely. 3. Rayol Cherry Pancake – Roberts & Smith JrB. 1. Gobannium Made of Honour – Stark – Red, just out of puppy classes and mature for her age. Her well filled chest with good keel fits neatly between her front legs she is well ribbed back and has a strong loin. Nicely rounded rump with strong muscles she moved out with a good driving action. She has a bright future. 2. Cairnmpheal Special Return To Dotlun – Chance & Dodds – B/T This young lady is a slower developer which bodes well for the future. She was giving her handler a fun time but I expected from her youth and forgave her. She had ample bone on which to develop strong muscles. Her dark all seeing eyes gave a bold intelligent expression. Elegant length of neck into shoulders, good length of leg with ample ground clearance. Her ribs extended well back and her topline was firm with her tail an extension of her spine.  YrgB.  One of the best classes of the day 1. Hayvenhund Hissy Fit – Chapman-Reith – B/T – This young lady has bags of potential. Her head was long with enough breadth, high set ears that framed her face her almond shaped dark eyes gave a gentle intelligent expression. Strength of underjaw and strong teeth, good for hunting. She had a good fill to her chest and ample keel. Her spring of ribs where in proportion to the rest of her frame. Her topline was muscular and strong with flexibility to her loin without being soft on the move she drove with power on her full broad feet. RCC. 2. Cedavoch Lothlorien – McNaughton – B/T – She had a super almond shaped eye with good skull to muzzle ratio. Elegant length of neck that was muscular without being coarse into her firm topline. I felt the winner was more settled today. 3. Crainmose Freesia – Gentle PGB. 1. Melisdax Memories of May - Tomlinson - B/T - Well-proportioned and balanced in profile, nicely laid shoulders and strong muscular top-line, ample reach of neck, enough loin and clean underline. She had broad well-padded feet giving her an effortless action. 2. Silkybeau Suchin Impression on Dotlun – Chance & Dodds - Red – this young lady was noticeably younger and showed in her maturity to the job in-hand. Super feminine head with gentle expression from her almond shaped eyes. Ample length of neck, good length of leg to her beautiful feet. Which were broad, deep and full. On the move she was positive and free. 3. Matzell Mazari - Goffin-Thorogood LB. 1, Hampdach Alice Springs at Bensarka – Macdonald – Red – A mature girl who is well balanced throughout. Feminine head and expression, good length of neck that accentuates her forechest, which had good dimples, nicely laid shoulders strong bone and muscular throughout. She moved straight and true with drive. 2. Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput – Chauhan – Red – A little long for me today which made her unbalanced. She had a feminine expression and high ears that framed her face her neck didn’t quite flow as well into shoulders although this could be handling. Ample ground clearance. She moved well. 3. Gobannium Gladys Friday – Stark OB. 1. Adnerbs Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSW – Stark – Red – A mature girl who is full of femininity and elegance from her typical hound shaped head to the tip of her well carried tail. Her chest was well filled between her strong well boned forelegs her ribbing reached well back to her muscular flexible loin. Her topline was firm both standing and on the move. Her hind legs had ample angulation to give a strong positive driving action. I was pleased to give her BB and CC. 2. Matzell Martinella – Norton – Red - Lovely red bitch who remained feminine but still had all the bone and substance required to do a day’s work. Pretty head, correct eye and excellent fore chest. Nicely balance with lovely hindquarters. She moved out well 3. Cwmdarhian The Mistress – Paterson. Judge: Janet Kay