West of England Dachshund Club 2011
Judge: Mr Hans Van Der Berg
Dog CC : MOORE & COVERLEY Ch/Ir Ch Ex Sentia I'm Bond James Bond
Pinheiros Zucchini
Bitch CC : MCCALMONT Ch Silvae Zest
Res Bitch CC : SEATH Sunsong Wish Upon a Star
Best Puppy : SEATH Sunsong Wish Upon a Star
Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: DOWNES Aventine You Only Live Twice
Puppy Dog (3)
1st: MAES Barembak Big League Bob
2nd: PATTON Lesandnic Sea the Stars
3rd: ROLLINSON Bystock Double O'Seven at Nosinllor
Junior Dog (2)
1st: PATTON Lesandnic Sea the Stars
2nd: MISKELL & ROACH Lovehayne Red Kyte
Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st: VINE Chiselvine Surf Rider
2nd: KIRBY Bystock Bananarama
Limit Dog (8)
1st: PHILLIPS Cishelvine Swellegant at Tendrow JW
2nd: COVERLEY Aventine Tropic Thunder JW
3rd: SMITH Salixian Eclat
Open Dog (6)
1st: MOORE & COVERLEY Ch/Ir Ch Sentia I'm Bond James Bond
Pinheiros Zucchini
3rd: PATTON Ir Ch Lesandnic Larsson
Veteran Dog or Bitch (6)
1st: KENT Liebling Sweet Charity
2nd: MOORE CH Ir & Am Ch Raydach Tom Cruisen On
3rd: BATES & MAE JONES Watermans Martha of Derochaise
Minor Puppy Bitch (1)
1st:COVERLEY Aventine Shaken not Stirred
Puppy Bitch (3)
1st: SEATH Sunsong Wish Upon a Star
2nd: PATTON Lesandnic Sariska
3rd: LEREGO Teckelgarth Gretel
Junior Bitch (4)
1st: PUGHE & FRASER Bystock Black Truffle
2nd:SEATH Boloria Kaleena at Sunsong
3rd: VINE Cishelvine Ice Folly
Post Graduate Bitch (5)
1st: VINE Cishelvine Dream of the Sea
2nd: DIBE Liebling Tigers Eye
3rd: PHILLIPS Tendrow Replayed in Red
Limit Bitch (6)
1st: MCCALMONT Silvae Zeal
2nd:ROWE Boloria Anisia Bella
3rd: MEASE Weaverwire Florin
Open Bitch (10)
1st: MCCALMONT Ch Silvae Zest
2nd: MOORE Ch Molloney Ann Other at Romanchi
3rd: ROLLINSON Ch Nosinllor Joan of Arc
It was a great honour to judge, for the
first time, Dachshunds in England. The committee did a fantastic job! It was
a very nice venue with spacious rings, and all went on very smoothly. The
Standard Wires are not different in type from the continent and judging was
easier than I thought. I was surprised reading afterwards my CC winning dog
was a Polish import. My ring stewards were excellent and the friendly
atmosphere gave me energy. Thank you very much for the invitation.
MPD(1) 1 Downes' Aventine You Only Live Twice. Very nice in type,
long head, skull and muzzle equal in length, dark eye, ears are high set,
needs time to get a stronger front, level topline, good rear, very harsh
coat, could move with more animation. PD(3) 1 Patton's
Lesandnic Sea The Stars. Liked the type a lot, long, elegant head, slightly
arched skull, dark eye, good ear carriage, needs time to get a stronger
front, for age good depth in chest, good tailset, harsh coat, needs shorter
loins, good mover. 2 Carruthers &Marston-Pollock's Ambiesque Adventure.
Excels in type, needs more length in head, good earset, eye could be darker,
sufficient angulation in front, good tailset, harsh coat, very good mover. 3
Leregos Teckelgarth Hansel. JD(3) 1 Maeses Barembak Big
Leage Bob. Very nice in type, long elegant head with good earset and dark
eyes, excellent angulation in front and rear, good forechest, level topline,
coat texture could be better. 2 Patton's Lesandnic Sea The Stars. 3
Rollinson's Bystock Double O'Seven At Nosinllor. PGD(3) 1
Vine's Cishelvine Surf Rider. Excellent in type, needs more length in head,
almond shaped eye, good ear carriage, front could be stronger, slightly soft
in topline, coat a bit thin, liked his movement. 2 Kirkby's Bystock
Bananarama. Liked his temperament a lot, very nice head with dark eyes and
high set ears, very harsh coat, movement could be better. LD(8)
1 Phillips' Cishelvine Swellegant Guy At Tendrow JW. Very nice in type and
in tip top show condition, showed himself, needs more length in head, dark
eye, good earset, excellent angulations in front and rear, good depth in
chest, strong topline, excellent mover. 2 Coverley's Aventine Tropic Thunder
JW. Long head, ears a bit low set, needs more strength in muzzle, long neck,
good body, well angulated in front and rear, harsh coat, liked his movement.
3 Smith's Salixian Eclat. OD(6) 1 Moore &Coverley's CH/Ir
Ch Sentia I'm Bond James Bond. Excellent balance between height and length,
very nice in size, very nice in head shape, strong muzzle, good expressio,
good earset, liked his well angulated front and rear and his strong topline,
good tailset, very good mover. CC. 2 McCalmont, Heywood &Pedrosos Ch/Am Ch
Treis Pinheiros Zucchini. Very nice in type, long head, needs more strength
in muzzle, nice dark eyes with good earset, well angulated in front and
rear, one of the better movers. Res CC. 3 Patton's Ir Ch Lesandic Larsson.
V (6) 1 Kent's Liebling Sweet Charity. Looks like a young
dog, is in super show condition. Long head with good ear carriage and good
expression, excellent front and rear with a strong topline, moves with
drive. BISVeteran. 2 Moore's Ch/Ir Ch/Am Ch Raydachs Tom Cruisen On. Very
nice dog, liked his long elegant head a lot, dark eyes, front could be
stronger, level topline with good tailset, moves with drive. 3 Bates/Maes
Jones' Watermans Martha Of Derochaise. MPB(1) 1 Coverley's
Aventine Shaken Not Stirred. Liked her nice head a lot, dark eyes and good
earset, excellent angulation in front and rear, strong topline and good
depth in chest, good tailset, harsh coat, showing could be better.
PB(3) 1 Seaths Sunson Wish Upon A Star. A Real Young Star. Well
balanced between height and length, liked her head a lot with dark eyes,
good earset and good length in muzzle, needs time to get stronger front
feet, strong, level topline, good tail carriage and an excellent mover. Res
CC and later on BPIS. 2 Patton's Lesandnic Sariska. Liked the type, long
head, liked her expression, ears are high set, harsh coat, needs a shorter
body, good mover. 3 Leregos Teckelgarth Gretel. JB(6) 1
Pughe &Fraser's Bystock Black Truffle. No exaggerations! Lovely bitch, well
presented, long head with good ear set, dark eye, excellent angulated in
front and rear, good depth in body, harsh coat, liked her movement a lot. 2
Seath's Bolorias Kaleena At Sunsong. Nice in type, needs more length in
head, good expression, good earset, well angulated in front and rear, harsh
coat, movement could be slightly better. 3 Vine's Cishelvine Ice Folly.
PGB(5) 1 Vine's Cishelvine Dream Of The Sea. Lovely bitch,
a bit too low to the ground, needs a longer head, excellent angulation in
front and rear, strong topline, harsh coat, liked her movement a lot. 2
Dible's Liebling Tigers Eye. Excellent in type, feminine, long, elegant
head, excellent angulation in front and rear, needs a stronger topline and
on the move, the front could be better, harsh coat. 3 Phillips' Tendrow
Replayed In Red. LB(6) 1 McCalmont's Silvae Zael. Very nice
bitch, a bit masculine in type, liked her head a lot with a good earset and
dark eyes, excellent angulation in front and rear, level topline with good
tailset, harsh coat, moved with drive. 2 Rowe's Boloria Anisia Bella. Very
nice bitch, could be shorter in loins, long head, good length in muzzle,
good earset and almond shaped eyes, needs a stronger front, harsh coat,
liked her movement. 3 Meases Weaverwire Florin. OB(10) 1
McCalmont's Ch Silvae Zest. Presented in immaculate condition, her strong
points are her long, elegant head, forechest and long neck, lovely
expression, good ear set, super front, level topline, good tailset and moved
with drive. CC, BOB and Res BIS. 2 Moore's Ch Molloney Ann Other At Romanchi.
Very nice in type, liked her size a lot, very nice head shape with a long
neck, very nice forechest, strong topline, harsh coat, movement could be
slightly better. Rollinson's Ch Nosinllor Joan Of Arc.
Hans van den Berg