Richmond Championship Show


Judge: Wendy Starkey

BEST OF BREED : SEATH Ch Sunsong Dare To Dream
Dog CC : SEATH Ch Sunsong Dare To Dream
Res Dog CC : ORD & AINSELEY Cloudside Sebastian of Marnadee JW
Bitch CC : SEATH Sunsong Hopes and Dream
Res Bitch CC : ROWE's Ch Boloria's Trick or Treat
Best Puppy : MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Night at the Opera
Best Veteran :ROWE's Ch Boloria's Trick or Treat
Best Special Beginner : HERBERT Bixadicroise Caramel

Veteran Dog (1,1)
1st: Absent

Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: HERBERT Bixadicroise Caramel

Puppy Dog (2)
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
2nd: HERBERT Bixadicroise Caramel



Post Graduate Dog (1)
1st: JACKSON Elderkine Special Brew

Limit Dog (2)
1st: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice
2nd: APpS Calicoe Just Me

Open Dog (4,2)
1st: SEATH Ch Sunsong Dare To Dream
2nd:ORD & AINSELEY Cloudside Sebastian of Marnadee JW

Special Beginner Dog (1)
1st: HERBERT Bixadicroise Caramel

Veteran Bitch (1)
1st: ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW VW

Minor Puppy Bitch (1,1)
1st: Absent

Puppy Bitch (11,1)
1st: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Night At The Opera
2nd: DEAN & MOORE Romanchi A Kind of Magic to Dierfiur
3rd: WALLER Lallybrook Royale Legacy

Junior Bitch (2)
1st: WALLER Lallybrook Royal Toast
2nd: JACKSON Elderkine Bronte

Yearling Bitch (2)
1st: JACKSON Hototo's Speculator
2nd: HOWE Bramalodge Baby I'm Yours

Novice Bitch (1)
1st: HOWE Bramalodge Beeswing

Post Graduate Bitch (3,2)
1st: SEXTON & BYE Tendrow More Magic for Byabye

Limit Bitch (1)
1st: MOORE & DEAN Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur

Open Bitch (1)
1st: SEATH Sunsong Hopes And Dreams

Special Beginner Bitch NO ENTRIES

RICHMOND CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW 6 th September 2024 I am so glad I was available to fill in for Geraldine Brace who I know was very disappointed at not being able to Judge herself and I hope I have done as well as she would have. I must also thank the exhibitors for braving the weather. I cannot believe the rain, nor how quicky it changed from glorious sunshine to torrential rain in 20 seconds. Richmond Committee did so well to keep rings open and the show going.


Class181 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 182 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 312 HERBERT, Miss Sarah Bixadicroise Caramel, a 7 month very bubbly puppy, he has a nice shaped head running into a long arched neck, with a reasonable top line but he was a little difficult dur to his exuberance however once settled his movement was fine,

Class 183 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 326 ROWE, Mrs Jenny & ROWE, Miss Rebecca Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom, a very good quality puppy, he gave the best of himself, he is presented beautifully. His correctly shaped head, with a well shaped eye, this runs into a good neck flowing into a well laid shoulder, he holds a top line and moves with drive, he should progress well.

2nd: 312 HERBERT, Miss Sarah Bixadicroise Caramel




Class 187 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 318 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Elderkine Special Brew,

Class 188 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 309 AKEHURST, Mrs Cheryl Boloria All Spice

2nd: 310 APPS, Mrs Sarah Anne Calicoe Just Me

Class 189 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 328 SEATH, Mrs S Ch Sunsong Dare To Dream

2nd: 323 ORD, Mr M & AINSLEY, Mr Philip Cloudside Sebastian Of Marnadee Jw

Class 190 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 312 HERBERT, Miss Sarah Bixadicroise Caramel

 Class 191 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 325 ROWE, Miss R Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW VW

Class 192 MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 1

 Class 193 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 322 MOORE, Mrs Anne & DOWNES, Miss Laura Romanchi Night At The Opera

 2nd: 311 DEAN, Mrs Jane & MOORE, Mrs Anne Romanchi A Kind Of Magic To Dierfiur

3rd: 333 WALLER, Mrs Yvette Lallybrook Royale Legacy

Class 194 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 332 WALLER, Mrs Yvette Lallybrook Royal Toast

2nd: 320 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Elderkine's Bronte

Class 195 YB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 319 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Hototo's Speculator

2nd: 313 HOWE, Miss Emily Bramalodge Baby I'm Yours JW

Class 196 NB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 314 HOWE, Miss Emily Bramalodge Beeswing

Class 197 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 2

 1st: 329 SEXTON, Mrs Laura & BYE, Mr Andy Tendrow More Magic For Byabye

Class 198 LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 321 MOORE, Mrs Anne & DEAN, Mrs Jane Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur

Class 199 OB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

 1st: 327 SEATH, Mrs S Sunsong Hopes And Dreams