Dachshund Club 2003

Judge: Jean Voaden


BIS was Lockett's Ch Ralines Royal Acclaim. A v glamorous shaded cream mini l/h b, full of quality and elegance she never stopped showing and fully deserved her win. RBIS was Holts Metadale Midnight Cowboy. Shaded red l/h std, a beautifully sound, upstanding young d, one who should gain his title with ease. BPIS was Metcalfe's Metadale Macqua Rie. 10 mth old std l/h d , a real eye catcher, sound and impressive, should have a bright future. RBPIS was Angear's Ridgegrove Celebration. Shaded red mini l/h b, small and neat with good movement, v promising. BVIS was Geeson's Abydachs Viking. Shaded red std l/h d, v well named, a striking exhibit who looked a picture, a v sound d with a lovely top line and good movement.

Jean Voaden