Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)

Judge: Mrs I Dyke

Dog CC : 1907 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Cut a Dash
Res Dog CC : 1908 Mrs L COXON Ch D'Arisca In Confidence
Bitch CC : 1911 Mrs S M ERGIS Ch Siouxline Angelina
Res Bitch CC : 1934 Miss S METCALFE Bronia Saucy Sara at Metadale NAF
Best Puppy : 1907 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Cut a Dash
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 1907 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Cut a Dash

Class 434 MPD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1900 Mr P & Mrs P BARBER Rivergate Gallanthus
2nd: 1945 Mrs M E SHUTT Donnadoon Mystical Mover
3rd: 1942 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Whisky

Class 435 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1907 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Cut a Dash
2nd: 1942 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Whisky

Class 436 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1902 Mrs W & Miss N BASSANT Shardagang Johnny Walker At Crancott
2nd: 1941 Mrs C M ORTON Scalamor Willow the Wisp

Class 437 SYD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1901 Miss H BARRATT, Mr A J M & LONGLANDS Dablea Edison

Class 438 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1925 Miss G LUKE Corrieknowe Circassian
2nd: 1901 Miss H BARRATT, Mr A J M & LONGLANDS Dablea Edison
3rd: 1946 Mr & Mrs SMITH Beaufleet Black Wizard

Class 439 LD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1932 Dr & Mrs A J MENDES Scharmein Rajah
2nd: 1917 Mesdames HOLT, D & EVANS, D Toleva Trojan Prince
3rd: 1935 Mrs B MUNT Kathington Smart Move to Pipersvale
Res: 1936 Miss T McFADYEN Tamdach Taboo
VHC: 1912 Mrs L & Miss A FORREST Bute Knight In Black Satin JW

Class 440 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1908 Mrs L COXON Ch D'Arisca In Confidence
2nd: 1936 Miss T McFADYEN Tamdach Taboo
3rd: 1903 Mrs A CALLOW Garthorne Greer
Res: 1940 Mrs V NOLAN Hampdach Solowist at Eddyval

Class 441 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1934 Miss S METCALFE Bronia Saucy Sara at Metadale NAF
2nd: 1947 Ms L STEPHEN Bedu Satisfaction
3rd: 1926 Miss L & Mrs J G MACDONALD Bensarka Miss Pepperpot

Class 442 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1909 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Charm Offensive
2nd: 1933 Dr & Mrs A J MENDES Scharmein Cassia

Class 443 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1904 Mrs A CALLOW Garthorne Highlight
2nd: 1920 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT Carpaccio Travelling Light
3rd: 1929 Mrs D MELBOURNE Melriding Appamatox

Class 444 SYB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
2nd: 1906 Mrs K & Misses L & J CARTER Royal Expression of Boglands

Class 445 PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1950 Mr J & Mrs C A WIDDOP Jondac Royal Splendour
2nd: 1914 Miss S HARTLEY Lyrosh Special Edition
3rd: 1924 Miss G LUKE Lyrosh Contessa Lucia
Res: 1944 Mrs E ROBINSON D'Arisca in Bloom at Inkel
VHC: 1930 Mrs D MELBOURNE Miss Mercedes of Melriding

Class 446 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1918 Mesdames HOLT, D & EVANS, D Toleva True Print
2nd: 1943 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Rebecca
3rd: 1922 Mr D & Mrs Y LEWIS Shardagang Santa Lucia of Bardachs
Res: 1915 Miss S HARTLEY Dainty Girl at Lyrosh
VHC: 1931 Mrs D MELBOURNE Melriding Respice

Class 447 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1911 Mrs S M ERGIS Ch Siouxline Angelina
2nd: 1916 Mrs K A HERRINGTON Dusky Delight at Kathington
3rd: 1905 Mrs A CALLOW Ch Garthorne Leading Lady
Res: 1948 Ms L STEPHEN D'Arisca Design Award to Bedu
VHC: 1915 Miss S HARTLEY Dainty Girl at Lyrosh


MPD. (3). 1. Barber’s, Rivergate Gallanthus. Black and tan. Prominent keel, good shoulders and ribbing. Level topline, well angulated hindquarters. Free striding mover. 2. Shutt’s, Donnadoon Mystical Mover. Black and tan. Well balanced head and good eye shape. Prominent keel, level topline, free happy mover. 3. Punler’s, Welcumen Whisky.

PD. (3). 1. Coxon’s, D’Arisca Cut a Dash. Black and tan. Beautiful overall balance. Lovely head and eye. Prominent keel. Well laid shoulders and return of upper arm. Level topline. Well ribbed back. Good hind angulation. Moved freely and true with arrogant head carriage. CC and BOB in a previous stake class. 2. Punter’s, Welcumen Whiskey. Black and tan baby. 3rd in previous class. Good keel and front assembly. Slightly longer in loin than the winner. True happy mover.

JD. (2). 1. Bassant’s, Shardagang Jonny Walker at Crancott. Red. Good neck, shoulder and keel. Deep chest, well ribbed back. Sound free mover. 2. Orton’s, Scalamor Willow the Wisp. Black and tan. Slightly longer than winner. Level topline, happy mover.

SYD. (1). 1. Barratt and Longland’s, Dablea Edison. Good keel and depth of chest. Level topline, good hind angulation. Would like more length of neck, free mover.

PGD. (3). 1. Luke’s, Corrifknowe Circassian. Black and tan. Balanced head, dark eye. Good keel and deep chest. Level topline, moved freely. 2. Barratt and Longland’s, Dablea Edison. 3. Smith’s, Beaufleet Black Wizard.

LD. (7). 1. Mendes’s, Scharmein Rajah. Well balanced boy. Good keel front and shoulders. Deep chest, well ribbed, level topline. Moved free and true but tail a little on the gay side. 2. Holt and Evans’s, Toleva Trojan Prince. Black and tan. Good shoulders and front. Level topline, free easy mover. 3. Munt’s, Kathington Smart Move to Pipersvale.

OD. (4). 1. Coxon’s, Ch. D’Arisca in Confidence. Black and tan. Balanced head with dark correct shaped eyes. Prominent keel, deep chest and good ribbing. Level topline and well angulated hindquarters. Well muscled throughout. Moved soundly. RCC. 2. McFayden’s, Tamdach Taboo. Was reserve in the last class he pulled out all the stops on the move for a well earned second place. 3. Callow’s, Garthorne Greer.

MPB. (3). 1. Metcalf’s, Bronia Saucy Sara at Metadale. Quality red. Lovely balanced outline. Prominent keel, deep chest and level topline. Lovely head and expression. Moved freely and arrogantly. RCC. 2. Stephen’s, Bedu Staisfaction. Red. Not quite the body of winner. Good front and neck. Moved soundly. 3. MacDonald’s, Bensarka Miss Pepperpot.

PB. (2). 1. Coxon’s, D’Arisca Charm Offensive. Quality black and tan puppy. Good head, eye, neck, shoulder and prominent keel. Level topline, good hind angulation. Moved with aplomb. 2. Mendes’s, Scharmein Cassia. Black and tan. Good keel and depth of chest. Level topline. Not quite the confidence in the ring as the winner.

JB. (5). 1. Callow’s, Garthorne Highlight. Red. Good overall balance. Well laid shoulders, prominent keel and deep chest. Level topline and well angulated hindquarters. Moved straight and true. 2. Hunt’s, Carpaccio Travelling Light. Black and tan. Another typy bitch of good overall balance. Not so positive in hind movement as winner. 3. Melbourne’s, Melriding Appamatox.

SYB. (1). 1. Withheld. 2. Carter’s, Royal Expression of Boglands. Well balanced bitch. Good keel and chest and level topline. Unfortunately she topped the height limit on the scales, hence the second placement.

PGB. (8). 1. Widdop’s, Jondac Royal Splendour. Black and tan. Excellent profile. Good head, prominent keel, deep chest and level topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Moved with confidence and drive. 2. Hartley’s, Lyrosh Special Edition. Red. Another confident mover. Good keel. Level topline. Not quite the drive from hindquarters as winner. 3. Luke’s, Lyrosh Contessa Lucia.

LB. (8). 1. Holt and Evans’s, Toleva True Print. Impressed with profile standing and moving. Good neck, shoulder, keel and topline. Moved with vigour. 2. Punter’s, Welcumen Rebecca. Red. Another with a well balanced outline. Good depth of chest and level topline. Would prefer a little more width to keel. 3. Lewis’s, Shardagang Santa Lucia of Bardachs.

OB. (8). 1. Ergis’s, Ch. Siouxline Angelina. Black and tan. In super shape and condition. Lovely outline both standing and on the move. Deep chest and prominent keel. Well ribbed back. Good hind angulation. Well muscled. Moved with drive and arrogance. CC. 2. Harrington’s, Dusky Delight at Kathington. Another super mover. Good neck, front and shoulders. Level topline which she held on the move. 3. Callow’s, Ch. Garthorne Leadinbg Lady.

Isobell J.Dyke