Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)

Judge: Mr G Hill

Dog CC : 4156 Mrs L COXON Ch D'Arisca In Confidence
Res Dog CC : 4197 Mrs M J P PUNTER Clipperdown Basil Welcumen
Bitch CC : 4158 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Germandachs Sweet and Low (Imp)
Res Bitch CC : 4151 Mrs A CALLOW Garthorne Highlight
Best Puppy : 4207 Mr D & Mrs P YOUNG Willowheath Wanda
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 4156 Mrs L COXON Ch D'Arisca In Confidence

Class 712 MPD (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 4147 Mrs E P BLACKBURN Bardachs Santa Cruz to Stargang
2nd: 4159 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Without Doubt

Class 713 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4155 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Super Natural

Class 714 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4195 Miss D PLANT Merehill Newz Encounter

Class 715 PGD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4196 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Whiskey
2nd: 4201 Mrs M E SHUTT Donnadoon Prince's Passion
3rd: 4178 Miss G LUKE Corrieknowe Circassian
Res: 4177 Mr S J & Mrs C D LONG Radclyffe Kea at Tydurcwrt
VHC: 4192 Mrs V NOLAN Hampdach Solowist at Eddyval

Class 716 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 4197 Mrs M J P PUNTER Clipperdown Basil Welcumen
2nd: 4168 Misses HOLT, D & EVANS, D Toleva Trojan Prince
3rd: 4192 Mrs V NOLAN Hampdach Solowist at Eddyval

Class 717 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4156 Mrs L COXON Ch D'Arisca In Confidence

Class 718 MPB (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4207 Mr D & Mrs P YOUNG Willowheath Wanda
2nd: 4175 Mrs Y & Mr D LEWIS Bardachs Santana
3rd: 4160 Mrs J A CRAWLEY Donnadoon Elouise at Doujac
Res: 4173 Mrs P LASHBROOK Milfer Little Miss Muffet
VHC: 4183 Miss L & Mrs J MACDONALD Bensarka Black Coffee

Class 719 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4198 Mrs M J P PUNTER Welcumen Queen of Diamonds
2nd: 4175 Mrs Y & Mr D LEWIS Bardachs Santana
3rd: 4152 Mrs A CALLOW Garthorne Lady In Black
Res: 4187 Miss S METCALFE Bronia Passionate Portia TAF

Class 720 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4206 Mr J & Mrs C A WIDDOP Jondac Golden Dream
2nd: 4170 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT D'Arisca Shopaholic
3rd: 4185 Mrs G J MEAD Minimead Mystic Maiden
Res: 4204 Mrs J WEBSTER Janwebs April

Class 721 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4176 Mrs A LOMBARDELLI Kelmbeck Ebony Angel
2nd: 4181 Miss L & Mrs J MACDONALD Bensarka Miss Pepperpot
3rd: 4179 Miss G LUKE Lyrosh Contessa Lucia
Res: 4154 Mrs P COOKE Scalamor Tango Tiger Lily

Class 722 LB (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4151 Mrs A CALLOW Garthorne Highlight
2nd: 4190 Mrs F MITCHELL Bronia Luciana
3rd: 4191 Mrs B MUNT Pipersvale Stella Artois JW
Res: 4176 Mrs A LOMBARDELLI Kelmbeck Ebony Angel
VHC: 4149 Mr M R & Mrs M J BURSEY Berrycourt Dancing Queen at Hartlake

Class 723 OB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 4158 Mrs L COXON D'Arisca Germandachs Sweet and Low (Imp)
2nd: 4188 Miss S METCALFE Bronia Saucy Sara at Metadale
3rd: 4153 Mrs A CALLOW Ch Garthorne Leading Lady
Res: 4171 Mrs S & Mr J HUNT Ch Carpaccio Travelling Light JW
VHC: 4148 Mr J & Mrs J BLACKBURN-BENNETT Shardagang Pavlova



I was pleased and honoured to judge this dachshund variety for the first time. I thank all exhibitors for their support and sportsmanship. I was pleased overall with the quality of the entry, especially my winners. I was concerned at the numbers with close, weak hindquarters. Hopefully this has been recognised and will be improved by breeders. Thanks again.

MPD. (5). 1. Blackburn’s, Bardachs Santa Cruz to Stargang. Quality youngster well made all through. Sound forequarters with good tight elbows. Pleasing front and hind angulation. Body of overall balance and length. Although preferred head and expression of second. I preferred this one’s more compact body and more precise movement. 2. Coxon’s, D’Arisca without Doubt. Another nice youngster who had a head and expression I liked. Pleasing overall construction. Good forequarters. True front, legs well under body. Longer in loin than first but was unsettled on the move especially hind action.

PD. (2). 1. Coxon’s, D’Aisca Super Natural. Mature b/t. Good bone and body. Another with thew head and expression I liked. Good well carried neck. Blanced body profile. Good topline well ribbed back. Well angled front and rear. Moved freely. True front movement but unsettled rear action.

JD. (1). 1. Plant’s, Merehill Newz Encounter. 13 months old male up on the leg. Pleasing head and expression. Well made forequarters with true front. Good depth and topline. Body a little longer cats. Well let down hindquarters but a little close which showed on the move. Moved ok in front.

PGD. (7). 1. Punter’s, Welcumen Whiskey. Mature 22 months old male having an impressive profile. Good angles front and rear and overall balance and proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Well made body with good depth and correct topline. Moved out well with the best rear movement of the class. 2. Shutt’s, Donnadoon Prince’s Passion. Male of similar qualities to first although shorter overall in body than first. Needs to mature in head and expression, but overall construction was good. Moved well but a little close behind. 3. Luke’s, Corrieknowe Corcassian. Another mature male. Good masculine head and expression which was more mature than the above. Well constructed body longer cast than second. Weaker in hindquarters which tended to show on the move. Nonetheless a good typy ehibit.

LD. (6). 1. Punter’s, Clipperdown Basil Welcumen. A well balanced well grown male having a super profile both standing and on the move. Pleasing head of good shape and expression. Well angulated front and rear. Body of good depth, spring and well ribbed back. Moved well both with front extension and rear drive. RCC. 2. Holt and Evans’s, Toleva Trojan Prince. Mature masculine exhibit having a head and expression of the type I like. Well constructed in forequarters and body with pleasing topline. Well angulated hindquarters which I would prefer to have more width. 3. Nolan’s, Hampdach Solowist at Eddyval. Mature 5 years old. Masculine head set on neck of good length. True front. Body of depth and spring. A little short stepping on the move and unsettled behind.

OD. (1). 1. Coxon’s, Ch. D’Arisca in Confidence. Impressive male of super construction all through. Typical heab and expression set on a neck of good length and muscle. The best of body construction topline and underline. Sound well angulated hindquarters of pleasing width. Impressed both standing and on the move. Pleased to award him the DCC and BOB.

MPB. (10). 1. Young’s, Willowheath Wanda. Eyecatching youngster. Quality all through. Typy exhibit. Impressed in her overall balance and proportions. Pleasing head and expression. Nicely angulated front assembly with tight elbows and true front. Body of good length, topline, substance and depth. Well proportioned and angulated hindquarters, set well apart. Sound movement with good front extension and rear width and drive. Pleased to award her BPIB. 2. Lewis’s, Bardachs Santana. Another quality young bitch amongst a good class of bitch puppies. A little longer cast than first. Pleasing construction all through, would prefer more hind width bnoth standing and on the move. 3. Crawley’s, Donnadoon Elouise at Doujac. Another quality puppy which I liked. Having good overall proportions. A little shorter in loin than second and carrying a little more substance than I prefer. But nonetheless of good construction with a powerful future.

PB. (6). 1. Punter’s, Welcumen Queen of Diamonds. Quality red youngster who impressed with her forequarter construction. Pleasing feminine head and expression. Good neck and topline. Body of good length and muscle. Broad with angulated hindquarters. Moved out well with plenty of drive and extension. 2. Lewis’s, Bardachs Santana. 3. Callow’s, Garthorne Lady in Black. Shapely feminine youngster who had very pleasing profile movement. Nicely made of good make and shape. Would prefer more strength behind which would improve width when standing and on the move.

JB. (5). 1. Widdop’s, Jondac Golden Dream. Soundest mover of the class. When standing she had a balanced profile and good proportions and length. Pleasing head, neck length, body depth and substance, topline and angulated hindquarters. Free mover with good front extension and rear drive and width. 2. Hunt’s, D’Aricsa Shopaholic. B/t of the type I like. Good overall construction. Lovely head and expression. Long well muscled neck. Good topline and body. Well angulated hindquarters. Close behind when standing but moved with good width behind. 3. Mead’s, Minimead Mystic Maiden. Light red attractive exhibit. Pleasing type make and shape. I like her profile and balance viewed from the side. Failed on the move as she was unsettled behind and in front.

PGB. (5). 1. Lombardelli’s, Kelmbeck Ebony Angel. Quality b/t having a balanced profile and good overall balance. Typy head and expression, well constructed forequarters whith true front and tight elbows. Well bodied, good depth and pleasing topline and nicely angulated hindquarters. Moved freely. Preferred her movement to that of second. 2. MacDonald’s, Bensarka Miss Pepperpot. Similar make and shape to first but shorter in loin which detracted from her overall balance. Pleasing feminine head and expression. Well constructed front and hindquarters. Movement free but could be more precise. 3. Luke’s, Lyrosh Contessa Lucia.

LB. (9). 1. Callow’s, Garthorne Highlight. Eyecatching s/r feminine well constructed bitch topping class of quality bitches. Super profile both standing and on the move. Typical head with feminine intelligent expression. Long and low all through havind soundly constructed forequarters and hindquarters. Well ribbed body having good depth and spring. Best mover of the class. A well deserved RCC. 2. Michell’s, Bronia Luciana. Quality b/t who at first I thought was my winner but did not match the movement of the first. Super feminine typical head. Good neck and body of solid construction with correct topline. Good angles front and rear. Lacked the purpose of first on the move. 3. Munt’s, Pipersvale Stella Artois JW. Another well made bitch and one who also has a pleasing balanced profile and good overall proportions. Pleasing construction all through. Moved freely but unsettled in front.

OB. (7). 1. Coxon’s, D’Arisca Germandachs Sweet and Low (Imp). A super quality bitch that for me stood out. She had all the attributes I was looking for. She has ideal proportions and front and rear construction. Typical head shape, proportioned and expression. She particularly impressed in profile when standing and on the move. Best mover of the class and those up against her. Pleased to award her the BCC. Will look with interest to her future. 2. Metcalfe’s, Bronia Saucy Sara at Metadale. Quality well constructed red. Pleasing proportions and balanced. Moved out well with good front and rear extension. Preferred head and profileof first. 3. Callow’s, Ch. Garthorne Leading Lady. Similar make and shape to first. Cannot deny her good construction all through but she was close and unsettled in rear movement on the day.

Graham Hill