Driffield 2010

Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)

Judge: Mr S A Lund FCCA CPFA


BEST OF BREED : 3887 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Gazania JW
Dog CC : 3900 HERRINGTON Mrs K A Kathington Coeur De Lion
Res Dog CC : 3936 WORTON Mrs L Cwmdarhian Little Monty
Bitch CC : 3887 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Gazania JW
Res Bitch CC : 3886 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Miss Dynamite
Best Puppy : 3886 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Miss Dynamite
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder : Williams

Class 1123 MPD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3924 UPTON Mrs D V Denval Golden Touch
2nd: 3881 BURTON Mr B N & Mrs V A Swingletrees Just-In-Time

Class 1124 PD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3890 COXON Mrs L D'Arisca Low And Behold
2nd: 3915 ORTON Mrs C M Cagebrook Thyme To Go To Scalamor
3rd: 3935 WILLIAMS, R & JONES Mrs L Cwmdarhian Billy The Kid
Res: 3881 BURTON Mr B N & Mrs V A Swingletrees Just-In-Time

Class 1125 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3921 SHUTT Mrs M E Pachego Explora for Donnadoon TAF
2nd: 3933 WILLIAMS R Cwmdarhian Benjamin Button
3rd: 3918 OXLEY Mrs M P Dinkidax Buttons
Res: 3929 WATKINSON Mrs V J Manakoora Hawaiian Alakai

Class 1126 YD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3912 MUGGLETON Miss L Mosiarto Mister Big

Class 1127 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3936 WORTON Mrs L Cwmdarhian Little Monty

Class 1128 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3928 WATKINSON Mrs V J Manakoora Hawaiian Amakihi
2nd: 3902 KENT Mr M & Mrs Y Barratini Jeeves at Lokmadi JW
3rd: 3882 BURTON Mr B N & Mrs V A Swingletrees Ready Teddy Go

Class 1129 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3900 HERRINGTON Mrs K A Kathington Coeur De Lion
2nd: 3871 BLACKBURN Mrs E P Sonderbar Ben At Stargang (Imp)
3rd: 3896 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Indigo JW Sh.CM


Class 1131 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3883 BURTON Mr B N & Mrs V A Swingletrees Amazing-Grace
2nd: 3899 HERRINGTON Mrs K A Rouge Royale For Kathington

Class 1132 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3886 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Miss Dynamite
2nd: 3891 COXON Mrs L D'Arisca Be Dazzled
3rd: 3883 BURTON Mr B N & Mrs V A Swingletrees Amazing-Grace
Res: 3873 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Mr & Mrs J Stargang Serenity

Class 1133 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3898 GREENGRASS Mrs S A & Mr D V Joderica Billie Jean
2nd: 3930 WATKINSON Mrs V J Manakoora Hawaiian Lanai
3rd: 3916 ORTON Mrs C M Scalamor Polyanthus
Res: 3885 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Amelia

Class 1134 YB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3905 KERRY Mrs T & Miss R Kireton Agnes
2nd: 3917 ORTON Mrs C M Scalamor Belle Heather
3rd: 3903 KENT Mr M & Mrs Y Toniajavae Indian Passion at Lokmadi
Res: 3926 WATKINSON Mrs V J Manakoora Boobie

Class 1135 PGB (14 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3894 DAYKIN Mrs C H Barratini Scarlett Ribbon
2nd: 3923 TWYMAN Mr & Mrs R Stargang Porsche
3rd: 3932 WILLIAMS Mr K Cwmdarhian Touch of Class
Res: 3872 BLACKBURN Mrs E P Sonderbar Billie Jean At Stargang (Imp)
VHC: 3909 MELBOURNE Mrs D A Metadale Lady Eleanor Of Melriding

Class 1136 LB (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3907 KERRY Mrs T & Miss R Dolyharp Pizzicato at Kireton
2nd: 3922 SHUTT Mrs M E Metadale Fabulous Florence for Donnadoon
3rd: 3874 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Mr & Mrs J Stargang Lotus Elite
Res: 3892 COXON Mrs L Rose Darque At D'arisca
VHC: 3910 MELBOURNE, Mrs D & HOLDSWORTH Mrs F Barratini Hubble Bubble At Melriding JW

Class 1137 OB (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3887 CALLOW Mrs A Garthorne Gazania JW
2nd: 3895 DAYKIN Mrs C H Ch Barratini Jilly Cooper
3rd: 3893 COXON Mrs L Ch D'Arisca Golden Delicious
Res: 3901 HUNT Mrs S & Mr J Ch Carpaccio Royal Parade JW
VHC: 3911 MELBOURNE, Mrs D & HOLDSWORTH Mrs F Can Ch Grandgables Ms Chatanooga To Melriding



MPD (3, 1) 1 Upton’s Denval Golden Touch. Red, six months, lots to like, hopefully will enjoy a bright future. 2 Burton’s Swingletrees Just-In-Time. On the day not showing to advantage.

PD(4) 1 Coxon’s D’Arisca Low And Behold. B/t, lovely outline standing and moving, nice head. 2 Orton’s Cagebrook Thyme To Go To Scalamor. Red, pleasing outline. 3 Williams &Jones’ Cwmdarhian Billy The Kid.

JD(4) 1 Shutt’s Pachego explora For Donnadoon TAF. Shaded red, lovely head, nice reach of neck, good movement, nice bone. 2 Williams’ Cwmdarhian Benjamin Button. B/t, good bone, movement and outline. 3 Oxley’s Dinkidax Buttons.

YD(1) 1 Muggleton’s Mosiarto Mister Big. Deserving of the red card, lovely outline standing and moving and a nice head.

PGD(1) 1 Worton’s Cwmdarhian Little Monty. Another standing alone and deserving of the red card, nice outline, lovely head, good bone. RCC.

LD(5, 2) 1 Watkinson’s Manakoora Hawaiian Amakihi. B/t, lovely outline, good bone, nice head and reach of neck. 2 Kent’s Barratini Jeeves At Lokmadi JW. B/t, similar to the first, however, preferred the winners head and reach of neck. 3 Burton’s Swingletrees Ready Teddy Go.

OD (4, 1) 1 Herrington’s Kathington Coeur De Lion. B/t, showed himself to perfection! Lovely head, reach of neck, outline pleasing, good movement, good bone, pleased to award him CC. 2 Blackburn’s Sonderbar Ben At Stargang (Imp). Red, likeable, preferred overall picture of the first. 3 Ergis’ Ch Siouxline Indigo JW ShCM.

MPB(3) 1 Burton’s Swingletrees Amazing-Grace. Red, lovely front, reach of neck, sound movement. 2 Herrington’s Rouge Royale For Kathington. Red, smaller type, moved well.

PB(4) 1 Callow’s Garthorne Miss Dynamite. B/t, lovely head, reach of neck, pleasing outline standing and moving, good shoulders and hind movement. RCC and BP. 2 Coxon’s D’Arisca Be Dazzled. Lots to like about this shaded red but on the day outclassed by the winner. 3 Burton’s Swingletrees Amazing-Grace.

JB(5) 1 Greengrass’ Joderica Billie Jean. Eyecatching b/t, nice bone, head, outline standing and moving very nice. 2 Watkinson’s Manakoora Hawaiian Lanai. Showed well, nice movement. 3 Orton’s Scalamor Polyanthus.

YB(5) 1 Kerry’s Kireton Agnes. B/t, pleasing to handle and nice on the move. 2 Orton’s Scalamor Belle Heather. Shaded red, lots to like. 3 Kent’s Toniajavae Indian Passion At Lokmadi.

PGB(14, 2) 1 Daykin’s Barratini Scarlett Ribbon. Largest class of the day, and it was won with ease, lovely red, nice head, reach of neck, sound movement, pleasing outline both standing and on the move. 2 Twyman’s Stargang Porsche. Deserved this place in this large class. 3 Williams’ Cwmdarhian Touch Of Class.

LB(9) 1 Kerry’s Dolyharp Pizzicato At Kireton. B/t, nice size, showed well. 2 Shutt’s Metadale Fabulous Florence For Donnadoon. Shaded red, similar to first both nice boned. 3 Blackburn-Bennett’s Stargang Lotus Elite.

OB(10, 1) 1 Callow’s Garthorne Gazania JW. A lovely red, nice head, reach of neck, level topline, sound movement, picture perfect standing. CC and BOB. Delighted it was her qualifying CC, now a worthy champion. 2 Daykin’s Ch Barratini Jilly Cooper. B/t, on the day outclassed in all departments by the new champion. 3 Coxon’s Ch D’Arisca Golden Delicious. Best Breeder in Breed Williams. Congratulations on the winning the hound breeders competition.

S A Lund