Paignton & District Fanciers
Association 2017 |
Dachshund (Miniature
Smooth-haired) |
Judge: Mr S
BEST OF BREED : 1982 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Rapunzel With Melriding
Dog CC : 1981 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Aaron JW
Res Dog CC : 1965 BARRETT Mr A Ch Ayseebee Rumour Has It
Bitch CC : 1982 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Rapunzel With Melriding
Res Bitch CC : 1970 BOURNE Mrs A Yaapeet Esme May
Best Puppy : 1987 HUNT Mrs S & Mr J Carpaccio Midnight Lace
Best Veteran :
Class 626 PD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1966 BEACH, Miss L M & BEACH Messrs L J & A Izia Klara Difino NAF
2nd: 1980 ERGIS Mrs S M Siouxline Jacob
3rd: 1989 KENT Mrs Y Lokmadi Bowetts Testarosso
Res: 1977 DAVIES Miss S L Cwmdarhian Don't Push It At Davdax
VHC: 1984 HUGHES Mrs J M Clentry Coppa Glow To Julidachs
Class 628 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1964 BARRETT Mr A Star's Tori Great Joy At Ayseebee (Imp)
2nd: 1967 BEACH, Miss L M & BEACH Messrs L J & A Beachdax Black Magic
3rd: 1978 DUNHILL Mr R & Mrs R Gellijams Aldanti
Class 629 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1972 BOURNE Mrs A Yaapeet Rafferty
2nd: 1978 DUNHILL Mr R & Mrs R Gellijams Aldanti
3rd: 2000 RUDKIN Mr J M Dynastydax Secret Agent
Class 630 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1981 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Aaron JW
2nd: 1965 BARRETT Mr A Ch Ayseebee Rumour Has It
3rd: 1999 PROTHEROE Mr P Royalmaple Anky Panky
Res: 1996 MOES, Mr C, WILLIAMS, Mrs R & HARP-JONES Miss T Cwmdarhian
Tropic Thunder
VHC: 1998 PROTHEROE Mr P Ch Grandgables Crafty Lil Devil At Royalmaple
Class 632 PB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1987 HUNT Mrs S & Mr J Carpaccio Midnight Lace
2nd: 1968 BEACH, Miss L M & BEACH Messrs L J & A Beachdax Red Hot Diva
3rd: 1975 DAVIES Miss S L Radclyffe Athene At Davdax
Res: 1979 DUNHILL Mr R & Mrs R Net Narin Vitelia At Gellijam
VHC: 2005 TREE Mrs A Keimantre Bella-boo
Class 633 JB (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2001 RUDKIN Mr J M Dynastydax Tiger Lilly
2nd: 1995 MILLS Mrs A Oniasid Pussy Galore
3rd: 1992 MERRY Mrs A Isabella Made For Merryline
Res: 1997 PRICE Mr P J & Mrs N F Samlane Desdemona
VHC: 1983 HELMANN Mrs J Bronia Ramona
Class 634 PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1971 BOURNE Mrs A Yaapeet Persephone
2nd: 1963 ATTWELL Miss J Springfern Hermione
3rd: 2007 TRYHORN Mr T J & Mrs P M Moragden Moonstruck
Res: 2002 RUDKIN Mr J M Dynastydax Periwinkle
VHC: 2006 TREE Mrs A Ardenrun Sea Shanty By Keimantre
Class 635 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1970 BOURNE Mrs A Yaapeet Esme May
2nd: 1990 KENT Mrs Y Lokmadi On Silent Wings JW
3rd: 2004 STOKES Mrs V E Webbers Swansong
Res: 1976 DAVIES Miss S L Davdax Red Button
VHC: 1993 MERRY Mrs A Merryline Polly Pumpkin
Class 636 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1982 ERGIS Mrs S M Ch Siouxline Rapunzel With Melriding
2nd: 1988 HUNT Mrs S & Mr J Ch Carpaccio Blithe Spirit JW Sh.CM
3rd: 1991 KENT Mrs Y Lokmadi Goodnight Irene JW
Res: 1986 HUGHES Mrs J M Julidachs Jocasta
Class 637 VB NO ENTRIES |
PD (6) 1 BeachIzia Klara Difino, this lad is very
stylish, conveys beautiful lines and carries a clean head, could be a tad
shorter for my ideal, no denying his qualities though, moved well and was
shown in good condition. 2 Ergis Siouxline Jacob, pleased for type and
overall balance, he carries a clean head on gently arched neck, his body has
substance and his hindquarters are well defined and muscled, moved out well,
just needs a little more confidence. 3 Kent Lokmadi Bowetts Testarosso.
PGD (3) 1 Barrett Star's Tori Great Joy at Ayseebee,
quality dapple, he is masculine, sturdy and compact while retaining some
refinement, his head has length and is not overdone, dark oval eye, reach to
neck and shoulders well appointed, level topline, good tail and carriage,
muscular well shaped hindquarters, moved well. 2 Beach Beachdax Black Magic,
pleasing outline, head coming, preferred eye of 1, well built front, sound
limbs placed just right, decent topline into muscular hindquarters, moved
steady. 3 Dunhill Gellijams Aldanti.
LD (3) 1 Bourne Yaapeet Rafferty 3yo, he is well
developed and carries a quality head, dark oval eye, moderate stop and well
shaped and placed ears, forehand developed and well supported by good legs
and feet, enough reach to neck, shape to ribcage and level topline, muscular
hindquarters, moved well. 2 Dunhill Gellijams Aldanti, from the previous
class, this lad is compact and carries a decent head, a little throaty, his
neck is arched, prominent sternum and deep keel, level back, decent topline
and carriage, useful, hindquarters. 3 Rudkin Dynastydax Secret Agent.
OD (6) 1 Ergis Ch Siouxline Aaron, quality package,
clean lines and a dignified bearing, he carries just enough substance and
good muscular tone, balanced head with correct attributes, firm well
appointed shoulders and developed chest, sternum defined and legs placed
just right, shape and substance to body with correctly fashioned
hindquarters, clean hocks, moved soundly with style, CC. 2 Barrett Ch
Ayseebee Rumour Has It, classy B&T with harmonious outline, head clean with
reasonable eye, reach to neck, breadth through , level back and useful
hindquarters, moved well and shown in good nick, RCC. 3 Protheroe Royalmaple
Anky Panky.
PB (5) 1 Hunt Carpaccio Midnight Lace, Wow, what a
delightful puppy, 11mo and so together, oozed breed type, she is compact and
sturdy with refinement, her head is coming and her frame is so well
constructed, moved well, shown in good coat and condition, BP. 2 Beach
Beachdax Red Hot Diva, of similar stamp, 6mo and full of promise, feminine,
she is also compact with lovely lines, clean to go over and a purposeful
mover. 3 Davies Radclyffe Athene at Davdax.
JB (7,1) 1 Rudkin Dynastydax Tiger Lilly, feminine and
a convincing mover, clean lines with length to conical head and developed
underjaw, modest stop and flat skull, forehand developing, sound limbs,
topline and hindquarters to please, moved soundly with an air of self worth.
2 Mills Oniasid Pussy Galore, worthy B&T not overlong, lovely dark oval eye
although I just favoured head length of 1, front developing well, body with
good spring to ribcage and carrying enough substance, useful hindquarters
and action. 3 Merry Isabella Made for Merryline.
PGB (6) 1 Bourne Yaapeet Persephone stylish and honest
in her build, head with correct properties, her front assembly is placed
just right, well ribbed with body of substance, topline, tail and
hindquarters to suit, moved soundly with aplomb. 2 Attwell Springfern
Hermione, similar in outline, marginally preferred head of 1, enough reach
to neck with shoulders held firm, forehand developed, sound limbs,
reasonable topline, moved with style. 3 Tryhorn Moragden Moonstruck.
LB (7) 1 Bourne Yaapeet Esme May, all of a piece and so
well put together, typy head on gently arched neck and pleasing forehand ,
good substance and muscle but could have been a tad harder in condition,
loved her make and shape and she proved her worth on the move, RCC. 2 Kent
Lokmadi On Silent Wings, liked her overall breed type and general balance,
decent headpiece although I did prefer eye of 1, she is feminine and not
overlong, moved soundly with good carriage. 3 Stokes Webbers Swansong.
OB (4) 1 Ergis Ch Siouxline Rapunzel with Welriding,
feminine with a beautifully balanced outline and in hard fit condition,
loved her overall construction with everything just as I would wish, so
sound and dignified on the move, CC & BOB just preferred her head over the
males. 2 Hunt Ch Carpaccio Blithe Spirit, ultra feminine with the best of
heads, superb dark eye so appealing, gently arched neck flows into level
topline and her shoulders and forehand are spot on, just preferred
hindquarters of 1, shown in good coat and condition. 3Kent Lokmadi
Goodnight Irene.