Judge: Mark Ord (Marnadee)

Dog CC : MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melridng Black Tom
Res Dog CC : MASON Teckeltown Surspicious Mind
Bitch CC : ROBERTS & SMITH Sonorra Ginger Snap for Rayol
Res Bitch CC : PAGET & CARROLL Ch Marvale Sandpiper
Best Puppy : HANNEY-MITCHELL Bronia Daimmen
Best Veteran : WATKINSON Loggeta Boom and Bust

Minor Puppy Dog (7)
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Bronia Daimmen
2nd:TITE Llennocor Little Red Devil Naf
3rd: MASON Teckeltown the Showman
Res: MAGRI Rozamie Tiger Feet

VHC: FAIRCHILD Restinim The Black Bishop

Puppy Dog (4,1)
1st: MASON Teckeltown Lord of the Rings
2nd: PAGET & CARROLL Clentry Tiercel at Marvale
3rd: CAREY Debbiejay Mario

Junior Dog (4,2)
1st: MASON Teckeltown Surspicious Mind
2nd: O'CONNELL Rijobeau Rumours With Llennocor

Post Graduate Dog (6,2)
1st: RUSSELL, BLACK & CROSS Russteck Red McGregor

2nd: MAGRI Rozamie Red Corvette

3rd: HUGHES Lindella's Brundi Black

Res: CAREY Shantallah What a Lark Around Debbiejay

Limit Dog (4.1)
1st: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melridng Black Tom
2nd: BULLIS Amaffrey Henry
3rd: MAGRI Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie

Open Dog (7)
1st: MASON Ch Teckeltown Master Piece JW
2nd: PAGET & CARROLL Ch Marvale Firecrest

3rd: BLACK & CROSS Ch Riowood Red Boots JW
Res: BULLIS Ch Amaffrey Jessie James
VHC: STEPHENS Bedu Stars and Stripes


Veteran Dog (1)
1st: STARTUP Curtisey Head Gardener

Minor Puppy Bitch (9)
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Bronia Blayze
2nd:MELBOURNE Melriding Silver Spangle
3rd: FAIRCHILD Ardenrun Pin Striped with Restinim
Res: KENT Lokmadi Louboutin
VHC: FAIRCHILD Restinim The Black Tulip

Puppy Bitch (9)
1st: HERALD Winterfield Lucky Star
2nd: JENNINGS Jenivon's Black Finch
3rd:  MASON Marvale Crimson Sunbird at Teckeltown
Res: CAREY Debbiejay Tickety Boo
VHC: HOUSTON Lokmadi Louboutin

Junior Bitch (10)
1st: MASON Teckeltown The Show Girl
2nd: JENNINGS Jenivon's Jenny Wren
3rd: CAREY Debbiejay Jammy Lass
Res: HERALD Winterfield Lady In Red
VHC: TITE Rijobeau Rita Bix

Post Graduate Bitch (5,2)
1st: STEPHEN Bedu Ice Cold in Alex
2nd: HALSALL Grews Iridessa for Kiddles
3rd: COOTE Andeysson Cape Verde

Limit Bitch (13)
1st: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Sisi
2nd: KENT Lokmadi Oh What a Circus
3rd: FLEMING Brogansian Gingerella
Res: ROBERTS & SMITH Rozamie Magic Moments
VHC: MASON Teckeltown Lady in Red

Open Bitch (9)
1st:  ROBERTS & SMITH Sonorra Ginger Snap for Rayol
2nd: PAGET & CARROLL Ch Marvale Sandpiper
3rd:  THOMSON Crosscop Gabriella
Res: CROSS Ch Loggeta Pickled Lily JW

VHC: O'CONNELL & MAGRI Lokmadi With A Dragon Tattoo

Veteran Bitch (4)
1st:  WATKINSON Loggeta Boom and Bust
2nd: BULLINGHAM Stoweytop Sea of Stars
3rd: BULLINGHAM Bowetts Aventurine at Stoweytop
Res: TAVERNER Pigglefairy Magic


Thank you to The Officers & Committee for the invite to judge this variety for the first time and also for finding such an excellent venue with level ground and large rings to assess the dogs in. Very unfortunately and sadly a couple of dogs had to withdraw as they became lame and we later discovered some shredded plastic was the cause, probably coming from the lawn mower and becoming embedded into the ground. I hope all have recovered well and no long-lasting effects have occurred. The day became extremely hot early on and I thought most dogs coped well in the heat. The atmosphere was relaxed and my efficient steward single-handedly ran the ring like clockwork to whom I thank for all your help. Having been closely around the Dachshund breed rings myself over the last few years I thought today’s task could be quite disappointing but that was not the case and only one class I found quite disappointing to judge. Variation in size was not as bad as I was expecting and although the scales were a little erratic I found the majority of good weight and none were appearing underfed. Mouths were good with teeth of adequate size and had strong bites. One or two had rather bulging eyes which do detract and spoil the whole appearance of the head. Rear movement needs watching and without strength in the rear the front is not propelled forward correctly so this could be seen with crisscrossing fronts but thankfully this was only present in a few. I was well pleased with my main winners today and delighted that my BOB & B. Puppy later took both top spots in the BIS ring, well done & well deserved.
M. Puppy D (7-2abs) : 1 Hanney-Mitchell’s Bronia Dammen slightly larger than 2nd but preferred his movement which was more co-ordinated. Happy little chap who was quite the showman on the move, bl/tan correct coat, conical head shape with correct eye, ears still need to settle closer to cheek, well placed neck, liked his front, good covering in rib & loin, lovely rounded rump with well set tail, correct toes & feet, has a lovely long stride & does so with such confidence B.P. D. & B.P. 2, Tite’s Llennocor Little Red Devil shade smaller all through but liked his shape with a pleasing head & neck, correct eye & ear placement, holds top line well, slight arch of loin, well set tail carried correctly on the move, good feet, enjoying himself and when movement settles should do well 3 Mason’s Teckeltown The Showman. Pd (4,1) 1 Mason’s Teckletown Lord Of The Rings, pale brindle with good coat, he is masculine with a lovely out line on stance, conical shaped head with correct jaw, good neck length into pleasing shoulder & good fore chest which is of good length, correct angle at rear which stands firm & uses well moving, good tail set & carriage, in good coat & condition. 2 Paget & Carroll’s Century Tiercel At Marvale pleasing for size & shape with nothing exaggerated about him, well shaped head with correct jaw & dentition, excellent rib & length of loin, prefer rear strength of 1 but when he tightens behind will be a quality pup. 3 Carey’s Debbiejay Mario. JD (4,2) 1 Mason’s Teckeltown Suspicious Mind, most lovely bl/tan who in profile presents enough substance without any coarseness, holds his head proudly both stood & on the move, scored highly for his shoulder & upper arm with enough fore chest, elbows well held & not hindered, excellent body size & condition, good top & under line, well set hocks that he drives with correctly, compact feet of good size & shape, well set tail, Res C.C. & one to watch. 2 O”Connell’s Rijobeau Rumours With Llennocor, liked the head shape, well set neck & front this bl/tan was in good coat & hard condition, enough ribbing but would prefer a firmer loin, could not match 1 in rear which was evident when moving. PgD (6,2) 1 Black, Russell & Cross’s Russteck Red Mcgregor, liked this young male a lot and despite being slightly unsettled to begin with on examination he began to relax and in the line up my eye was drawn to his excellent size, shape and flowing profile, has a well shaped head, nicely set ears of good size, lovely eye shape, strength in his jaw with correct dentition, has a good lay of shoulder & corresponding upper arm, elbows well held to body, lovely red coat & condition, relaxed more on the move and fore & aft were pleasing, one to persevere with ; 2 Magri’s Rosalie Tiger Feet, dark red coat in good condition with muscle tone in his rear, well set tail at times though going slightly high, scores well in front with a well shaped head with well placed eye, ears correct size & held close, preferred top line of 1. 3 Hughe’s Lindell’s Brundi Black. LD (4,1) 1 Melbourne, Paget & Carroll’s Melding Black Tom not yet 2 this bl/tan was in the most excellent condition, gleaming coat & well muscled, loved his head shape, strong jaw with correct dentition, almond dark eyes, ears were excellent, hands flow over him & he is of excellent size, correct compact feet, good shoulder & upper arm, good length to fore-chest to be critical could be a shade more prominent, has the best of top lines with correct slight slope to well set tail, stands with his rear parallel and is neither wide or narrow front or back, this shows well when moving to & from with a pleasing profile also on the move, handled to perfection & moved at the correct pace. No hesitation awarding him C.C. (his third & well deserved title) later took B.O.B. over a quality bitch & topped it off later on going BIS. 2 Bulli’s Amaffrey Henry another bl/tan with well constructed front, pleasing conical head shape with good jaw, correct ribbing & strong loin, liked his front movement but could have more strength in rear, well set tail, in good coat. 3 Magri’s Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rosalie. OD (7,2) Quality class.1 Mason’s Ch Teckeltown Master Piece JW, short glossy smooth coated red in hard condition, like the size & won this class on his movement, uses his correct front well & has excellent reach, well proportioned head with almond shaped eye, correct ear size & shape, balance of shoulder & upper arm with correct length of keel, wrap around front with elbows held close to ribbing which is of correct shape, firm top line with long croup, well carried tail & set on, neat feet. 2 Paget & Carroll’s Ch Marvale Firecrest 2 yr old male who is masculine & has substance but is not heavy, well set neck that carries head proudly when moving, good strength of jaw, well shaped slightly arched skull, correct ear set & size, his forelegs cover the bottom of keel, in excellent condition, well shaped feet, moved well fore & aft without any restriction, just started to flag at end of class due to the extreme heat 3 Cross & Black’s Ch Riowood Red Boots JW VD (1) Startup’s Curtisey Head Gardener approaching 9 this pale red was still in excellent body condition, correct rib & loin, not carrying excessive weight in his senior years which is always beneficial to good health, pleasing in head shape & still has strong jaw, liked his sound movement both fore & aft. Did not stay to compete later in the day for B. Veteran. MpB (9,2) 1 Hanney-Mitchell’s Bronia Blayze, very pleasing in profile this red was pushed hard by 2nd but felt she scored better in the rear at this stage of their development, she is feminine & has lovely intelligent almond shaped eyes well set on a clean well shaped head, correct neck, good shoulder & upper arm, good length of keel & filling out in her front, still raw in her ribbing but correct for her development, sound in rear with good tail set & carriage, steady & sound on the move. 2 Melbourne’s Melding Silver Spangle, good coated dapple who has a most pleasing balanced profile & lovely flowing shape, super head with correct jaw & dentition, liked her a lot & when she settles in her rear will be hitting top spots, quality pup 3 Fairchild’s Ardenrun Pin Striped With Resting. pB (9,1) 1 Herald’s Winterfield Lucky Star bl/tan who is quite mature in her development, correct size & loved her ribbing & loin proportions, correct sound hocks & well set tail carried well on the move, has good compact feet, filling out well in her chest, correct front with elbows well held to body, stands neither wide nor close front & back so not surprised she moved well, feminine head with correct carriage on move, in good condition 2 Jenning’s Jenivon’s Black Finch bl/tan feminine in size, good lay of shoulder with corresponding upper arm, good length to keel, neat feet, another with a good future just preferred the balance of front to rear of 1 today but think in time she will balance herself out to advantage, sound well set hocks, good tail, moved well with style 3 Mason’s Marvale Crimson Songbird At Teckeltown.
JB (10,2) 1 Mason’s Teckeltown The Show Girl, lovely clean under line tapering gradually, good top line & excelled on the move, has compact feet of good size, pleasing in head shape with good bite, well set eye, excellent length of neck flowing into correctly laid shoulders, enough body for young age, smooth short red coat in good order, tail correctly set on ; 2 Jenning’s Jenivons Jenny Wren, red grizzle in excellent coat, feminine in head & size, well set ears & good almond eye, sound both front & rear, hold a good top line stacked & her movement was precise & free flowing, good reach in front, well set hocks 3 Carey’s Debbiejay Jammy Lass. PgB (5,2) Three very different types in this class. 1 Stephen’s Bedu Ice Cold In Alex, just 12 months old & still looks a baby, bl/tan, had the most pleasing head shape in the class, of correct size & substance, good ribbing & loin, correct top line with arched loin, moved better from the rear than in front which lacked reach, had the shoulder but slightly short in upper arm 2 Halsall’s Grews Iridessa For Kiddles, lovely brindle smooth coat with pliant skin, has good sized compact feet, a little plain in head, good ribbing but slightly heavy over her loin, moved sound in front but not enough felt she did not have enough strength coming from the rear, well set tail carried correctly 3 Coote’s Andeysson Cape Verde. LB (13,3) Difficult decisions in this class, first three were different but each had various qualities about them and performance moving & stacked were my deciding factors. 1 Melbourne, Paget & Carroll’s Melding Sisi most lovely size & profile shape, not surprised to read she is litter sister to my BOB winner, desirable head, neck & shoulder placement with good upper arm, very desirable movement and in excellent hard condition, compact feet of good size, sound in her quarters and stands firm, with a little more maturity will be top grade 2 Kent’s Lokmadi Don’t Bring Lulu, another bl/tan of pleasing size, feminine with lovely conical shaped head, strength in her jaw & correct dentition, well set ears of good size, correct neck length & has a balanced front with wrap around front, correct length of keel, lovely shaped ribbing & firm loin with slight arch, well shaped feet, in good hard condition & in good coat. 3 Fleming’s Brogansian Gingerella. Ob (9,3) Pleasant & interesting class to judge. 1 Roberts & Smith’s Sonorra Ginger Snap For Rayol 3 yr old dark red, first impression not striking but her conformation & movement draw your eye back to her. Had to be good to win this pleasing class and I was most impressed with how unexaggerated she is from head to rear, feminine head, correct almond eyes well set, has the desired intelligent expression, holds her top line perfectly & is clean & gradual under neath, good size feet but could be more compact, has excellent keel of good length, holds elbows perfectly close to body without any restriction on the move, well set tail, sound well set quarters. Moved them again & this confirmed my decision to award her C.C. which I was then told was her second, best of luck gaining her well deserved title, a most useful bitch with many qualities to admire. 2 Paget & Carroll’s Ch Marvale Sandpiper dar red with flexible skin & correct smooth coat, like her size & most desirable conical head shape, almond eye, another lovely mover who never drops her top line, arch over her correct length of loin, sound well set hocks, correct feet, good tail set & carriage, only two years old and not quite the finish yet of 1 but pushed very hard, Res C.C. 3 Thomson’s Crosscop Gabriella. VB (4) 1 & B.V. Watkinson’s Loggeta Boom And Bust 7 yr old in good form, moving soundly front & rear, still has a good top line, arch over loin of good length, has a conical shaped head & still has good dentition, red coat smooth & close, won this class on her front, carrying correct amount of weight & ribbing has not overstrung with age. 2 Bullingham’s Stoweytop Sea Of Stars 8 yrs old on the day, another of pleasing size, enough substance & not heavy in her weight, has good depth of chest, elbows well held, correct neck length, firm top line, moved sound just not the reach in front of 1 ; 3 Bellingham’s Bowetts Aventurine At Stoweytop.
 Mark Ord