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My thanks to the committee for the great privilege and honour of judging at Crufts. I would also like to thank my stewards Mr and Mrs Osborne for all their hard work and support in making my appointment a very memorable day.
Vet D (7,2) 1 Mack’s Sarade Leap into Action of Topgem. B/T. Very nice head and expression with good length of neck and well placed shoulders, good depth of body and length of ribbing. Nice bone and feet with well angulated hindquarters. Very good on the move with a good outline. 2 Jamieson’s Ch & Ir Ch Airwaves to Carlang Via Djeata. B/T with a good head and small eye. Well set shoulders and length of ribbing with a firm topline, good bone and nice feet. Very free on the move. 3 Holmes’ Ch Ir Ch Tammera Top Gun. Red. Nice head and good length of neck with well placed shoulders and a good topline standing and on the move. Moved with drive.
SpPD (5) 1 Leyshon Picklescott Proclaim. B/T. Very good head and expression with a good length of neck and well placed shoulders. Nice topline and well angulated hindquarters. Moved with drive and has a good outline. 2 Worswick’s Dolyharp April Evening Red. Nice head and length of neck with well placed shoulders and length of ribbing. Good bone and feet, well angulated hindquarters, moved well. 3 Lockett-Walter’s Ralines Red Admiral. Red with a nice head, good neck but not the shoulders of 1 and 2. Good ribbing and good bone, very free on the move.
SpJD (7) 1 Welton’s Chelane Casper Carrot. Red. Nice head with a good expression and nice shoulders, would like more forechest. Good topline and length of ribbing. Nice hindquarters and a very free mover. Nice outline which he keeps when moving. 2 Phillips’ Rossdach Your Song. Red brindle. Good expression and length of neck with well angulated shoulders. Tends to toe in a little. Has a good length of ribbing and nice hindquarters, shown well. 3 Oxley’s Wildhatch Cropston Boy of Dinkidax.
YD 1 Brooks’ Lyndarlea Piper Kris. Cream with a nice head and expression, very good length of neck with correct shoulder and good length of upperarm. Good bone and feet, very nice front and deep chest. Very sound free mover, good hindquarters and moved well. 2 Farmer’s Jenwood Summer Solstice. B/T. Good head and length of neck, well placed shoulders and good bone and feet. Good topline, moved well but would like more drive. 3 Phillips’ Rossdach Your Song.
PGB (11,1) 1 Butler’s Maundowne Momentum. Red with a good head and expression, good length of neck, well placed shoulders and length of ribbing. Nice bone and feet, moved well with a good outline. Very good front and deep chest. 2 Poole’s Findowrie Society Guy. Red. Nice head and length of neck with good shoulders, not the depth of body of the winner but has good length of ribbing and a good topline. Moved well with a good outline. 2 Cope’s Chariomah Brandy Splash. Nice head and length of neck, good ribbing and nice bone, moved well with drive.
LD (14) 1 Angier’s Ridgegrove Alfie Moon. B/T with a look at me factor and shows very well for his owner. Has a very good head and expression, very good length of neck and well placed shoulders and a good forechest. Lovely length of ribbing and a very firm topline. Well angulated and round hindquarters - a very free mover and beautifully presented. Res CC. 2 Garman’s Albany Cornish Cream. Cream with a good head and length of neck with well placed shoulders and length and depth of body. Good bone and feet, very free action on the move and moved with drive. 3 Geeson’s Abydachs Anarchy Red. Good head and neck, well angulated shoulders but would like more length of upperarm. Good length of ribbing and nice hindquarters. Moved well with a good outline.
OD (13,3) 1 Lockett and Lockett-Walter’s Ch Ralines Royal Statesman. B/C. Very good type with a good head and expression. Good length of neck and well placed shoulders. Has a good length of ribbing and well angulated hindquarters. Excellent topline standing and moving, very sound free movement. Beautifully presented. CC. 2 Roberts’ Ch Denver Jack Frost. Cream. Good head and neck with well placed shoulders and length of ribbing. Well muscled hindquarters and a level topline. Moved soundly. 3 Norton’s Ch Ir Ch Hallinke Mr Baggins. Red. Good head and length of neck, has good shoulders and length of ribbing, good outline. Moved well with free movement.
GC (1) 1 Broad’s Jenwood Ring of Bells. Nice red boy with a good head and length of neck, well placed shoulders. Nice bone and good length of ribbing. Firm topline which he keeps when moving. Very well presented.
Vet B (8,4) 1 Kennedy’s Denkena’s Ben Lora. B/T. Good head and reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good length of upperarm. Has plenty of bone and a very good forechest. Lovely length of ribbing and a very firm topline. Well angulated and well muscled hindquarters, very free mover and beautifully presented. 2 Butler’s Ch Drymoor Secret Delight. S Cream. Good head and expression with a long neck and well placed shoulders. Good length and depth of ribbing. Nice hindquarters and very free on the move. 3 Murphy’s Classidax Dark Oprah. B/T. Good head and length of neck with nice shoulders and a good forechest. Has a good length of ribbing and a firm topline. Well handled.
SpPB (13,3) 1 Angear’s Ridgegrove Halle Berry. B/T. What a super puppy, beautiful head and expression with a good length of neck and well placed shoulders. Good length of upperarm, excels in bone and forechest and has good length and depth of ribbing. Very good hindquarters, very firm topline and a super, free and easy mover. Best Puppy. 2 Boyle’s Zarcrest Black Classic. B/T. Good head and length of neck, well placed shoulders and length of ribbing. Has a good topline and well angulated hindquarters. A very free mover, beautifully presented and handled. 3 Turner’s Willowheath Silver Sequin from Rafthouse. S/D. Good type, has a good head and neck, well placed shoulders and a firm topline. Good bone and feet. Very free on the move.
SpJB (13,3) 1 McAlpine and Walsh’s Walpines Wot A Charmer. B/C. A beautiful girl who has a lovely expression with a very good length of neck and a well placed shoulder. Very good length of upperarm, very good forechest and length and depth of ribbing. Well angulated hindquarters and a very free mover. Well handled and beautifully presented. 2 Kennedy’s Denkena’s Black Berryy. Black and cream. Good head and expression with a nice length of neck and well placed shoulders. Good depth and length of ribbing with well angulated hindquarters. Really super bitch and unlucky to meet the winner. 3 Hall’s Cliffmere Dandelion. Red with a good head and length of neck. Has good bone and feet. Nice length of ribbing and a good topline.
YB (12,1) 1 Hanley’s Bronia Serenity. Red with a good head and length of neck. Very good forechest and length of upperarm, has very good bone and nice feet. Good length and depth of ribbing, has a good topline and free flowing action. 2 Norton’s Halunke Just Jessica. Nice head and neck, good front but not the depth of the winner. Has well placed shoulders and good bone. Good topline standing and on the move. 3 Crawley’s Gilldax Oberonia at Doujac. B/T. Very good head and expression, nice bone and good feet. Has a good topline and length of ribbing, nice hindquarters.
PGB (21,3) 1 Kennedy’s Denkena’s Bumble Fly. Good head and length of neck with well placed shoulders. Good shoulders but would like more depth. Has a good length and depth of ribbing and very firm topline standing and on the move. Nice hindquarters and moved with drive. 2 Scott’s Maydays Regal Lady. Very nice type, has good head and neck with good shoulders and length of ribbing. Well angulated hindquarters, nice bone and feet. Moved well with a good topline. 3 Holmes’ Tammera Touch of Elegance. Red with a nice head and good length of neck. Has well placed shoulders and a good topline, moved well.
LB (27,5) 1 Wallace’s Cheslan Makunu Rah. B/T. A bitch of great quality and a super head and expression. Good length of neck with well placed shoulders, very good forechest with good depth and length of ribbing. Very well angulated hindquarters, very good bone and feet. Moved with plenty of drive keeping a good outline. Res CC. 2 Angear’s Ridgegrove Dancing Shadow. B/T. Nice head and length of neck with good shoulders and length of ribbing. Has good bone and very good feet, has good depth and width. Very good topline, absolutely true on the move. A high quality bitch. 3 Palin’s Sanmiks Severn of Nine. Good head and length of neck with a good shoulder and very good ribbing. Nice topline and good hindquarters on the move. A very good class.
OB (14,3) 1 Goddard’s Ch Minard Krystal Darque. B/T. What can you say about this bitch that has not been said already. She is a legend in her own lifetime. She has type and balance, good head with long arched neck and very good shoulders. Good depth of forechest and good bone and feet. Good depth and length of ribbing, very good topline and very good hindquarters. Moved freely and with great style, looked an absolute picture moving. CC and Best of Breed. 2 Mack and Dunn’s Ch Topgem Louisa May. B/T. Very good head and expression, nice long neck and well placed shoulders. Good bone and length of ribbing, has a good topline and very good hindquarters. A very sound bitch on the move. 3 Roberts’ Ch Denvers Babycham. Red.
Roy Wood