Richmond 2006 - No CC's

Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)

Judge: Mr Paul S Singleton (Jethard)

Best Dog : 479 Miss J FARMER Jenwood Summer Solstice
Res Best Dog : 473 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Prince Charming
Best Bitch : 487 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Reethi Rah
Res Best Bitch : 490 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Fenfushi Rah
Best Puppy : 490 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Fenfushi Rah
Best Veteran : 473 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Prince Charming
BEST OF BREED : 487 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Reethi Rah

Class 127 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 473 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Prince Charming

Class 128 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 462 Mrs L BROWN Devoncream Dew 'N Thyme

Class 129 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 478 Miss J FARMER Jenwood Shady Spot

Class 130 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 484 Mrs C McCARTHY Nagshall Polar Seal
2nd: 481 Mrs A LE PAGE Willowheath Tattered Reams de Thelepees
3rd: 468 Mrs E T COOPER Classidax Paddy By Jumanda

Class 131 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 479 Miss J FARMER Jenwood Summer Solstice
2nd: 492 Mr L J GRAVER Melvalley Midnight Star

Class 132 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 466 Miss J CAWLEY, Mr D & KING Fizzy Flyer for Summerview
2nd: 469 Mrs E T COOPER Ir Ch Gayvilles Northern Lad At Jumanda
3rd: 491 Mr T & Mrs H WATKINS Bidornis Pinball Wizard

Class 133 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 483 Mrs C McCARTHY Nagshall Cream Toffee

Class 134 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 490 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Fenfushi Rah
2nd: 463 Mrs L BROWN Devoncream Ruby Red Dress

Class 135 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 467 Miss J CAWLEY, Mr D & KING Summerview Limited Edition
2nd: 477 Mrs F M ELWORTHY Jamiespring Desert Flower
3rd: 485 Mrs C McCARTHY Nagshall Ragety Doll

Class 136 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 470 Mrs E T COOPER Jumanda's Black Magic
2nd: 474 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Dusky Princess
3rd: 486 Mrs C McCARTHY Joala Klear Kristal

Class 137 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 475 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Silver Cloud
2nd: 471 Mrs E T COOPER Garbosa Tilly The Tinker At Jumanda

Class 138 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 487 Mrs G M WALLACE Cheslan Reethi Rah
2nd: 476 Mrs V A EARLEY Yelva Lady Wilhelmina To Warway



VD 1 Earley’s Yelva Prince Charming. Well balanced head with attractive expression. A shade stuffy in neck. Reasonably good front and ribbing. Enough length to body. Very positive on the move.

PD 1 Brown’s Devoncream Dew 'N Thyme. Good balance to head, good shape eye. Reasonable neck and enough keel for age. Depth of ribbing OK but could have more length in this respect. Sound on the move up and back and free in profile movement.

JD 1 Farmer’s Jenwood Shady Spot. Lacking coat but just out of puppy. Very good outline. Head needs to develop as yet. Strong neck but head carriage a little high. Good keel and front. Plenty of ribbing and good matching angles. Moved freely and with drive.

PGD 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Polar Seal. Good balance to outline. Has attractive expression but head does not appeal to me for type. Moved very freely and with drive. 2 Le Page’s Willowheath Tattered Reams de Thelepees. Head is much nearer to my interpretation of the standard than 1st. Lacking the required ribbing and not as positive on the move. Needs a shade more confidence.3 Cooper’s Classidax Paddy By Jumanda

LD 1 and BD Farmer’s Jenwood Summer Solstice. Good for body and outline. Head is well balanced although backskull is slightly rounded. Nice keel and ribbing. Moved out with extension and drive. 2 Graver’s Melvalley Midnight Star. Head does not fit my interpretation of the standard, deep stop, rounded backskull and eyes set too forward for a hound. OK for body shape but not ribbed back far enough and consequently longer in loin than ideal.

OD 1 Cawley and King’s Fizzy Flyer for Summerview. Good for balance and body. Excelled on the move. Head not as good as 2nd. 2 Cooper’s Ir Ch Gayvilles Northern Lad At Jumanda. Different type with better head but slightly long in loin and needs more body condition. 3 Watkins’ Bidornis Pinball Wizard:

VB 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Cream Toffee. Extrovert showgirl. Pretty head. Decent balance to body. Would prefer better keel. Moved out very well.

PB 1 BP & RBB Wallace’s Cheslan Fenfushi Rah. Still is carrying puppy fat but the quality shines through. Good balanced outline. Lovely head and expression Plenty of ribbing both for depth and length. Moved out very well. 2 Brown’s Devoncream Ruby Red Dress. Different in type. Houndy body with topline yet to settle. Bum high on the move but very free and active with good drive. Decent sort and will get better as she matures.

JB 1 Cawley and King’s Summerview Limited Edition. Balanced but a shade short in body length. Really powered around the ring. 2 Elworthy’s Jamiespring Desert Flower. Better outline than 1st but she lacked confidence and this showed on the move. 3 McCarthy’s Nagshall Ragety Doll

PGB 1 Cooper’s Jumanda's Black Magic. True to type, enough length to body and good head. Moved out very well. Could carry a shade more weight to advantage. 2 Earley’s Yelva Dusky Princess. More compact in shape than the winner and different in head properties. Not as free or active on the move. 3 McCarthy’s Joala Klear Kristal:

LB 1 Earley’s Yelva Silver Cloud. Good overall balance to head and body. Enough ribbing and carrying correct topline. Lovely front extension on the move with drive and purpose from behind. 2 Cooper’s Garbosa Tilly The Tinker At Jumanda.Good for shape and outline. Attractive head and expression with better eye than 1st. Couldn’t match her on the move.

OB 1 BB & BOB Wallace’s Cheslan Reethi Rah. Good for outline and balance. Pretty attractive head. Correct front assembly and good for ribbing in depth and length. Very good on the move particularly in front. Good strong backend. 2 Earley’s Yelva Lady Wilhelmina To Warway. OK for balance and outline. Decent front and moved out well. Just outclassed by the winner.