Longhaired Dachshund Club 2007
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) Judge: Mrs W
Hall (Cliffmere) DOGS
Mrs Nora Price (Samlane) BITCHES
Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 1
Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 3
Special Open Black & Tan Dog (1 Entry) Abs: 0
Special Open Dapple Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
Special Open Any Other Colour Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
Novice Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
Post Graduate Bitch (18 Entries) Abs: 2
Special Open Black & Tan Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 0
Special Open Dapple Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 2
Special Open Any Other Colour Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 0 |
DCC and BOB Ch. Ralines Royal Statesman. RDCC Lyndarlea Choc Ice. BPD Wynndax Latte Leo of Dinkidudlor. I was thrilled to judge this well run show. Junior Dog was disappointing, makes me wonder if this was about the time that gPRA test evolved and everyone rushed out to use clear dogs. I would think that confirmation always comes first, so long as your bitches are clear, please use your carriers as we must make type and soundness our priority. MPD (10,2) Loved this class of babies, and so many to choose from. 1 Bedford's Wynndax Latte Leo of Dinkidudlor Lovely head and expression, good pigmentation, good length of neck and ribbing, excellent front assembly. Lovely hind angulation, really uses his hocks. One for the future I think, can compete with the best of them. BPD. 2 Leyshon's Piclescott Ziegmund Nicely marked Silver Dapple, needs to build his confidence. Lovely head and expression good length of neck, good in front assembly, just needs to settle in hindquarters. 3 Crawley & King's Brynalan Ivory. PD (6,1) 1 Shutt's Sir Gallahad at Donnadoon Another one I liked a lot, lovely head and expression, good length of neck, good front assembly. Nice length and depth of ribbing. Good hind angulation. 2 Young's Willowheath ZZ Top Same applies to this boy. Good length and depth of ribbing, good topline and hind angulation. 3 Brook's Lyndarlea Pedro. JD (11,2) I struggled in this class, I was disappointed to find a dog that was far too thin, elegant looking dogs whose ribbing was far too short for their length and lacking in front assembly, Flanges and one whose Scapula was far too short. Even a dog who showed me his teeth. 1 Jamieson Zoflora Cocoa Man at Djeata. Given this class for his good front assembly and length and depth of ribbing. Would have preferred more length of neck, his hindquarters not his fortune. 2 Brook's Lyndarlea Silver Starlite Silver Dapple, nicely marked, good head not as good in front as 1st. 3 Poole's Findowrie Skye Lord. ND (2,1) 1 Redfern's Rossglen Rimmer On his own, in lovely coat, Good head, good hind angulation. PG (5,3) 1 Brooks Lyndarlea Candle in the dark Silver Dapple such a shame he was backing off, good front assembly, Lovely head and expression, good top line. 2 Croxford's Arbroath Lord of Strathspey Has a sweet head, unfortunately roaches. LD (13) 1 Oxley's Wildhatch Cropston Boy of Dinkidax Lovely Brindle boy, excellent head and expression. Good length of neck and ribbing, Good top line held on the move. Excellent front assembly, good steady hocks. 2 Brook's Lyndarlea Earth Tremor A lot to like about this boy, Good length of neck and top line not moving as well as first. 3 King's Kingsdax Regal Knight. O (7) 1 Lockett & Lockett-Walters Ch. Ralines Royal Statesman. Loved this boy, he excels in every quarter, good strong male head without being course, lovely reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, excellent pro-sternum, lovely length and depth of ribbing extending well back, good top line held on the move, good hind angulation. Delighted to give him CC and my co judge agreed that he should have BOB. 2 Brook's Lyndarlea Choc Ice. Always admired this boy from the side of the ring, lovely head and expression, good reach of neck, good front assembly, lovely top line and hind quarters RCC. 3 Welton's Chelane Casper Carrot. Sp OD Dapple (3) 1 Lyndarlea Silver Starlight. 2 Jamiesons's Silver A-Do at Djeata Lovely head & expression, good length and top line, front needs to tighten. 3 Davis's Corrinbar Blue Moon. SpOD Any other colour (3,0) 1 Wildhatch Cropston Boy of Dinkidax. 2 Phillip's Rossdach U'l Never Walk Alone Lovely head and expression, good reach of neck, good front assembly. Lovely length of ribbing. 3 Warren's Leo Mondial.
Wendy Hall