Darlington Championship Show 2021
Judge: Jill Peak

BEST OF BREED : 5186 WOODVINE-SHONE, Miss H Ralines Sazerac
Dog CC : 5186 WOODVINE-SHONE, Miss H Ralines Sazerac
Res Dog CC : 5162 HALL, Mr & Mrs D Cliffmere Woodman
Bitch CC : 5161 GEESON, Miss E Abydachs All About Me
Res Bitch CC : 5178 PAIN, Mrs J Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeech
Best Puppy : 5170 MITCHELL, Miss E Bronia King Crimson
Best Veteran : 5156 BUCHAN & KERSLAKE, Mrs H & M Devonwood Crackerjack At
Helenium JW ShCM
Class 1875 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5156 BUCHAN & KERSLAKE, Mrs H & M Devonwood Crackerjack At Helenium JW ShCM
2nd: 5153 BROAD, Mrs S Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW Sh.CM
Class 1876 MPD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5170 MITCHELL, Miss E Bronia King Crimson
2nd: 5188 WOODVINE-SHONE, Miss H Urishay Amadeus
3rd: 5157 BULLIS, Mrs A Along Came Louis To Amaffrey naf
Res: 5165 MCGAVIGAN, Mr C & PETTIGREW, Mr C Pettigans Duke of Earl
Class 1877 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5176 OXLEY, Mrs M Dinkidax Secret Santa
Class 1878 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5183 RUSSELL, Mrs C Russteck Moonbeam
Class 1879 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5187 WOODVINE-SHONE, Miss H Hanishan Fire Cracker
2nd: 5174 OXLEY, Mrs M Lokmadi Rio Bravo at Dinkidax Ger
3rd: 5158 DRADY, Mrs K Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko
Res: 5166 MEE, Mr W Barlaines Just William
VHC: 5154 BROAD, Mrs S Dinkidax Dionysus
Class 1880 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5162 HALL, Mr & Mrs D Cliffmere Woodman
2nd: 5163 IRVINE, Mrs P Bronia the Dutchman
Class 1881 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5186 WOODVINE-SHONE, Miss H Ralines Sazerac
2nd: 5179 PHILLIPS, Mrs & Mr J Summerview Yogi Bear Jw
Class 1882 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5172 MORTLOCK, Mrs C Metadale Leonie at Hertsmerry
Class 1883 MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5160 DRADY, Mrs K Indiko You Are My Destiny
Class 1884 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5184 SHUTT, Mrs M Littl fut Pandora's Secret for Donnadoon ( imp Rus
2nd: 5177 PAIN, Mrs J Ravensbeech Beansprout
Class 1885 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 5185 WHITFIELD-ROBERTS, Mr A Dandydayo
Kiss the Girl
2nd: 5181 PHILLIPS, Mrs & Mr J Summerview Holly Would
3rd: 5152 BIRDSWORTH, Miss M Ambyth I Spotted It
Class 1886 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 5155 BROWN, Mrs L Skyemabell's Feeling Lucky for Garbosa
2nd: 5167 MEE, Mr W Barlaine Razzle Dazzle
Class 1887 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5178 PAIN, Mrs J Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeech
2nd: 5173 ODDIE, Mr M Ralines Lemon Drizzle For Riowood
3rd: 5159 DRADY, Mrs K Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
Res: 5180 PHILLIPS, Mrs & Mr J Summerview Minnie Mouse
VHC: 5151 BIRDSWORTH, Miss M Ambyth Talk Of The Town
Class 1888 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 5161 GEESON, Miss E Abydachs All About Me
2nd: 5169 METCALFE, Mrs B Metadale Ariadne
VD (2) 1 Buchan & Kerslake’s Devonwood
Crackerjack At Helenium JW ShCM. 8 yr old dog, pleasing head and expression,
nice body and outline, needs to settle on the move. 2 Broad’s Ch Neertanuaf
Sea Magic JW ShCM. 7 yr old male, good head proportions, nice type, bit
untidy on the move.
MPD (4) 1 Mitchell’s Bronia King Crimson. 6
months old, very nice type shown in good coat and condition, good head
shape, nice dark eye, clean neck and shoulders, nice body and outline, went
well. BP. 2 Woodvine-Shone’s Urishay Amadeus. Another nice one, good head
and expression, good bone, legs and fet, nice body, good ribbing, went
soundly. 3 Bullis’Along Came Louis To Amaffrey NAF.
PD (1) 1 Oxley’s Dinkidax Secret Santa. 9
months old, nice head proportions, good eye, good neck, like better front
assembly, bit bum high, could move better.
JD (1) 1 Russell’s Russteck Moonbeam. 17
months old good length of head, nice eye, clean neck and shoulders, body
well muscled, good quarters, held his topline on the move.
PGD (5) 1 Woodvine-Shone’s Hanishan Fire
Cracker. 2 yr old male, pleasing head and expression, nice eye shape, clean
neck good front assembly, well ribbed, strong body loin short and strong
good quarters and set on, moved soundly. 2 Oxley’s Lokmadi Rio Bravo At
Dinkidax Ger. 3 yr old male, needs to settle on the move to make the best of
himself, nice head, good bone, like better feet, good body, quarters, well
muscled. 3 Drady’s Tolberg Black Adder At Indiko.
LD (2) 1 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman. 2 yr old
male, very nice type, good head proportions, nice eye and expression, clean
neck and shoulders, good legs and feet, body well ribbed back, quarters well
muscled. moved soundly. RCC. 2 Irvine’s Bronia The Dutchman. Good head and
expression, clean neck like better front assembly, bit loose at elbow, touch
untidy in front sound behind.
OD (2) 1 Woodvine-Shone’s Ralines Sazerac. 3
yr old male shown in good coat and condition, lovely head and expression,
dark eye, clean neck and shoulders, plenty bone, good legs and feet, strong
body well ribbed back, quarters well muscled, nice low hocks, good set on,
moved well with drive holding his topline and covering the ground. CC & BOB.
2 Phillips’ Summerview Yogi Bear Jw. 4 yr old male, bit out of coat,
pleasing head, good neck, nice legs and feet, strong body, touch long in
rear pasterns. could move better.
VB (1) 1 Mortlock’s Metadale Leonie At
Hertsmerry. 7 year old bitch, pleasing head shape, touch stuffy in neck,
like better front assembly, good body, well ribbed, could move out better.
MPB (1) 1 Drady’s Indiko you Are My Destiny. 6
months old bitch, very immature, head needs to break, nice dark eye, good
legs and feet, nice body, just needs time.
PB (2) 1 Shutt’s Littl fut Pandora’s Secret
For Donnadoon (Imp Rus). 9 months old bitch, pleasing head and expression,
good neck and shoulders, plenty bone, good legs and feet, strong body, went
well when settled. 2 Pain’s Ravensbeech Beansprout. 11 months old, nice
type, clean neck, good front assembly, body well balanced, quarters well
muscled, went well.
JB (4, 1) 1 Whitfield-Roberts’ Dandydayo Kiss
The Girl. 16 months old pleasing head proportions, strong neck, shoulders
well laid, good body and outline, quarters well muscled, moved soundly. 2
Phillips’ Summerview Holly Would. 15 months old, like a better balanced
head, nice eye colour, strong body making good outline, needs to settle on
the move. 3 Birdsworth’s Ambyth I Spotted It.
PGB (4, 2) 1 Brown’s Skyemabell’s Feeling
Lucky For Garbosa. 2 yr old bitch, pleasing type, like better head
proportions, eye touch full, good legs and feet, strong body making good
outline, went soundly. 2 Mee’s Barlaine Razzle Dazzle. 2 yrs old, bit weak
in head, like better muzzle, touch snipey, good neck, plenty bone, like
better feet, body well ribbed, needs to settle on the move.
LB (5) 1 Pain’s Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga
Ravensbeech. Very smart bitch, good type, nice head and expression, clean
neck, shoulders well laid, good bone, legs and feet, nice body and outline,
moved well with drive. RCC. 2 Oddie’s Ralines Lemon Drizzle For Riowood. 2
yr old bitch, quite smart, pleasing head proportions, touch full in eye,
body well balanced, good quarters and set on, moved soundly. 3 Drady’s
Tolberg Cream Surprise At Indiko.
OB (2) 1 Geeson’s Abydachs All About Me. 2 yrs
old, nice type, head well balanced, nice eye and expression, clean neck and
shoulders, good body and outline, went soundly, holding her topline. CC. 2
Metcalfe’s Metadale Ariadne. 5 yr old bitch, not making the best of herself
on the move, good head and eye, nice body and balance, quarters well
Mrs J Peak