Bath Championship Show 2022
Judge: Mr M Ord

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Heathcliffe at Ralines
Bitch CC : WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Res Bitch CC : WALTERS Ch Ralines Party
Best Puppy : PHILLIPS Summerview Daisy May
Best Veteran : BROAD Ch Neertanuaf Sea
Magic JW Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner : BILLETT & RICHARDS Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
Veteran Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BROAD Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW Sh.CM
2nd: EARLEY Lilacfen Sonny Delight of Yelva
Minor Puppy Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck
Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
3rd: FAIRCHILD Restinim Beau Brummell
Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason
2nd: BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck
Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason
2nd: MACKENZIE Abydachs Alpha Bootis
3rd: BOYLE Zarcrest See in Red
Yearling Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Paolo
2nd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
Post Graduate Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BROAD Dinkidax Dionysus
2nd: FAIRCHILD Restinim Torandot
Limit Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LOCKETT-WALTERS Hutzpah Heathcliffe
at Ralines
2nd: GROSE Belvydach proper job
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
Open Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Special Beginner Dog/Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
Veteran Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: SAINSBURY Ridgegrove Constance
at Boscolla
Minor Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview
Daisy May
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love Unda Pressure
3rd: BULLIS Summerview Blushing Beauty
Res: FAIRCHILD Restinim Tartan Lady
Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WHITFIELD-ROBERTSDandydayo She Lives in You
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystical Oddesey
Marina Abromavic of Dwtidachs
Junior Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: CAREY Honeysuckle scent to me via Debbiejay
2nd: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Odds On
Res: STEVENS Urishay Ambrosia by Sidburyhill
Yearling Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs
3rd: NORRIS Urishay Amandine at Criscan
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Rosa
VHC: SHUTT StarLight Angel of Donnadoon
Post Graduate Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WESTAWAY Abbilis Maleficent At
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview
Holly Would
3rd: EARLEY Yelva Princess Beatrix
Res: SHUTT Littl fut Pandora's Secret for
Donnadoon ( imp Rus
VHC:THOMAS Abydachs About Time
Limit Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
2nd: PAIN Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeech
3rd: SAINSBURY Drymoor After Eight
at Boscolla
Res: PHILLIPS Summerview
Minnie Mouse
VHC: WESTAWAY Abbilis Jive Talking At
Open Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
2nd: WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
3rd: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrivera
Res: EARLEY Willowheath Silver Queen of
Size varied considerably but nothing of major
concern, the whole dog needs to be judged as a whole & not to simply
discard a sound typical dog who is a little on the large size.
VD (2) : 1 Broad’s Ch. Neertanauf Sea Magic Jw Sh.
Cm, over 11 yr of age & still looks every inch a worthy Champion,
moved with verve & ease. Lovely shaped head, good jaw, pleasing in
front, not over heavy in his body, excellent coat & good strong
condition, has correctly shaped feet, & well set tail; 2 Earley’s
Lilacfen Sonny Delight Of Yelva 7 yr old who was also pleasing in
make & shape, good strong jaw, well set neck to good front, not the
verve of 1 when moving today despite being younger, pleasing body
shape & size, well coated.
MPD (4,1) : 1 Broad’s Bronia Wolfgang Puck, very
pleasing youngster who showed himself very well, correct almond eye,
well set ears on a well balanced head, correct front with good keel,
body raw but developing well, correctly carried well set tail, good
profile picture of flowing balance & moved with precision; 2 Billet
& Richard’s Dwtidachs Dancing Solo, very raw & not as confident as 1
today, pleasing size & has a good head with strong jaw, good front
proportions & body developing well with good rib & loin, when
settled moved soundly; 3 Fairchild’s Restinim Beau Brummell.
PD (2) : 1 Mccarthey’s Nagshall The Odd Reason, quite
mature who scored well for body & has good top & under line, moved
well & 2 was not as confident in this class & when moved again
lacked lustre from previous class. Coat just developing but of good
texture & was in good hard condition, tail well set on & carried
when moving, has correct feet shape.
JD (4,1) : All very different shapes in this class &
of different stages of development. Liked 3rd but was not happy at
all today. 1 N The O Reason; 2 Mackenzie’s Abydachs Alpha Bootis, at
the teenage stage of his development & needs time which he has
plenty of, well balanced skull & force with correct jaw & dentition,
good keel & wrap around front, well set shoulder & upper arm, body
still quite raw; 3 Boyle’s Zarcrest See In Red.
YD (2) : 1 Mccarthey’s Nagshall Santa Paolo prefer
front of 1 over 2, little heavier in head than I like to see,
correct neck & pleasing shoulder set, prefer ribbing further set
back, better in front action than from his rear, tail well carried,
good feet; 2 Wallace’s Ralines Just Jiles a nice profile picture but
would like a shade smaller all through, nice head shape, well placed
shoulder, in hard muscle tone & well bodied, correct coat pattern.
PGD (3,1) : 1 Broad’s Dinkidax Dionysus pleasing head
with well set ears, good top & under line, moved better from the
rear & front needs to be more co ordinated, nice rounded rump & well
set tail, lovely coat condition; 2 Fairchild’s Restinim Torandot
another who is pleasing in top & under line, has correct ribbing &
strong loin, well balanced in head, tail rather high set & carried a
little high at times, has well shaped feet.
LD (3) : 1 Lockett-Walter’s Hutzpah Heathcliffe At
Ralines, took my attention on entering the ring, masculine & not
heavy in any way, most lovely head, correct eye shape & set, lovely
ear, strong jaw & correct in dentition, graceful in neck to lovely
shoulder, correct keel & good practical feet, just right for body,
ribs carried well back, firm strong loin, drives well from the rear
with correctly set tail of good length, in lovely coat which is just
right for abundance. Won the class with ease then in the challenge I
was delighted to award him Res C.C. today; 2 Grose’s Belvydach
Proper Job larger in size & not the movement of 1, pleasing eye &
expression, well held top line, more enthusiasm would benefit his
movement, took a while to settle; 3 Mccarthey’s Nagshall Dutch
OD (3-1) 1 Wood’s Ch Wildstar Robinson, for me the
balance of this dog is very pleasing to the eye & you can fully
appreciate why he has won so well under many judges. His profile is
off everything flowing together with no exaggerations & the hands on
his body tell you just that. He is masculine but of perfect size,
exquisite head shape with lovely almond shaped eyes, correct skull &
jaw with strong dentition, clean neck which carries his head proudly
forward when moved, excellent in rib & loin, lovely rounded rump &
correctly set tail, in perfect coat & muscular hard condition. His
movement is a joy to see & I was delighted to add to his many awards
C.C. & B.O.B. Also later in the day he was short listed in the
group, well done; 2 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman pleasing male with good
pro sternum, masculine head with strong jaw & good dentition, would
like a little less weight over his loin, sound positive rear action,
correct tail length & set, in lovely coat & condition.
Sp Beg D (1) : 1 D Dancing S. VB (1) : 1 Sainsbury’s
Ridgegrove Constance At Boscolla 10 yr old, steady mover who was
enjoying her time in the ring, medium sized eye correctly set,
strong firm neck, ribbing good for age & not heavy over her firm
loin, lovely feet. MPB (4) : 1 Phillip’s Summerview Daisy May, quite
mature on first impression, loved her balanced profile, profuse coat
presented to perfection, most lovely head, excellent in front, would
prefer a touch less weight, takes time to settle but when she does
her movement is a joy. With confidence will go far, B. Puppy &
pleasing to note she is sired by my B.O.B.; 2 Mccarthey’s Nagshall
Love Under Pressure, a little on the large size but balanced all
through, well bodied with good firm loin, moved well but can not
match 1 on size, in profuse coat, well placed feet of correct shape;
3 Bulli’s Summerview Blushing Beauty.
PB (3) : 1 Whitfield-Robert’s Dandydayo She Lives In
You, small well set almond eye, loved her head & correct expressive
eyes, well set shoulder & corresponding upper arm, correct pro
sternum, well held top line, still raw in body but all as it should
be, excellent coat & condition, prominent rounded bottom with well
carried tail, most lovely feet that are practical; 2 Mccarthey;s
Nagshall Mystic Oddesay, balanced in head, still rather raw body
condition, well placed feet, with confidence her movement will
improve, well presented; 3 Billett’s Marina Abromavic Of Dwtidachs.
JB (5-1) 1 Carey’s Honeysuckle Scent To Me Via
Debbiejay, won the class on her size & moved with good reach in
front, feminine head, well placed eye & ear, pleasing body
proportions. When she gained her confidence her stride was free &
easy, good coat; 2 Cox’s Dolyharp Sweet Harmony nice headed girl who
lost out on top line to 1, moved better in front than from her rear
today, correct feet, tail well set & carried; 3 Mccarthy’s Nagshall
Odds On.
YB (5) : 1, Wood’s Wildstar Wrolanda, won class with
ease, strongly considered for top honours but maturity will benefit
her further. Perfect size & balanced shape, exquisite head shape,
strong neck & holds her head correctly, correct rib well back, firm
loin of perfect length, super feet, her movement was a joy & she
shows herself with pride & precision, put down to perfection in
presentation; 2 Billett’s Daring Dancer Of Dwitdach slightly more of
her than 1, moving better in front than hind action, good top line,
in profile she is pleasing but today her movement let her down; 3
Norri’s Urishay Amandine At Criscan.
PGB (7,1) : 1 Westaway’s Abbillis Malificent At
Trench scored well for head shape, in good body, not as positive in
front which was evident on the move, rounded rump with correctly set
tail, won class on her head which has well set ears & pleasing
expressive eyes set oblique; 2 Phillip’s Summerview Holly Would, a
little sluggish on the move today & top line not as good as1, well
shaped head, strong firm neck, good front, well set & carried tail;
3 Earley’s Yelva Princess Beatrix.
LB (6) : 1 Cox’s Dolyharp Sweet Harmony feminine in
both head & body, balanced skull & jaw, well set ears, excellent
body & ribs well back, firm short loin, well placed feet, correct
coat & not heavy; 2 Pain’s Cwmdairhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeach, liked
her head piece & well set neck, good top line, little longer in the
leg than I like, not heavy coated but moved soundly, tail carried
well; 3 Sainsbury’s Drymoor After Eight At Boscolla.
OB (5-1) : Pleasing class to judge. 1
Whitfield-Robert’s Ch Dandydayo Kiss The Girl, in blooming coat &
first class condition this youngster is a real show girl, loved her
head shape, dark medium correctly set eye, correct in ear. Strong
firm neck holding her head proudly forward when gaiting, her
movement was a delight good reach & drive, has ribs carried well
back & firm loin, well set hocks & tail carried correctly, in good
competition won a well deserved CC. today; 2 Walter’s Ch. Ralines
Party Politics 3 yr old who is a worthy Ch, feminine all through,
profuse coat of correct texture & one you need to go over to
appreciate, everything in proportion with no exaggeration, excellent
top & under line, has the conical head shape, dark well set eye with
excellent expression, very pleasing in ribbing & loin, excellent
feet & tail Res CC. 3 Wood’s Ch Wildstar Wrivera.