Longhaired Dachshund Club Championship Show 2022
Dachshund (Miniature Long-haired)
Judge (s):
Dogs - Sharon Broad
Bitches - Judy Burgin (Melvalley)
BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW
& Best in Show
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW
Res Dog CC : LOCKETT WALTERS Hutzpah Heathcliffe at Ralines
Best Puppy Dog : MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason
Bitch CC : GODDARD Ch Minard Darque Angel
Res Bitch CC: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Best Puppy Bitch : BUTLER Minard Out of the Darque from Drymoor & Best Puppy in Show
Best Puppy : BUTLER Minard Out of the Darque from Drymoor
Best Veteran : WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Firewitch
& Reserve Best Veteran in Show
Veteran Dog
1st: No Entries
Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: BECKETT-BRADSHAW Hutaka Hot Shot
Puppy Dog (3, 1 Abs)
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason
2nd: ABBOTT Idirsholas Ignatius Ay I
Junior Dog (2, 1 Abs)
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason
Yearling Dog (4, 1 Abs)
1st: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
2nd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Paolo
Novice Dog (4, 1 Abs)
1st: GROSE Belvydach Proper Job
2nd: BECKETT-BRADSHAW Hutaka Hot Shot
3rd: FINDLAY Hanburydax Lord Oliver
Graduate Dog NO ENTRIES
Post Graduate Dog (2, 2 Abs)
Limit Dog (4, 1 Abs)
1st: LOCKETT WALTERS Hutzpah Heathcliffe at Ralines
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
3rd: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
Open Dog (5)
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW
2nd:HALL Cliffmere Woodman
3rd: GEESON Abydachs Alpha Centauri
Res: POOLE Findowrie Mr McKenzie
VHC: DUNHILL Zarcrest Flash Gordon at Gellijam
Champion Dog
No Entries
Veteran Bitch (2)
1st: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Firewitch
2nd: WORSWICK Ch Dolyharp Coppelia JW
Minor Puppy Bitch (5, 3 Abs)
1st: BULLIS Summerview Blushing Beauty
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Daisy May
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love Unda Pressure
Puppy Bitch (5)
1st: BUTLER Minard Out of the Darque from Drymoor
2nd: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystic Oddysey
Res: SIGGEE Ensigynes Glaciarium
VHC: BILLIETT Marina Abromavic of Dwtidachs
Junior Bitch (7, 3 Abs)
1st: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
2nd: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay
3rd: SHUTT Little Fut Pandora'a Secret for Donnadoon (Imp Rus)
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Odds On
Yearling Bitch (6)
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
2nd: WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Rosa
Res: BILLETT Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs
VHC: SHUTT Starlight Angel of Donnadoon
Novice Bitch (5, 1 Abs)
1st: NORRIS Urishay Amandine at Criscan
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Rosa
3rd: FINDLAY Hanburydax Phantom Lady
Res: ANEKE Sanmik Little Beautiful Lady
Graduate Bitch (1)
1st: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee
Post Graduate Bitch (4. 1 Abs)
1st: WALTERS Ralines Lemontini
2nd: POOLE Findowrie Miss McFee
3rd: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Limit Bitch (6, 2 Abs)
1st: WORSWICK Dolyharp Sonatina
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Minnie Mouse
3rd: BIRDSWORTH Ambyth Up Town Girl
Res: COX Bronia Jelly Baby
Open Bitch (3)
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrivera
2nd: GEESON Ch Abydachs Alchemy
3rd: NORRIS Willowheath Bringing Hope to Criscan
Champion Bitch (4)
1st: GODDARD Ch Minard Darque Angel
2nd: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
3rd: WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
Res: WORSWICK Ch Dolyharp Fur Elise
I would like to thank the Long Haired Dachshund Club for the opportunity of giving my 1st set of CC at such a prestigious show. I also would like to thank my two stewards Ian Blackshaw, and Michael Lewis who managed the ring so well. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their entry. I really appreciated your entries.
I was surprised to find a lot of dogs with dirty teeth,it amazed me that exhibitors could bring there dogs to a show, with dirty teeth. Also a fair exhibits where over weight and not by a few ounces.l don't know if it was the flooring but front extension could have been better, and also muscle tone was also lacking. I was pleased with my winners.
Veteran Dog (0)
Minor Puppy Dog (2)
1st Beckett-Bradshaw, Hutaka Hot Shot. Larger type red dog, quite apprehensive on the table and when he moved. Strong head, dark eye, good length of neck.Well placed shoulders, level topline. Well presented. Hopefully he gets more confident.
Puppy Dog (3)
1st McCarthy Nagshall The Odd Reason. Red dog with good lay of shoulder. Classic head with dark eye, ears set good. Chest tucked up and ribs could have more length. Making him a bit long in loin. Moved with drive, and well muscled, held a level top line on move, but run a bit high in the stack. BPD
2nd Abbott. Idirsholas Ignatius AY I B/T larger framed dog, difficult to access movement as he was unsettled. Dark eye, lack length to neck, and more length to muzzle would give a more balanced head. Slightly narrow in front. Presented well.
1st (4) Poole. Findowrie Mr McKenzie shaded red dog, shoulders well placed, could have more length to neck for better outline and balance. Held a good level top line on the move and in the stack. A bit long in loin. Dark eye which could be a better shape. Nice bone, and tight feet. Moved steadily and true.
Wallace. Ralines Just Jiles. Well presented clear red, which held a level topline, classic head, good strong teeth, dark well shaped eye. Slightly narrow in front.
3rd McCarthy Nagshall Santa Paolo.
1st Grose. Belvyclach Proper Job, B/T dog. Moved well,larger frame, deep chest and enough ribbing, well set tail, dark well set eye, and a good underjaw. Nice length of neck and shoulders well placed.
2nd Beckett-Bradshaw. Hutaka Hot Shot.
Grad (0)
Post Grad (0)
limit (4)
1st Lockett-Walters. Hutzpah Heathcliffe at Ralines. Cream dog, with good pigmentation,conical houndy head, dark almond eye, strong underjaw, good length of neck. Well placed shoulders, depth of chest which goes right back, length to ribbing, level topline, held on the move, and stack. Angulated rear, which he used on the moved. Presented well.RDCC.
2nd McCarthy Nagshall Dutch Odyssey. Dark red dog, strong houndy head, dark eye, good ear set, length to neck, lay of shoulder ok. Prosterum could be stronger, level topline, ribbing could be longer. Level topline, just lacked drive of 1st.
3rd Weston & Johnson Ecotyne Devils Advocate.
Open (5)
Wood. Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW red dog, it was a pleasure to find a true miniature dog. So well balanced, hands just flowed over him, everything was in the right placed,from his shoulders and ribbing and rear angulation, length to neck, balance head, dark oblic eye, moved true with drive. So much has been written about him Well presented DVD BOB BIS well done.
2nd Hall. Cliffmere Woodman. Red dog thought he was going to be my class winner. Love his head, strong under jaw, dark almond eye, well placed ears. Length of neck, depth of Prosterum, ribbing well back, short loin, good angulation. Not moving his best today, lacked drive.
3rd Geeson Abydachs Alpha Centauri.
Judge Sharon Broad