Thank you to the Committee of the LKA for your kind invitation and hospitality. This is the variety of Dachshund I love and exhibit myself, so I appreciate the numbers of dogs which attended, turning out in dreadful weather. Interesting that many of my class winners were sired by the dog to whom I awarded BOB the last time I judged, and also others were sired by todays’ Dog CC winner.
Minor Puppy Dog.4 Entries.1 abs.
1st – Brown’s Garbosa I’m a Dandy, choc/tan, 7 months, confident puppy, good reach of neck, good length of rib, correct shoulders, well angulated, parallel movement, very promising.
2nd _ McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice, 9 month old cream, loved his head, good length of ribbing, correct shoulder placement. A little apprehensive on the table today.
3rd –Norton’s Halunke Tzarman
Puppy Dog. 5 Entries.3 abs.
1st _ Wood’s Wildstar Washington, 10months, dark red, handsome head, good shoulder placement, adequate ribbing, well angulated, sound solid movement, maintaining topline. Very flashy and eye catching! BPD and BPIB.
2nd – McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice, 2nd in MPD.
Junior Dog. 1 Entries.
1st – Poole’s Findowrie The Fusileer, B/T, unfortunately this boy had to be handled by someone he didn’t know, as his owner had an unexpected problem, but it shows what a brilliant temperament he has, as he settled quickly. Lovely head, good length of neck, good length of ribbing, moved soundly.
Post Graduate Dog. 2 Entries.
1st – Yates’ Lyndarlea just Brian of Irisdax, b/t, elegant dog, lovely head, good length of ribbing, well angulated, sound movement.
2nd - McCarthy’s Nagshall The Odd Reason JW, cream, lovely head, good length of ribbing, well angulated.
Limit Dog – 2 Entries.
1st – Poole’s Findowrie Mr McKye, red, handsome head, correct shoulder placement, good length of rib, well angulated behind, strode out well.
2nd – McCarthy’s Nagshall Dutch Odyssey, red, lovely head, well angulated behind.
Open Dog – 4 Entries. 2 abs
1st – Wood’s Ch. Wildstar Wrobinson, 6yrs old, and can still hold his own against the youngsters! I was honoured to get the chance to judge him, and award him his 64th CC. Red, beautiful head, good reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, well angulated behind. Movement excellent.
2nd - Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman, son of the CC winner, and almost a carbon copy! So similar comments as above, and so often this handsome lad wins the Reserve CC to his father, as he did today.
Good Citizen Dog. No entries.
Veteran Dog/Bitch – 2 Entries.1 abs.
1 Murphy’s Classidax Liberty Belle, 8 yrs b/t, compact little bitch, who strode out well and enjoyed her outing. BV
Minor Puppy Bitch – 8 Entries.4 abs.
1st - Norton’s Halunke Tzarina, 7 month b/t, lovely head, good length of neck flowing into correct length of rib, with correct shoulders, moved soundly. Will be even better as she matures.
2nd – McCarthy’s Nagshall I’m So Dizzy, 8 month old cream, well bodied, good length of rib, neat angulation.
3rd – Ham’s Ciselsig Cherry Valentine.
Puppy Bitch – 3 Entries. 1 abs.
1st – Dunhill and Knight’s Calgreg Glory At Gellijam, b/t, lovely head, good length of rib, presented immaculately, moved out well. BPB purely on maturity.
2nd – McCarthy’s Nagshall I’m So Dizzy, 2nd in previous class.
Junior Bitch – 2 Entries.1 abs.
1st. Fleming’s Cwmdarhian Celtic Exchange with Glenariff, dark shaded red, very eye-catching! Lovely head, good shoulder placement, good length of ribbing, smart mover.
Post Graduate Bitch – 10 Entries.4 abs.
1st – Carey’s Honeysuckle Scent to me via Debbiejay, 17months, shaded cream, I admired her from the ringside as a puppy, and she didn’t disappoint on the table. Pretty head, well bodied, good shoulder angulation, good length of ribbing, neat hind angulation, moved correctly and with style. I predict she’s one to watch out for as she matures.
2nd - Hall’s Cliffmere Edith, smart shaded cream, well angulated, correct shoulders, good length of rib.
3rd – Cox’s Cheritondax Chardonnay.
Limit Bitch –13 Entries.2abs.
What a hot class, with many lovely ladies.
1st – Butler’s Minard out of the Darque from Drymoor, 18month old b/t, still a youngster really, but she shone out. Presented in gleaming condition, so elegant, beautiful head, good length of neck, excellent shoulder placement, good length of ribbing, well angulated behind, she flowed round the ring, showing her pads and maintaining her topline. I awarded her the CC with no hesitation, and in the final Challenge with Wrobinson, she could not be denied BOB.
2nd – Norton’s Halunke Super Magic, red, well ribbed, well angulated, excelled in movement, just unfortunate to meet the star of the day today. Considered her for Res CC.
3rd- Sainsburys’ Drymoor After Eight at Boscolla.
Open Bitch –8 Entries 3 abs.
1st - Mason’s Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown, 2yr old that showed her socks off! Red, neat head, well ribbed, well angulated both ends, and really pulled out all the stops to win the Res CC.
2nd – Pain’s silver dapple, Galrhia Full of Beans at Ravensbeech, neat, compact girl, well angulated, moved well.
3rd – Siggee’s Ensigynes Glaciarium.
Good Citizen Bitch. No Entries.
Daphne Graham (Jadag)