Manchester Championship Show 2022
Judge: Mr Ken R Andrew

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Res Dog CC : BOYLE Zarcrest See in Red
Bitch CC : WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Res Bitch CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrivera
Best Puppy : BOYLE Zarcrest See in Red -
RCC & Hound Puppy Group 2
Best Veteran :
Minor Puppy Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LATHAM-JACKSON Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason
3rd: ABBOTT Idirsholas Ignatius Ay I
Puppy Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BOYLE Zarcrest See in Red
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason
Junior Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: NORTON Halunke Dreams of Magic
2nd:POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
3rd: JOHNSON Charpurdy's Royal Oak
Post Graduate Dog
(7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Paolo
2nd: PIKE & CARTER Zarcrest Flash Harry At Breezelyn
3rd: RUSSELL Russteck Moonbeam
Res: FAIRCHILD Restinim Torandot
VHC: MEMBURY Artangeloax Luck Changer TAF
Limit Dog
(6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: IRVINE Bronia the Dutchman
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Yogi Bear JW
3rd: DUNHILL Zarcrest Flash Gordon at Gellijam
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
VHC: PASKINS Dinkidax Sandrayana at Kindeace
Open Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mr McKenzie
Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Minor Puppy Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CAREY Honeysuckle scent to me via Debbiejay
2nd: SIGGEE Ensigynes Glaciarium
3rd: WHITFIELD-ROBERTSA Danydayo She Lives in You
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystic Oddesey
VHC: LANDRY Royaldach's radiant Phoebe
Puppy Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: BUTLER Minard out of the Darque from Drymoor
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Edith
Nagshall Odds On
Res: HOLTOM Ralines Lemosas
Junior Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
2nd: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay
Nagshall Odds On
Res: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee
VHC: ANEKE Sanmik little beautiful lady
Post Graduate Bitch
(13 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Rosa
3rd: LATHAM-JACKSON Urishay Pennyroyal
Res: LARDEN Bronia Red Ruby
VHC: BULLINGHAM & KENT Lokmadi Me and Mrs Jones
Limit Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 1
Kiss the Girl
2nd: NORTON Halunke Super Magic
3rd: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Lucaoonagh
VHC: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Open Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrivera
2nd: GODDARD Ch Minard Darque
3rd: ODDIE Ch Ralines Lemon Drizzle For Riowood
Veteran Bitch
MPD (4 1) 1 Latham-Jackson’s Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay. 9
months, good head shape. Length of neck, nice topline, true movement. 2
McCarthy’s Nagshall The Odd Reason. Just 6 months, good front and topline,
needs to body up, preferred rear movement of first. 3 Abbott’s Idirsholas
Ignatius Ay I.
PD (2) 1 Boyle’s Zarcrest See In Red. Almost 2 months of age,
top quality young dog, super head and neck, good forechest, well ribbed,
good topline which he carries well on the move, BP. RCC. 2 McCarthy’s
Nagshall The Odd Reason.
JD (4, 1) 1 Norton’s Hanluke Dreams Of Magic. Good
construction, moved true out and back. 2 Poole’s Findowrie Mister McKye.
Good shoulder and forechest, nice topline, preferred profile movement of
winner. 3 Johnson’s Charpurdys Royal Oak.
PGD (7, 2) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshalls Santa Polo. 2 year old dog,
quite a lot to like about him, good construction, moved well up and back and
also in profile. 2 Pike & Carter’s Zarcrest Flash Harry At Breezelyn. 3 yr
old dog, another with good shape when standing, good profile movement but
not the rear movement of winner. 3 Russell’s Russteck Moonbeam.
LD 1 Irvine’s Bronia The Dutchman. 4 year old dog, good head
shape and length of neck, carried topline well, good movement. 2 Phillips’
Summer View Yogi Bear JW. Another 4 year old, well constructed, close
decision between the two, just preferred profile movement of winner on the
day. 3 Dunhill & Dunhill’s
Zarcrest Flash Gordon At Gellijam.
OD 1 Woods’ Ch WIldstar Wrobinson. 5 year old dog, what a
super dog, correct angles front and rear, lovely head shape, length of neck,
good forechest and ribbing, good topline, presented in great condition, was
told by owner after judging I think this was his 53rd CC. Thank you for
allowing me to judge him. DCC & BOB. 2 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman. Another
nice dog, shorter than winner, but moved well up and back. 3 Poole’s
Findowrie Mr McKenzie.
MPB (5) 1 Carey’s Honeysuckle Scent To Me Via Debbiejay. 7
mth old bitch, promising, good shape, well constructed, moved true. 2
Siggee’s Ensigynes Glaciarium. Slightly shorter than winner, carried topline
well with good front movement, not so good behind as winner. 3
Whitfield-Roberts’ Dandydayo She Lives In You.
PB (7) 1 Butler’s Minard Out Of The Darque From Drymoor.
Promising 9 month old black and tan, good length of neck, correct forechest,
good topline, moved well, BPB. 2 Hall’s Cliffmere Edith. Shorter than
winner, but well constructed, moved well, preferred profile movement of
winner. 3 McCarthy’s Nagshall Odds On.
JB (5) 1 Woods’ Wildstar Wrolanda. 14 mth old bitch, very
well constructed, good angles, moved well, considered for reserve ticket. 2
Cox’s Cheritondax Chardonnay. Good topline, correct forechest and ribbing,
steady movement. 3 McCarthy’s Nagshall Odds On.
PGB (13, 3) 1 Phillips’ Summerview Holly Would. 18 mth old
bitch, correct head shape wth length of neck, good forechest, good movement,
best mover in the class. 2 McCarthy’s Nagshall Santa Rosa. Longer in body
than winner, nice shape, but not the profile movement of winner. 3
Latham-Jackson’s Urishay Pennyroyal.
LB (8, 1) 1 Whitfield-Roberts’ Dandydayo Kiss The Girl.
Quality bitch, 18 months of age, very well constructed, which showed up when
on the move, pleased to award the CC, I believe her second, sure the third
won’t be too far away. 2 Norton’s Halunke Super Magic. Another nice bitch,
well put together, moved well, but preferred rear movement of winner. 3
Mason’s Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckelton.
OB (3) Only 3 entered but all worthy champions, another day
or different surface?? 1 Woods’ Ch Wildstar Wrivera. 14 months of age, can
see why he’s champion, quality dog, again presented to perfection, nothing
to dislike. I am sure will go onto win many more tickets, but on the day I
was pleased to award him RCC. 2 Goddar’s Ch Minard Darque Angel. Another
bitch of great quality, on the day I preferred hind movement of winner. 3
Oddie’s Ch Ralines Lemon Drizzle For Riowood.
Ken Andrew