Midland Dachshund Championship Show 2022
Judge: Peter Higgins (Leveliss)

BEST OF BREED : WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
Dog CC : POOLE Findowrie Mr McKenzie
Res Dog CC : WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
Bitch CC : WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
Res Bitch CC : COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Best Puppy : POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
Best Veteran : BROAD Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW Sh.CM
Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BROAD Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW Sh.CM
2nd: BREESE Silkdown Phoenix Rising
Minor Puppy Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
2nd: JAMES Jamesfair Wispasoftly
RICHARDS Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
Puppy Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck
2nd: BECKETT-BRADSHAW Hutaka Hot Shot
Junior Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Absent
Novice Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
BREARLEY Calvin's Dream of Eternity at Xanadax
2nd: FINDLAY Hanburydax Lord Oliver
3rd: BRUZ Essexcreams Latte
Post Graduate Dog
(8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
2nd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
3rd: NORTON Halunke Dreams of Magic
Res: PHILLIPS Fallingwater First Light
VHC: GROSE Belvydach Proper Job
Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
2nd: MEE Barlaines Just William
WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
Res: BREESE Silkdown Samson
VHC: BROAD Dinkidax Dionysus
Open Dog
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POOLE Findowrie Mr McKenzie
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
3rd: DRADY Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko
Res: WOODVINE-SHONE Ninanaja Crazy Diamond (Imp DNK)
VHC: DUNHILL Zarcrest Flash Gordon at Gellijam
Champion Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Absent
Veteran Bitch
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Firewitch
Minor Puppy Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FLETCHER & STEPHANI Walnutfarm Demelza
2nd: FINDLAY Hanburydax Fleur Jac
3rd: DUNHILL & KNIGHT Calgreg Glory At Gellijam
Res: PALIN Sanmik Red Queen
BIRDSWORTH Ambyth New kid in Town
Puppy Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Daisy May
2nd: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
3rd: FLETCHER & STEPHANI Walnutfarm Demelza
Res: FAIRCHILD Restinim Tartan Lady
Junior Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Edith
3rd: BREESE Silkdown Shimmering Dawn
Novice Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: TREMBLE Dinkidax Auretta
PALIN Daisy Magnolia
Phantom Lady
Post Graduate Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
2nd: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
3rd: FLETCHER & STEPHANI Walnutfarm Faith
Res: SHUTT Star Light Angel of Donnadoon
VHC: PHILLIPS Fallingwater First Love
Limit Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POOLE Findowrie Miss McFee
2nd: WORSWICK Dolyharp Sonatina
DRADY Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
Res: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay
VHC: NORTON Halunke Super Magic
Open Bitch
(7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
2nd: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
3rd: PHILLIPS Summerview Minnie Mouse
Res: METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
BECKETT-BRADSHAW Tolberg Heavenly At Hutaka
Champion Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: ROBERTS Ch Dandaydayo Kiss the Girl
I'd like to
thank the committee of the Midland Dachshund Club for a well run show and
special thanks to Jenny Rowe for being an outstanding steward.
Most of the
dogs were put down in good condition and some in excellent condition. Mouths on
the whole were clean and temperament was fantastic.
V/D (2)
Broad's CH Neertanauf Sea Magic JW ShCM - nice 12 year old dog. Moved well,
shoulder placement good. Kept a good top line at all times. BV.
Breese's Silk Down Phoenix Rising - smart type, not the front of 1. Moved
out nicely, nice tight feet.
MP/D (3)
Poole's Findowire The Fusileer - nice quality type. Great top line, lovely
length of ribbing and reach of neck. Good hind angulation
James' Fair Wispasoftly - raw puppy, nice on the move, sound front and good
shoulder placement
Richards' Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
Broad's Bronia Wolfgang Puck - nice to go over, stood square on the table,
good front and hind quarters
Beckett and Bradshaw's Hutaka Hot Shot - good keen eye on this young dog,
smart tight feet, moved out well
(3, 1 abs)
Brearley's Calvin's Dream of Eternity at Xanadax - nice type,
good shoulder placement
Findlay's Hanburydax Lord Oliver - slightly heavier type, nice length of
ribbing, pushed hard to win this class
PGD (6)
Wallace's Ralines Just Giles - nice type, great top line, good expression,
sound correct size. Keen eye, drove out well round the ring. Quality
throughout. Happy to award him Res BD
Poole's Findowire Mister McKye - classy dog, lovely top line, full of
substance, sound front, good hind angulation
Norton's Halunke Dreams of Magic
Weston and Johnson's Ecotyne Devil's Advocate - nice black and tan I liked
from the start, smart top line, nice ribbing and sound on the move
Mee's Barlaine Just William - stylish dog, good length and spring of rib,
quality sound dog.
Woodvine-Shone's Hanishan Fire Cracker
O/D (5)
Poole's Findowire Mister McKenzie - smart red stylish dog, lovely shoulder
placement and great length of ribbing, moved sound and true, lots to like
about this dog, showed himself to the best of his ability. Delighted to
award him BD.
Hall's Cliffmere Woodman - nice front on this dog, pushed hard for the top
position on sound movement alone, in good condition.
Drady's Tolberg Blackadder at Indiko
Weston and Johnson's Ecotyne Firewitch - 8 year old smart bitch, moved
soundly, nice front, kept a good top line at all times
MP/B (6,
1 abs)
Stephani and Fletcher's Walnut Farm Demelza - nice young red, moved soundly,
lovely head and keen eye, nice turn of stifle
Finlay's Hanburydax Fleur Jac - nice young bitch, nice tight feet, smart top
line, moved out with drive
Dunhill and Knight's Calgreg Glory at Gellijam
(5, 1 abs)
Phillips' Summer View Daisy May - black and tan bitch I liked, nice
shoulder, moved soundly around the ring, keen expression, in good condition.
Poole's Findowire Jessice Rose - nice, but less mature pup than 1, nice
feminine head and good turn of stifle
Stephani and Fletcher's Walnut Farm Demelza
(5, 2 abs)
Carey's Honeysuckle Scent To Me Via Debbie Jay - nice young bitch who looked
lovely on the move, nice shoulders and length of ribbing
Hall's Cliffmere Edith - smart type, pushed hard for 1st position,
well constructed, lacked the sparkle around the ring
Breese's Silk Down Shimmering Dawn
(5, 2 abs)
Tremble's Dinkydax Aurtta - nice feminine head, keen dark eye, nice spring
of rib, moved nicely around the ring
Palin's Daisy Magnolia - nice constructed bitch who showed herself to the
best of her ability, nice condition
Finlay's Hanburydax Phantom Lady
PG/B (11, 2 abs)
Cox's Dolyharp Sweet Harmony - well constructed front on this very stylish
bitch, moved round the ring with drive and purpose, in great condition, a
joy to go over. Happy to award her ResBB
Mason's Crownlakes Queen Bee JW - young quality bitch, of good proportion,
nice hind quarters, would normally have taken this class, preferred 1
Stephani and Fletcher's Walnut Farm Faith
Poole's Findowire Miss MkFee - super classy bitch with lovely movement and
style, kept a great top line at all times
Worswick's Dollyharp Sonatina - classy bitch from this kennel, moved freely
around the ring, great hind quarters and in good condition
Drady's Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
(7, 1 abs)
Walters' CH Raylines Party Politics - stunning bitch who catches the eye as
soon as it walks in the ring, sound construction throughout, drove herself
around the ring with style and purpose and kept a correct outline at all
times. In excellent condition. Happy to award her BB/BOB
Mason's Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown - super bitch with a lovely top
line, good ribbing of sound type, very eye catching in the ring
Phillips' Summer View Minnie Mouse
(2, 1 abs)
Whitflield-Roberts' CH Dandydayo Kiss The Girl - lovely red bitch worthy of
her title, nice to go over, great shoulders, shows herself to the maximum,
well handled.