Windsor Championship Show 2022
Judge: Mr Tom Mather

Veteran Dog/Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: EARLEY Lilacfen Sonny Delight of Yelva
Minor Puppy Dog
(1 Entries) Abs: 1
Puppy Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Junior Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason
2nd: CROW Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks
Yearling Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason
2nd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
Post Graduate Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Paolo
2nd: MACMICHAEL Cheniesvilla Prince Casper
Limit Dog
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOODVINE-SHONEHanishan Fire Cracker
Open Dog
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POOLE Findowrie Mr McKenzie
2nd: GRAHAM Jadag Herr Bjorn
3rd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Res: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wreward
VHC:MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog/Bitch
Minor Puppy Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: FLEMING & WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Celtic Exchange with Glenariff
2nd: FAIRCHILD Restinim Tartan Lady
Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love Uda Pressure
2nd: BULLIS, Summerview Blushing Beauty
3rd: PHILLIPS Summerview Daisy May
Junior Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HALL Cliffmere Edith
2nd: BUTLER Minard out of the Darque from Drymoor
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Msystic Oddesey
Res: CAREY Honeysuckle scent to me via Debbiejay
VHC: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay
Yearling Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Odds On
3rd: SHUTT Littl fut Pandora's Secret for Donnadoon ( imp Rus)
Post Graduate Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Wildstar Wrolande
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
3rd: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Res: EARLEYYelva Princess Beatrix
VHC: SHUTT StarLight Angel of Donnadoon
Limit Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Minnie Mouse
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Santa Rosa
3rd: WORSWICK Dolyharp Sonatina
Res: EARLEY Yelva Silver Shadow
Many thanks to my two excellent stewards.
Vet (2 ,1) 1 Earley’s Lilacfen Sonny Delight
of Yelva. Typical head and expression with strong jaw and excellent
dentition. Well-developed forechest with good bone and decent feet. Ribbed
well back and nicely rounded rump. Sound both ways on the move.
JD (2) 1 Mccarth Nagshall The Odd Reason. A
smart, confident youngster who stood well on the table and acquitted himself
well on the move. Pleasing masculine head, decent neck and good carriage and
deportment. Well bodied with good length of rib and some strength over the
loin. 2 Crow’s Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks. Just a fraction bigger
than the winner and lacked his confidence and showmanship. Good head and
eye, well ribbed back with adequate ground clearance and moved soundly both
YD (3) 1 Nagshall The Odd Reason. 2 Wallace’s
Ralines Just Jiles. Attractive, typical head and expression. Decent neck and
shoulders, not quite the body condition of the winner. Ribs extend well
back. Good topline. Has some drive from the rear on the move. 3 Poole’s
Findowrie Mister McKye
PGD (2) 1 Mccarthy’s Nagshall Santa Paolo.
Lovely carriage and deportment gave him a very good outline which he kept
both standing and on the move. Very pleasing, dark expressive eyes. Strong
jaw. Decent forehand with some ground clearance. Flat, soft coat. 2
Macmichael’s Cheniesvilla Prince Casper. Pleasing head and alert expression.
Stands well on good legs and nicely padded feet. Well ribbed with good
LD (1) 1 Woodvine-Shone’s Hanishan Fire
Cracker. Stood alone here but I liked him enough to give him the Reserve CC.
Attractive head and keen intelligent expression. Proud carriage. Good
forehand with decent bone and good feet. Well developed chest. Well ribbed
with short strong loin. Moved well with an easy flowing action. A good
showman in excellent condition.
OD (6) 1 Poole’s Findowrie Mr McKenzie. CC. I
truly had no idea that this dog was my Reserve CC winner at Manchester in
2019 and I was delighted to be told at the end of judging that this was his
third CC today. Very composed and dignified with a good neck and pleasing
front assembly. Masculine, not coarse, head and dark intelligent eyes.
Strong well ribbed body with decent ground clearance. Stood well on the
table with parallel rear legs. His well-muscled hindquarters gave him some
drive on the move. Shown in good coat and condition. 2 Grajham’s Jadag Herr
Bjorn. Another handsome dog shown in first class order and good body
condition. Attractive head and expression. Good forehand with decent bone
and nicely padded feet. Ribbed well back with a good topline and well set
tail. Moved soundly. 3 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman
MPB (2) 1 Fleming & Williams’ Cwmdarhian
Celtic Exchange with Glenariff. Bold and confident and this was reflected in
her good carriage and demeanour. Attractive head and expression. Clean neck
and good forehand. Well ribbed with strong, short loin. Sound and steady on
the move. Her mature attitude gave her the edge in the challenge for Best
Puppy. 2 Fairchild’s Restinim Tartan Lady. Typey but at this stage not quite
the confidence of the winner. Good head with dark intelligent eye and strong
jaw. Decent ribbing and has some ground clearance.
PB (3) 1 Mccarthy’s Nagshall Love Unda
Pressure. Feminine, attractive head and expression, dark eyes and good
pigmentation. Decent forehand, ribs extend well back. Good hindquarters
which she uses to advantage on the move. 2 Bullis’ Summerview Blushing
Beauty. Not quite the reach of neck of the winner but well bodied with good
ribbing and short couplings. Pleasing head and expression. Moved soundly. 3
Phillips’ Summerview Daisy May
JB (6) A good class. 1 Hall’s Cliffmere Edith.
A really good moving bitch who kept her outline at all times and was
impressive when free standing. Good length of neck and excellent forehand.
Well ribbed back, short strong loin. Very good hindquarters. Not quite the
fullest of coats as yet but she has absolutely nothing to hide. A good
prospect. 2 Butler and Clare’ Minard out of the Darque from Drymoor.
Attractive head with intelligent keen expression. Good bone and feet. Ribs
extend well back. Strong, well muscled hindquarters. Moved smartly and shown
in good coat and condition. 3 Mccarthy Nagshall Mystic Oddesey
YB (3) 1 Williamson’s Wildstar Wrobina at
Barkroyal. Reserve CC. Very appealing for both type and balance with good
head carriage, nicely arched neck and a good forehand. Good body and
ribbing. Strong hindquarters gave her some drive on the move. In the
challenge her free, flowing action really caught my eye. 2 Mccarthy’s
Nagshall Odds On. Another good quality bitch from the kennel. She too has a
very good outline with her proud carriage, excellent topline and some ground
clearance. Well ribbed back. Moved well with some drive. 3 Little’s Littl
fut Pandora’s Secret for Donnadoon (imp Rus)
PGB (8) 1 Wood’s Wildstar Wrolander. A good
prospect with an attractive head, good length of neck and excellent
forehand. Strong well ribbed body. Impressive on the move and in first class
coat and condition. 2 Phillips’ Summerview Holly Would. Another very good
moving bitch with an easy flowing action. Decent forehand, ribbed well back.
Adequate ground clearance. Presents a very overall pleasing picture. 3 Cox’s
Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
LB (4) 1 Phillips’ Summerview Minnie Mouse.
Attractive head and intelligent expression. Nicely arched neck, good head
carriage. Well boned with good legs and nicely padded feet. Strong, well
ribbed body with short strong loin. Sound and typical on the move. 2
McCarthy’s Nagshall Santa Rosa. Very pretty, feminine expression. Good neck
and shoulders, well bodied with good length of rib. Impressed on the move. 3
Worswick’s Dolyharp Sonatina
OB (5 ) A lovely class. 1 Wood’s Ch Wildstar
Wrivera. CC & BOB. The complete picture! Perfect outline with good carriage.
Pretty yet “houndy” head. Good length of neck, excellent forehand, well
ribbed back with strong short loin. Strong well-muscled hindquarters. In
first class coat and condition, her movement was exemplary. I was pleased to
see her shortlisted in the strong group. 2 Graham’s Jadag Take A Chance On
Me. Very satisfying to handle, good neck and shoulders, well bodied with
good ribbing and strong quarters. Well boned with thickly padded feet.
Another who impressed on the move. 3 Whitfield-Roberts’s Ch Dandydayo Kiss
The Girl
Tom Mather