Judge: Gavin Robertson (Soletrader)

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Res Dog CC : WOOD Wildstar Washington
Bitch CC :
WALTERS Ch Ralines Party Politics
Res Bitch CC : PAIN Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeech
Best Puppy : MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
Best Veteran :
Best Special
Beginner: MAY Custard and Jelly
Special Beginners Dog
Minor Puppy Dog
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo
2nd: COX Dolyharp
3rd: THOMAS Rockyhill
Supersonic Man
Puppy Dog
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
Charpurdy's The Viscount
Junior Dog
1st: WOOD Wildstar Washington
2nd:MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Charpurdy's The Baron
Yearling Dog
MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Novice Dog
MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Graduate Dog - NO ENTRIES
Post Graduate Dog
Limit Dog (3)
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
2nd: GROSE Belvydach Proper Job
3rd: WALLACE Ralines
Just Jiles
Open Dog (3)
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
3rd: SCOTT Zarcrest
Flash Gordon at Gellijams
Veteran Dog - NO ENTRIES
Special Beginner Dog
1st: MAY
Custard and Jelly
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax
2nd: DALTON Zilcan
Creme Caramel
3rd: JAMES Rhodax
Izola Dream at Daxiemoors
Puppy Bitch
1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax
2nd:WAY Arbennik True
3rd: GROSE Minard Be
Cuz the Lady Luvs
Junior Bitch (7,1)
1st: MCSORLEY Barlaine Golden Honey
2nd: SHUTT Donnadoon
Oh My Diana
Calgreg Glory at Gellijam
Nagshall I'm So Dizzy
VHC: JAMES Tropicana
Petal aat Daxiemoors
Yearling Bitch
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
Nagshall Mystic Oddysey
3rd: MAY
Custard and Jelly
Novice Bitch
1st: MAY
Custard and Jelly
Graduate Bitch
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: HALL Cliffmere Edith
2nd: WESTAWAY Abbilis
Maleficent at Treranch
3rd: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
Limit Bitch (7)
1st: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me Via Debbiejay JW
2nd: WOOD
Wildstar Wrolanda
3rd: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
Res: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay JW
Jive Talking at Treranch
Open Bitch (8)
Ch Ralines Party Politics
2nd: PAIN Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga Ravensbeech
3rd: METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
Res: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Dandydayo She Lives in You
VHC: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
Veteran Bitch
MPD (3) 1 Phillips’ Summerview Hello Hugo, conical head with
lovely dark eyes, ears well set, compact feet. Moderate neck, correct bone,
holds topline well with width to his rear quarters, nicely proportioned 2
Cox’s Dolyharp Fidelio, balanced skull,high set ears, needs a little more
fill under eyes.nice forechest, close knit feet, longer cast than 1, sound
mover with good leg length, parallel strong hocks. 3 Thomas’ Rockyhill
Supersonic Man
PD (3,1) 1 Mitchell’s Bronia Maverick, masc balanced head
piece, lovely eye and expression, clean neck with a firm level topline. Exc
feet, prefer longer ribbing. Angular rear with width in thigh, nicely
balanced and proportioned dog, shown in lovely coat and condition. Pushed
hard for RDCC, BP. 2 Mayson & Nichols Charpurdy’s The Viscount, raw
youngster who wasn’t being very cooperative for owner, conical skull but
needs to strengthen in muzzle. Well placed ears, ok feet, prefer better ribs
and topline. On the move he needs to be more collected as he loses his
JD (3) 1 Wood’s Wildstar Washington - RCC, super detailed
head, balanced, oblique almond eye with nice expression with correct
strength in foreface, very well proportioned body/legs, ribs could be
fraction, longer, front nicely under body, slightly rounded over loin on
move. Positive free mover, nice type, lovely condition. 2 McCarthy’s
Nagshall Dyce The Ice Masculine head with slight arch to skull, ears high
set, moderate neck, good bone and feet, a little low in the front for ideal.
Strong rear, nice condition. Just preferred outline of 1 3 Mayson & Nichols
Charpurdy’s The Baron
YD (1) 1 Mccarthy, Nagshall The Odd Reason JW. Pleasing head
with dark eyes, not overdone in skull, good reach of neck, Prominent
forechest, would prefer neater elbows, exc feet, firm level back with good
length of ribbing. Has width in rear quarters but needs to strengthen in
hock. Steady mover with nice front foot placement.
ND (1) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice
LD (3) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Dutch Odyssey. Nicely balanced
dog. Conical head, well set ears, prefer better lay of shoulder, compact
feet, deep chest with nice length of rib, firm topline. Well angled rear,
free mover, nice type 2 Grose’s Star Belvydach Proper Job, slightly heavier
set male, balanced skull, almond shaped dark eye, deep chest, for ideal
would like more leg length, well developed ribbing, firm back, prefer
stronger hocks. 3 Wallace Ralines Just Jiles
OD (3) 1 Wood’s Ch Wildstar Wrobinson - CC, very smart
balanced mature dog, well proportioned head, slight arch to skull with Exc
dark eye, has strength in muzzle without being overdone. Good neck and
shoulder, ok feet, has depth to his chest, well proportioned, very collected
sound free mover, super coat and condition, lovely breed type and a good
example of the breed. 2 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman, nicely balanced dog,
conical head piece, ears well set, well proportioned body/legs, clean neck,
front nicely under body, prefer better spring of rib, uses his front well on
move, preferred rear and hocks on 1 3 Scott’s Zarcrest Flash Gordon At
SBB (1) 1 May’s Custard and Jelly, feminine head and
expression, lovely dark eyes, good length of leg, compact feet has some fill
in front, drops loft a little in croup which spoils her outline on the move.
Good muscle and condition.
MPB (3) 1 Small Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax, 3 nice
babies, detailed feminine conical head, pleasing expression,, winner has a
well made front, neat feet, good proportions, firm topline, very steady
positive mover holding shape, nice temperament. 2 Dalton’s Zilcan Creme
Caramel, super head and skull. Like 1 has good leg length, very good bone,
neat front, good length of ribs, needs to drop in her rear a little, steady
mover, just raw 3 James’ Rhodax Izola Dream At Daxiemoors
PB (5,2) 1 Small Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax 2 Way’s
Arbennik True Dream, cream bitch, conical head, ears well set,strong neck,
neat feet, a little loose in elbow, ok for leg length, level back, good
croup and tailset, prefer stronger hocks 3 Grose’s Star Minard Be Cuz The
Lady Luvs
JB (7,1) 1 McSorley’s Barlaine Golden Honey, typey bitch with
excellent proportions,good skull, well set dark eyes, ok feet, has forechest
but not extreme, good length of rib, level back with strong rear, positive
mover, quality bitch. 2 Shutt’s Donnadoon Oh My Diana Similar shape to 1,
just a little finer in muzzle and bone, clean neck with front well under
body, level back, muscled loin, strong hocks, nice type. Very balanced. 3
Dunhill and Knight’s Calgreg Glory At Gellijam
YB (3) 1 Mitchell’s Bronia Day Dreamer, quality balanced
typey bitch, clean outline, no exaggeration, super head and exp, well made
front assembly, firm topline, correct length of body with strong rear which
she uses on the move, exc ribs, lots to like 2 Mccarthy Nagshall Mystic
Oddesey, conical head with well set ears, good bone and feet, preferred
shoulders on 1, has good leg length, in profile he isn’t as clean as 1,
muscled loin, has strength in hock. 3 May’s Custard and Jelly
NB (1) 1 Mccarthy Nagshall I’m So Dizzy, lovely soft
expression. Good length of skull, prominent forechest, moderate neck, neat
elbows, level back, prefer better lay of shoulder, in nice condition
PGB (4,1) 1 Hall’s Cliffmere Edith, very nicely proportioned
bitch, really liked her head piece, super clean length of neck with neat
elbows, close knit feet, ribs extend well back, width in rear quarters, uses
her rear well on move, very free mover. Nice type 2 Westaway’s Abbilis
Maleficent At Treranch. Another nicely balanced head, kind expression,
moderate neck, good shape, well sprung ribs, level back with muscled loin,
preferred shoulders on 1, parallel strong hocks, steady mover. 3 Phillips’
Summerview Holly Would
LB (7) 1 Carey’s Honeysuckle scent to me via Debbiejay JW. 2
nice honest bitches, winner is very well made all through, good proportions,
lovely balanced skull, clean neck and front with legs well under body, ex
ribs, level back, very true fore and aft, could have a little more animation
on move but nice type. 2 Wood’s Wildstar Wrolanda, another quality bitch,
detailed head piece, compact feet, just preferred to fill in front on 1.
Firm level topline, positive mover, little lower stationed than 1. Very
balanced and in good condition, nice type 3 Mason’s Crownlake’s Queen Bee JW
OB (8) 1 Walter’s Ch Ralines Party Politics, very typey
balanced bitch, super proportions. Conical head with well placed ears, eye
could be a little less full, super clean neck, chest and front, ribs well
sprung with nice length to them,strength to her loin, holding a level
topline, So free on the move, not in full coat but her type and carriage is
there to see, happy to award her the CC. 2 Pain’s Cwmdarhian Radio Gaga
Ravensbeech, another very honest bitch, feminine head, dark eye, moderate
chest, good front assembly, compact body, with good leg length, like 1 holds
her shape on the move, just preferred stride and drive on 1 when moving.
Firm condition all through. RCC. 3 Metcalfe, Metadale Ariadne