Boston Championship Show 2023
Judge: Mrs Donna

BEST OF BREED : WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
Dog :
WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
Res Best Dog :
Best Bitch : WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
Res Bitch :
Best Puppy :
MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
Best Special Beginner :
Puppy Dog
(9 Entries) Abs: 3
Bronia Maverick
2nd: WOOD Wildstar Washington
3rd: PHILLIPS Pettigans Bring Me Sunshine
Res: BULLIS Fallingwater Man Friday
VHC: HALL & BORSUK Cliffmere Rustler
Junior Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WOOD Wildstar Washington
2nd: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Good Friday
Post Graduate Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Good Friday
Open Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 3
Hanishan Fire Cracker
2nd: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Good Friday
Special Beginner Dog
(1 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Absent
Puppy Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Farouche
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
3rd: TAVERNER Brackenfire My Honey Bee
Junior Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: BULLIS Summerview Blushing Beauty
2nd: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Farouche
3rd: TAVERNER Brackenfire My Honey Bee
Post Graduate Bitch
(3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: RICE Cunannun Faye Ella at Taxoreis
Limit Bitch (13 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: BUTLER Minard out of the Darque from Drymoor JW
2nd: NORTON Halunke Super Magic
3rd: SAINSBURY Drymoor After Eight at Boscolla
Res: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
VHC: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
Open Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
3rd: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
Res: RICE Cunannun Faye Ella at Taxoreis
Special Beginner Bitch NO ENTRIES
PD 1 Mitchell’s Bronia Maverick. Not as settled as 2 today
but just loved his type and substance- all without being overdone. Good
front and rear angulation- excellent hammy rear too. When settled saw good
front extension and rear drive with a good topline. A baby with a good coat
and pigment. Masculine head. Once he masters his craft will be one to watch.
BBP, RD, BPB. 2 Wood’s Wildstar Washington. Different type to 1 but lots of
similar qualities and I’m sure will switch places on a different day. Moved
well with purpose and held a good topline. Excellent feet and a lovely
overall shape. Shown in super condition. 3 Phillips Pettigans Bring Me
Sunshine TAF.
JD 1 Wood’s Wildstar Washington. 2 Phillips’ Fallingwater
Good Friday. Another lovely young male. Moved true away and back. Held a
good topline. Enough front and rear angulation. Good forechaest, feet and
overall balance. Nothing overdone and a compact outline.
PGD 1 Phillips’ Fallingwater Good Friday.
OD 1 Woodvine-Shone’s Hanishan Fire Cracker. Masculine head,
good arch to neck. Good forechest and ribbing. Super coverage and nice
size/shape. Good coat. Moved away and back true, super profile movement and
loved his effortless gliding action. Pleasure to aware BD. 2 Phillips’
Fallingwater Good Friday.
PB 1 Phillips’ Fallingwater Farouche, Lovely shaped girl with
good front and rear angulation. Super forechest, good neck, tight feet and
well ribbed. True away and back. Held a fantastic topline and good reach and
drive in positive profile movement. Good ground clearance and shown in
lovely condition. Loved her balance and nothing overdone- real honest girl.
BPB. 2. Mitchell’s Bronia Chaka Khan. Loved the type of this girl just
didn’t show herself at her best today on the move. Super balance front and
rear, lovely head. Just preferred front action of 1. I’m sure as she gains
her confidence will have a bright future. 3 Taverner Brackenfire My Honey
JB 1 Bullis Summerview Blushing Beauty. Head ok. Good width
throughout. Moved true away and back. Picked herself up on the move well and
a good topline. Loved her hammy rear and bone. Lovely type. Considered for
top honours. 2 Phillips’ Fallingwater Farouche 3 Taverner’s Brackenfire My
Honey Bee.
PGB 1 Rice’s Cunannun Faye Ella at Taxoreis. Nice head and
kept a level topline on the move. I’d like better front and rear angulation.
Good ribbing and a shiny coat. Well handled by young handler.
OB 1 Williamson’s Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal. This girl
just oozes quality with nothing overdone and everything in just the right
place. Stunning head and expression into lovely shoulders, with good
angulation and length of upper arm. Good ribbing and body. Lovely tight
feet, moved well away and back true and good length of stride in profile.
Super balanced shape and height to length ratio. Shown in superb condition
and moved effortlessly but with real purpose around the ring. BB and BOB 2
Mitchell Bronia Day Dreamer. Another with lovely type and body. Loved her
hammy rear construction and movement. Just dropping on the move today, but
was true away and back. Best of front construction, good head and super
shape. I’m sure 1 and 2 will swap places depending on the day. Moved better
in the challenge -RBB 3 Phillips Summerview Holly Would.