Judge: Mr Frank Kane

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Res Dog CC : WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
Bitch CC : MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
Res Bitch CC : WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Best Puppy : NORTON Halunke Tzarina
Best Veteran : KERSLAKE Devonwood Steps in Time
Veteran Dog (2
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PITFIELD Luna Caprese D'oroed'argento of Follyfield (Imp Ita)
2nd: HALL & OSBORNE Dinkidax Midnite Charmer
Minor Puppy Dog (4
Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
2nd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
3rd: HALL & BORSUK Cliffmere Rustler
Puppy Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: BROWN Garbosa I'm A Dandy
2nd: BOYLE Zarcrest Black Off
3rd: NORTON Halunke Ztarman
MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Junior Dog
(7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: WOOD Wildstar Washington
2nd: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Dwtidachs Dancing Solo
Barlaine Midnight Charmer
Yearling Dog
(6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason JW
Abydachs Alpha Centauri
3rd: MACKENZIE Abydachs Alpha Bootis
Post Graduate Dog
(13 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
2nd: LATHAM-JACKSON Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
Follyfield Fortissimo
Res: YATES Lyndarlea
Just Brian of Irisdax
Cheniesvilla Prince Casper
Limit Dog
(12 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: GROSE Belvydach Proper Job
2nd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
3rd: DALY Smartdac Russian Roulette
Res: YATES Lyndarlea
Just Brian of Irisdax
VHC: PRETTY Lyndarlea
Bracken Boy at Jaxrubydax
Open Dog
(15 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
3rd: BOYLE Ch/Ir Ch Zarcrest See in Red
Ch Rusty Jim D'harcourt
VHC: MEE Barlaine
Just William
Veteran Dog
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CROW Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks
Veteran Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 1
KERSLAKE Devonwood Steps in Time
MEE Barlaine's Red Splendour
Ecotyne Firewitch
Res: MURPHY Classidax
Liberty Belle
HOLTOM Ralines Cameo At Rivandell
Minor Puppy
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
2nd: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha
Puppy Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: NORTON Halunke Tzarina
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall I'm So Dizzy
SHUTT Donnadoon Oh My Diana
Black Pearl
VHC: HAM Ciselsig
Cherry Valentine
Junior Bitch
(14 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall I'm So Dizzy
3rd: DUNHILL & KNIGHT Calgreg Glory at Gellijams
Res: TAVERNER Brackenfire My Honey Bee
STEPHANI & FLETCHER Walnutfarm Demelza
Yearling Bitch
(13 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
2nd: BUTLER Ch
Minard Out of the Darque from Drymoor JW
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystic Oddesey
Devoncream Ice Mimosa
TAVERNER Brackenfire My Honey Bee
Post Graduate Bitch
(17 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Holly Would
3rd: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay JW
Res: SIGGEE Ensigynes Glaciarium
VHC: WESTAWAY Abbillis Maleficent at Treranch
Limit Bitch
(16 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: DRADY Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
2nd: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
3rd: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
Res: COX
Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Tolberg Cream Delight
Open Bitch
(17 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
2nd: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Ch Minard Darque Angel
Res: WOOD Wildstar Wrivera
VHC: BEDFORD Dinkidudlor Malizy Yaisa
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
Thank you for the numerically strong entry. It is always a
privilege to have exhibitors’ dogs entered for my opinion. However, I am
going to find this critique as difficult to write as it was to judge the
dogs on the day. I have judged the variety over a number of years at
Championship shows and never had a problem in finding quality dogs and
nothing much to to criticise within the variety other than a few dogs who
needed to carry more body condition. But today was difficult and the first
thing I would state is that I was sorry that weighing was not an option at
Crufts. I know this flies in the face of many opinions who say that weight
limit invites welfare issues with people keeping dogs too light in condition
for that reason. My personal belief is that those would be in a great
minority and the benefit of weighing is to keep keeps the winners somewhere
near the limits of the breed standard - which is what dedicated breeders
have aimed for. For a non-specialist, to judge without weighing is more
difficult than for those with specialist experience and if the breed has set
a measure, then we should try to keep it by some means or scrap it
completely. I know I placed some dogs I thought were too heavy and large
because they scored in construction and soundness which must be galling to
those who have dogs of the correct size. So that’s one apology. I do not
like to be ultra critical of dogs shown under me but I would make one
general observation in that I feel that the quality in the variety has
declined since I last judged them. Forehand assembly, narrow fronts and
short sternums and lack of rib were frequent failings in this entry. I
struggled with the varieties in type – some too low to ground, some upright
in shoulder giving more ground clearance. Some nervous temperaments and some
where the handlers could have helped their dogs with better presentation and
handling. I was not happy with the variety or with my own judging as I felt
compromised in many decisions, I have always enjoyed judging the variety but
I struggled with this entry. Thanks to my stewards Sue France and Briony
VD (4, 2) 1 Pitfield Luna Caprese D’oroed’Argento of
Follyfield 8-year-old dapple of good proportions and scored here in his
ground clearance. Good head type. His front assembly could be better.
Carried himself well. 2 O Hall & Osborne Dinkidax Midnite Charmer I loved
him for size and topline and a quality head. At 8 years old he has deepened
and I felt his ground clearance and front actions could have been better.
MPD (4, 1) 1 Mitchell Bronia Maverick I thought him a
comfortable winner here for his construction at both ends and good
forechest. Good bone and feet. Quality head. Excellent presentation. I would
prefer him a little higher on the leg and hope this will come. 2 Mayson &
Nichols Charpurdy’s The Baron 8 months old I liked for his ground clearance
and carrying well ribbed and good quarters. At the moment he is narrow in
front and needs to develop in forechest. 3 Hall & Hall & Borsuk Cliffmere
PD (5, 1) 1 Brown Garbosa I’m A Dandy chocolate and tan of
good proportions and he is well constructed at both ends. He is well ribbed
back but at the moment soft in topline. I would prefer him a little more
refined in head. Scored here in front assembly and front action. BPD 2 Boyle
Zarcrest Black Off 10 months and looked outstanding for presentation in
gleaming condition. Scored in his beautiful head and eye Full of type but
att the moment his front is marrow and his front action disappointing. 3
Norton Halunke Ztarman
JD (7, 2) 1 Wood Wildstar Washington 13 months red stood out
here for his construction and movement, showing his rear pads as he went
away. Quality head and good eye. Good neck and front angulation but can fill
out a little in front but his movement carriage and drive were super. Needs
a touch more confidence but a good prospect and presented in great form,
seen in all exhibits from this kennel. 2 Poole Findowrie The Fusilier black
and tan of 15 months. Has type and quality. Low to ground. Can fill out a
little in rib cage. Masculine head. Used his quarters well and won this
place on topline and carriage. 3 McCarthy Nagshall Dyce The Ice
YD (6, 3) 1 McCarthy Nagshall The Odd Reason JW 21 months red
stood out for quality and type and size. I liked his head and eye and he
moves well. Needs to carry more body which would improve his topline. 2
Geeson Abydachs Alpha Centauri 19 months black and tan a little heavier in
type but in lovely condition. His front assembly and front action couldn’t
match the winner here. 3 Mackenzie Abydachs Alpha Bootis
PGD (13, 2) Difficult class – too many nervous dogs who were
unhappy to be handled. 1
Wallace Ralines Just Jiles 2-year-old red dog
with a lot of quality and type, especially in head, ribbing and carriage. A
little narrow in front and could have a touch more forechest but a good
winner here, shown well. 2 Latham-Jackson Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay 22
months old of quality but he needs more schooling to be handled on the table
and his handler could help him. Scored in front assembly and on the move
pleased me. Head could be more refined. 3 Pitfield Follyfield Fortissimo
LD (12, 5) Difficult class 1 Grose Belvydach Proper Job
2-year-old black and tan who needs a little more ground clearance but he won
this class for his size, ribbing, bone and front assembly. He went with
drive and good width in front and a happy temperament giving him good
carriage. In lovely condition. 2 Poole Findowrie Mister Mckye 2-year-old
shaded red who would have won the class had he gone with any confidence in
his carriage. Good to go over on the table but with a different handler to
move him he was not happy. His proportions and construction won him this
place. 3 Daly Smartdac Russian Roulette
OD (15, 1) 1
Wood Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW 6-year-old red of
lovely size, proportions and exemplary movement, with reach in front and
good width throughout and shows his pads going away. Lovely type throughout
– a dachshund in miniature. Presented to win DCC & BOB 2 Woodvine-Shone
Hanishan Fire Cracker 4-year-old and very similar in type and proportions
but not the upper arm of winner. However, he was a really good mover, with
good carriage and good use of the hocks RDCC. 3 Boyle Ch/ir Ch Zarcrest See
in Red
GCDSD (1, 0) 1 Crow Drymoor Friars Luxury among Martinks 22
months black and tan from Post Grad class where he was not happy to be
handled. Here he was more settled on the table and carried himself more
confidently. A little heavy in type.
VB (6, 1) 1 Kerslake Devonwood Steps in Time 7-year-old black
and tan of good proportions and carried herself well to win this class. She
has good ribbing and a good front assembly. Falls off a little too much in
croup. BV 2 Mee Barlaine’s Red Splendour lovely red bitch of 9 years old
full of quality with a lovely head and clean outline. My winner standing but
not moving with much verve today. 3 Weston & Johnson Ecotyne Firewitch
MPB (2, 0) 1 Mitchell Bronia Chaka Khan 8 months feminine,
lovely headed bitch who is well assembled at both ends and scored in front
assembly and forechest. However, she needs more ground clearance and can
firm up in topline. 2 Holtom Rivandell Osha lovely bitch could have won this
class on topline and carriage. She has a lovely topline and good ground
clearance but on the day not as developed in chest as thd winner However, I
think I was hard on her here and she should have a good future.
PB (6, 1) 1 Norton Halunke Tzarina 10 months black and tan.
Pleased me on the table for her assembly, ribbing and proportions and
carried herself well. She had quality all through but her handler could do
more to show off her virtues. BPIB 2 McCarthy Nagshall I’m So Dizzy lovely
cream bitch who pressed hard. She is full of quality and had good ribs,
carrying plenty of condition and moved well at both ends. However, she was a
little soft in topline. When hardened up should do very well. 3 Shutt
Donnadoon Oh My Diana
JB (14, 4) Difficult class 1 Mitchell Bronia Day Dreamer 16
months she is well assembled and has a lot of quality in head and eye. Shown
in excellent condition and scored in topline here. However, I would prefer
more ground clearance. 2 Mccarthy Nagshall I’m So Dizzy repeat 3 Dunhill &
Knight Calgreg Glory at Gellijam
YB (13, 4) Good class with some quality bitches.1 Poole
Findowrie Jessica Rose 19 months very well constructed bitch who could have
a little more leg under her. However, I liked her front angulation and long
upper arm which gave her the edge here in front action and length of stride
2 Butler Ch Minard Out of The Darque from Drymoor JW 22 months presented to
look a picture in superb coat and condition. Lovely head and eye, well
ribbed and has rear drive was excellent. I preferred the shoulder, front
extension and head carriage of the winner. 3 Mccarthy Nagshall Mystic
PGB (17, 4) Even class with 7 I kept in 1 Williamson Wildstar
Wrobina at Barkroyal 2-year-old of lovely type shown in excellent condition.
Good forechest. A little short in sternum which shows in her underline but
won this place on front. 2 Phillips Summerview Holly Would 2 year old who
took my eye for her good use of the hocks and her driving rear and good
carriage. Lovely head and eye. Winner scored in front assembly. 3 Cox
Cheritondax Chardonnay JW
LB (16, 1) A lovely class 1 Drady Tolberg Cream Surprise at
Indiko beautiful cream bitch who was not in her best coat but I liked her
enormously for her outline and carriage. She is maximum length for my
interpretation but is well ribbed back. Beautify head. She moved very well
to win this good class. With coat can go further. 2 Wood Wildstar Wrolanda
shown in superb condition and is good for proportions, ribbing, carriage and
topline. Feminine head, good eye shape. I preferred front assembly and front
action of the winner. 3 Mason Crownlake’s Queen Bee JW
OB (17, 2) Another good class for depth of quality 1 Mason
Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown what a showgirl with great carriage and
movement. Feminine but with sufficient bone, well ribbed and soundly
assembled throughout. In lovely coat and firm body. Scoring in her front
reach and carriage to win this class and her CC- her second. Full of
character delighted to give her the CC and hope she doesn’t wait too long
for her title. 2 Whitfield-Roberts Ch Dandydayo Kiss The Girl very good
bitch a shade stronger than the winner in head but was put together and good
to handle on the table. Went well but couldn’t match the carriage or front
extension of the winner. RBCC 3 Goddard Ch Minard Darque Angel GCDSB (1, 0)
1 Mason Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown repeat
Frank Kane (Hirontower)