Judge: Mr Howard Ogden

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Res Dog CC : BOYLE Cresswell Zarcrest Black Off
Bitch CC : DARE Darsoms Zynala
Res Bitch CC : COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
Best Puppy : BOYLE Cresswell Zarcrest Black Off
Best Veteran : HOLTOM Ralines Cameo At Rivandell
Best Special Beginner : JURY Torwood Tried'N Tested
Minor Puppy Dog(5
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BOYLE Cresswell Zarcrest Black Off
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
3rd: BROWN Garbosa I'm A Dandy
Res: HALL & BORSUK Cliffmere Rustler
VHC: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Viscount
Puppy Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: WOOD Wildstar Washington
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
3rd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Junior Dog
(7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
2nd: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
3rd: JAMES Jamesfair Wispasoftly
Res: JURY Torwood Tried'N Tested
Post Graduate Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall the Odd Reason JW
2nd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
Limit Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
2nd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye
3rd: LATHAM-JACKSON Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
Open Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
3rd: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Veteran Dog
Special Beginner Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JURY Torwood Tried'N Tested
Minor Puppy
(6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
2nd: SHUTT Donnadoon Oh My Diana
3rd: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha
Res: GROSE Minard be cuz the lady luvs
Puppy Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall I'm So Dizzy
2nd: MCGAVIGAN & PETTIGREW Pettigans Deep Secret
Junior Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: DARE Darsoms Zynala
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
3rd: STEPHANI & FLETCHER Walnutfarm Demelza
Res: JURY Torwood Twist'N Turn
Post Graduate Bitch
(8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WILLIAMSON Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystic Oddesey
3rd: HALL Cliffmere Edith
Res: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
VHC: SMALL Dixi Aris at Devondax
Limit Bitch
(9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
2nd: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
3rd: WALTERS Ralines Lemontini
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Odds On
VHC: CAREY Honeysuckle scent to me via Debbiejay JW
Open Bitch
(8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: COX Dolyharp Sweet Harmony
2nd: METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
3rd: BOYLE Cresswell Zarcrest Black Diamond
Res: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
VHC: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
Veteran Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HOLTOM Ralines Cameo At Rivandell
Special Beginners Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 2
Being 2nd in the ring gave exhibitors a fairer chance to make
it in time through the adverse weather conditions. 53 of the 70 exhibits
were present with significantly less overweight than in the Miniature
Smooth-Haired variety. Just 6, of which 5 were males, meaning that there was
just 1 bitch amongst the 31 shown. Must record, on behalf of us all, the
fantastic, professional, job done by our stewarding couple who were present
from 8am and worked right through both breeds with barely a 20min
sandwich/loo break inbetween. Dog showing could not survive w/o such
MPD (5) 1 Boyle’s Cresswell Zarcrest Black Off. 8m b/t; quite
forward for his age & so secure both in his conformation & his carriage;
fabulous headpiece enhanced by eye & ear; so well filled in front with oval
thorax; fairly compact with ground clearance; scored in backline &
angulation; firm loin; gd rump & moved so soundly parallel on correct feet;
immaculate in both coat & condition so as to “upgrade” him in the final
challenge so as to annex Dog Reserve CC as well as BPIB. He’s in gd hands
and look forward to watching him progress through the upcoming show season.
2 Mitchell’s Bronia Maverick. 7m cream & not outdone in the slightest; met
the unexaggerated “moderately long and low “ test; so classy both in type &
already in stature; conical head with gradual taper; great depth of eye
pigment; nicely compact; well moulded front; ex feet; quality coat; showed
off gd neck & angles on circuiting; another potential title holder with
added maturity. 3 Brown’s Garbosa I’m A Dandy.
PD (6,3) 1 Wood’s Wildstar Washington. 11.5m shaded red
destined to the top, not least once his multiple CC winning kennelmate, who
I now see is his sire, retires; he may be heading into that tricky teenager
stage, but is currently still v much together & outstandingly sound with a
long stride; lovely head with uniform taper; well placed eye & ear; so well
constructed & angled; prominent breastbone; correct in croup & tail
carriage; exciting. 2 McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice. 9m cream & the first
of a strongly consistent & numerate team from this exhibitor; so much
quality & he kept gaining in confidence; all male in head with strength
through tapered jaw; an appealing eye & so well pigmented for his colour;
prefer a touch more neck length but he was in his baby coat; compact with
sufficient clearance; well boned; a sound stride once co- operating; how
privileged we were to have so many promising pups, such as he. 3 Marson &
Nichols’ Charpurdy’s The Baron.
JD (7,3) “Mea culpa” here, in respect of a dog’s weight, that
I immediately corrected. The winner was entirely unaffected. 1 N. Dyce The
Ice. 2 Poole’s Findowrie The Fusileer. 14m b/t built on quality bodylines
just needing to come together more, being in his teenage phase; gd both in
breed type & structure; long neck; gd angles; ex bone & feet; unexaggerated
in his outline; only a little phased by a change of handler when this
exhibitor felt unable to continue whilst leading the class around; had
initially placed him Reserve, thinking he was the significantly overweight
exhibit, but corrected my error awarding him this 2nd place; appreciated the
exhibitor ultimately accepting the situation, both with a handshake and by
continuing to show the rest of her exhibits. 3 James’ Jamesfair Wispasoftly.
just a word of thanks to this exhibitor for her patience, having been
waiting to be critiqued, and her gd grace in accepting events that cost her
a place. Appreciated.
PGD (3,1) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall The Odd Reason JW 20m red who
ticked so many breed specific boxes; gd proportions both in head & body;
tapered muzzle retaining functional strength; full, oval, thorax; ribs
extending well back with gd length of sternum; short, strong loin; correct
angles; so true, easy & flowing on the move; sure to be rapidly moving up
the ranks to challenge the best. 2 Wallace’s Ralines Just Jiles. 2yrs & with
a v gd overall structure; loved his head & eye; well ribbed back; was just
standing down at pastern & can still fill in loin; simply relatively
LD (4,1) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Dutch Odyssey. 3yrs shaded red
with the most lovely head & eye that had length, shape & taper w/o prominent
stop; great conformation; compact; required clearance; correct angulation;
long croup; gd ribbing; had a stylish air about him with a flowing outline,
maintaining the qualities of his breeding. 2 Poole’s Findowrie Mister McKye
shaded red of undeniable quality who benefitted from a skilled, no nonsense,
stand-in handler so as to accentuate his many breed specific features; ex
headpiece in both length & uniform taper; well filled in front with a
prominent breastbone; long, clean neckline; correct in body proportions and
angulation; parallel mover; well able to hold his own against the best. 3
Latham-Jackson’s Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
OD (4,1) 1 Wood’s Ch Wildstar Wrobinson. 7yrs shaded red have
placed at Group level; so proportionate & functional; so 100% sound with
remarkable stride in front & drive behind; so distinguished in head & eye;
so moderate w/o any exaggeration; compact with clearance; ribs extending
well back; ex tail carriage & a flat coat, not obscuring his classic
outline; have been privileged to campaign a dog to a breed record & know it
gets harder with every outing but this guy should make it with, I believe,
number 65 today! His legacy will be his progeny. Dog CC & BOB 2
Woodvine-Shone’s Hanishan Fire Cracker
3yrs shaded red; balanced & moderate in his proportions;
strength through his tapering muzzle; well set eye but a shade pale in
colour; his gd structure told on the move where he went well with a gd
carriage & freedom. 3 Hall’s Cliffmere Woodman.
SBD (1) 1 T Tried’N Tested. A red who, at 14.6 lbs &
partially undershot, I couldn’t “qualify” in JD but stood alone here with
his most sporting of owners who later jested his 12.9lb litter sister did
indeed have a perfect bite! Great to meet an open-minded exhibitor.
MPB (6,2) 1 Mitchell’s Bronia Chaka Khan. gorgeous 7m ,
litter sister to B Maverick; super feminine, cream; has the head, the
pigment, the thorax, the moderation in proportions & the angulation; in tip
top coat & condition; built to move right on flowing lines; notwithstanding
her tender age, looks potentially title bound just like her brother. 2
Shutt’s Donnadoon Oh My Diana. 8m choc/ tan; gd in head & eye; showing that
desired 25% ground clearance; already well filled in front; nicely
proportioned; v gd structure; just not as “finished “ that can be a positive
at this tender age & that the maturing process will readily address; v
promising. 3 Holtom’s Rivandell Osha.
PB (5,3) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall I’m So Dizzy. 9m cream coming
into that “nothing not to like “ category; gd in skull & eye; deeply
pigmented; well filled in front with oval thorax; such proportionate
bodylines; ribs extended well back; correctly angulated; softly feathered
coat; lovely flowing lines as she circuited; such enviable promise. 2
McGavigan & Pettigrew’s Pettigans Deep Secret. 7m red who was less forward
in her development that is no fault, simply a matter of maturity; that bit
narrower in muzzle but with a lovely eye; that bit longer cast; the basic
structure is excellent & proportionate; went well on ex feet; plenty of
JB (6,2) 1 Dare’s Darsoms Zynala. 14 m b/t who filled my eye
upon her entering the ring & who filled my hands upon table examination;
moreover, she simply couldn’t stand wrong, setting herself up so
proportionately & with the brightest of character; most feminine head yet
with functional strength of muzzle; faultless conformation; moderately long
& low with no exaggeration; gave me ground clearance; ex coat that obscured
nothing; beautifully free striding with a driving follow through and
parallel width. Believe only her 2nd show with Reserve CC at her first, now
upgraded to Bitch CC. Surely destined to the top. 2 Mitchell’s Bronia Day
Dreamer. 14m cream of utmost type & breed qualities; lovely head; well
pigmented; compact; had clearance; gd neck & forequarters; moved true on gd
bone & feet; just not quite as self- assured but the great outdoors show
season beckons & suspect will be in her element. 3 Stephani & Fletcher’s
Walnutfarm Demelza.
PGB (8,1) 1 Williamson’s Wildstar Wrobina at Barkroyal. 2yrs
red with everything present & correct so I predict she will be swiftly
moving up the ranks; so feminine in head, yet w/o any loss of strength, with
a gd eye & ear; full & oval thorax; well ribbed back with gd length of
sternum; all is proportionate & unexaggerated; so sound & parallel on the
move with a gd stride. 2 McCarthy’s Nagshall Mystic Oddesey. 20m so just
that bit less forward overall in her development; scores in head & eye; no
mistaking her fairer sex ; filled front; ribbed back; correctly angulated;
nicely coated; proportionate; gd carriage with an air of quality & sound &
flowing on the move; anticipate a great summer lies ahead for this one. 3
Hall’s Cliffmere Edith
LB (9) Very closely competitive class with a full house of 9
& each of them beating the scales. 1 Mason’s Crownlake’s Queen Bee JW 2yrs
b/t; v gd structure & overall bodylines, albeit if just a tad longercast; ex
head & neck: correctly angulated; gd clearance; well muscled with an ex
rump; both sound & flowing on the move; a truly quality exhibit so well
turned out & shown to advantage; will be troubling them as the show season
develops. 2 Wood’s Wildstar Wrolanda. 2yrs shaded red of utmost class; long,
proportionate, head with strength of muzzle; lovely eye; well ribbed with gd
length of sternum through to excellent, muscled, hindquarters that drove her
around to give a proportionate, sound, stylish outline ; just that bit
slacker at pastern; fully anticipate her becoming titled. 3 Walters’ Ralines
OB (8,1) More great competition with not a single one tipping
the scales. 1 Cox’s Dolyharp Sweet Harmony. 3yrs red that held herself so
well; all in moderate proportion; lovely headed; ex eye & setting; well
placed ear: so well constructed; well developed through front with prominent
breastbone; compact with clearance; correctly angulated; not overcoated;
unexaggerated; could not be denied as she circuited with flowing ease; the
exhibitor appeared to be in shock with this win but the ringside had saved
the loudest cheer of the day; absolutely of Ch quality, having a previous
win at this level, and having evidently now priced herself out of Limit.
Reserve Bitch CC. 2 Metcalfe’s Metadale Ariadne. 6yrs shaded red of correct
proportions both through head as well as body; a quality exhibit who ticked
so many breed specific boxes; just not quite the neckline & was standing a
touch weak at pastern; another who made gd use of herself as she circuited
so as to hold her place. 3 Boyle’s Cresswell Zarcrest Black Diamond.
VB (2,1) 1 Holtom’s Ralines Cameo At Rivandell. 7yrs b/t with
the most positive attitude to life to brighten all our days; lovely
headpiece; compact with clearance; moderate & proportionate; carried herself
with a certain style let alone soundness. BVIB
Howard Ogden