Veteran Dog or Bitch (5,1)
1st: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Firewitch
2nd: BROAD Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW Sh.CM
3rd: METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
Res: HOLTOM Ralines
Cameo at Rivandell
Puppy Dog
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo
Puppy Dog
Junior Dog
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
2nd: HALL & BORSUK Cliffmere Rustler
3rd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The
Yearling Dog
1st: WOOD Wildstar Washington
2nd: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
3rd: BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck
Res: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Post Graduate Dog
1st: DRADY Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko
2nd: YATES Lyndarlea Just Brian Of Irisdax
Limit Dog
1st: BROWN Garbosa I'm A Dandy
2nd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mister Mckye
Open Dog
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
3rd: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Fire Cracker
Res: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Special Beginner Dog/Bitch
1st: YATES Lyndarlea Just Brian Of Irisdax
2nd: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
3rd: PRETTY Jaxrubydax Brighten My Day
Res: MAY
Custard and Jelly
VHC: MAY Coco's Sparkling Snowflake
Puppy Bitch
1st: PAIN Tolberg Here's To The Future with Ravensbeech
2nd: MAY
Coco's Sparkling Snowflake
Puppy Bitch
1st: DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel
2nd: PAIN Tolberg Here's To The Future with Ravensbeech
Junior Bitch
1st: SHUTT Donnadoon Oh My Diana
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
3rd: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha
Res:BELL Xemxija Ice Diamond Allforus
Yearling Bitch
1st: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha
2nd: STEPHANI & FLETCHER Walnutfarm Demelza
3rd: MAY
Custard and Jelly
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: HALL Cliffmere Edith
2nd: GRAHAM Jadag Razzamataz
3rd: SIGGEE Ensigynes Glaciarium
Res: HOLTOM Ralines Lemosas for Rivandell
VHC: HEATHER Ravensbeech Beansprout of Whiteorchard
Limit Bitch (5,1)
1st: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
2nd: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Miss McFee
Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay JW
VHC: DRADY Tolberg
Cream Surprise at Indiko
Open Bitch
1st: DARE Darsoms Zynala
2nd: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown
3rd: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
Res: GRAHAM Jadag Take a Chance on Me
VHC: PRETTY Jaxrubydax Brighten My Day
I was pleased to be asked to judge at this show, all exhibits were shown in good condition.
Tried to use my judgement on weight but a few where a little too over weight, also found there were a few dogs with loose elbows.
Veteran Dog/Bitch
1st Weston and Johnson, Ecotyne Firewitch, well-proportioned Black and Tan bitch, feminine head, nice eye, moved well keeping level top line and giving perfect appearance at all times.
2nd Broads, CH. Neertanauf Sea Magic J.W. ShCM, Lovely 12-year-old dog, good body proportions level standing, dentition perfect.
3rd Metcalfe’s Metadale Ariadne.
Minor Puppy Dog
1st Gordons, Allerbachs Tiger Moth, cream 6 months baby nice head and eye, ribbing and front good. Plenty of time to mature. BPD
2nd Phillips, Summerview Hello Hugo, Black and Tan male head, ribbing good, nice tail set, stood level.
Junior Dog
1st Mitchell’s, Bronia Maverick, Cream, lovely head and dark eye, good front leading to good ribbing and keel. Level on moved and stood, good tail set and hindquarters. CC & BOB.
2nd Hall, Hall and Borsuk, Cliffmere Rustler, Black and Tan, moved well and while standing keeping level. Nice head, nice hindquarters, good ribbing.
3rd Mayson and Nichols, Charpurdy’s the Viscount.
Yearling Dog
1st Woods, Wildstar Washington, Pleasing head and eye, good reach of neck, giving nice ribbing and keel, correct hind quarters, moved and showed well keeping top line at all times. RCC.
2nd Pooles, Findowrie the Fusileer, Black and Tan, nice front good ribbing, nice hing quarters, moved well and standing standing keeping level. Condition good and well presented.
3rd Broads, Bronia Wolfgang Puck.
Postgraduate Dog
1st Drady, Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko, pleasing head and eye having good reach of neck leading to good front and ribbing. Nicely placed hind quarters, a nice pleasing type.
2nd Yates, Lyndarlea Just Brian Of Irisdax, Head and eye good, Good ribbing and keel, good hind quarters. Moved and showed well in perfect condition, just preferred the movement of 1st.
Limit Dog
1st Browns, Garbosa I’m A Dandy, Good head and eye, good front leading to good ribbing and keel. Balanced hindquarters, keeping level stood and moving.
2nd Wallace’s, Ralines Just Jiles, Head and eye strong, good front, ribbing and hindquarters good, presented perfect.
3rd Pooles, Findowrie Mister Mckye.
Open Dog
1st Woods, Ch Wildstar Wrobinson JW, Strong head and front, good neck all leading to good ribbing and keel. Hindquarters perfect, moved well.
2nd Weston and Johnson, Ecotyne Devils Advocate, Nice head with correct eye, good font and ribbing, kept top line stood and on the move. Presented in good condition.
3rd Woodvine-Shane’s, Hanishan Fire Cracker.
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch
1st Yates, Lyndalea Just Brian of Irisdax.
2nd Gordons, Allerbachs Tiger Moth.
3rd Pretty’s Jaxrubydax Brighten Myday.
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Pain’s, Tolberg Here’s To The Future With Ravensbeech, 6 ½ month old baby, lovely body, good ribbing and keel, level stood.
2nd May’s, Coco Sparkling Snowflake. Immature young baby, needs time.
Puppy Bitch
1st Dalton’s, Zilcan Crème Caramel, Lovely head, good neck leading to good front, ribbing and hindquarters good, showed level, promising future. BP.
2nd Pain’s, Tolberg Here’s To The Future With Ravensbeech.
Junior Bitch
1st Shutt’s, Donnadoon Oh My Diana, Pleasing head and eye, good reach of neck. Ribbing good, nice angulated hindquarters, moved and stood level.
2nd Mitchells Bronia Chaka Khan, Same remarks as one, just preferred 1st on the move.
3rd Holtom’s, Rivendell Osha.
Yearling Bitch
1st Holtom’s, Rivendell Osha, Moved and showed well, nice head, ribbing good.
2nd Stephani and Fletcher, Walnutfarm Demelza, Lovely construction, moved and showed well, slightly overweight.
3rd May’s, Custard and Jelly
Postgraduate Bitch
1st Hall, Cliffmere Edith, A pleasing head and eye, good reach of neck, ample chest, ribbing good, firm top line leading to well angulated hindquarters.
2nd Grahams, Jadag Razzamataz, Nice head, good front and ribbing, level top line, well angulated hindquarters.
3rd Siggee, Ensigynes Glaciarium.
Limit Bitch
Woods, Wildstar Wrolanda, shown perfect, feminine head, lovely eye, good front assembly leading to good ribbing and keel, moved well keeping level toploine.
2nd Masons, Crownlake’s Queen Bee JW, Similar remarks as one but preferred front assembly of 1st.
3rd Pooles Findowrie Miss Mcfee.
Open Bitch
1st Dares, Darsoms Zynala, Lovely head and eye, good reach of neck leading a good front assembly. Ribbing and keel good, well set hindquarters, moved and showed well keeping level. CC.
2nd Mason’s CH Tolberg Beez kneez at Teckeltown, Feminine head, nice front, ribbing and hindquarters good. Nice on the move, level at all times. Very well put together but preferred 1st. RCC.
3rd Mitchells, Bronia Day Dreamer.
Bill Mee.