Judge: Maggie Holder
Best Dog : MCCARTHY Nagshall
Dutch Odyssey
Res Best Dog :
BROAD Bronia Wolfgang
Best Bitch : MCCARTHY Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW
Res Best Bitch : MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse
Best Puppy : MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse
Best Veteran :
BROAD Ch Neertanauf
Sea Magic JW ShCM & Hound Veteran Group 3
Best Special Beginner :
Veteran Dog / Bitch (3,1)
1st: BROAD Ch
Neertanauf Sea Magic JW ShCM
2nd: RYAN & CHERAS Garbosa Bisto Boy at Cheniesvilla
Puppy Dog (1,1)
1st: Absent
Junior Dog
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice
Post Graduate Dog
1st: BROAD
Bronia Wolfgang Puck
MACMICHAEL Cheniesvilla Prince Casper
RYAN & CHERAS Cheniesvilla Lord O the Ring
Limit Dog
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall
The Odd Reason JW
2nd: CROW
Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks
Cheniesvilla Prince Casper
RYAN & CHERAS Cheniesvilla
Open Dog
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
Puppy Bitch
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse
Junior Bitch
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW
2nd: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Mystic Odyssey
MACMICHAEL Cheniesvilla Dita Von Teese
Limit Bitch
MACMICHAEL Cheniesvilla Dita Von Teese
1st: Absent
Special Beginner Dog / Bitch
VD/B (3,1) 1 Broad, Ch Neertanuaf Sea Magic JW
ShCM. Beautiful shaded red veteran of rising 13 years, good for type and
balance, lovely head, eyes and expression, good angulation fore and aft,
good profile movement and sound in super condition Best Veteran and Veteran
Group 3. 2 Ryan & Cheras, Garbosa Bisto Boy At Cheniesvilla. Lovely 12 year
old chocolate and tan, showing his age now but a nice type with very nice
head and expression, fair topline, his ribs are well sprung and he has good
rear angulation. Not the free movement of the winner.
JD (1) 1 McCarthy, Nagshall Dyce The Ice. 17
months Super head, good neck and forechest and well ribbed with good topline
and well angulated hindquarters. Excellent bone and good feet he covered the
ground well on the move.
PGD (3) 1 Broad, Bronia Wolfgang Puck. Quality
and very promising red male of 23 months lovely head and dark eye, his
forechest is good and he is well ribbed back, on the move he keeps his
outline and is true coming and going. Reserve Best Dog. 2 MacMichael,
Cheniesvilla Prince Casper. 3 Ryan & Cheras, Cheniesvilla Lord O The Ring.
LD (4) 1 McCarthy, Nagshall The Odd Reason JW.
15 months old, his head is very nice with dark eye, he has a strong neck and
prominent forechest, good topline and well ribbed back. Movement was sound
but would prefer more drive from the rear. 2 Crow & Crow, Drymoor Friars
Luxury Among Martinksg. 17 months Heavier type than winner, and less
daylight under him, well shaped head, good reach of neck and good angulation
front and rear. Well muscled body with level topline and good ribbing, sound
on the move. 3 MacMichael, Cheniesvilla Prince Casper.
OD (2,1) 1 McCarthy, Nagshall Dutch Odyssey. 4
year old of good type, excellent head and eye, well constructed
forequarters, good ribbing, level topline which he holds on the move. Well
angulated rear quarters, movent was true in all directions. Lovely character
Best Dog.
PB (2) 1 McCarthy, Nagshall The Odd Excuse. 8
months Really pretty shaded cream with good head shape, well developed
forequarters, good ribbing, level topline and well muscled rear quarters.
Moved soundly in all directions. Best Puppy Reserve Best Bitch. JB (2) 1
McCarthy, Nagshall I’m So Dizzy JW. 17 months, Loved this bitches head and
expression, moderate length of neck and good shoulder, prominent keel, level
topline and well sprung ribs. Moved well in all directions on a long stride.
Best Bitch/Best of Breed. 2 Small, Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax. Just
out of puppy so giving a lot away in maturity, longer cast than winner, she
has a well shaped head and good length of neck, well angulated front and
rear with a lot of daylight under her. I would prefer more drive from the
PGB (3,1) 1 McCarthy, Nagshall Mystic Oddesey.
Good head shape, dark eye and well set ears, good reach of neck and
prominent forechest. Topline is strong and loin well muscled she has well
sprung ribs and well angulated hindquarters. Moved with good reach and
drive. 2 MacMichael, Cheniesvilla Dita Von Teese. 4 year old with good head,
dark eye and ears set on high, long neck and fair shoulder angulation, I
would prefer straighter forelegs. Level topline and well ribbed back, her
hindquarters were well muscled but she was bunny hopping on the move.
LB (3,2) 1 MacMichael, Cheniesvilla Dita Von
Teese. See 2nd in previous class