Scottish Kennel Club May 2023
Judge: Janet Kay

BEST OF BREED : CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay JW
Dog CC :
Hanisham Fire Cracker
Res Dog CC : MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
Bitch CC : CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay JW
Res Bitch CC : MITCHELL Bronia
Day Dreamer
Best Puppy : MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
& Hound Puppy Group 3
Best Veteran : METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
Best Special
Beginner: KASPROWICZ Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Puppy Dog (1)
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Maverick
Junior Dog
1st: BROWN
Garbosa I'm a Dandy
Barlaine Midnight Charmer
Post Graduate Dog
1st: LATHAM-JACKSON Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
2nd: BROWN
Garbosa I'm a Dandy
Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Limit Dog
Open Dog
Hanisham Fire Cracker
2nd: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
Veteran Dog - NO ENTRIES
Special Beginner Dog
Tiny Troublemaker
Good Citizen Dog - NO ENTRIES
Puppy Bitch
DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia
Chaka Khan
MCGAVIGAN & PETTIGREW Pettigans Deep Secret
Urishay Araminta
Junior Bitch
1st: SHUTT Donnadoon Oh My Diana
2nd:GRAHAM Jadag Razamataz
3rd: FELMING & WILLIAMS Cwmdargian Celtic Exchange with Glenariff
Res: BELL Xemxija Ice Diamond Allforus
Barlaine Golden Honey
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Day Dreamer
Metadale Harmonia
Limit Bitch
1st: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me via Debbiejay JW
2nd: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
DRADY Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
DZIEKAN-WISNIEWSKA Adorable Tris Hokus Pokus (Imp Pol)
Open Bitch
1st: METCALFE Metadale Ariadne
2nd: BELL
Tolberg Cream Delight
3rd: MASON Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckletown
DZIEKAN-WISNIEWSKA Adorable Tris Hokus Pokus (Imp Pol)
Veteran Bitch
1st: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Firewitch
Special Beginner Bitch
Golden Honey
DZIEKAN-WISNIEWSKA Adorable Tris Hokus Pokus (Imp Pol)
Good Citizen Bitch
An indoor venue as the weather here can be variable. The
rings were large and in general clear of any debris, also having the
advantage of being able to see dogs feet rather than being in long grass.
Dogs PD. 1 Mitchells Bronia Maverick Although he stood
alone, he was a worthy winner. Typical conical shaped head and dark almond
shaped eyes which were clear and bright. Nice length of neck and well laid
shoulders firm topline and well carried tail pleasing feathering throughout
and good texture of top coat. On the move he was positive with a good stride
BP RCC. J 1. Brown Garbosa Im A Dandy Choc/Tan Ample forechest for age
and development, nicely developing muscles throughout but needs time to come
together more having generous ground clearance he moved with attitude and
pleasure. 2. McSorley Barlaine Midnight Charmer B/T Not the most
confident on the table. Appealing hound shaped head and better eye than 1.
On the move he was more confident and positive.
PG. 1. Latham-Jackson Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay Masucline
head of good conical shape high set ears broad and of moderate length and
well feathered. Ample chest and enough rib, nicely rounded rump. He moves on
full broad feet with purpose and drive. 2. Brown Garbosa Im A Dandy 3.
Kasprowicz & Kasprowicz Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
O. 1. Woodvine-Shone Hanishan Fire Cracker Shaded Red in
super firm condition Masucline hound shaped head full of arrogant confidence
and intelligence. Ample bone well laid shoulders and correct return on upper
arm tight strong broad feet well filled forechest and length of ribbing.
Good ground clearance for working and balanced hindquarters. On the move he
was positive with reach and drive BD CC. 2. Weston & Johnson Ecotyne
Devils Advocate Appealing masculine head with dark almond shaped eye. I
would prefer a little more neck, firm topline nicely sprung ribs reaching to
ample loin. He moved out easily not quiet the reach of winner.
SBD 1. Kasprowicz & Kasprowicz Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Red masculine head and dark eye, good depth off chest, I would like more
forechest. On the move he was difficult to assess. BSB.
PB. 1. Dalton Zilcan Crθme Caramel Very pretty bitch
ultra feminine correctly set ears with ample feathering nice length of neck
into shoulders enough forechest at this age and well ribbed back, short loin
and nice tight feet, she moved out well with good drive. 2. Michell Bronia
Chaka Khan these 2 girls are going to change places many times. She is
equally charming slightly deeper in chest, topline not as firm on the move.
In super coat condition and plentiful feathering. 3. McGavigan & Pettigrew
Pettigans Deep Secret
JB. 1. Shutt Donnadoon Oh My Diana Choc/Tan Appealing
hound head with skull to muzzle ratios equal, not too broad and slight
stop. Plenty of length to neck and ample chest on the move she strode out
with purpose. 2. Graham Jadag Razzamtaz Choc/Tan Feminine pretty head
and enough neck and ample ribbing. On the stack she was giving her handler a
difficult time losing her topline. 3. Flemming & Williams - Cwmdarhian
Celtic Exchange with Glenariff
PGB - Not the easiest of classes and questioned were they
litter sisters, but not. I was really splitting hairs with them. 1. Mitchell
Bronia Day Dreamer Feminine and elegant. Pleasing head and expression,
appropriate forechest and spring of rib which reached well back firm topline
and round full rump she moved with good reach and drive on tight broad round
feet RCC. 2. Metcalfe Metadale Harmonia Gracefully feminine firm topline.
In beautiful coat condition, on the move it was effortless. Splitting hairs,
I felt 1 had slightly tighter feet.
LB. Carey Honeysuckle Scent to Me Via Debbiejay JW Shaded
Cream - This girl is so confidant and calm she knows it all. Ultra feminine
full of grace from her hound shaped head with almond eyes dark and
intelligent in expression. Flowing neck into shoulders which were correctly
laid. Well filled forechest and ample spring of ribs for good heart and lung
room. Her ribs extended well back to short muscular loin. She excelled on
the move. She reached out due to excellent lay of shoulders and equal length
of upper arm, and drove from strong muscular broad thighs. BCC BoB. 2. Mason
Crownlakes Queen Bee JW B/T Well developed bitch of good proportions.
Appealing head with intelligent expression, graceful length of neck firm
topline and short muscular loin. She moved well with confidence. 3. Drady
Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
OB. 1. Metcalfe Metadale Ariadne Of deceiving age, red
girl, coat and furnishings first-rate head and expression firm topline
nicely filled chest with ribs extending well back muscular loin and nicely
shaped tight feet. BVet 2. Bell Tolberg Cream Delight Mature cream girl
feminine and attractive head of correct proportions with sufficient length
of neck suitably filled chest and well sprung ribs. 3. Mason Tolburg Beez
Kneez at Teckeltown.
Vet B 1. West & Johnson Ecotyne Firewitch B/T of 9yrs
in good coat condition for age and maturity she moved out on tight round
feet at a good pace.
SBB 1. McSorley Barlaine Golden Honey Needing time to
develop more and fill out. 2. Dziekan-Wisnewska Adorable Tris Hokus Pokus
(Imp Pol) Very new to the show ring both handler and exhibit, some ring
craft and socialisation would help both greatly.