Judge: C Rishworth

BEST OF BREED : SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax
Dog : SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax
Res Best Dog :
Zarcrest Red in the Room
Bitch :
WHITFIELD ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Res Best Bitch : SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax JW
Best Puppy : WESTAWAY Minard Whispering Angel at Treranch
Best Veteran : WESTAWAY
Abbilis Jive Talking at Treranch
Best Special
Beginners : BATER Deaxiemoors Flower Girl
Special Beginners Dog/Bitch
BATER Deaxiemoors
Flower Girl
Raven Baloo
Puppy Dog / Bitch
1st: WESTAWAY Minard Whispering Angel at Treranch
HEATHER Ravensbeech Florentine Whiteorchard
Zarcrest Red in the Room
Junior Dog
/ Bitch
1st: SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax
BATER Deaxiemoors
Flower Girl
3rd: WAY Ralines Ways
and Means
Post Graduate Dog (2)
1st: BROAD
Bronia Wolfgang Puck
Raven Baloo
Limit Dog
Open Dog
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: WESTAWAY Abbilis Maleficent at Treranch
Limit Bitch
1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax JW
Zilcan Creme Caramel at Llansansior JW
3rd: WESTAWAY Abbilis Maleficent at Treranch
Yelva Silver Shadow
Open Bitch (4,1)
1st: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Abbilis Jive Talking at Treranch
Willowheath Silver Queen of Yelva
Veteran Bitch
Abbilis Jive Talking at Treranch
SAINSBURY Ridgegrove Constance at Boscolla
3rd: EARLEY Lilacfen
Sonny Delight of Yelva
I was very pleased with the overall quality of
the entry. Coats were excellent as were teeth and nails, with just one
exhibit’s coat, nails and teeth that required attention. Temperaments were
exemplary, all were good on the table and confident in being gone over. My
one moan, several exhibits lacked muscle tone and one or two were a little
too well covered. SBD/B (2) 1 Bater, Daxiemoors Flower Girl B/T very
attractive bitch of 13 months. Super for size. Excellent head ratios. Dark
eyes and correct ear set. Well balanced and lovely for length. Standing on
full front feet. Moved with confidence and enthusiasm. Best Special
Beginner. 2 Havill, Raven Baloo. B/T Male, larger throughout. Very pleasing
masculine head piece. Dark eyes. Good sloping shoulders and well ribbed.
Standing on excellent feet. Carrying just the right amount of condition.
Moved soundly, holding his top line as he did. PD/B (3) Three lovely
puppies. Really splitting hairs between them as all were of
distinct breed quality. All of perfect size. 1
Westaway, Minard Whispering Angel At Treranch. A really attractive cream
in good coat. Very feminine. Correct head
ratios, ears well set and of moderate length. Good ground clearance with
moderate tuck up. Well balanced standing on excellent feet. Level topline.
Moved with enthusiasm. Best Puppy 2 Heather, Ravensbeech Florentine
Whiteorchard. Dapple in lovely condition. Slightly longer cast than one.
Prominent breast bone. Sloping shoulders with good front assembly. Carrying
just the right amount of condition. Strong rear and well muscled. Moved
soundly. 3 Dalton & Beach, Zarcrest Red In The Room. RBD JD/B (3) 1 Small,
Jade Minard Darque Red For Devondax. Red male of excellent breed type.Caught
my eye immediately he entered the the ring. Just 13 months. and spot on for
size. Masculine, with a beautiful head piece, dark eyes. Long neck, with
correct arch into shoulders. Well bodied with front and hind angulation as
required. Deep keel, well ribbed back. Level top line with slight arch over
loin. Standing on full feet, muscled rump.Confident on the table and on the
move. Had that extra degree of showmanship, moved freely, carrying his tail
correctly. Presented a very pleasing picture both on the stand and on the
go. In the challenge for BOB, he clinched it on his ideal size. BD and BOB 2
Bater, Daxiemoors Flower Girl. Best Special Beginner. 3 Way, Ralines Ways
And Means PGD (2) 1 Broad, Bronia Wolfgang Puck. Red male with pleasing
head. Good for overall size. Well balanced throughout, of correct length and
height at wither and quarter. Good fore chest, shoulders oblique. Moved out
soundly, with tail correctly carried. 2 Havill, Raven Baloo. Second in Best
Special Beginner. PGB (1) 1 Westaway, Abbilis Maleficent At Treranch.
Another bitch with much to like about her. Lovely both for size and breed
type. Feminine throughout with correct head ratios, dark eyes and ears of
moderate length. Standing on strong broad feet, with decent bone. Moderate
in body, with good ground clearance. Moved out confidently. LB (4) Another
pleasing class of bitches, of quality and breed type. Particularly
challenging to decide between the first two. 1 Small, Jade Kenzduo Monday
Mojito At Devondax JW Red bitch of perfect size.
Feminine but with good bone, pleasing feet and
the best of fronts. Well ribbed. Top line level with slight arch over loin.
Tail carried correctly. Sound coming and going. RBB 2 Dalton, Zilcan Creme
Caramel At Llansansior JW. Cream with delightful head. Feminine and
beautifully constructed from nose to tail. Prominent breast bone and good
front angulations. Well ribbed and balanced, no exaggerations. Full feet and
sufficient bone. Handled to give of her best. 3 Westaway, Abbilis Maleficent
At Treranch OB (4,1) 1 Whitfield-Roberts, Ch Dandydayo Kiss The Girl. Red
bitch of quality. Beautiful head, with the correct ratios. Excelled in front
construction with long, slightly arched neck. Chest deep and ribs carried
back. Standing on full feet, strong bone. Good ground clearance. Decent
hindquarters and handled to really showcase her attributes. Coat full, long
and in great condition. Moved out with confidence and certainly drive.
Ideally, would prefer a fraction less of her. BB 2 Westaway, Abbilis Jive
Talking At Treranch. Best Veteran. 3 Earley, Willowheath Silver Queen Of
Yelva VD/B (3) 1 Westaway, Abbilis Jive Talking At Treranch. Red bitch that
carries her 8 years with ease. Of pleasing breed type. Lovely head with dark
eyes. Decent neck and shoulders. Good depth of chest and well ribbed. Coat
in good condition and she moved out with drive. 2 Sainsbury, Ridgegrove
Constance At Boscolla. In lovely overall condition for 12 years. Carrying
just the right amount of condition and in good coat. Front and rear quarters
strong and carried her topline on the move. 3 Earley, Lilacfen Sonny Delight
Of Yelva
Mrs Claire J Rishworth