Judge: Mr Gary McAlpine

BEST OF BREED : WALTERS Ralines First Past the Post
Dog CC : WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
Res Dog CC : PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo JW
Bitch CC : WALTERS Ralines First Past the Post
Res Bitch CC : POOLE Findowrie Finesse
Best Puppy : DALTON & BEACH Zarcrest Red In The Room
Best Veteran : MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown

Best Special Beginners : TAVERNER Brakenfire My Honey Bee at Tavertekal

Best Baby Puppy : LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Just Jasmine

Special Beginner Dog (6,1)
1st: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littlelibbs Newton Ellis

2nd: CROW Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks

3rd: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth

Res: CAUSIER Captain Caos

VHC: MAY Hanishan Firery Fox

Minor Puppy Dog (5)
1st: THOMSON Rivandell Sirius Black
2nd: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Vanilla Ice for Arlatdax

3rd: BATER All for Show

Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love for Ronnie

VHC: LAWRENCE Kyalozys My Time to Shine

Puppy Dog (7,1)
1st: DALTON & BEACH Zarcrest Red In The Room

2nd: THOMSON Rivandell Sirius Black

3rd: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Vanilla Ice for Arlatdax

Res: SHUTT Donnadoon Stunning Star

Res: BUCK Kenleap Knottaway

Junior Dog (4)
1st: SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax

2nd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littlelibbs Newton Ellis

3rd: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Vanilla Ice for Arlatdax

Res: MAY Hanishan Firery Fox


Novice Dog (4,1)
1st: MORRIN & BARBI Code Red Again ar Arlatdax

2nd: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Vanilla Ice for Arlatdax

3rd: HORBULEWICZ Czarujacy Lorcan Ufna Morda

Post Graduate Dog (3,1)
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth

2nd: HORBULEWICZ Salan Red Horses

Limit Dog (6)
1st: GROSE Belydach Proper Job
2nd: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer

3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce the Ice JW

Res: BROAD Bronia Wolfgang Puck

VHC: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason

Open Dog (7,2)
1st: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles

2nd: PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye

Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey

VHC: WESTON & JOHNSON Ch Ecotyne Devil's Advocate


Veteran Dog (3,1)
1st: MACLAINE Pennygown Pilot

2nd: BROAD Eldmour Sea Lord Of Dinkidudlor


Baby Puppy Dog (3)
1st: LATHAM-JACKSON Revdvicki's Theodore by Urishay

2nd: GRATTAGE Jentiki Dennis Racket at Wodlandax

3rd: MAY Scrumptious Red on the Dot

Baby Puppy Bitch (5,2)
1st: LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Just Jasmine

2nd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midsummer Magic

3rd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midsummer Star


Special Beginner Bitch (9,2)

1st: TAVERNER Brakenfire My Honey Bee at Tavertekal
2nd: GROSE Belvydach Flaming Norah

3rd:MAY Custard & Jelly

Res: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littlelibbs Kindest Kate

VHC: GRATTAGE Darwindax Cissy Strut for Woodlanddax


Minor Puppy Bitch (8)
1st: HOLTOM Rivandell Nymphadora
2nd: MASON Crownlakes Million Dollars
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love at Risk

Res: GROSE Belvydach Flaming Norah

VHC: DAVIES & BURGESS Bijouxdax Eternal Dreams

Puppy Bitch (10,2)
1st: HOLTOM Rivandell Nymphadora
2nd: WESTAWAY Minard Whispering Angel at Treranch
3rd: HAM Ciselsig Hey There Delilah
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love at Risk

VHC: MASON Crownlakes Million Dollars

Junior Bitch (9,3)
1st: POOLE Findowries Finesse

2nd: LATHAM-JACKSON Urishay Nell Gwyn
3rd: FAIRCHILD Restinim Miss Whiplash

Res: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littlelibbs Kindest Kate

VHC: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Magic Moments for Arlatdax


Novice Bitch (3)
1st: NORRIS Criscan Que Paso

2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Di Maria
3rd: MORRIN & BARBI Zilcan Magic Moments for Arlatdax

Post Graduate Bitch (9,3)
1st:  WAY Ralines Ways And Means

2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse
3rd: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha

Res: BROWN Devoncream Mystique Jewel

VHC: TAVERNER Brakenfire My Honey Bee at Tavertekal

Limit Bitch (9,3)
1st: WALTERS Ralines Proud Mary
2nd: WESTAWAY Abbillis Maleficent at Treranch
3rd: BROWN Devoncream Ice Mimosa
Res: MCSORLEY Barlaine Golden Honey
VHC: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax JW

Open Bitch (8,3)
1st: WALTERS Ralines First Past the Post
2nd: MCCARTHY Ch Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW

3rd: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me Via Debbiejay JW

Res: MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW

VHC: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Witch in a Broom


Veteran Bitch (4,2)
1st: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown

2nd: WESTAWAY Abbillis Jive Talking at Treranch


I would like to thank the committee of the Dachshund Club for my first appointment to award CC’s in miniature longs. My thanks also go to both stewards for their efficient running of the ring and of course to the exhibitors or the sportsmanship and good grace in accepting my placings. My quest was to find a hound, fit for purpose able to do what was originally intended for the breed. 
The generous proportions of the ring made assessment of movement an easy task. Exhibits were well presented, and it was pleasing to see that teeth were clean. Some exhibits would have benefited from additional trimming to their feet. Please don’t be afraid to ask for guidance from those experienced exhibitors if you require assistance trimming the foot area correctly. I was very pleased with the main winners, and it was nice to see some exciting youngsters who I am sure will have a bright future ahead. Overall, I felt that the variety was rather a mixed bag. A lot of exhibits had short necks, were extremely upright in shoulder with short upper arms which affected the overall movement. A lot of incorrect toplines, short ribbing and long loins were noted. Some exhibits displayed shyness on the table with others not cooperating at all which did have an impact on some placings. The standard states, temperament faithful, versatile, and good tempered. On a final note, when considering your breeding programme much can be gained by speaking to and asking questions of long-established breeders. Listen to their advice and glean from their wealth of experience and knowledge. Special Beginners D (6,1) 1 Walker & Wiltshire, Littlelibbs Newtown Ellis – good for size, presented and handled in good condition. Pleasing head and eye, good shoulder placement with good front assembly. Tight feet and correct underline with well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly carrying a level topline. 2 Crow, Drymoor Friars Luxury Among Martinks – again a pleasing male for overall size and type. Correct head with a good muzzle, would just prefer a more oval eye to complete the picture. Good neck, shoulders with well fitting ribs. Moved ok just needed a little more confidence today. MPD (5) 1 Thomson, Rivandell Sirius Black – a very raw baby, however a nice type. Pleasing head, eye, and correct front assembly. Good ribbing with short loin and good rear construction. Moved soundly for a youngster and I am sure will only get better with time. 2 Morrin & Barbi, Zilcan Vanilla Ice For Arlatdax – again a lot of the same comments above apply. A pleasing youngster with good head, front assembly, and tight elbows. Good ribbing, short loin, and good underline. Just needs to settle on the move and I am sure with time this will come. PD (7,1) 1 Dalton & Beach, Zarcrest Red In The Room – BPD & BP stunning young male, conical head, oval eye with correct bite. Flowing neck into correctly placed shoulders. Good front assembly, ribbed well with short loin. Moved positively out and back. Should have a bright future. Extremely well presented and handle, did consider for RCC however just felt at the end he was a little hesitate. 2 Thomson, Rivandell Sirius Black – Same comments apply as Minor Puppy Dog. See above. JD (4) 1 Small, Mindard Darque Red For Devondax – a very sound young dark red male. Good size, pleasing head, eye, and adequate neck. Good shoulders and front assembly, with nice tight feet. Presented well and moved soundly with a good topline. Very clear winner in this class. 2 Walker & Wiltshire, Littlelibbs Newtown Ellis – Same comments apply as per SBD. See above. ND (4,1) 1 Morrin & Barbi, Code Red Again At Arlatdax – very competent young handler with this novice dog. Masculine head, good oval eye correct length of muzzle. Longer in type than 2, well ribbed back with good quarters. Moved soundly out and back with a level topline. Good ground clearance. 2 Morrin & Barbi, Zilcan Vanilla Ice For Arlatdax – Same comments apply as per Minor Puppy Dog. See above. PGD (3,1) 1 Gordon, Allerbach’s Tiger Moth – this male won the class today based on the fact he was more to the RKC standard, than no 2. Cream with a pleasing head and eye, sufficient neck into well placed shoulders. Good front assembly with a good topline however he needs to muscle up behind to have firmer rear movement. 2 Horbulewicz, Salan Red Horses – shaded red male, good masculine head, nice eye with correct muzzle and bite. This male was well ribbed with strong hindquarters. Unfortunately, this male was totally FCI standard, therefore was longer in leg than the UK standard desires. Still however under FCI judging there would have been a lot to like. LD (6) 1 Grouse, Belvydach Proper Job – masculine headpiece, nice oval eye with correct bite. Pleasing neck into well placed shoulders, with good front assembly. Correct ribbing with short loin into well angulated quarters. This male moved out soundly carrying level topline at all times. Well presented. 2 Poole, Findowrie The Fusileer – once again a lot of the comments above apply and I am sure these two could swap places. Just today I Felt that No 1 had the edge while moving out and back. OD (7,2) 1 Wallace, Ralines Just Jiles – Dog CC & RBOB stunning young male, presented to a high standard. Conical head, dark oval eye and correct for size. Good neck into well placed shoulders with good ribbing and a short loin. Excellent ground clearance. Excellent ribbing with a short loin, with good strong hindquarters. Moved soundly fore and aft with an excellent topline. Pleased to hear this was his 4th CC. 2 Phillips, Summerview Hello Hugo JW – Res CC this male was presented and handled extremely well to get the best out of him. Stunning B/T lovely head and eye correct neck and good shoulders. Good front and underline, with a good length to height ratio. Carried good topline on the move and moved with confidence. Today I just preferred the overall presence of No 1 moving. However no hesitate in awarding this male the Res CC which I believe is no 5 with 2 CC’s therefore his well-deserved Champion Title. VD (3,1) 1 Maclaine, Pennygown Pilot – BVD a very worthy winner of this class. This male was very correct to go over. Pleasing head, and correct eye. Good front assembly with correct should placement, well ribbed back with a nice short loin into well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly with a level topline at all times. Presented in excellent condition. 2 Broad, Eldmour Sea Lord Of Dinkidudlor – Again another that was enjoying his day out. Good head and eye, pleasing front assembly. Nice tight feet, and a good underline. Just preferred the more positive movement of No 1 today. Again, presented in good condition.
Baby Puppy D (3) 1 Lathham Jackson, Revdvicki’s Theodore By Urishay – still very much a raw puppy. Pleasing head and eye, with lots of neck and good shoulders. Still very much a baby however moved sound. Just needs time to settle and mature. 2 Grattage, Jentiki Dennis Racket At Woodlanddax – again another very raw puppy, still lots to like. Pleasing head, and eye well ribbed back with a short loin. Just wasn’t as settled on the move today as No 1, though I am sure with time and maturity this will come. Baby Puppy B (5,2) 1 Lockett-Walters, Ralines Just Jasmine – BBP this one should have a very bright future. Was confident, demanded attention and everything was in the correct place. Will watch her progress with interest. 2 McSorley, Barlaine Midsummer Magic – another promising baby. A lot to like also, just not as confident as no 1 today. Special Beginners B (9,2) 1 Traverner, Brackenfire My Honey Bee At Tavertekal – BSB clear winner in this class and was very much at one with handler. No hesitation in awarding BSB. A soundly constructed female who held her outline moving. Pleasing head and eye, would prefer a little more neck just to complete the picture. Good front assembly, nice tight feet with a good underline. Presented in excellent condition. 2 Grose, Belvydach Flaming Norah – pleasing type, feminine head, good eye good neck into good shoulders. Just didn’t have the confidence as No 1 today, though I am sure this will come with time. MPB (9) 1 Holtom, Rivandell Nymphadora – well-presented and handled puppy. A lot to like lovely headpiece and eye shape with good pigment. Correct front assembly, correct shoulders, with good ribbing and short loin. Moved confidently with correct rear drive. One also that should have a bright future. Just very unlucky to come up against the male today who had slightly more maturity for BP. 2 Mason, Crownlakes Million Dreams – once again a promising youngster, well presented and handled. Unlucky to come up against No 1 today. Just felt that didn’t move as well as 1, and not quite as mature. PB (10,2) 1 Holtom, Rivandell Nymphadora – Same comments apply as per MPB above. 2 Westaway, Mindard Whispering Angel At Treranch – another youngster that had a lot to like. Pleasing head, good shoulders, nice tight feet, and good underline. Well, angulated behind and moved soundly. Just preferred overall outline of No 1 today. JB (9,3) 1 Poole, Findowries Finesse – RCC super quality exhibit. Correct head and eye shape. Good front assembly with tight elbows. Flowing neck into well laid shoulders. Super ribbing with a short loin into strong angulated quarters. Moved out with purpose and drive. No hesitation in awarding the Res CC. Well, presented as all exhibits from this kennel. 2 Lathham-Jackson, Urishay Nell Gwyn –another nice exhibit and a lot of the comments above apply also. Just preferred the overall outline and movement on No 1 today. I am sure however these 2 will swap places in the future. NB (3) 1 Norris, Criscan Que Paso – nice type overall. Conical head, pleasing neck, and shoulders with good ground clearance. Good length of rib, short loin and well angulated behind. Moved out soundly once she settled. 2 McCarthy, Magshall Di Maria – a well presented bitch from this kennel again. A lot of the same comments apply. Feminine headpiece, good front, good ground clearance. Moved soundly out and back, carrying level topline. PGB (9,3) 1 Way, Ralines Ways And Means – super cream bitch with feminine head, good dark oval eye. Correct shoulders, good front assembly and ribbed right back. Good bone and feet with adequate ground clearance. Moved out well with level topline, strong contender for Res CC, however she just didn’t co-operate with handler as well in the challenge. 2 McCarthy, Nagshall The Odd Excuse – another sound exhibit from this kennel. Presented in good condition. Feminine head, flowing neck into well placed shoulders. Correct front and good ground clearance. Just felt she was a little long in back today compared to No 1. LB (9,3) 1 Walters, Ralines Proud Mary – once again quality exhibit from this kennel. Presented in excellent condition. Correct head, oval eye, good mouth. Lovely bone and substance, good ground clearance, good ribbing with short loin and hammy quarters. Moved out with drive carrying a level topline 2 Westaway, Abbilis Maleficient At Treranch – once again a pleasing exhibit, and similar comments apply as per No 1. Just didn’t have the free-flowing movement of No 1 today. However still moved soundly with correct topline and drive. OB (8,3) 1 Walters, Ralines First Past The Post – BCC & BOB Notes say top notch, and this young B/C bitch certainly was. Presented excellent condition, with an excellent jacket. Feminine head, pleasing eye with a lovely flowing neck into well placed shoulders and good upper arm. Good ribbing with short loin and a good underline with good ground clearance. This bitch just flowed round the ring today with super drive. I believe this was her 4th CC today. 2 McCarthy, Ch Nagshall I’m So Dizzy – a very worthy second in this class cream with good dark pigment, pleasing head, and eye. Flowing neck, good front assembly with a nice underline. Good ribbing and a nice short loin. Good feet and presented in excellent condition. Always moved soundly with level topline. VB (4,2) 1 Mason, Ch Tolberg Beex Kneez At Teckletown – BVB & BV no hesitation in awarding this bitch best veteran. Very classy everything was in the correct place. This bitch wasn’t showing her age at all today, and just glided round the ring. Presented in excellent condition and handled to perfection. 2 Westaway, Abbilis Jive Talking At Treranch – once again another exhibit that didn’t look her age, nicely balanced, feminine head, good front construction and good shoulder placement. Kept topline while moving. Was unlucky to come up against No 1 today. 
Gary McAlpine