Judge: Mr Wendell Moore

BEST OF BREED : LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
Dog CC : LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Mcintosh
Res Dog CC : MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice JW
Bitch CC : LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
Res Bitch CC : THOMAS Abydachs About Time
Best Puppy : WALTERS Ralines First Past The Post
Best Veteran : MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
Best Special Beginner : GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
Minor Puppy Dog
1st: DALTON & BEACH Zarcrest Red In The Room
2nd: SHUTT Donnadoon Stunning Star
Puppy Dog
1st: MAY Hanishan Firery Fox
Junior Dog
1st: SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax
2nd: WESTON & JOHNSON Dolyharp Don Ottavio With Ecotyne
3rd: STEVENS Dolyharp Amadeus At Sidburyhill
Res: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
Yearling Dog
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
2nd: MORRIN & BARBI Code Red Again At Arlatdax
Special Beginner Dog
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
2nd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Viscount
Post Graduate Dog
1st: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Limit Dog (5,1)
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice JW
2nd: BREARLEY Calvin's Dream Of Eternity At Xanadax
3rd: DRADY Tolberg Black Adder At Indiko
Res: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midnight Charmer
Open Dog
1st: LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Mcintosh
2nd: WOOD Wildstar Washington
3rd: MEE Barlaines Commander
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
VHC: WESTON & JOHNSON Ch Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
Veteran Dog
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: HEATHER Ravensbeech Florentine Whiteorchard
2nd: RICHARDS Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside
3rd: HAM Ciselsig Hey There Delilah
Res: DUNHILL Gellijams Secret Desire
Puppy Bitch
1st: WALTERS Ralines First Past The Post
2nd: GRAHAM Ralines Coalition With Jadag
3rd: NORRIS Criscan Que Paso
Res: LATHAM-JACKSON Urishay Nell Gwyn
VHC: HEATHER Ravensbeech Florentine Whiteorchard
Junior Bitch (2)
1st: WAY Ralines Ways And Means
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Di Maria
Yearling Bitch
1st: BROWN Devoncream Mystique Jewel
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse JW
3rd: DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel At Llansansior JW
Special Beginner Bitch
1st: RICHARDS Daring Dancer Of Dwtidachs
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: PRETTY Jaxrubydax Brighten My Day
2nd: MAY Custard And Jelly
Limit Bitch
1st: THOMAS Abydachs About Time
2nd:WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
3rd: PAIN Tolberg Here's To The Future With Ravensbeech Jw
Res: HERALD Winterfield Lady In Red
VHC:SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax JW
Open Bitch (8)
1st: LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
2nd:CAREY Honeysuckle Scent To Me Via Debbiejay Jw
3rd: LATHAM-JACKSON Urishay Pennyroyal
Res: MCCARTHY Ch Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW
VHC: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
Veteran Bitch
1st: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
2nd: PAIN Galrhia Full Of Beans At Ravensbeech
MPD (2) 1 Dalton & Beach Zarcrest Red In The
Room Red nice dog excellent pigment masculine head good keel and forechest
balanced rear, ok length of rib excellent spring well handled and presented.
BPD 2 Shutt Donnadoon Stunning Star. Dapple, little overawed, has quality
just needs to settle, good neck ok rib balanced fore and aft tad high behind
on the move. PD (2,1) 1 May Hanishan Firery Fox Red, nice size lovely head
good front and ribbing good hindquarters sound up and back tends to hunch up
a bit though spoiling outline. JD (4) 1 Small Minard Darque Red For Devondax
Smaller type red lovely deep rib excellent dark eye & pigment. Super body
and covering. Sound up and back perhaps could just extend more but overall
quality won him the class.
2 Weston & Johnson Dolyharp Don Ottavio With
Ecotyne Rangier B/Tan, covered more ground tended to pick up a bit in front,
good angles both ends level topline and good ribbing. 3 Stevens Dolyharp
Amadeus At Sidburyhill. YD (2) 1 Gordon Allerbach’s Tiger Moth Cream little
thin & unsettled lovely topline good front balanced rear tends to poke a bit
on move. 2 Morrin & Barbi Code Red Again At Arlatdax Red, rather longer but
good to go over with particular good ribs and covering. Competently
presented by his polite young handler. SBD (3,1) 1 Gordon Allerbach’s Tiger
Moth 2 Mayson & Nichols. Charpurdy’s The Viscount. Red good for size little
out in elbow good head ok front tad short in rib, moved out soundly balanced
quarters. BSB. PGD (1)
1 Mayson & Nichols Charpurdy’s The Baron. A
correctly sized dog unsettled on the table but balanced overall proportions
and good pigment sound purposeful mover. LD (5,1) Creams headed this class
albeit different. 1 McCarthy Nagshall Dice The Ice JW Slightly stronger in
skull but well balanced overall and moved out well, Very well presented
enough weight but not big. Res.CC. 2 Brearley Calvin’s Dream Of Eternity At
Xanadax Shorter coupled, lovely head well balanced quarters moved out well
not the neck of winner but useful type of dog. 3 Drady Tolberg Black Adder
At Indiko OD (8,3) 1 Lockett-Walters Ralines Mcintosh Could be more
confident however lovely to go over moved out well super ribs and topline
balanced quarters lovely type of dog. CC.
2 Wood Wildstar Washington Smaller type super
head neck and outlook level topline and balanced quarters preferred ribs of
first, super type. 3 Mee Barlaines Commander. MPB (4) 1 Heather Ravensbeech
Florentine Whiteorchard Dapple, pretty head good front ribs ok, balanced
rear angulation moved out well, just needs to drop behind. 2 Richards &
Richards Dewi Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside Dark brindle well covered and a
little unsettled however she is well made throughout with good front and
rear angulation. 3 Ham Ciselsig Hey There Delilah. PB (7) Lovely class
headed by two litter sisters. 1 Walters Ralines First Past The Post. Lovely
B/cream super to go over lovely size pretty head balanced quarters, little
proud of her tail at times but only a baby. Should have a good future. BP 2
Graham Ralines Coalition With Jadag I thought so similar same good
construction, slightly longer but super easy mover and good overall
conformation. Sympathetically handled. 3 Norris Criscan Que Paso JB (2) Two
Creams but totally different. 1 Way Ralines Ways And Means Lovely outline,
up to size excellent pigment moved out with purpose could have better
ribbing. Interesting sister to 1 & 2 in puppy. 2 McCarthy Nagshall Di Maria
Slightly better ribbing and size lovely head balanced quarters but not quite
the precision of 1 on the move. YB (4,1) Three nice bitches. 1 Brown
Devoncream Mystique Jewel Lovely size, cream excellent head and pigment ok
ribbing balanced quarters and nice mover with lovely outline at all times,
very nice. 2 McCarthy Nagshall The Odd Excuse JW. Slightly longer cast
preferred ribs slightly on first but lovely reachy mover keeping a good
outline at all times. 3 Dalton Zilcan Crème Caramel At Llansansior. SBB. (1)
1 Richards & Richards Dewi Daring Dancer Of
Dwtidachs. Feminine cream pretty head ok front very good ribbing balanced
hindquarters, steady mover but a little close coming toward. PGB (2) 1
Pretty Jaxrubydax Brighten My Day Pretty dapple lovely size and shape,
little full in eye good front & ribbing, excellent hindquarters sound steady
mover if a little bored looking. 2 May Custard And Jelly Shaded cream longer
throughout, balanced fore and aft just not the finish of body of first. LB
(10,2) Good Class 1 Thomas Abydachs About Time Super size B/Tan lovely to go
over little full in eye but just everything flowed and she moved out with
such freedom of movement, keeping a super outline at all times Res. CC. 2
Wood Wildstar Wrolanda Shaded Red lovely type pretty head good front,
ribbing ok level topline and moved easily nice bitch. 3 Pain Tolberg Here’s
To The Future With Ravensbeech JW. OB (8) 1 Larkin Ch. Darsoms Zparkle B/Tan
lovely bitch good size pretty head good ribbing balanced overall moved out
freely covering the ground with ease. CC & BOB. 2 Carey Honeysuckle Scent To
Me Via Debbiejay JW Slightly longer Cast than 1 very nice to go over, pretty
head good ribbing, topline and quarters, nice bitch. 3 Latham-Jackson
Urishay Penneyroyal. VB. (4,2) 1 Mason Ch. Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckletown
Red, pretty little bitch nice to go over and purposefull mover, in lovely
condition. BV. 2 Pain Galrhia Full Of Beans At Ravensbeech Dapple well
ribbed and covered, good front and rear in lovely condition as were both
these two bitches.
Wendell Moore