Judge: Yvonne Kent (Lokmadi)

BEST OF BREED : LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
Dog CC : MITCHELL Ch Bronia Maverick
Res Dog CC : MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce the Ice JW
Bitch CC : LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
Res Bitch CC : NORTON Halunke Tzarina
Best Puppy : DALTON & BEACH Zarcrest Red In The Room
Best Veteran :

Best Special Beginners : YATES Lyndarlea Just Brian of Irisdax


Minor Puppy Dog (3)
1st: KASPROWICZ Wishadax's Blonde Showman Daniello
2nd:LAWRENCE Kyalozys My Time to Shine

3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love for Ronnie

Puppy Dog (8)
1st: DALTON & BEACH Zarcrest Red In The Room

2nd: THOMSON Rivandell Sirius Black

3rd: SHUTT Donnadoon Stunning Star

Res: KASPROWICZ Wishadax's Blonde Showman Daniello

Res: JURY Christmas Cookie

Junior Dog (3)
1st: SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax

2nd: THOMSON Rivandell Sirius Black

3rd: JURY Christmas Cookie


Post Graduate Dog (4)
1st: YATES Lyndarlea Just Brian of Irisdax

2nd: KASPROWICZ Daniello Tiny Troublemaker

3rd: MORRIN & BARBI Code Red Again ar Arlatdax

Res:GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth

Limit Dog (4,2)
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce the Ice JW
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason JW

Open Dog (5,2)
1st: MITCHELL Ch Bronia Maverick

2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mister McKye


Good Citizen Dog NO ENTRIES


Special Beginner Dog (2)
1st: YATES Lyndarlea Just Brian of Irisdax

2nd: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth


Veteran Dog or Bitch NO ENTRIES

Minor Puppy Bitch (4,2)
1st: TUBB Westwillow Sweet Pea
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love at Risk

Puppy Bitch (9,1)
1st: TUBB Westwillow Sweet Pea
2nd: HOLTOM Rivandell Nymphadora
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Love at Risk
Res: HAM Ciselsig Hey There Delilah
VHC: PRETTY Jaxrubydax Consellation

Junior Bitch (6,2)
1st: POOLE Findowries Finesse

2nd:FAIRCHILD Restinim Miss Whiplash
3rd: NORRIS Criscan Que Paso

Res: ROBERTS Venari Chamber of Secrets


Post Graduate Bitch (7,3)
1st:  ROWN Sunkissed Candy from Garbosa JW

2nd: BROWN Devoncream Mystique Jewel
3rd: TORWOOD Vertical Challenge

Res: HOLTOM Rivandell Osha

Limit Bitch (7,3)
1st: NORTON Halunke Tzarina
2nd: PAIN Tolberg Here's to the Future with Ravensbeech JW
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse
Res: TORWOOD Vertical Challenge

Open Bitch (7,4)
1st: LARKIN Ch Darsoms Zparkle
2nd: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent to Me Via Debbiejay JW

3rd: MCCARTHY Ch Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW


Good Citizen Bitch NO ENTRIES

Special Beginner Bitch (5,1)

1st: TUBB Westwillow Sweet Pea
2nd: PRETTY Jaxrubydax Consellation

3rd: ROBERTS Venari Chamber of Secrets

Res: DABROWA Alyss Ufna Morda Amberburg