Judge: Ruth Lockett-Walters (Ralines)

& Best in Show
Dog CC : HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Res Dog CC : POOLE Findowrie
The Fusileer
Best Puppy Dog :
Bitch CC : WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Res Bitch CC : WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Shot in the Dark
Best Puppy Bitch :
NORRIS Criscan Que Paso
Best Puppy : NORRIS Criscan Que Paso
Best Veteran : PAIN Galrhia Full of Beans at Ravensbeech
Veteran Dog
1st: BROAD Ch Neertanauf Sea Magic JW ShCM
Minor Puppy Dog
1st: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Ice Fox
2nd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Newtown Ellis
3rd: Hanishan Firery
WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Great Gareth
Puppy Dog
1st: STEVENS Dolyharp Amadeus at Sidburyhill
2nd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Newtown Ellis
WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Great Gareth
Junior Dog
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo JW
2nd: COX Dolyharp Fidelio JW
3rd: JAMES Johnny Thor at Daxiemoors
Res: Salan Red Horses
Yearling Dog
1st: MITCHELL Ch Bronia Maverick
2nd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Viscount
3rd: Salan Red Horses
Post Graduate Dog
1st: BROAD
Bronia Wolfgang Puck
2nd: PHILLIPS Pettigans Bring Me Sunshine
MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Follyfield Fortissimo
Limit Dog
1st: POOLE Findowrie
The Fusileer
2nd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midnight Charmer
3rd: DRADY Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko
Res: LATHAM-JACKSON Hanishan Neapolitan Urishay
VHC: CROW Drymoor Friars Luxury among Martinks
Open Dog (8,2)
1st: HALL Cliffmere Woodman
Ch Hanishan Fire Cracker
3rd: MEE
Barlaine Just William
Findowrie Mister McKye
VHC: Salan Red Horses
Veteran Bitch (2,1)
1st: PAIN Galrhia Full of Beans at Ravensbeech
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: NORRIS Criscan Que Paso
2nd: DALTON Zilcan Viva La Vida at Llansansior
3rd: LATHAM-JACKSON Urishay Nell Gwyn
Res: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Kindest Kate
VHC: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Calm Caroline
Puppy Bitch
Devoncream Mystique Jewel
2nd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Kindest Kate
3rd: GUNTER Darwindax Bobby Jean of WelingtonWay
Res: CLARKE Hilmar Bilberry Breeze
VHC: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Calm Caroline
Junior Bitch (6)
1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax
2nd: DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel at Llansansior
3rd: PAIN Tolberg Here's to the Future with Ravensbeech
Fallingwater Faberge
VHC: Yumares
Zenas Magic
Yearling Bitch
1st: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Shot in the Dark
2nd: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
3rd: JAMES Tropicana Petal
at Daxiemoors
Res: CLARKE Hilmar Bee Ava
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: TAVERNER Brackenfire My Honey Bee
2nd: May Custard and Jelly
Limit Bitch
1st: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
2nd: COX Cheritondax Chardonnay JW
3rd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Golden Honey
Res: BROWN Devoncream Ice Mimosa
Fallingwater First Love
Open Bitch
1st: WHITFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
2nd: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Stracciatella
3rd: DRADY Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko
Res: MEE
Barlaine's Razzle Dazzle
VHC:MASON Crownlake's Queen Bee JW
The last time I judged this variety was in
2017 when my main concerns were narrow fronts, lack of pro-sternum and
spring and length of rib, short upper arm’s and this fault I found
mainly in the males. I stressed how important it was for these faults to
be addressed.
Unfortunately, this time I am truly sorry
to say that I found the whole experience heart-breaking as things have
become worse, especially when I reflect on some of the beautiful
specimens that we have had in this variety in the past. I found perhaps
a maximum of only eight exhibits with the correct dachshund front,
shoulders and ribbing. Added to this the discrepancy in weight is a real
concern. Four exhibits were far too big (exceeding 7kg), but at the same
time, there is the issue of the average weight of the bitches hovering
between 3-3.5kg and therefore lacking in bone and substance. I ask
myself, surely exhibitors are not going to consider breeding from these
petite little bitches? If so, there are going to be some wealthy vets
around in years to come. I address this issue particularly to the
newcomers in the breed that have bred from imported stock. Are you aware
that under FCI regulations there are no weight restrictions and
therefore these pretty little girls could produce standards if there is
cross-sizing in the imported bloodlines? The total lack of bone and
substance is a real concern, also feet leave a lot to be desired with
many having flat feet with long toes and down in pastern, some even
splaying their toes.
Mouths, at the moment, are passable,
however there are several with weak narrow underjaws which in due course
could cause lack of teeth and overcrowding. I strongly recommend that
all newcomers to breed ask for help from the more experience’s
exhibitors, listen and take on board recommendations, which I am sure
they will be happy to support.
I was delighted with my principal winners
which were of excellent quality and true breed type.
Veteran Dog (1) 1st: BROAD Ch Neertanauf
Sea Magic JW ShCM, 14 years old, beautifully presented in excellent
condition, a real credit to his owner/ handler. Sound to go over keeps a
lovely outline and can still moves with a spring in his step.
Minor Puppy Dog (5,1) 1st: WOODVINE-SHONE
Hanishan Ice Fox beautiful type and head, at the moment lacking a little
in forechest, good length and spring of ribbing. Well-coupled loin, well
angulated and moved soundly. 2nd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Newtown
Ellis shaded red, lovely type, stunning head, very immature and needs
some ring training shows promise. 3rd: Hanishan Firery Fox
Puppy Dog (4,1) 1st: STEVENS Dolyharp
Amadeus at Sidburyhill black and tan outstanding head, good reach of
neck, lovely topline, could do with more length of rib which has got
time to come, moved true coming and going just needs maturity.2nd:
WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Newtown Ellis3rd: WALKER & WILTSHIRE
Littelibbs Great Gareth
Junior Dog (5,1) 1st: PHILLIPS Summerview
Hello Hugo JW black and tan gorgeous outline. Won this class on overall
finish, put down to perfection. This boy requires maturity as would like
a little more heart room through the ribbing, and a more filled out
front. 2nd: COX Dolyharp Fidelio JW still very much the adolescent, well
balanced, pleasing to go over, just needs maturity. 3rd: Johnny Thor at
Yearling Dog (4,1) 1st: MITCHELL Ch Bronia
Maverick cream dog, beautiful head, good reach of neck, excellent front
and shoulder placement, good length and spring of ribbing, well coupled
loin, would just like more turn of stifle. Could do with being more
outgoing in temperament. 2nd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Viscount
shaded red, beautiful outline when free standing, touch on the lean side
would like more body on him, moves true,3rd: Salan Red Horses FCI
Post Graduate Dog (4) 1st: BROAD Bronia
Wolfgang Puck, red nice to go over, extremely sound good body condition
and well presented, moves well, could just do with more confidence when
being handled on the table. Touch round in eye. 2nd: PHILLIPS Pettigans
Bring Me Sunshine clear red, beautiful outline, feet need attention,
touch too low to ground, good shoulder and quarters, beautiful rear
angulation. 3rd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Limit Dog (6) 1st: POOLE Findowrie The
Fusileer black and tan, beautiful head, good reach of neck, good front
and shoulder placement, good length of ribbing, would prefer more
roundness to the rib cage. Super hindquarters which he uses to the full,
keeps a lovely outline on the move RCC.
2nd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midnight Charmer totally different type to the
class winner, would prefer more bone and a touch more masculinity,
correctly made front and rear, beautiful outline on the move just lacks
confidence. 3rd: DRADY Tolberg Black Adder at Indiko
Open Dog (8,2) 1st: HALL Cliffmere
Woodman, red pleasing masculine head, good clean neck flowing into
correct shoulders with tight fitting elbows, neat well balanced
hind-quarters which he uses to the full, looks as though he cuts up a
little on the move but to go over it is purely a case that he could do
with a little more feathering on his tummy. Presented and handled in
excellent condition, covering the ground well, delighted to award him
his 3rd CC, congratulations. 2nd: WOODVINE-SHONE Ch Hanishan Fire
Cracker gorgeous shaded red of beautiful type would like a touch more
bone and a touch more body 3rd: MEE Barlaine Just William
Veteran Bitch (2,1)
1st: PAIN Galrhia Full of Beans at Ravensbeech, Silver dapple bitch, I
thought she was absolutely gorgeous, not seen her before, pity she was
not campaigned when she was younger, am sure she would have gained her
crown, was delighted to give her BVIB and was delighted to see her go
Minor Puppy Bitch (7) 1st: NORRIS Criscan
Que Paso, red what a gorgeous baby, superb bone and feet, good front and
shoulder placement, good length and spring of rib, well angled hind
quarters, need to get her act together and she could go straight to the
top. BPIB 2nd: DALTON Zilcan Viva La Vida at Llansansior, red beautiful
head could do with more strength of underjaw, sufficient neck, shoulder
angles are correct, good ribbing, balanced hind quarters needs to
tighten up on the move 3rd: Urishay Nell Gwyn
Puppy Bitch (8,1) 1st: BROWN Devoncream
Mystique Jewel, cream very pretty bitch with a beautiful head, clean
reach of neck, good front and shoulder, good length of ribbing, lovely
bone and feet, balanced hind quarters and covers the ground well. 2nd:
WALKER & WILTSHIRE Littelibbs Kindest Kate 4th in minor puppy, black and
cream, nice bone and feet, holds a good topline on the move. 3rd: GUNTER
Darwindax Bobby Jean of WelingtonWay
Junior Bitch (6) 1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday
Mojito at Devondax red, pleasant head good reach of neck the best of
shoulders in the class with nice tight-fitting elbows, good length of
upper arm, extremely well ribbed, moves true, good bone and feet, shes
proud of her tail which spoils the overall picture on the move. 2nd:
DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel at Llansansior gorgeous head, good
dentition, nice clean neck, not as good in shoulder as the class winner
but good length and spring of rib, well balanced hind quarters,
presented in tip top condition.3rd: PAIN Tolberg Here's to the Future
with Ravensbeech
Yearling Bitch (5,1) 1st: WOODVINE-SHONE
Hanishan Shot in the Dark black and tan, stunning head super mouth. Good
front, nice clean shoulders, sufficient ribbing, balanced hind quarters,
keeps a gorgeous outline and topline on the move RCC. 2nd: MITCHELL
Bronia Chaka Khan cream, lovely head, super neck and shoulder, good
ribbing, lovely to go over but a little erratic in hind movement.
3rd: Tropicana Petal at Daxiemoors
Post Graduate Bitch (2)
1st:TAVENER Brackenfire My Honey Bee, a black and tan, sound to go over,
free stands better and stacked, can roach her topline when moved at the
wrong place, but is correctly made.2nd: MAY Custard and Jelly shaded
cream, beautiful head, super fore chest, needs more body, rather on the
lean side.
Limit Bitch (8,1) 1st: POOLE Findowrie
Jessica Rose cream rather plain in head could do with more length in
foreface, absolutely spot on behind the head which won her the class,
beautiful to go over and moves extremely sound. 2nd: COX Cheritondax
Chardonnay JW sound bitch, nice and balanced, not the quarters of the
class winner, a close decision, could do with better pigment. 3rd:
MCSORLEY Barlaine Golden Honey
Dandydayo Kiss the Girl, oh boy, she’s a cracker, there is nothing I
would like to change about this bitch, she is absolutely beautiful,
beautifully presented and so sound to go over moves like a dream CC,
BOB, BIS. 2nd: WOODVINE-SHONE Hanishan Stracciatella black and tan a
quality bitch of consistent type from this kennel, extremely sound, not
the maturity of the class winner. 3rd: DRADY Tolberg Cream Surprise at