Judge: Mrs Cellia Mortlock

BEST OF BREED : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Dog CC : WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
Res Dog CC : WESTON & JOHNSON Ch Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
Bitch CC : LARKIN Darsoms Zparkle
Res Bitch CC : BUTLER Ch Minard Out Of The Darque From Drymoor Jw
Best Puppy : POOLE Findowries Finesse
Best Veteran : MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
Best Special Beginner : GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
Special Beginner Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
2nd: MAYHanishan Firery Fox
3rd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Viscount
Minor Puppy Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ANEKE Saffron Devil At Dachadam
Puppy Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HORBULEWICZ Czarujacy Lorcan Ufna Morda (Imp Pol)
2nd: MAY Hanishan Firery Fox
3rd: SMALL Minard Darque Red For Devondax
Res: STEVENS Dolyharp Amadeus At Sidburyhill
Junior Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
Post Graduate Dog
(5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MCCARTHY Nagshall Dyce The Ice JW
2nd: MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
3rd: HORBULEWICZ Salan Red Horses (Imp Pol)
Res: JAMES Jamesfair Wispasoftly
Limit Dog
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Good Friday
2nd: POOLE Findowrie The Fusileer
3rd: WALLACE Ralines Just Jiles
Res: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Reason Jw
Open Dog
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD Ch Wildstar Wrobinson
2nd: WESTON & JOHNSON Ch Ecotyne Devil's Advocate
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Mister Mckye
Res: MCARTHY Nagshall Dutch Odyssey
VHC: SCOTT Ch Zarcrest Flash Gordon At Gellijam
Special Beginner Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MAY Custard And Jelly
2nd:MAY Coco's Sparkling Snowflake
Minor Puppy Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: POOLE Findowries Finesse
2nd:PALIN My Classic Cream By Sanmik
3rd: DUNHILL Gellijams Secret Desire
Res: HEATHER Ravensbeech Florentine Whiteorchard
Puppy Bitch
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: NORRIS Criscan Que Paso
2nd: PALIN Magnolia Foxtail By Sanmik
3rd: WAY Ralines Ways And Means
Res: STEVENS Sidburyhill Alouette
VHC: WALLACE Ralines Tina Peaches
Junior Bitch
(7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PAIN Tolberg Here's To The Future With Ravensbeech
2nd: MCCARTHY Nagshall The Odd Excuse JW
3rd: BROWN Devoncream Mystique Jewel
Res: GUNTGER Darwindax Bobby Jean Of Welingtonway
VHC: REES Yumares Zelda May
Post Graduate Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Faberge
2nd: THOMAS Abydachs About Time
3rd: MCCARTHY Nagshall Di Maria
Res: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito At Devondax
VHC: MAY Custard And Jelly
Limit Bitch
(7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater First Love
2nd: WESTON & JOHNSON Ecotyne Witch On A Broom
3rd: SIGGEE Ensigynes Glaciarium
Res: WOOD Wildstar Wrolanda
VHC: MCSORLEY Barlaine Golden Honey
Open Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LARKIN Darsoms Zparkle
2nd: BUTLER Ch Minard Out Of The Darque From Drymoor Jw
3rd: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
Res: MCARTHY Ch Nagshall I'm So Dizzy JW
VHC: CAREY Honeysuckle Scent To Me Via Debbiejay Jw
Veteran Bitch(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckeltown
2nd: PAIN Galrhia Full Of Beans At Ravensbeech
This was my first time awarding CCs in this
variety. Thank you to everyone that entered under me. I appreciated your
entries. Many exhibits were lacking the true Dachshund chest which is full,
oval and prominent. In many ribbing could be carried back further. Shoulder
placements were variable. I was concerned about the number of dogs that were
timid and unhappy about being gone over mainly, but not exclusively in the
puppy classes. Having owned and shown this variety I know how much work is
needed to get them ready to show and be happy on the table. Socialisation
and ring craft is key. In the dog and bitch, Limit and Open classes, I was
spoilt for choice.
SBD (3) 1 Gordon’s Allerbach’s Tiger Moth.
Well proportioned head and intelligent expression on this cream boy. Good
proportions, slanting shoulders, developed chest and good ribbing. Held a
level top line standing and moving. Once in his stride he covered the ground
well. BSB. 2 May’s Hanishan Fiery Fox. Red with good head and proportions.
Level top line which was better on the move than stacked. Not the chest or
shoulders of 1. Ribbing could be longer. Movement not quite as positive as
1. 3 Mayson & Nichol’s Charpurdy’s The Viscount.
MPD (1) 1 Aneke’s Saffron Devil At Dachadam.
Red with good head, dark eyes and good pigment. Well proportioned body. Lost
his topline at times. A little reluctant on the move.
PD (4) 1 Horbulewicz’s Czarujacy Lorcan Ufna
Morda (Imp Pol) A well proportioned red dog with adequate neck and sloping
shoulders. Would prefer a softer expression. Held top line stacked and on
the move. Won this class on his positive movement. 2 May’s Hanishan Fiery
Fox. 2nd in Special Beginners Dog. 3 Small’s Minard Darque Red For
JD (2) 1 Gordon’s Allerbachs Tiger Moth. 1st
in Special Beginners.
PGD (5,1a) 1 McCarthy’s Nagshall Dyce The Ice.
JW. A well proportioned red dog that won this class on movement. Well
balanced head with developed chest and sloping shoulders. Good spring of rib
and length. He covered the ground well and moved positively out and back. 2
Mayson & Nichol’s Charpurdy’s The Baron. Well balanced male. Good masculine
head with sufficient length of neck and ribbing. He kept a level top line
standing and on the move. His movement was not quite so fluid as the winner.
I would just prefer a little less coat so that his outline is shown to the
full. 3 Horbulewicz’s Salan Red Horses (Imp Pol).
LD (5,1W) This was a competitive class. 1
Phillips’ Fallingwater Good Friday. A red with a lovely head. Long neck into
well placed shoulders with sufficient chest. Well balanced body with
sufficient length and spring of rib. On the move he was driving out covering
the ground. Movement was positive out and back. 2 Poole’s Findowrie The
Fusileer. Lovely shape and proportions on this black and tan boy. Good head
and neck leading into well placed shoulders. Prominent chest and good length
of ribbing. He was also driving out well with positive movement. 3 Wallace’s
Ralines Just Jiles.
OD (5,1a) Another competitive class. 1 Wood’s
Ch Wildstar Wrobinson. Red dog with excellent breed type. He comes into his
own on the move with free, flowing strides. Good head and expression. Good
length of neck flowing into good shoulder placement. Well developed chest,
ribbing carried well back and good spring of rib. He moved with reach and
drive covering the ground efficiently keeping a level topline. CC/BOB. 2
Weston & Johnson’s Ch Ecotyne Devil’s Advocate. Lovely masculine head on
this dapple dog. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Well
developed chest, good ribbing. Used his good hind quarters to drive out
covering the ground with ease. Movement not quite so positive as the winner.
RCC. 3 Poole’s Findowie Mister Mckye.
SBB (3) 1 May’s Custard And Jelly. Pleasing
head proportions. Sufficient neck leading into sloping shoulders, sufficient
chest. Could be a little shorter in body to meet the 2 to 1 requirements of
height to length ratio. Won this class on movement which was fluid. 2 May’s
Coco’s Sparkling Snowflake. Pleasant head, sloping shoulders. Body
proportions correct. Movement was irregular and inefficient. Topline was
level standing but lost on the move. 3 Withheld.
MPB (5,1W) 1 Poole’s Findowrie Finesse. Red,
feminine with lovely and correct head proportions. Good neck flowing into
well layed shoulders. Chest developing, correct for age. Correct body
proportions. Good ribbing and top line held standing and on the move. Once
in her stride she moved covering the ground well. The more she moved, the
better her stride. BPB. BPIB. 2 Palin’s My Classic Cream By Sanmik. Cream
girl who was longer in body proportions than 1. Pleasing head, chest
developing, shoulders not quite the lay back of 1. Topline held on the stack
and whilst moving. Straight movement out and back. 3 Dunhill’s Gellijams
Secret Desire.
PB (6) 1 Norris’ Criscan Que Paso. Red girl
with lovely balanced feminine head with good expression. Good neck leading
into well positioned shoulders. Correct body proportions, good chest and
ribbing. Top line level on the stack and kept on the move. Movement free and
flowing. 2 Palin’s Magnolia Foxtail By Sanmik. Cream that is longer in body
proportions than 1. Pleasing head with good pigment. Good neck, slanting
shoulders and developing chest. Top line level stacked and whilst moving
with a free and easy stride. 3 Way’s Ralines Ways And Means.
JB (7,1a) 1 Pain’s Tolberg Here’s To The
Future With Ravensbeech. Well balanced feminine cream with good head and
body proportions. Well placed shoulders with sufficient chest. Level top
line stood and whilst moving. She moved with free flowing strides. 2
McCarthy’s Nagshall The Odd Excuse. JW. Another well balanced feminine cream
with good head proportions. Sufficient chest, slanting shoulders and level
top line. Covered the ground well. 3 Brown’s Devoncream Mystic Jewel [ATC
PGB (5) 1 Phillips’ Fallingwater Faberge. Red
that is feminine and well balanced. Good length of neck leading into well
positioned shoulders. Correct proportions, level top line and sufficient
chest. Won this class on her movement which was free with a good stride. 2
Thomas’ Abydachs About Time. Black and tan with a lovely head. Good neck,
shoulders and chest. She is a little longer in her proportions than 1. Level
top line. She was a little hesitant on the move but accurate. 3 McCarthy’s
Nagshall Di Maria.
LB (7,1W) Competitive Class. 1 Phillips’
Fallingwater First Love. This red girl has lovely breed type. Feminine head
, good neck leading into good shoulders, prominent chest, sufficient
ribbing. Balanced body proportions. Level top line stacked and on the move.
Free and fluid movement front and back covering the ground well. 2 Weston &
Johnston’s Ecotyne Witch On A Broom. Black and tan who has good proportions.
Preferred the head of 1. Good neck leading into good shoulders, prominent
chest. Level top line. Another who covered the ground striding out well. 3
Siggee’s Ensigynes Glaciarium.
OB (5) Lovely competitive class of bitches. 1
Larkin’s Darsom’s Zparkle. Black and tan with ring presence. Good head and
body proportions. Prominent chest, sloping shoulders, good length of
ribbing, level top line. Movement was free flowing covering the ground
efficiently and precisely. CC. 2 Butler’s Ch Minard Out Of The Darque From
Drymoor. JW. Black and tan with good head, neck and shoulders. Prominent
chest, good ribbing and level topline. Slightly longer in body than 1.
Covered the ground well. Her movement was not quite as precise as 1. RCC. 3
Mason’s Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckledown [ATC AU]
VB (2) Mason’s Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez At
Teckledown [ATC AU] 1 repeat from 3rd in Open. Feminine red that moved with
enthusiasm covering the ground efficiently. Good head, good neck, shoulders
well placed, sufficient chest and ribbing. BV. 2 Pain’s Galrhia Full Of
Beans At Ravensbeech. Lovely head and expression on this Dapple girl. I
liked her very much. She is slightly longer in her body proportions than 1.
Good neck, shoulders and chest. She kept a level top line whilst moving
precisely. Just not the verve of 1.
Celia Mortlock