Judge: Evan Ryan

Dog CC : PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo JW
Res Dog CC : BROWN Garbosa I'm A Dandy
Bitch CC : MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
Res Bitch CC : THOMAS Abydachs About Time
Best Puppy : POOLE Findowries Finesse
Best Junior :
BROWN Sunkissed Candy from Gabosa
Best Veteran : MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez
at Teckeltown
Best Special Beginner : RICHARDS Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs
Minor Puppy Dog
Puppy Dog
MAY Hanishan Firery
Junior Dog
SMALL Minard Darque Red for Devondax
2nd: STEVENS Dolyharp Amadeus at Sidburyhill
GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
Yearling Dog
1st: MORRIS &
BARBI Code Red Again at Arlatdax
Pettigans Bring Me Sunshine
GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The Baron
Post Graduate Dog
KASPROWICZ Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Limit Dog
1st: PHILLIPS Summerview Hello Hugo JW
2nd:POOLE Findowrie
The Fusileer
3rd: MCSORLEY Barlaine Midnight Charmer
Res: BREARLEY Calvin's Dream of Eternity at Xanadax
Open Dog (4,1)
1st: BROWN
Garbosa I'm a Dandy
Findowrie Mister McKye
Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Champion Dog
Veteran Dog
Bronia the Dutchman
Special Beginner Dog or Bitch
RICHARDS Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs
GORDON Allerbach's Tiger Moth
3rd: GUNTER Darwindax Bobby Jean at Wellingtonway
MAYSON & NICHOLS Charpurdy's The
Daniello Tiny Troublemaker
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st: POOLE Findowrie Finesse
Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside
3rd: GUNTER Infraganti Leading Layla at Wellington
Puppy Bitch
Jalka Jollynda
Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside
Junior Bitch (3)
1st: BROWN
Sunkissed Candy from Gabosa
Perla Di Luna
GUNTER Darwindax Bobby Jean at Wellingtonway
Yearling Bitch
1st: PHILLIPS Fallingwater Faberge
2nd: KASPROWICZ Daniello A
Perla Di Luna
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: SMALL Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax JW
PHILLIPS Fallingwater Farouche
3rd: MAY Custard and
Limit Bitch
Abydachs About Time
2nd: DALTON Zilcan Creme Caramel at Llansansior
3rd: POOLE Findowrie Jessica Rose
PHILLIPS Fallingwater First Love
Open Bitch
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Chaka Khan
2nd:LARKIN Darsoms Zparkle
3rd: RICHARDS Daring Dancer of Dwitidachs
Fallingwater Flower Power
Champion Bitch (2)
1st: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at
2nd: WHITEFIELD-ROBERTS Ch Dandydayo Kiss the Girl
Veteran Bitch (4,3)
1st: MASON Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at
My first-time awarding CCs in this variety and
my thanks to Lancashire and Cheshire Dachshund Association for their kind
invitation. Many of the males could have been much more solid in
temperament, quite a few backed off on the table, appeared hunched & had a
real look of fear in their eyes. The bitches were stronger than the males &
I had at least 4 who I would have been happy to have signed a CC for on the
day. PD (1) 1 Hanishan Firery Fox (May), red dog who has a good head and
reasonably correctly shaped eye. Quite a good front, but his forelegs could
be a touch neater. Well ribbed back and short in loin, but his topline was
roached both on the table and moving and he does need more confidence. Could
firm up behind as yet, but put down in a beautifully presented jacket which
gleamed in the sun. JD (3) 1 Minard Darque Red for Devondax (Small), red dog
and who I thought might be the winner on first glance. Lots to like about
him and I see he is a double Wrobinson grandson, typical head and eye,
excellent proportions, good shoulders & long upperarm, one of the best on
the day; enough ground clearance and he does use himself very well on the
move. Needs to firm up in topline but most promising. 2 Dolyharp Amadeus at
Sidburyhill (Stevens), B/T male, good in head and eye and close up to the
winner. Different in many respects & probably a touch more angular through
the front. Well ribbed back & short in loin, cuts off quite sharply over the
croup, but is very sound and accurate on the move and was put down in first
class order. 3 Allerbach’s Tiger Moth (Gordon). YD (4) 1 Code Red Again at
Arlatdax (Morrin & Barbi), red dog handled well by his young handler to win
this mixed class. Good head and eye, but could perhaps have a little more
refinement as he is a touch broad in skull; fairly good forequarters & firm
in topline, with a neat underline. Enough hind angulation and went very well
in side profile. Could have a little more jacket but what he had was
beautifully presented. Well handled by his exceptionally polite young
handler. 2 Pettigans Bring Me Sunshine TAF (Phillips), I liked this young
red dog & I thought he might well be in the running. Lots to like in general
and he is very typical. Correct head and eye, well ribbed and in good
muscular condition. I put him in front & just thought on the final go around
he really wasn’t as settled as he could have been and so he paid the price,
but he is a young yet and is a very good type. 3 Allerbach’s Tiger Moth
(Gordon). PGD (1) 1 Daniello Tiny Troublemaker (Kasprowicz), cream dog,
decent head and shapely eye, but could have more strength to his head in
general. A touch upright in shoulder but forelegs were reasonable, and he
stands on good legs and feet. A little short in body and carries his tail
rather proudly; very well presented and in good nick. LD (8,2) 1 Summerview
Hello Hugo JW (Phillips), B/T dog and the one I had been waiting for; stood
away here and in the challenge. Has a lot to like & he is confident and
self-assured, a feature lacking here today; masculine head and eye, decent
forehand and he is well ribbed back. Excellent topline and underline, in
beautiful muscular condition and skeletally so correct. His outline is
classic, and he retains it both standing naturally and on the move. In the
peak of condition and in A1 coat; DCC & BOS. 2 Findowrie The Fusileer
(Poole), very typical B/T and quite a different type to the winner but with
a lot to like. Full of character, and a temperament which was a pleasure to
see, it was the exception amongst the males rather than the rule. Correct
head and expression, perhaps could have a mite more breadth to his ribs and
I would not want him any longer in loin. In the most super coat and
condition, felt the heat a touch I think but he is sound; considered him for
the RCC but the Open Dog winner just out moved him at the final hurdle. A
very nice dog. 3 Barlaine Midnight Charmer (Mcsorley). OD (4,1) 1 Garbosa
I’m A Dandy JW (Brown), C/T dog and the easy winner of this class for his
elegance and beauty when moving; rock solid temperament, very good in head
and eye, well made in front & behind, firm topline, beautifully conditioned
and presented, close decision between him and the DCC winner & I thought him
very worthy of the RDCC. 2 Findowrie Mister Mckye (Poole) red dog and a
couple of years older than the winner, masculine head and eye, enough neck &
decent front, firm enough in topline; could perhaps have slightly better
ribbing, but he is in super muscular condition. Lots to like about him too,
not quite so free and easy as the winner on the day when moving, but very
admirable. 3 Daniello Tiny Troublemaker (Kasprowicz). VD (1) 1 Bronia The
Dutchman (Irvine), just 7 years & only into veteran; beautifully bred & lots
to like, good head and eye, correct front, firm topline if a shade long in
back for perfect balance; in excellent coat and condition and a really super
mover. BVIB. SB (5) 1 Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs (Richards), shaded cream,
good head and eye, decent front & firm enough in topline; used herself well
on the move even if she could be a touch more accurate coming and going. 2
Allerbach’s Tiger Moth (Gordon), shaded cream, younger than the winner, good
head and eye, shoulders could be better & he is a touch wide at the blades,
firm enough on the move and presents a good picture in profile. 3 Darwindax
Bobby Jean at Welingtonway (Gunter). MPB (3) 1 Findowries Finesse (Poole),
red & easily the best puppy here today; very good head and eye, super
expression, very good in front, well laid shoulder & upperarm; firm in
topline, neat underline and has good ground clearance. Very good on the move
even for her tender age, firm and accurate from all directions. Shows a lot
of promise. BPB & BPIB. 2 Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside (Richards), great name
& a Christmas baby! Still a way to go in terms of maturity, head has enough
strength & eyes are a reasonable shape; good forequarters and neat elbows, a
touch soft in topline as yet but she is young; enough ground clearance and
move with a decent action away and back and quite attractive in profile.
Shows promise. 3 Infraganti Leading Layla at Welingtonway (Gunter). PB (7,5)
1 Daniello Jalka Jollynda (Kasprowicz), red with a lot to like. Young yet
and a way to go in terms of advancement; good head and eye, well filled in
front. Enough ribbing, she could be a shade shorter in loin but uses herself
well on the move. Well presented and handled. 2 Dwtidachs All Toasty Inside
(Richards), see 2nd MPB. JB (3) 1 Sunkissed Candy from Garbosa (Brown),
shaded cream and most attractive. Good head and eye, just enough shoulder
angulation and neat forelegs. Could have a touch more neck. Good topline and
underline and presented a balanced picture; free and easy on the move. 2
Daniello A Perla Di Luna (Kasprowicz), admirable sort of cream, not quite
the head of eye of the winner; enough shoulder angulation but could have a
touch more length to upperarm, firm topline and enough rear angulation; used
himself well on the move but not quite so clean was the winner when
returning. 3 Darwindax Bobby Jean at Welingtonway (Gunter). YB (2) 1
Fallingwater Faberge (Phillips), red, lots to like here. Decent head
properties, good skull and proportions; firm enough in topline, enough
ground clearance and fairly free and sound on the move. Presented in
beautiful condition and liked her a lot. 2 Daniello A Perla Di Luna (Kasprowicz),
see 2nd Junior. PGB (3) 1 Kenzduo Monday Mojito at Devondax JW (Small), I
liked this bitch & she was beautifully presented and conditioned, positively
gleaming. Very much to admire, good head and eye; houndy and expressive but
retaining femininity; in excellent body condition and very free and accurate
on the move. Much to admire and I considered her further. Very well handled
and presented. 2 Fallingwater Farouche (Phillips), very smart shaded red;
good head and eye, enough neck, firm topline and neat underline, not the
elegance of the winner on the move today but it was rather hot. I liked her
a lot and she will have better days. Beautifully presented. 3 Custard and
Jelly (May). LB (6,2) 1 Abydachs About Time (Thomas), liked this bitch on
first glance and she presents a good picture standing and moving. Her head
and eye are excellent, not overdone but houndy and feminine. Well made in
body & well ribbed back; firm topline and she uses herself to great
advantage on the move. Close up to Chaka Khan and ultimately ended up with
the ResCC. 2 Zilcan Crème Caramel at Llansansior JW (Dalton), cream bitch
and another here today in first rate condition. She gave the winner a run
for her money, and I liked her a lot. Good head and eye, enough neck, firm
topline and neat underline. Used herself very well on the move and is most
admirable for her type and quality. Close call. 3 Findowrie Jessica Rose
(Poole). OB (6,2) 1 Bronia Chaka Khan (Mitchell), excellent quality shaded
cream and quite outstanding today. Beautiful head and eye, very feminine;
but houndy in expression. Lots to like about her & she is well made in
front. Keeps her topline standing and moving & is just right for size. She
is young yet. but all of a piece and when she steps it up a gear on the
move, she is very difficult to overlook. A really lovely bitch. BCC and BOB.
2 Darsoms Zparkle (Larkin), B/T with lots to like & rather a different type
to the winner being more a touch larger and a shade taller. Well headed,
perhaps a mite broader in back skull than the winner, but her expression was
good and houndy. Well made and good to go over, well ribbed, firm topline
and neat underline. Beautifully conditioned and presented and one who I
imagine will carry a title. 3 Daring Dancer of Dwtidachs (Richards).
Champion Bitch (2) 1 Ch Tolberg Beez Kneez at Teckeltown (Mason), really
beautiful red bitch who belies her years & subsequently appeared in veteran.
Much to admire in terms of head and eye, super expression & really in great
body condition all through. It is on the move where she comes into her own;
really free and easy with a super side stride. I would have been happy to
have signed a CC for her & she was just edged out by the youthfulness and
zest of the CC and RCC, but a real classy one. BVIB. 2 Ch Dandydayo Kiss The
Girl (Whitfield-Roberts), one I have often admired and like & when she first
came in I wondered if she might end up the end winner. She is a beautiful
bitch with all the essentials and has it all going for her. However, on the
day I felt against the winner she looked a touch heavy and bordering on
matronly; and so had to pay the price. A most worthy Ch. VB (4,3) 1 Tolberg
Beez Kneez at Teckeltown (Mason), see 1st Champion.
Evan L Ryan