Darlington Dog Show Society 2013
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired)
Judge: Mr J Robertson
BEST OF BREED : 423 MORRIS Mrs C A Banburg Black Opal At Stargang
Best Dog : 420 KUGOW, Mr B & HOLT Ms S Waldmeister Samuel JW
Res Best Dog : 425 STEPHENSON Miss J Hadoka Im A Handsome Devil At Wistex
Best Bitch : 423 MORRIS Mrs C A Banburg Black Opal At Stargang
Res Best Bitch : 422 MORRIS Mrs C A Stargang Quintina At Pennywave
Best Puppy : 419 KUGOW, Mr B & HOLT Ms S Waldmeister Annie
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder :
Class 155 PD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 419 KUGOW, Mr B & HOLT Ms S Waldmeister Annie
2nd: 418 GILKES Mrs S Malrich Oreo at Birichino
3rd: 415 CHAPMAN Miss C L Berrybreeze Razzle Dazzle
Res: 421 MORRIS Mrs C A Stargang Eternity At Pennywave
VHC: 414 BORMAN Miss J Nordham Moonflower For Cristaluna
Class 157 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 425 STEPHENSON Miss J Hadoka Im A Handsome Devil At Wistex
Class 158 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 420 KUGOW, Mr B & HOLT Ms S Waldmeister Samuel JW
2nd: 426 STEPHENSON Miss J Molloney Oh Oh Seven Von Wistex
Class 159 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 422 MORRIS Mrs C A Stargang Quintina At Pennywave
2nd: 413 BAXTER Miss A Hotwire All Shook Up
3rd: 424 STEPHENSON Mrs A Bothlyn Indigo Blue At Wistex
Class 160 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 423 MORRIS Mrs C A Banburg Black Opal At Stargang
2nd: 424 STEPHENSON Mrs A Bothlyn Indigo Blue At Wistex
PD/B (5) 1 Kugow & Holt's
Waldmeister Annie. Good head and length of neck, well placed shoulder, level
back, well ribbed back, balanced front and rear angles, moved well, BPIB. 2
Gilkes' Malrich Oreo At Birichino. Liked her head, neck and topline, good ribs,
nice angles front and rear, moved steady. 3 Chapman's Berrybreeze Razzle Dazzle.
PGD(2, 1) 1 Stephenson's Hadoka Im A Handsome Devil At Wistex. Pleasing
head, neck and topline, good ribs, balanced front and rear, moved steady, Res
Best Dog.
OD(2) 1 Kugow &Holt's Waldmeister Samuel JW. Good head, neck and
topline, well placed shoulder, good front, well sprung ribs, well bent muscled
rear quarters, good mover, Best Dog & BOB. 2 Stephenson's Molloney Oh Oh Seven
Von Wistex. Nice type with pleasing head and length of neck, good angles front
and rear, well ribbed back, moved steady.
PGB(3) 1 Morris' Stargang Quintina At Pennywave. Good head, neck and
front assembly, level back, good ribs, well bent muscled quarters, good mover,
Res Best Bitch. 2 Baxter's Hotwire All Shook Up. Pleasing head, neck and topline,
well ribbed back, well bent quarters, moved steady, preferred front of winner. 3
Stephenson's Bothlyn Indigo Blue At Wistex.
OB(3, 1) 1 Morris' Banburg Black Opal At Stargang. Good head, neck,
topline and ribs, good front and rear assembly's, good mover, Best Bitch. 2
Stephenson's Bothlyn Indigo Blue At Wistex. Nice type with pleasing head, neck
and topline, well bodied, good front and rear angles, steady mover.
Jerry Robertson