The Scottish Kennel Club 2015

Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired)

Judge: Mr G McFaul (Dachville) 



BEST OF BREED : 2691 THORN ANDREWS Mrs Z Ch Drakesleat Scent Sybil 
Dog CC : 2689 THORN ANDREWS Mrs Z Drakesleat Hostile Takeova 
Res Dog CC : 2666 BARNEY Mrs R E A Verrami En Trac 
Bitch CC : 2691 THORN ANDREWS Mrs Z Ch Drakesleat Scent Sybil 
Res Bitch CC : 2667 BLACKBURN Mrs E P Stargang Liberty Belle 
Best Puppy : 2667 BLACKBURN Mrs E P Stargang Liberty Belle 
Best Veteran : 

Class 836 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2669 FEETHAM Mrs S P Kimbleholme Jackpot 

Class 837 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2687 SPENCE, Mrs M & KIRKWOOD-EMERY Mrs D Helydon Goharley At Cicada 

Class 838 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 2689 THORN ANDREWS Mrs Z Drakesleat Hostile Takeova 
2nd: 2686 SHONE Mrs S E Strax Gogl(imp Swe) 
3rd: 2670 FEETHAM Mrs S P Bothlyn Wee Man At Kimbleholme 


Class 840 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2666 BARNEY Mrs R E A Verrami En Trac 

Class 841 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2692 RYAN Mr E Ir Ch Drakesleat Neil's On Wheels 

Class 842 VD NO ENTRIES 

Class 843 MPB (5 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2667 BLACKBURN Mrs E P Stargang Liberty Belle 
2nd: 2680 PRICE Mr P J & Mrs N F Samlane Cressida 
3rd: 2673 FULTON Mrs E Bothlyn Dancing Queen 
Res: 2671 FEETHAM Mrs S P Kimbleholme Queen Of Hearts 
VHC: 2684 SALISBURY Mrs G E Barratini Hot Chick at Brocklewood NAF  

Class 844 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 2673 FULTON Mrs E Bothlyn Dancing Queen 

Class 845 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2685 SHONE Mrs S E & Mr N R Kalhoun Spring Sunshine 
2nd: 2681 PRICE Mr P J & Mrs N F Samlane Belleza 
3rd: 2682 RUSSELL Mrs C Russteck Wired To The Moon 

Class 846 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 2677 KIRKWOOD, Miss D J & KIRKWOOD Mr G & Mrs J Helydon Fabulous Freya 
2nd: 2678 LOWE Mr C K & Mrs C M Helydon Faithful Firefly 

Class 847 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: 2675 GARRITY Mrs J Stargang Apple Crumble At Macushia 

Class 848 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 2691 THORN ANDREWS Mrs Z Ch Drakesleat Scent Sybil 
2nd: 2668 BLACKBURN-BENNETT Miss H Stargang Walkin On Sunshine 
3rd: 2683 RUSSELL Mrs C Russteck I Dreamed A Dream 
Res: 2672 FEETHAM Mrs S P Brooklaid Lady Ingrained At Kimbleholme 

Class 849 VB NO ENTRIES  

MPD (1) 1 Feeham's Kimbleholme Jackpot. Very promising pup of good size, good head and reach of neck, well constructed front, moved well with drive. 
PD (1) 1 Spence & Kirkwood-Emery's Helydon Go Harley At Cicada. Sturdy, well shaped pup with happy temperament, well developed front with prominent forechest, level topline, free mover but needs to improve in both front and hind action. 
JD (4) 1 Thorn-Andrews' Drakesleat Hostile Takeova. CC. Another excellent exhibit from this kennel. The type I like. Well developed dog full of quality. I loved everything about him. Moved with good driving action, pleased to award him the CC. 2 Shone's Strax Gogl (Imp Swe). Striking b/t and another quality exhibit, strong masculine head of correct shape, good reach of neck with correct top and underline, liked his well shaped quarters, moved well. 3 Feetham's Bothlyn Wee Man At Kimbleholme. 
LD (1) 1 Barney's Verrami Entrac. RCC. Brindle of excellent type and balance, so well constructed wih good ribbing and excellent hindquarters, correct underline, a sound true mover. 
OD (1) 1 Ryan's Ir Ch Drakesleat Neil's On Wheels. Good headed dog with reachy neck and good topline, substantial, well constructed dog but would prefer more width in hind action. 
MPB (5) 1 Blackburn's Stargang Liberty Belle. RCC and BP. A quality puppy class of different types, quality 7 mth puppy of excellent construction. I liked her overall shape and size and strong topline, moved extremely well for one so young. 2 Price's Samlane Cressida. Quality puppy of good construction, well shaped head, lengthy neck with neat shoulders, strong level topline and firm well angulated quarters, moved truly and well handled, should mature well. 3 Fulton's Bothlyn Dancing Queen. 
PB (1) 1 Fulton's Bothlyn Dancing Queen. An attractive pup with correct head and eye shape, well constructed front with prominent forechest and tight elbows, firm topline and strong quarters, just needs to settle in rear action.
JB (3) 1 Shone's Kalhoun Spring Sunshine. Lovely red girl with level topline and correct tailset, good keel and underline, a well angulated rear and good driving action. 2 Price's Samlane Belleza. Good quality brindle with best of heads, good reach of neck and firm topline, strong angulated quarters with true movement, good harsh coat, just preferred type and underline of first. 3 Russell's Russteck Wired To The Moon. 
PGB (3, 1) 1 Kirkwood's Helydon Fabulous Freya. Well balanced girl with firm body and good angulation, level in topline and good harsh jacket, today, just moved a little close behind. 2 Lowe's Helydon Faithful Firefly. Well balanced girl with happy temperament, good in most departments with well angulated front and rear, tended to move a little close behind. 
LB (3, 2) 1 Garrity's Stargang Apply Crumble At Macushia. I really liked this impressive girl, so well constructed with best of heads, good neck, topline and correct underline, a very happy exhibit and should settle in movement with a little more training. 
OB (4) 1 Thorn-Andrews' Ch Drakesleat Scent Sybil. CC and BOB. A fine example of the breed. I loved her overall shape and sound construction, strong topline held on the move, loved her hammy, well shaped quarters, best of coats and excelled on the move. 2 Blackburn-Bennett's Stargang Walking On Sunshine. Eyecatching brindle with best of heads, prominent forechest and good construction all through, moved out well but tended to lose topline a little on the move. 3 Russell's Russteck I Dream A Dream.
Gerry McFaul